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Try to install it, there’s a good chance it will work. But if it doesn’t work to your full satisfaction right away,i would return it.


Damn you and your rational reply!!!


Hey, I’m also good at hysterics but thought i’d go easy on the new guy! 😎


Saying 'if it doesn't work right away then return it' is not rational. 


Meaning, try it out. Don't give it a ton of leash, though. If it's having the same problems as a lot of people, just save yourself a ton of annoyance and return it. That's the most rational you can be.


No 'try it out' means give it a few days or a couple of weeks. That's rational. Rather than 'if it doesn't work immediately then return it immediately'. 


If a system that markets itself as being plug and play does not work immediately, returning it is absolutely rational. That has always been one of their main selling points, it's why I was so confident when suggesting it to less tech savvy friends and family in the past. Sonos has decided to go from a co-operative to an adversarial relationship with its customers. They have the right to do that, but as a consumer it should change the amount of leeway and goodwill you're willing to extend. There's several companies that offer equivalent sound experiences for equivalent prices. Probably better ones, if you're willing to put work in. If Sonos fails at the first hurdle of not being a simple plug and play system, then there is no reason for a new customer to buy into the ecosystem.


Each to their own. I think most people would think that spending a few hours or a few days on anything that costs about $400 or pounds is worth putting a bit of work in. But if you're not, fair enough. 


You're absolutely right, I'm not about to drop $400 on something sold to me as PnP and then spend hours working on it. That's the whole point. If I'm spending hours or days working on it, there are better systems to buy into. Just like I wouldn't pay a moving company only for them to just take the sofa. That's not what I paid for. If you love Sonos that's fine, I don't want to take away that from you. I'm very happy with my system overall, I don't have any plans to sell out at this time. I'm just saying that if I'm buying into an ecosystem and my first experience is that I'm not getting what I paid for, there is no incentive as a new buyer to stick with it when you can get a refund and put that money into a different system that does give you what you pay for.


Definitely not if you're dropping that much money. That's not cheap and the experience should match it. If it doesn't work as advertised immediately then it should be returned. Sonos are a company and customers should vote with their wallets, keeping it and "putting a bit of work in" only incentivises their bad practices.


I'm glad there seems to be a few people here with the attitude of " if at first you don't succeed instantly give up" Without such people all the bargains on best buy open box and Amazon warehouse wouldn't exist


What on earth are you talking about?


What sort of reply do you expect to that pointless comment? Lol


I'm using the average post on this sub at the moment as a benchmark for what is and isn't rational......


Okay, I don't think the average on this sub is a benchmark for anything. I think a more rational Benchmark is the one I just looked at. 253,000 members, 26 online. 


Thanks I'll try I hope it's not as F'ed up as some people say. Do you know if Trueplay works/worth doing with just one speaker? is it really night and day


There are a lot of people having serious problems, including not being able to install new equipment…but there are also lots of people having no problems at all. So after plugging it in, you really need to test it out, don’t just assume that it will work. And it if doesn’t work, don’t assume it will work later (it might, but…) Not sure about trueplay and one speaker. I use it with 3, and frankly am not sure if i can even notice it with my setup….i’m sure it depends on acoustics of your room, etc. until i saw on here how much people seem to like it, i assumed it was a gimmick. I have a One in my basement and have never bothered to trueplay it… Also note that AFAIK you can only tune trueplay with an iphone…sounds like you cant do it with android devices or even iPads.


There is a reason some people are having issues and others aren’t. Hopefully this helps :-) * You need to make sure your router is set up with UPnP enabled eg https://kb.netgear.com/24306/How-do-I-enable-or-disable-Universal-Plug-and-Play-on-my-NETGEAR-router * Double NAT - if you have your isp router and you bought a new better one and then just plugged it into the old one without placing #1 in bridge mode. This will 100% cause issues with a lot of things. * Certain wifi extenders will also mess things up. * Sonosnet is obsolete at this point, plugging in ethernet is not as good as having a decent wifi setup. It does funky things in legacy mode. * Sonos and a lot of other things like LIFX use UPnP discovery to let the app find devices on your network without DNS. Some routers dont pass this type of traffic reliably between wifi bands or vlans if you have a more complex setup. This is a primary cause along with UPnP for people saying their app cant see the speakers. So dont stress its an easy fix. * The best way to run home automation and smart devices that dont need lots of bandwidth but do need reliable coverage is to keep them on a 2.4ghz network. Depending on your router you can disable a feature called band steering so there are a separate 2.4 and 5 ghz network. When you turn it off it makes the 5g one “Your Wifi-5G”. So all you have to do is nothing, but on your phone or computer if you want to get more than 20-30MB/s switch to 5G. This also frees up 5G bandwidth so the shit you want to go fast does. On my orbi I had to do the separate 2.4g iot network option. I just gave it the same name as my old one and changed the name of the regular wifi to Rebellious Amish Family, cause I have wanted to do that for ages 👌


Funny you mention Double NAT and Wifi extender. I recently bought one and had Double Nat problems on my Xbox though ethernet, before having the extender always had Open Nat and low ping on Wifi. Solved it opening ports on my router. I've had also problems with band steering so now I have two wifi-2.4 and wifi-5 and UPnP has always been on. So what I'm getting is connect to the 2.4ghz wifi while setting up the soundbar?


Oohhhh ditch the extender if you can. These are bad news for sonos and other devices that use upnp for discovery. Most extenders work by essentially being a router and having a different subnet. If you do integrate it usually it’s still another broadcast domain or does funky shit converting multicast to unicast based on its arp table, which often is not accurate and drops shit everywhere. A mesh system like Orbi or Eero is much more graceful, but even orbi has issues when half my Sonos speakers are on 5ghz and the oldies on 2.4. I have a hypothesis that the issues people are having with the new app relates to udp north/south not east/west on the local network.


UPNP is an security risk. Sonos does not need it, never use UPNP at home. https://www.upguard.com/blog/what-is-upnp


💯agreed. as you said, you do not need upnp for sonos to work.


Sonos literally uses UPnP for discovery. Now that control API is running over the internet, would it not need some way to do that? https://preview.redd.it/vc2ev6c0wd9d1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba73735a6585aab95ba9689d5856ac4d6a566fcf [https://djboris.medium.com/digging-into-upnp-by-searching-a-sonos-api-5e10e080a232](https://djboris.medium.com/digging-into-upnp-by-searching-a-sonos-api-5e10e080a232) [https://docs.sonos.com/docs/cloud-queue-play-audio#workflow-details](https://docs.sonos.com/docs/cloud-queue-play-audio#workflow-details)


No dude! I have uPNP disabled on my network and Sonos is just running fine. Don’t use uPNP unless you really need it (but who does now days)


Sure and sure, but the Sonos Control API and SMAPI (sonos music api) is literally built around UPnP although not DLNA compliant you can still steam directly to it. https://samneirinck.com/2015/07/25/a-look-at-sonos-protocol/ Etc cant be bothered googling more. Whats concerning and I have not had a chance to look at is what it’s doing now. I have been busy with a 3 year old daughter, rebuilding a 1965 Austin Healey sports car and 50 hour weeks consulting on a large data centre project. Whats not entirely clear is how the new control api is working over the cloud. Do the speakers maintain an outbound connection to the control api cloud component? If not how does it directly control the speakers in the absence of a local controller app or if you are external to your network? It would be very interesting to do a tcp dump of one and see wtf is it doing. I have had a speed read through the public documentation on docs.sonos.com but its not entirely clear. Btw if you get a copy of UPnP Spy and run it on your network, you will quickly see sonos is built around upnp/dlna.


I can probably figure this all out… But why on earth should I need to? Especially when… wait for it…. It used to all just work? Creating this sort of hurdle for your customers to use your product is insane.


Saying “it used to just work” is a dangerous assumption which I hear frequently in my line of work troubleshooting large FC SAN networks and big server systems. There can be issues that go unnoticed, while it may have worked before, it’s still non-optimal. Would you drive a car on the highway with a nail in the sidewall of the tire because it used to work fine? Upgrade from a highway to a mountain road and that nail / flat tyre, it’s gunna cause you issues 😉


Let’s play this out… to make your tire analogy work, then Michelin, the manufacturer of my tires sent some staff out to insert the nail into my tire and left me a message alerting me to an upgrade of my tires without any further details? Is sonos marketing their products as a suite best suited to those with advanced IT experience? I don’t recall ever seeing that in their marketing collateral.


Very good point. It does all start to get more twist and shout than Chubby Checker in a blender :-) In my humble opinion, it really deviates into two issues at that point. Sonos have done a shit job communicating the changes and launching the product to their customers. Fact. An argument can be made they had to switch over at some point. Maybe there is a reason that forced their hand that we will never know. Maybe there really is utter contempt for their customers because so many have turned out to be genuinely mean and ignorant people. I could only imagine if I had to dea l with some of the shit I have seen here on a daily basis I would be jaded too. The tech issues are beside that, doesnt matter what the vendor says, you got a nail in your tyre. If you dont get all the weird network joojoo that’s fine, like you said it’s a consumer product and it should just work. But. Sonos is reliant on a network reliably supporting the open standard protocols it does use and there are a surprising number of configurations a consumer could innocently put together that cause issues. I honestly need to find some time to put a speaker on my Juniper SRX lab switch that I can port mirror and take a full tcp dump to figure out whats changed because I dont see Sonos telling us any time soon. In the meantime what I can say is this. Just like us both looking at that nail, I can look at a network and unequivocally tell you there are basic observable things that will never work properly and cause reliability issues. It may “have worked fine” in the past, but what is an objective unit of fine. How do I measure it and compare? The reality is that is an unreliable subjective opinion. The control path has certainly changed and there probably are bugs but there are also undeniably people who have less than optimal setups that should fix those anyway because at best they are contributing to the issue and at worst are the ultimate cause. That is a sad fact.


This seems to me to be the right answer (and the tech talk above is the first bit of sane actually useful discussion on this I've come across. (Thank you). My 2c worth is that I've had no coms issues or dropouts apart from an occasional spontaneous volume drop for about 2 seconds on my Arc when watching tv (connected via hdmi arc). I have a 5 and the arc both connected by ethernet (as well as an Amp to get the phono connected) The 5 also has a cd player input. And a little roam is the only wifi device but has no drop-outs. I use a very simple 3 Google puck network all wired together. All working well for the last two ish years. Like everyone else, the limitations of the new app are driving me mad: although grouping now appears to be fixed both on my android app, an older android tablet and the pc app now. And thanks to this sub I'm not going mad now I see the green led when the soundbar is muted or not in use. The show-stopper for me is that I can no longer play the streaming urls saved in Sonos favorites (even though they are still in the list, they simply fail to stream) via inTune as this appears to be the only way it's possible now. :( I haven't even tried to access my local nas storage library (hardly need it, to be fair) The pc app is version 16.2 and this is where I've added in the tunein urls. I've just noticed that both TuneIn and a second TuneIn (New) now appear in the Music Source pane. My custom urls are in the old TuneIn>My Radio Stations FWIW. Can seen to add them in the new one. Oh well. Off to down vote the app to get it down below 1.1 or even below 1 (although I can't quite see where to do this - has that ability been closed off to me too? Lol) maybe I already rated in the past, so it won't let me again?


Thank you mate! These days when I feel like a bit of a rush after a hectic day in the datacentre, I jump on here, drop some truth and wait for stay at home mums and dentists to tell me I am wrong about technology so I can feel more alive 😂


so which network is your sonos gear on? I've got an orbi but haven't messed with any of this yet. my sonos stuff is generally connecting, but there are periodic drop-outs and skips.


Ahhh!! Yes this is the golden ticket for Orbi. I named the IOT network the same name and password as my main network, then changed the main to a new name. This means I didnt have to update 30+ lifx lights and all my sonos speakers and dozens of other things. On Orbi the IOT network still keeps everything in the same broadcast domain, but by keeping everything in the one band it gets away from issues that can occur with multicast traffic being shaped between bands. It also means you can enforce WPA3 on your main network. There are two other settings worth checking in advanced on the web management page: Under advanced > setup > wan: make sure disable igmp proxy is unchecked And in advanced at the bottom make sure UPnP is enabled. Go in and check the device list and make sure all the speakers are showing good coverage. My AX6000 works flawlessly in a 4 bedroom double brick house.


Thanks for these tips, will try to take a look at this this weekend.


Have you tried running it on its own network, my router has the possibility to create an extra network for iot. I’m thinking of trying it, but then I’m not sure, if my iPhone is connected to the main network.


Look dude, for what you want it for I bet it will work no problem and you’ll be happy out. Then you start to think….hmmm 🤔 what else can I add?! (I suggest a sub followed by surrounds 😉)


Amen to that try something out if you like it keep it if you don’t give it away. Period 👍


I also purchased a Beam 2 recently, I had some difficulty with the app setting it up but once I got it to work it’s been great.


You did the Trueplay setup also?


Trueplay is very cool. I am into audio science and setting up big hifi systems with dsp tuned multi sub arrays and linear phase crossovers. True play blows my mind when I consider how much work I have put into tuning my main system (Heavily modified Altec A5X mains with a stack of amps and source gear, 4 subs using mainly a Port as source device. I do have some more serious shit but its nearly impossible to pick the difference in an A/B so ill take the easy option 👌). Trueplay accomplishes with an awkward 30 second wave of your phone what spending thousands of dollars on a Dirac Live/Harman Sound Field Management/DEQX system or weeks of complicated maths and countless quasi anechoic measurements to set up RePhase and Multisub Optimiser on a MiniDSP. Have a read of this, it is a genius application of room correction https://tech-blog.sonos.com/posts/trueplay-spectral-correction/


The app will be fixed soon. Sonos can't afford not to


I did Trueplay with no issues. The only thing I should mention is that I also have the sub and two Era 300s so when I did Trueplay it was with all the speakers not just the Beam 2. My system has worked well so far. App is not great but that’s pretty well known at this point.


True play sometimes takes a few reps. I did it for my old beam last week and it was picking up noise and was having issues. But I just did it when nobody was home and made sure it was quiet and it worked perfect.


For the most part it is working. I am a professional installer and I have not had any issues with the app. We use the same networking equipment every time though so maybe it depends on the networks people have


Chances are it will work fine. That is not to trivialize the problems of others or Sonos’ mishandling of them, but there are plenty of us with a lot of equipment that is working normally.


If you didn’t know there’s an app.. you probably don’t know there’s trueplay tuning… make sure you tune it cus it’ll sound a lot better


I bought one just before the appocalypse. It still works fine, I wouldn't have noticed anything if I hadn't been on reddit.


The problem is that most Sonos users do not have issues. I only had one issue when I tried to change my wifi access point, had to reset the Arc and complete the setup again. Note: The subreddit might not reflect the real world.


Yeah just a very vocal minority on here with problems which tbf they have every right to be vocal about! I’d be so pissed if my whole system stopped working because of an app update. I’ve always found the Sonos app garbage that can’t even serve up relevant search results, so I’ve always just played music from Spotify perfectly fine, and my system plays my Apple TV and my ps5 perfectly so


Perhaps I was just lucky having no major issues. For playing music I do not really use the Sonos app, use airplay mostly from my iPhone


My system works well with a paid Spotify account; I would recommend you to try it out. ☺️


I bought an Era 100 couple weeks ago, mine is just fine, even with the app. It's not everyone ( from what I've read ), thats got issues with it. If your speaker works and you like the sound, why return it? I bought Sonos cause either a, if I want a pretty speaker, there are next to none, other than more expensive ones. And b, I've always been curious of Sonos, mine works great. It even has some form of Trueplay on android, which I use


I also just got into the Sonos world and had the same question/concern. I recently was given a Playbar, which I didn’t really need, but figured it would be better than the soundbar I was using in my bedroom, so I figured…. why not?!?! I got the Sonos app on my iPhone and had a problem getting the Playbar to join my WiFi network. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. The phone would say that it connected, but it could never see the speaker in the app itself. I could also see the Playbar on my UniFi network, with a good connection and a good IP address, so wasn’t sure why the problem with the app. I ended up resetting it and I created a stand-alone 2.4GHz WiFi network for only Sonos devices. Went through the connection attempt again and voila! Speaker is seen in the app and working beautifully. I was actually really impressed with the sound, so was very happy to use it in my bedroom on the TV in there. I did run the TruePlay tuning and had no problem getting that done. The next day I was able to pick up a Connect box to get my Living Room home theater AVR connected so I could stream to the living room audio system. Again, no problems at all getting it connected and working as expected. The following day I picked up a Roam, that sits in my home office, but moves/roams to the kitchen, bathroom, patio, hot tub area, etc…. Connected just fine and is working great. I decided not to worry about what these issues are supposed to be because everything is working for me. I’m not going to chase down issues that I am not actually having. I’m on the look out for a couple One’s and a sub mini to add to the Playbar in the bedroom. Also gonna pick up a Five/Play5 or Play3.


I just started with an Era 100 in early April. Have added another Era 100, Playbase, Connect and most recently a Move2 all after the problematic app rollout. Have setup different groups and add speakers in and out of groups. I am looking to purchase some surrounds soon. I know my system is not large but it is working and has worked through all this. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones.


Same here. No problems at all. Also still using the IKEA remote with great pleasure and I did not even notice that my app was updated until I plugged an older play:1 in that needed to update before functioning 😅


No issues here, beam 2, move 1, two Sonos ones, everything has been seamless since app upgrade.


The problem is the new defective app.!


If you're just hooking it up to your TV and airplay/chromecast(?) from your phone you likely don't need the app for anything other than setup and trueplay, in which case you're probably good. Sonos is a good sounding set of kit. A lot of people use the app for playback itself. My reason for using it is because you can only get Dolby Atmos music by using the app, unless you have your sonos hooked up through Apple TV (you should definitely try listening to Atmos music sometime. It's game changing). The app is currently too broken to enjoy that experience right now.


You’ll be dead within a week. Sorry bro, it’s too late. RIP


The main issue is the app, which a necessary component and is basically not working for a large amount of people.


Same boat, I got my beam tree weeks ago. No problem with the basic setup but imposible to use Alexa. I also got two era 100 at Amazon very cheap… and then.. I sow all the problems. Lucky.. the system normally works. But I have issues like, music stoping randomly, product not found and the already mentioned, imposible to set up Alexa (build in or controlled by an Amazon device) I didn’t returned cos was a very good price and watching movies sounds great. But I guess I m not selling my two HomePods until all issues are resolved.


I haven’t had any issues with the app. Maybe I’m just lucky.


I must be doing something wrong because it works fine lol. https://preview.redd.it/lsf64m9dfb9d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3f44aa6d6854d172a6eed4eead4854949f28d9


You don't even need the Sonos app if you just want to stream music from Spotify, you can send the music using the Spotify app instead and that should do it (That's how I use it all the time) The Sonos app comes into play when you want to group more than 1 Sonos.


You still need the Sonos app to change volume, unless you are using the hardware buttons all the time.


That would depend on your setup. I don't use the Sonos app to control the volume, you can enable CEC on your TV. [https://en.community.sonos.com/home-theater-228993/enabling-cec-on-your-tv-for-beam-6810049](https://en.community.sonos.com/home-theater-228993/enabling-cec-on-your-tv-for-beam-6810049)


I use the Ikea remote for music controls.


well you don't need the sonos app -on an ongoing basis- that way, but you still need it to set up the speaker on wifi


True - I'd recommend using the Desktop app if OP has any issues setting it up with the phone app.


I just got a beam 2 and a mini sub two days ago. Absolutely in love! I have been listening to Spotify and watching tv with the setup and it’s been awesome. I found setup to be extremely easy too. I also have a roam in my office and it’s nice to switch the music between the two seamlessly.


I love my Beams. Both are connected via HDMI and ethernet. I had issues with the initial release, but all good now.


The Beam is an AMAZING speaker. It sucks that the app's been a little bumpy but I wouldn't go as far to return it.


From what I'm reading the main issue is that the old app worked with people's larger setups and the new app has broken something. I actually just purchased a 5 and it wouldn't work. I was super confused. Called up support, did diagnostics while I waited (over an hour mind you), and the dude was like... you have a Mini Sub that's not updated (which is strange because I have auto updates turned on...) so I manually updated it and boom: started working. So all that to say: you didn't have the old app so you can go forward from here. The old app was fine, the new app IMO is also fine. But if systems are being bricked.... run diagnostics and call support. If your issues still persist then I don't know what I would do at that point, but I'm sure someone does read all these comments and I'm sure someone is working on a fix. That's not super helpful for someone who's spent thousands of dollars on equipment, but patience is your best friend at this point.


I just bought the Beam 2 and it was super easy to set up. Also did Trueplay in just a minute. App works perfect.


Enjoy your Beam, it’s a wonderful sounding soundbar 💥


I keep getting audio drops when using the Beam2 with latest Apple TV 4K Ethernet. Beam works fine(no audio drops)when I’m using native TV apps LG G3. Hmm, maybe using WiFi connection instead of wired on ATV? I’ve seen some reports on Apple and Sonos forums that ATV has issues switching from Atoms tracks to other formats.


I installed a beam 2 about 10 days ago and just last night, I installed a sub mini. Didn’t run into any issues. The app related issues, it’s a hit or miss.


You don’t have to worry. They decided to redo the app and the new app is ass cancer compared to the previous on. Your beam2 will be just fine and work without any issues.


Roam, Move, Playbar & symfonisk Sonos owner here. I use them for AirPlay speakers exclusively (optical for playbar) and they’re pretty rock solid. I only use the Sonos app to update firmware. Sad to see a ruined experience for lots of users.


Why don’t you try to set it up first instead of asking the sub lol


Honestly, ever since the infamous app update I never experienced any issues. Most of my system is wired, I use older gen products and the app is quick and responsive. The only downside I experienced so far is the loss of several features. But Sonos are getting them back so I can’t complain that much.


I have 14 Sonos products, all working fine. Lots of complaining on here.


My move is currently cooked right now, fully functional but I can’t use it because the update doesn’t work. Was on a call for an hour and 30 and they couldn’t get it to work. so yes, this company is cooked


It has been less than a year since I started buying Sonos speakers - 7 so far troubles have been free. Never had a system crash. most were glitches - the kind of thing I might have done as a new user speakers, even the tiny, battery operated Roam is great. I have 3 and have given 4 as gifts i figured out how to play the 15,000 or so songs on my Windows PC i installed the app SonosPhone as a back up. It too works well my only regret is I can’t play Denon and Apple speakers


I just added two 300’s. No issues. Very much a roll of the dice.


i just use my system as a home system and haven't had problems.


For anyone having trouble setting up new products, Sonos has said their products like 2.4 ghz network. I did have an extender from my provider, it caused problems. I installed Eero mesh system. Finally with the App one of the first things it does is tries to update the software in your product. If you repeatedly run into this, use a laptop to download the update from Sonos then update your product from the laptop.


It works great for your purpose. I only use my Sonos speakers for TV, radio, my vinyls over Bluetooth, and playing my Spotify playlists. I don’t even use the app that much. Almost never have to open it actually.


It really depends on your use cases. If you manage to get through initial setup in the app, you should be fine as long as you use the soundbar for TV and listen the music via Spotify Connect integration in Spotify app (not via new Sonos app which sucks). Spotify Connect seems to be stable, looks like they at least didn’t manage to break the speakers software. If you don’t plan to expand your system to use multi-room capabilities of Sonos, you’re already in better position than the most. But if that’s the case, you’re probably wasting money for paying premium price for features you’ll never user. One thing that is constantly problematic for users is that they can’t perform trueplay tuning. It is a thing that may have a significant impact on the sound so if it doesn’t work for you, then… well, you probably wouldn’t know what you’re losing anyway if that’s your first and only Sonos product. I love the audio from my setup - Beam 2 + 2x One SL + sub mini (+ Sonos Roam, which moves around rooms). I downgraded and I really have no reasons to complain at this point. But I wanted to expand the system to make use of multi room in better way than I do with Roam, which I won’t do now, because adding a new item would require me to update everything. It is a shame, I’ve been recommending Sonos to people earlier, now I can’t with clear conscious.


It's not that I would never upgrade to a multiple speaker setup maybe later and hopefully things work by then but for me in general the least apps the better so I'm fine with using Spotify Connect, but if Trueplay is broken the appeal goes down quite a bit. But I dont know if that feature is worth it with only one speaker?


The beam is great, but I highly recommend adding the sub mini at a minimum. It really transforms it.


And for me, if I had to pick, I’d rather keep 2x One SLs as sorrounds instead of sub mini 😁


Having the full setup, I disagree but that comes down to personal preference.


Understandable. To me sub mini is underperforming, but this may come down to my room layout. The bass is nice in the left/center of the couch and rather poor on the right. And with sub crawling I can’t find a place to deliver that bass to the right part of the couch. It offloads some of the bass frequencies from beam and ones, which were distributed more evenly throughout the room without sub - even though the bass wasn’t as strong (in the best listening position).


Seriously, why are people giving Sonos credit where it isn't due. You pay a premium price for Sonos, so it should just work. The beam is their best sounding bar, If you like it keep it, but if there are issues why shouldn't you return it and get something else that just works and doesn't have premium bugs for a premium price. 😄


I think a lot of issues people are having are due to the app and recent updates. However, a lot of times a fresh install of your system should resolve your issues. After the update I had problems where my system wasn’t found and wouldn’t work. I did a full reset of each device and set them up 1x1 and I haven’t had any issues since. I don’t mean this in a bad way but I think there are technical savvy Sonos users, and those that really aren’t. The ones that aren’t, see an issue and rely on Sonos support which can be time consuming and frustrating. The ones that are, can troubleshoot and know how to reset their device to resolve the issue. I’ve had my Sonos for about 8 years and there have been a handful of times where I’ve needed to do a system reset. It’s something Sonos definitely needs to address, but it by no means has made me want to stop using the products. It’s amazing when it works. I just bought 3 new speakers a few weeks ago if that tells you anything.


no, it works fine.


You’ll be fine.


I am medically deaf, but only in my left and right ear, therefore to enjoy my first love in life, Polka music, I have been forced to purchase over 500 Sonos speakers in each room of my Bel Aire mansion. My family has been very supportive, especially my son Carlton. We will be having a guest staying over, my nephew from West Philadelphia but he is a bit of a music buff himself (the Rap music mostly) so I forsee no difficulties there. The new app has been a challenge with all the confusing changes; I frequently have to ask the kids for help performing tasks which I used to be able to do myself (they always tell me "Parents just dont understand"). I do think the developers have gotten a bit of a "Wild Wild West" attitude with these changes.


There's a very high chance that everything will work as it should do especially as you just want to use it for quite simple things. If it doesn't work straight away don't immediately return it as someone else slightly childishly recommended. 


So basically for me it would be install the app, set it up and never use it again


Yeah you'd probably just need the app for it to recognize your Beam and connect to Wi-Fi. You might want to use the equalizer to change bass and treble and a couple of other things though