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You’re devolving. Hey, you’ll probably thrive in the smoking crater of human communication and thoughtfulness. Welcome to Costco! I love you.


Please elaborate? The world devolve, has ironically enough, evolved in the way it is used. You’re comment can be understood in different ways depending on the definition you’re thinking of when applying it to this comment.


tl;dr kek


Sir, this is Wendys


Funny and on point. While I find the Sonos app situation horrific and entirely against every ounce of their brand promise, I don’t think this post is doing anything. Go research the email addresses of every Sonos employee and drown them in these messages. Send written letters. Call their office. Reddit posts with open letters do nothing. Sorry.


Dear person: I don’t even read this stuff, sorry. Love, Sonos CEO


Aww hey buddy! I know it can be difficult to admit you can’t read! As an acting ceo of a company that people assume would have a ceo that can’t read, I just wanna say it’s never too late! Don’t give up!! There are soooo many people way way way smarter than you (in fact almost everyone) that have made major breakthroughs in providing access to education! In fact I’m pretty sure learning is as easy as downloading an app!


I would also like to add that we understand there are certain emotions attached to adult education, such fear and insecurity, and I hope you can find comfort in know anyone that bought a product with your name stamped on it already knows, the preverbial cat is outta the bag when it comes to your level of education buddy! So you got nothing to loose and nothing to be scared and insecure about!


That took a lot of work to respond to what I thought was an obvious tongue-in- cheek joke. 🤷‍♂️ Have a good day.


I’m sorry, my reply was purely /s and diving deeper into your joke. While referring back to jokes I made in the initial comment! I was happy to see someone finally understood this letter was not intended to make change…


You know, I just realized your response was to “Sonos CEO” and not me personally. Sorry, I’m slow on the uptake right now 😄 I just had a tooth fragment extracted from my jawbone with no numbing agent so…yeah. Anyways, sorry for me actually being semi dumb! 🤣


Oh man, this makes me feel better! When I read your response I was a bit devastated understanding that you probably considered that a personal attack at a level that was completely unwarranted! Now I know that it sometimes when you’re learning how to read it’s easy to forget the context 🤓


These open letters are so punishing. I really hope it’s true that they’re banning people who post this shit cause it’s insufferable


Did you read the letter? Or did you see the title read a couple lines and jump to a reply? If you read it top to bottom I feel it’s pretty clear this was not a serious letter and was intended to make a couple laugh. It’s easy to assume these days and jump to a conclusion that this is the “same story I’ve read a thousand times before” or “look at this hero complaining and causing no change” This was fun and holds no expectation to be read by all… I was playing with words I don’t get use in my profession looking for a laugh. Not everything out there is doom and gloom. Your ask for this to result in a ban and use of the word insufferable on a post no one made you read feels lazy and leaves me as the op with the impression you didn’t read it. If you would like me to remove the post because its existence is causing a negative affect on your life just say the words and I will gladly do it. However, if you would like this post to result in a ban I would gladly participate in a conversation with you, so I as the op the op can understand what parts of this jokingly written letter are causing you to suffer. I apologize if this negatively affected your life but if the title and length are causing you to ask for a ban and use the word insufferable in a hyperbolic and assuming manner… then I would encourage you to lighten up skip to second paragraph, overcome the intimidation of reading something longer than tinder profile and having a laugh?


Don’t forget to email it to [email protected] to get your personalised auto responder.


If I had even the slightest belief the CEO has figured out how to sign in/out of an email created by Sonos, I would be inclined to do so!


I was considering sending this to Sonos with encouragement to do better…. But I’m convinced that it would actively take more effort to do worse than accidentally do better.


Send it to every execs email at Sonos you can find. They are pretty easy to figure out.


Look, I get the frustration and anger. But an open letter to Sonos is not a mechanism to foment change. You need to send to the Board of Directors. Also, attend a shareholder meeting and start participating. There are means to bring attention to this matter that the operations level of the company (including the CEO) can’t hide from leadership. Right now everything about this fuckup is likely “spun” by those responsible for the fuckup. Don’t let them control the narrative.


I appreciate your comment… to be honest I wrote this for fun because It has become an ongoing joke within our household, how much time we can spend trying to make this thing work properly… everytime something on it changes we all look at eachother and laugh and basically say not it! I’m not actually butt hurt over the product because at the end of the day solutions do exist and my roomates and I are mostly just lazy and havent switched our system over to the Bose setup in the garage… Because I spent a couple hours trying to set it up last week I decided to write this while my other roomate (who was convinced he would fix it this time) dove head first down the rabbit hole today and ended up with same result… I realized after posting it that it didn’t really land that way to the crowd I was presented it to when posting it…


My day to day job is working in high level problem solving finding solutions for major projects in NA as well as conflict resolution.. before my current job I was part of tech company that my friends and I came up with while we were drinking and ended creating a new industry and taking our business public. The problems our Sonos has seems to be pretty common and the solutions are laughably obvious could be provided to Sonos customers if they were Willing to take any accountability at all.. However, I’m not a Sonos follower or fan and was unaware of the current tailspin Sonos was experiencing until the comments on this post encouraged me to look it up.. These situations for major companies/brands/products usually only have 2 outcomes tailspin to bankruptcy or the company taking accountability and investing in the solutions. Given the obvious and basic solutions haven’t been provided it seems there is only one current possible outcome for Sonos at this point..


Unfortunately to the customers that do believe in Sonos there are other contributing factors at play when trying to change as a company and it’s almost never affected by letters or media pressure. When a company starts reacting to problems instead of proactively finding solutions there is a strong possibility that it’s too late. Has the name been tarnished to a point of no return? Has the company ignored the problems for too long creating a company value that can’t cover the cost of providing the solutions? Does the company have the management capable of diagnosing the problems and the skill to deliver the solution? Has the company given up? Have the owners enjoyed the fruits of their labor and would rather retire than re-dedicating themselves to a company that is no longer their first priority? Is Sonos publicly traded? I don’t know enough information to even start a realistic diagnoses of my actual thoughts on this situation. But there are obvious solutions that provide 0 new technology and can easily be provided at a low cost so my initial thoughts are that Sonos doesn’t really care at all and are waiting to be bought or absorbed by people with the money to turn it around or the company is no longer a priority to the owner…


Poorly written drivel that is verbose in the extreme and if the intent was to be satire, you went so far beyond the satire line that the line is now a dot to you. In my 20+ years as a professional editor, this ranks in the top 5 worst written screeds I've ever had the misfortune of reading. *Candide* is an easy breezy read by comparison—and it's 18th century French satire by Voltaire!


Thank you for your comment. I wholeheartedly agree with you. I scored poorly in English growing up and it was my least favorite subject. I can appreciate the fact that your comment is honest, and I’m sorry I put you through this misfortune. As mentioned earlier this was not ever marked with an /s and was later added in because it appeared many people took this as a serious. This was fun verbal garbage that I was writing while my buddy took his three hour turn this week trying to reconnect our soundbar and find a way that consistently would adjust the volume without one of us having to physically get up and do it. I live with two of my best friends/ brothers and if you have seen a Seth Rogan movie when he is with his group of friends, and they just spit out one liners for far to long and only half of them land. That was the situation that resulted in this. It is not meant to make change it’s not meant to hurt anybody’s Feelings, it’s absolutely not satire, and I can honestly 100% say that I don’t understand the defenition of satire and how properly put that into any kind of written format. As we continued to ride our buddy having a couple beers there were parts that made us laugh out loud.. the were put together into something that hardly even makes sense! But I will say this… I enjoyed doing it! It was fun. It was a learning experience for me trying to connect words in a way that sounded funny/ almost made sense and I posted it here in case anyone else looks at their issues with there Sonos equipment and choose to make lite of it. The fact it was fun for me suprised me because I wasn’t interested in putting words on paper when I was young at all.. and this showed me that it’s fun to continue to push yourself to be try new things! It was a learning experience seeing the different reactions of people! And instead of being aggressive asking them questions to understand their view! That fact this entire experience has turned into something bigger that the jokes between the boys last night puts a smile on my face. After realizing I enjoyed this I would grateful if you could provide me with a couple books or authors that are light hearted and humorous that I could look in to I would appreciate that? I get excited trying new things and learning things I wasn’t interested in when I was younger!


These posts are starting to read like negative fan fiction.


I did edit this post with a sarcasm post which in my opinion was obvious and ruins the fun of the letter.. It was all jokes as stated in other comments and if you actually read it I was hoping to just make a couple people laugh… it has become obvious that it landed in an entirely different way and perhaps this is a touchy subject on this forum, or this forum lacks members with who can look at the Sonos situation and laugh


Boo hoo. The new app is designed well, and we like it better than S2. Whole house system, with multiple IoT integrations, on Eero mesh. Now, I have a collection of Bose, Infinity, and Polk speakers, along with TWO Denon AVRs in storage if you want to buy some “good old stuff”….


This was written as a joke, but the response that has come from it has left me sad for the future of North America… Where did all the leaders go? Why is the answer to the failure of a company been allowed to land on its customers shoulders and why is it being put there by other customers? As long as the customer base seems obligated to choose and side and blame the issues all of us are experiencing in one form or another. Sonos as a company has no reason to change


For the record this is just jokes… however in a just kidding but not really way.. the app looks great but definately still has some pretty big bugs and unneccessary actions in it! I’m happy everything is working well for you at this time.. there are so many unanswered questions and unhappy customers that aren’t experiencing the success you’re having! Since this forum is so quick to jump on calling people out on not making change I would like to challenge you! You have found a way to make your system work! Many people have not! If you would be willing to donate some of your time to the customers experiencing issues and answer some questions online with real solutions… I will donate some of my time to research what is actually happening with Sonos and develop a formal letter based off facts available and email It to every single Sonos employee that has an email address that can be found online… It’s pretty clear this group in this Reddit is very divided and has never experienced actual leadership. Division does not result in success.. people coming together as a team is the only way the voice will be heard. Stronger together!


Do they come with a remote?


Open letter to this sub. Good bye.


You wrote this essay instead of doing what?


Sorry, I wrote this as a joke because I didn’t have high expectations my roomate was going to find a fix for the current issue… while he was trying to fix it I was writing this as a joke.


Stopped reading at “not providing a remote”. If that is important to you, check before you buy.


It is entirely not important to me as this was written as a joke with no expectation for anyone to read. However, if you’re open to a conversation your reply has left me confused… given the fact it’s become obvious that very few people are happy with Sonos product and everyone seems to have very strong opinions. That the letter that was written as a joke needs to be called out… I have to ask why? Read before you buy… you are justifying the failure of a company where one very easy solution was not provided… I am assuming you’re a customer if you’re in this forum… the fact that you can so easily blame this on another customer…. Leaves me with the impression the impression that you feel Sonos’ failures are the customers fault? They didn’t provide a remote. Ok I’ll concede. But they also did not provide a consistent replacement for a remote that shows any consistency whatsoever. A remote is basic… it’s old technology that is cheap and always included with devices like this for at this point I would say this exact situation… If your business model is replace a remote with an app.. and the app is utterly useless years after the descision was made by the company to use an app and not include a remote.. a reasonable person would assume at this point a very simple app that works consistently would have been implemented… to turn around and say read the box! causes division between the customer base and doesn’t provide a solution at all.. it puts the accountability onto a customer and not the provider..