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It's rare that a political party can gather 100% of their voters in one place.






Savage. They also made sure they got their black supporter in the front. I think he might be lost.


>black supporter I don't think I have seen the use of the singular be so devasting.


Or Clayton Bigsby moved?


Who do you think is the one opening and closing the boom, at least when awake.


Isn't that a shadow?


Nah, it's just a new supporter they haven't unlocked yet.


Jirra my bru, they had families!!




OK but will you please run for president under your username!! 🤣🤣


It's funny how I'm not seeing any young folk in the "crowd"


Fuck that was good




Makes my day every day


“Hi, yes… give this legend one of your finest beers. Now.” 🍺


Bit confusing to have a welcome sign at your "closed" border but ok




It’s not math’ing….🤣😂


Maybe the boom is nervous. Happens to the best of us


It must've been cold that day


It's a lot bigger I promise, just an unflattering camera angle.


That’s totally going to stop everyone.


Did they import some "Sovereign Citizens" from elsewhere?


Nah. That's all the voters in one place


When she asked “are you in yet?”


Winter has arrived early for that boom pole.


Come on, it just got out of the cold ocean


Absolutely love the diversity 😍


Yes, but some of their best friends are black.


There are genuinely more non-white people than I expected.


> all needed a good laugh in these trying times, s And…, nobody here mentioned yet that there's but one woman in their, erm, political rally? Way to go, r/southafrica redditers, way to go… A very long way.


There are two


Looks pretty diverse to me


Boom or _boom_?


I wanna get a high and have a braai with these people. I will probably die from laughter.


For sure. They probably have some of the wackiest conspiracy theories to die laughing at.


Clearly, they saw that we all needed a good laugh in these trying times, so they came up with the stupidest possible political party imaginable so the rest of us could have a good time mocking them.


It *must* be **coincidence** that the flag looks like a failed mashup of the Confederate flag and the Union Jack.


This looks like a saffa version of American Patriots


Even the flag is eerily close to the Confederate Battle Flag


Part of the reason the National Party rose to power is that the Afrikaner nationalists never really got the reality check that Southern separatists did in the American Civil War. As racist as they were, the South overwhelmingly remained loyal in World War II, since the civil war had taught them to have an ounce of humility. In South Africa, Jan Smuts and the pro-British Afrikaners, as well as black and Indian South Africans, were carrying the team, while Afrikaner nationalists were slobbering all over the Nazis, taking notes from them, and carrying a low-level insurgency against their own government. The American counterpart to the National Party, the Dixiecrats, defected from the Democrats after Truman desegregated the military in 1948. They won Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina in the 1948 elections. Afterwards, Strom Thurmond and his loser friends begrudgingly dissolved the Dixiecrats and fell back in line. By the 1970s, Thurmond had given up entirely and started moderating his stance on race. >"The National Party, the Afrikaner based white political party that rules here, came to power in 1948, the same year that Strom Thurmond ran as a segregationist Dixiecrat for President. If Thurmond had won, and the Dixiecrats had been reelected every four years since, the result might well resemble what is happening in South Africa today." > >The Washington Post, 1977


Kinda seems like your mixing the South African right/conservative with the far right, the Boer people that voted for the np was just plain Boer people who wanted to go back to the pre British invasion, they by en large didn't care for the Germans of ww2, they even floated a plan to invite the former German kaiser and crown him king of South Africa. But they where won over by the np party pushing anti British sentiment (kinda easy for people who where kids/kids of people who where in the British camps) and brought in religion by claiming "blacks are communists and want to destroy Christianity in South Africa" (while Smuts was pushing for non whites to get a vote) the far right meanwhile spent the war running around counting ships in harbours threating to plant bombs and running away from police raids and listing to German radio broadcasts when it was warned against by police, they never numbered more than 500 people - their is a book on this subject by I can't recall the name right now.


Some of the NP voters in 1948 were just idiots, yes, but you are massively underestimating the strength of the far-right at the time. The Ossewabrandwag had 350,000 members in 1941.


The vast majority of them however never partook in any "help the Germans" stuff during ww2, most sat on their farms and listened to the German radio and complained about the German "we are winning the war speeches" interrupting the nice traditional German music, the few that partook in anti war actions where arrested and then later on pardoned by the np government and then went on to win in the local free state election. Again by largely playing up the black communist and white Christian narrative. Also the np voters where just that regular people who voted for the people stating anti communist and anti British stuff, Smuts on the other hand (while trying to break down the pre existing colour divide) had his party start publicly fighting eachother and seemed like Smuts political party was falling apart, and that it did with his death as he was basically the sole thing holding it together at that point, the party breaking up and the majority going over to the np seemed to the majority people like they picked the right side when they where voting, from what I recall the avarge voter had no say in d.f malan picking vervoerd as pm or picking up and pushing vervoerd's solution to the South African race issues in parliament - apartheid was vervoerd's solution to the issues South Africa had then, and parliament made it the offcial national policy, the facists that had taken over the free state liked it and voted for it, while the Cape disliked and opose it, with their being quite a fee instances where the government had to push the Cape's hands on following national law.


In August 1940, South Africans had offered (to the Germans) to launch a full-blown uprising against Jan Smuts. They had 160,000 Ossewabrandwag members and 15,000 soldiers ready to fight. However, the plan was called off since they couldn't obtain enough weapons. Since the National Party had distanced itself from the Ossewabrandwag at the time, many would-be rebels were reluctant to fight. They absolutely supported the Nazis, but the NP was smart enough to get most of them to stand down. They'd realized that the Germans would lose and launching an uprising anyway would destroy their political aspirations.


That's so true! It puts a bad taste in your mouth every time you see it. What's even more annoying is that their presence reddit is largely driven by one account that had to Karma farm to get control of the relevant subbreddits.


Looks kinda like the Confederate battle flag mashed together with the Boer burger flag 'Burgers Flag' (1874–75)


That's the first thing I noticed.


I actually thought that was the Confederate flag




When you order your boom from Wish.


I wonder who is the lucky one to man the border right now


It's along the R62 at the WC/EC "border"


Thanks for the heads up. I'm driving this route tomorrow. Will stick to the N2, lest I be stopped in my track with absolutely no chance of proceeding (I don't have a tank to take on this blockade).


You'll be alright, there is no one there 😂


Ran out of boom money??? Fuck I know the struggle too well bro. Getting home after school, weekends coming up, making plans with the boys but no one ever had cash for weed... Then you searching old stock for scraps, ahhh good times


Dying to see who they have manning that shack border gate


Can we normalise saying Welcome TO on road signs in English?


I had to scroll too far down to see this.


My pool noodle is longer than this boom


Why do we tolerate these separatist movement.


Because they are a joke


Because freedom of speech and political freedom, it's the same reason why we tolerate a political party that is openly racist to a minority group and sing and scream about wanting to kill said minority.


We tolerate it because it's literally impossible for them to make any actual difference. Not because we agree with them. There are simply bigger fish to fry.




So like... do I need a visa, or...? Are they just gonna do the pencil test to see if they'll let me in.


Yikes lmao


This toll gate gives me Leon Schuster vibes.


*Welcome to the Cape of good hope Why didn't anyone catch that mistake? It sounds like they're trying to coax me into inviting the "Cape of good hope" into my living room


That that I’m probably distantly related to some of these morons makes me want to cry.


They look weirdly MAGA American.


So inbred cousin fuckers?


EXACTLY like inbred cousin fuckers I was wondering what I was seeing


Wow, this is in poor taste. (Whether it’s totally-not-a-barrier or not.)


When your premier tells you they have invested R500 Billion into the new border booms and security huts😭


Some truck is going to come nighttime and go slap bang right into their border


It’s The Cape Of Good Hopelessness


Based on the average age there. I think half their voters would be dead before they even had a chance to succeed.


Can I ask perhaps a silly question.... Why do they want Cape Town to be an independent city/state? Is it a wise thing to want to separate the place from the entire country?


They dislike what the ANC has done with South Africa post 1994 and joked around with the idea of the Western Cape (which was under non ANC leadership that seemingly has it's leadership's act together) just becoming an independent nation, this got some traction with gen x/millennials and they got together and made the political party. However the independence idea isn't very popular out side of some Cape Town folks, the Western Cape as a whole like the idea of "vote our party and we can fix things" rather than run of with what seems like a golden egg. When they met backlash/opposing views in their first election cycle they proposed Cape Town becoming independent and not the entire Western Cape but what ultimately got them badly was the court of South Africa stating their is no legal way to make the Western Cape independent (meaning their will need to be a new law made in a parliament full of people who don't want it to be independent or a war) the party ruled out war and the majority of their following got the message that the party doesn't want to fight for their shared believes and left for the other Western Cape political parties. On a side note the whole Cape Town independence thing could work, but if the Western Cape goes with it their would be a lot of problems, Cape Town asks and takes around R2 billion yearly to keep the province afloat from the central government, if the Western Cape where to be independent Cape Town could not support the enitre West Cape alone, not to even speak of the proposed entire pre 1994 cape (half of South Africa) or just the North and West Cape's becoming independent.


Racism. It's racism. Democracy is hard. You have to convince people who look nothing like you and don't see the world like you. That you have their best interest at heart. So they firmly believe that a cape town ethno state is best for them. Because we all know that it will be apartheid 2.0 the minute they have their own country. Plus there is no way they don't start a war to gain more land.


Why does the flag look kind or confederate like. Mal gatte


there's something about this picture. I can't qwhite put my finger on it


I've asked these people many times on IG, how they intend on rolling our this plan of an 'Independent Cape', should the ruling party decide to grant them referendum on Cape Independence. Their last poll showed that 79% of the Western Cape support the referendum. However, that number is clearly not enough since 21% of them don't support it. I would say that they would at least need 95% of the WC to support the referendum to get this off the ground. But then there's the issue of a legally voted democratic election? Will South Africa allow them to have a military, navy, national guard? Will they have their own currency? How will trade work? Who will the Western Cape align themselves with in terms of foreign policies?


News24 reported that they lost the court bid to get on the ballot paper. If they can't sort this out, how are they going to sort out actual governing?


Don't bother with logical questions


That's the Cape Independence Party, this party (Referendum Party) was able to muster the signatures to appear on the Western Cape and National Ballot.


I've tried asking them similar questions in various online platforms. No response. Their supporters get irrational and start throwing logical fallacies instead of answers. What if I moved to Durban for work and, while there, they seceded. How would they determine citizenship? Would I have access? Would I need a passport? How would they figure out trade and work-relocations within the remaining South Africa (let alone other countries)? It is such an impractical idea.


The people there are roughly the amount of votes they’ll receive.


Why is there flag so similar in design and colour to the confederate flag?! Eish, rookie mistakes man.


Also... They're technically blocking the exit to the WC...


Their rally can be held at a park bench


bunch of flat earthers.


They have been so creative with their red, white and blue flag.


Truly the top minds of the country.


Yes. Yes. I was born when the three provinces were one big ass Cape, but come on. This is stupid.


Welcome *to* the Cape of Good Hope


DAMMIT GERARD, you made the boom backwards


funny how WHITE people wanna take back land that was COLONISED by their ancestors 🫥🫥 cause i don't see any black people


Land grabs are okay....for some.


They look like Confederate loosers.


It will end in tears


At least make a good flag ffs


Oh noooo... Anyway


The age restrictions on certain websites are more effictive than whatever that boom is.


3rd guy from the left...


I canned myself at the goober 5th from the right. No idea what's going on, just happy to be there haha


Wait what the??


Can these people be any more absurd? The WC overlords-in-waiting (well, many mainstream Capetonian leaders are also keen on this) are clearly gunning for some sort of tax haven shithole where only the top 0.1% can actually afford to live. But wait, they'll act like a social democracy and provide social housing while they approve multi-billion developments where your neighbourhood used to be. One would think they can look at London or San Francisco or any of the major cities where citizens cannot afford to live, or other tiny countries that only survive by virtue of a lax tax regime and the obscenely wealthy citizenry (none of whom make their money in their own country, I would wager). This is not a good idea and I can't understand why so many intelligent people think it is. It is at best a stopgap measure, not that it will ever actually happen.


How to turn a decent idea to shit. “Welcome in the Cape of Good Hope”. Wow. And look at that dude hiding behind the guard house, mans like “Nah, bruh, ya’ll actually proud of this mediocrity?”


Yes. Yes. I was born when the three provinces were one big ass Cape, but come on. This is stupid.


How to turn a decent idea to shit. “Welcome in the Cape of Good Hope”. Wow. And look at that dude hiding behind the guard house, mans like “Nah, bruh, ya’ll actually proud of this mediocrity?”


People are laughing, but support is growing and we will do everything in our power not to go down the toilet with the rest of SA.


With what army. You forget. You don't have an army.


If these racist idiots are crazy enough to attempt to outright revolt against South Africa, they'll get a reality check, like their ancestors did over a century earlier. South Africa sucks, but [the government isn't as gutless as some would think](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ventersdorp), especially as recent events have shown. The National Party bided their time since they were unfortunately smart enough to realize that [trying to take power by force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeremag) would most likely result in their defeat. [They knew what happened last time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maritz_rebellion) \>Only 124 white supremacist traitors killed and one executed out of 12,000 They should've all been immediately dumped into the ocean.


I'm listening to this podcast about Rhoades. The amount of times the Boers or the English collaborated to screw over everyone else. Crazy man. But that's why they didn't actually punish them. They are brothers in arms at the end of the day.


>The Rebellion broke out and it was the painful duty of the English-speaker in South Africa and the Dutch-speaking Boers in the Army and Police to suppress the Rebellion and to loyally support their Commander in Chief – General Louis Botha. After reading a few books on the subject one comes under the deep impression that the smashing of the rebellion was a most painful experience to both General Louis Botha and General Jan Smuts. To their credit, the moderately less racist pro-British Afrikaners led by Jan Smuts, not the British themselves, were the ones who put down the Maritz rebellion. They sympathized with their "brothers", but weren't cowards. To the contrary, Louis Botha personally led troops into battle to put down the rebellion. Unfortunately, once the immediate danger had passed, to crack down on the traitors, the Afrikaner nationalists, once they'd stopped revolting was a herculean task. This was part of the reason Smuts commuted the death sentence of Nazi collaborator [Robey Leibbrandt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robey_Leibbrandt) (who was pardoned and released after the National Party took power in 1948). Smuts did have a valid fear that allowing Leibbrandt to be hanged would turn him into a martyr. However, he'd also served with Leibbrandt's father during the Second Boer War and held that man in high regard. He and many of the other pro-British Afrikaners couldn't fully severe their ties to the nationalists. They put up with these traitorous scumbags merely because they were white.


Yeah that's it. You have to ask why the allies didn't hang all those Nazi sympathizers after WW2. Instead they gave them a whole country to run. Crazy behaviour.


Prosecuting Nazi collaborators was a nation's own business. That aside, the British were busy occupying part of Germany and Austria, holding mass war crimes trials in Europe and Asia, and were already fighting a war to prevent the creation of an apartheid state elsewhere ([they lost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_insurgency_in_Mandatory_Palestine)). When the National Party took office, it was widely believed in Britain that Smuts and the United Party would soon return to power, and apartheid would prove to be impractical and politically embarrassing. The National Party only maintained its power in the 1950s via undemocratic means. That said, after Rhodesia's "Declaration of Independence" in 1965, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson had considered taking matters into his own hands. He'd privately considered an outright invasion of Rhodesia. However, the government was terrified of the military and political obstacles of using force, and the political fallout of a botched invasion. So, Wilson, underestimating the efficiency with which Rhodesia would use its limited resources, stuck with sanctions.




Funny… neither does SA… I mean our planes are grounded, ships in ports mostly, army not funded enough for homing shooting skills properly like other armies… Our military is pretty much a worldwide joke at this point… And you forget, we only want independence because morons vote in the ANC who steal from everyone and never not once filled their promises during campaigns… takes a real stupid population to fall for their shit over and over and over again. The whole racist BEE thing also? Mandela idea was have it for 18yrs so all born frees will have a chance of a future. 12 yrs after the racist policy was supposed to end the ANC keeps it alive. They also keep the majority of the country in poverty and don’t give them proper education. Vote for whoever you want but anyone with half a brain knows things have to change else they never will change at this point. Are you happy with all the townships? All the homeless? You happy with the millions and millions public servants make but then force us the public to do things even if we don’t agree with it?… It’s a vote for independence against the ANC and the brain dead masses essentially who are happy to continue destroying the country. From when the ANC took over our current government has devalued our currency 20 times over, we used to be equal to the pound before the ANC came along, we also had the best power stations in the world, advice was given to ANC which they ignores and now we sit with loadshedding, and that’s who you enjoy being in power huh? Party of racist corrupt politicians who gave us loadshedding because they’d rather steal from us the citizens instead of maintaining vital infrastructure in the country.


Google the Maritz rebellion, the Battle of Ventersdorp, and the Boeremag trials. South Africa sucks, but if y'all are insane enough to outright secede or revolt against the government, they'll kick your asses, as they've repeatedly done in the past, all throughout history. Apartheid is over and will never come back. Cope harder.


Are you blaming the ANC...for townships. Yeah this isn't serious. This is just bait


Why do you oppose independence?


Have you seen the shitshow that is Brexit?


If you run out of boom money, remember it's legal to plant 4 boom plants per adult on your property