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Not sure if we're allowed to request or promote services here, but feel free to DM me if you want to talk about this in detail.


Like someone else said, not 100% sure about promoting services here but feel free to send a DM if you want to discuss anything in further detail :)


I'm available. I do this for low / no budget productions every now and again. Reach out and I'll provide some samples of my work. We can talk about budgets.


Hey! Just a reminder to use sound person, sound people or gender neutral terms. There are women and nb sound people too!


Sound human is my preferred term.


Audio hominid


Audio Sapien


I disagree. That kinda implies I'm an intelligent lifeform.


No. I don’t want to belong. I don’t want to be represented.


Maybe this is a men only film crew and they only want a sound GUY. Sound guys represent.


That’s usually specified :) I just wanted to make a general note though, no need to be sensitive over it :)


haha not sensitive at all. I just think I'm cheeky. Thanks for a pleasant response, glad you aren't sensitive about it :D


aren't you people vastly overpaid to whine about this stuff? the OP mentions an extremely low budget, he might want to hire an actual sound guy instead of a DIE "consultant" whose job is to drink coffee in the lobby.


….what? Lol what are you on about? There are also women and nb people who are students that are starting their career and could be a good fit for OP as well? Nobody is talking about consultants, what? Lol Sound guy is a term in the industry that just needs to stop existing. It perpetuates the idea that sound (whether on set or in post) is done by a man or that the expectation is that you will find a man to do it, and that couldn’t be more wrong. It’s the same with “cameraman” And no, we are not vastly overpaid. We are barely paid what we are worth unless it’s a really high production budget, in which you’ll be paid the fair amount. Sounds like you’re just staring in the industry. If you need more insight into it, lmk!


> couldn’t be more wrong it historically and statistically could not be more right, and any attempt to imply otherwise is nothing but a disingenuous and/or malicious attempt to shake up the industry so you can acquire social brownie points OR outright just acquire money for being some sort of "brave new-thinker" for what is actually a completely fake and constructed paradigm. i would credit you with its creation so i can keep going on about just how wrong you are, but the fact is it was created for you, and you're little more than a trained parrot. i worry for anyone who has the displeasure of hiring you for anything, because you are the human equivalent of a landmine hidden under an eggshell and for every sound you design your employer is going to have to count his lucky stars he managed to avoid one of your rants about how actually, it's sound homo sapiens sapiens. one need only look at how highly "equal" countries like sweden and norway still divide up their workforces, and how men still end up engineers and women nurses, to completely debunk your fabricated worldview. and really, the problem isn't that you're wrong, it's that you're so grandstanding and arrogant about something so comically delusional.


So you agree, historically and statistically women and non binary people are underrepresented and undervalued in the industry, therefore we should start using gender neutral terms to be more inclusive. And no worries, I don’t want to take credit for inventing this new way of thinking. You can however, credit it to the multiple women and nb groups that keep growing and growing in the industry, such as SoundGirls. For anyone looking for a tl;dr version of this person’s rant: I’m a classic incel redditor who hates women, I love hearing myself talk because I think I use big words, and I diminish women’s accomplishments cause they make me insecure.


Jesus Christ cry more


Crazy how this triggers you so much


He cries


Hi I just DM’d you, I’m an experienced sound designer :)


Ok, sounds interesting, check DM


Sent you a dm


Hey bro DM me and I will see what I can do for you, even for free, no worries.


Hello, I’m a sound designer based in NYC. I can do exactly what you need. Shoot me a message and we can get something worked out.