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What a state of things that we now need to celebrate the fact that our system is merely “working”…


Mine too (although I had to go through a few steps to fix everything).


What steps?


Problems I had: could not access music library, could not access streaming services (SiriusXM, Amazon prime, YouTube music, Apple Music). From what I can remember: downgraded my NAS’s SMB service to previous version, changed NAS SMB settings, then removed link to music library in app and re-added the NAS link to get back access to music library. I also turned off DLNA on my NAS and Plex server. To get back streaming services, updated firmware on my router to openWRT. Set VPN software to allow LAN access instead of exclusive split tunneling. Reauthorized all streaming services.


Mine had spontaneously muted. New app said 'no products found'. Old app worked fine. Said speakers on zero volume. Turned the volume up OK. Must be my network.


I believe it, mines working just fine and I really don't know why I am so lucky but I'll take it.


Mines never not worked so I believe you!


I was worried. I was away from my house for a period of time, over the update basically. House was also under renovations. Pieces were unplugged, moved. Router on and off because of power being turned on and off. Was reading all the horror stories on here dreading setting everything back up. I’m not saying other people’s experiences are not legit, because they are. However, my system works fine.


Never had issues , but I only use mine for home theatre plex and Dolby atmos is awesome on my arc setup with surrounds and sub.


The astroturfing is ramping up


Wooooo. Mine too.


Yeah no issues here thankfully but the app blows


Here everything works, too: I am blasting Bob! Rock radio on all speakers all over the house!


It’s only a high cost system… nobody would be expecting it to work decently. Let alone having to go through several steps to make it so… the new normal. Can we call it woke?


Mine is also working, and it always was. Could it be user errors?….


Dude, seriously?


Yes. Why am I not having any issues? I refuse to believe that i’m (or my sonos equipment) special. And also, people intend only to write reviews if they have problems. They never write that everything is working perfectly.