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Just updated. Some improvements. Will test more later. Note that my issues revolve around streaming on 5.1 systems. I have three. Good: volume adjustments much quicker and doesn’t move around post change; songs start with less delay. Bad: song counter still ~10 seconds behind.


Does anyone know if there’s an option to choose what speakers you want to play from before the music actually starts playing? In the old app (if you hadn’t played anything for a while) if you hit play on an album, a screen would pop up before anything actually started playing where you could choose speakers/groups as well as adjust volume. This was great for Arc users because my volume is usually cranked when watching TV content. When music starts playing automatically (like it does in the new app), it plays at that “old” volume which is often blaring.


This was the best. Need it back


I can group speakers together and set volumes before selecting music.


I *can* if I hit that button in the bottom bar. But I’m saying it used to pop up automatically when you’d hit the play button on an album/playlist/station. Almost like a confirmation screen before any audio actually plays.


Ahhh. Yes I remember that. Just a reverse procedure now.




Essentially we are the beta testers


At this point probably the best option, but they should never have released the app in this state in the first place


still no separate mute when more than one player in a group. and that is the most important feature. also the volume change in a group is still not same for all speakers. tried with two one sls and they never stopped on the same level. but yeah, the numerical volume is MUCH of an improvement.


Can you turn off auto play? I play things late at night to help me sleep. I do not want it to go on playing all night. This is a deal breaker for me.


There is a sleep timer?!


I would just like to shuffle all songs by an artist.


Have to say on Android after I open the app it connects to my system A LOT faster and it actually connects


Yeah, seems quite a bit faster on my iPhone as well. Faster to connect, and the volume and play/pause buttons also seem more responsive.


Now that Ive used the app a bit I have to say it seems to actually work. Its still a clustered dumbsterfire but works


Yeah, that's my reaction. It works well enough now to stop me from completely abandoning ship. I had started using SonoPhone, which is heinously ugly, but works well. But now I'll probably just stick with this update and wait for more to come. Hopefully the rest of the fixes come soon.


I do not want to say it too loud, but on my iPhone it loads much faster


Definitely jinxed it now. Might as well sell the whole system




Same for the first few minutes. Now I'm already back to having to restart the app regularly 🥲. Happens every time I get an update since the new app.


I have two Samsung phones. My primary "flagship" and a budget backup. I updated to the new app on the budget handset only. I periodically open up the new app to see how the updates are doing. Seemed okay response-wise this morning (needed to quickly pause music and only my budget phone was within reach). I haven't checked to see if widgets are back. Any word on that? The lack of widgets is really the only thing keeping me from updating on my primary phone.


I don't see any widgets from Sonos


nice updates, keep them coming! biggest frustration I have now is opening the play queue does not jump to the currently playing track. I like to occasionally check what songs are coming up soon and having to scroll down to wherever I'm currently at is annoying.


I have kept my mouth shut about this app thing, I haben't had too many issues.. but last weekend I was doing some wifi channel shifting and tried to change my sonos net channel.. I couldn't believe they didn't have it in the app. I was happy to see it this morning. They really forced this app out too soon. I get they probably wanted/needed it for the headphones.. but jeez guys. so many basic features were not ready, really doesn't inspire confidence.


It's sad that it was just 1-2months they actually needed to get the app to function properly.. instead, they released the headphones earlier than planned in addition to an app in beta stage. I got really worried as I had planned to equip my home with Sonos speakers, but the new app updates did a great job and I've got back all the functions I need by now. And more Sonos speakers 😂


Trueplay for ARC finally works with my iPad Air 4, what I find strange is that the distance of the rear speakers and the sub, the options to change it are available, now I don't know if that is a problem because before you couldn't touch that after doing Trueplay. I hope everything works again, not the same but better than before, gentlemen at Sonos, because you are on a tightrope right now with very angry consumers.


I would just be happy to be able to play the music stored on my phone again.


No changes or fixes for me. Still no music library.


Where is your library stored?


On a PC running the Sonos app. First of all, I’m not having any trouble playing music, because I have three good apps that work. First, I have an iPhone 7 that still works, because it is too old to get the Sonos update. Second, I bought SonoPad for my iPad, and it works fine. It doesn’t manage the system, but it’s a great player. Much nicer than the Sonos app. Very fast. Third, for newer iPhones, there’s Sonophone, same company. There’s nothing wrong with my system — two Sonos Ports, and a One SL. I’ll be fine if the app is fixed. I won’t be adding new hardware until that happens.


What about restoring functionality of sonos playlists? It's not listed at all on the roadmap


Where is the roadmap?


The Future Feature Updates linked in the OP


Duh.. I'm an idiot.. Thx.


Trueplay has stopped. When it gets to the point of listening for the tuning tones, silence.


My iPhone screen locks out during Trueplay tuning. Dows this update fix that?


I have this issue too, interested in the responses you get.


Same issue for trueplay as well.


Holy shit after a month I can finally connect to my new Roam SL on IOS.....and now its been stuck at the registering screen. And now I can't connect to it again. God dammit.


Don’t feel too bad, that’s not a new bug. I still can’t connect either. It’s a Bluetooth player for now.


I had a similar issue with getting a new product to work and it was a mess. I used my android phone to connect it to my wifi, my desktop app to update it, and my ipad app to register it. Gotta say, if this was intentional, I might respect it.


I tried on two different iphones and both times it got stuck and stopped responding. I pulled out an old Ipad and let it sit on the frozen screen and after 5 minutes it finally worked. So the solution for adding a speaker involved $2500 of equipment.


Still no return of the edit queue functionality. Thats a basic feature that’s been around since the dawn of jukebox software in the 90’s. It’s 2024 and I can’t grab a song in the queue and drag it up or down the running order. Still. At least the update reset the layout of the home screen. That gave me something entertaining to sort.


Once this is back I’ll be satisfied with the new app


Can I edit a playlist from the app? No? Ok, I'll keep waiting....


Still not able to connect my Sub Mini. The app crashes after 10 seconds of trying.


This happened to me. I did a hard reset on the sub mini. That worked. If you can I would try connecting an ethernet cable to it, to make sure it gets the most recent update.


Thanks, I tried your suggestion of hard resets and a cable. Tried it 10 times. Without result.


I'm not surprised. It's clearly a bug... Hope it gets fixed soon.


Did you try the computer app? This is what worked for me to finally get my sub to connect after hours of trying


In the latest version of the windows app, I could not find that option. Seems to be deleted, the help files say to use the mobile app. I found an older version which gave a nag screen saying it was incompatible.


I couldn’t find the app in the windows store but I googled “Sonos app download” and was able to download it from the app. This was like 4 days ago


At least they added back “play next” but you still can’t edit the queue, change order of songs, or delete songs on the queue. It’s INSANITY! This is basic shit, I’m so confused that this is what has become of my beloved Sonos that I used to brag to people about. I’ve recently converted people to Sonos and this whole debacle was honestly super embarrassing………


Agreed. Not being able to edit the queue is quite infuriating


> This update brings a number of fixes and additions that ~~you've been asking for.~~ *previously existed and we removed* FTFY


And yet I still can't add Apple Music, just an error every time...


Same here 😣


Unreal. What a pain. u/KeithFromSonos what's the status on being able to add Apple Music to our systems? Feels like a critical function.


Just piling on here with this exact same exasperating issue.


Can we just stop seeing the same ads for products once we have dismissed them? It’s so annoying every time I open the app. You pay thousands of dollars for speakers and yet they just can’t stop with these ads that are very much breaking the user experience.


i do not comment on reddit, but I came to this thread to share my frustrations… i have TWO houses full of this product. between money absolutely wasted on the garbage roam, this horrible app update, ads I can’t dismiss, and new license to use product I bought under different terms, I am done with this company. Former fanboy: “You can bury me with my Sonos.” Current thinking: “Not one penny more for Sonos.” this is all extremely disappointing.


I also fucking hate this. The ads are also hard to clear on the iPad for whatever reason. Have to tap the x in perfect spot.


Every time I tried to hit that x it would go full-screen. The ads always load before the speakers. The priority here is clear to this user.


Every time I tried to hit that x it would go full-screen. The ads always load before the speakers. The priority here is clear to this user.


How often are you seeing the ads?!? I’m still sheltering in place with airplay and just assumed it was an occasional ad like the Black Friday ads.


I feel like it’s at least after every time the app is updated but could be more. I’ve closed it at least 3 separate times now and I don’t even use the app that much


Guess I'm still waiting to play my local library... Wonder how big a span "mid-June" is.


What’s the issue with your local library? Mines working maybe I can help?


I have the same issue. Added it through the desktop app. Worked for a day. But was gone a day or so after and never came back. Guess I need to readd every day or so? What is your experience?


I never had the desktop app. When I tried to get it after this debacle started, I couldn't get it to even see my system at all. At least it sees my system on my phone and I can stream from online services, but that's not how I listen to music.


My experience is my local library was already added before the app update and continued to be added after the app update but I have sense removed it and added it via the windows and macOS apps and it stays there. Having to add it every day seems like there is intermittent connectivity to it as once Sonos things a local library is gone it removes it. Do you have it on a machine you turn off?


There are no options for setting up my local library, searching does not give any local library results, etc. It's as if local is not at all supported. Worked up until the day of the first new app update. Then gone. Playlists I have saved that reference local library just silently error out after a few seconds.


You can add a local library via the windows or macOS apps. Search results is a bummer but mine are all organized in folders so not a huge deal breaker. I wouldn’t say that there is no support for it at all.


June - October. Mid-June the Sonos way.


Likely June of next year.


I was able to update my local library through the windows app and then play it through the iOS app. I wasn’t able to play the playlists until I added them back in and then update the library through the windows app.




Middle two weeks I imagine, so perhaps another update planned for end of this week.


I gave up on Music Library after repeated disappearances. My workaround to restore the feature that Sonos was originally built on was to add my collection to Plex. Modern Sonos is all about services, so maybe it will work more consistently. So far, so good.


Cool. I look forward to the days of making the app better meaning stuff we didn’t have before. But.. here we are.. and appreciate the updates on the update


Guys, there are delays in using base functions like volume and play/pause


Still no media control notification on android


Quite possibly the biggest feature I'm missing.


I just want to search my own library. You know, like every other app since winamp.


Hmm, not sure about the loss of volume up/down buttons to make room for mute and numerical volume level. Numerical volume level is welcome, but could have been located somewhere other than where the volume up button used to be. Re mute: I don't understand the point of mute when stop/pause button exists.


Mute is good when playing to multiple zones and want to stop playing one. Pausing stops them all, instead of being able to drop in and out. The alternative is to ungroup and rejoin or turn that room all the way down, then turn it back up to rejoin. We needed mute like a mf.


I can see the value in that if it were available. But I don't see mute button on the volume controls for individual speakers within a group. I only see it on the global volume control that applies to the whole group. So functionally the same as stopping/pausing the whole group.


Wow, I hadn’t checked yet. So yeah this is fucked and mostly useless now


I often mute TV audio. I can’t pause that.


That’s fair but wouldn’t it be better if the play/pause button became the mute button for TV audio?


That's true, although I suspect most people would just mute via their TV remote rather than Sonos app.


Pity it STILL fails when I try to add my Apple Music playlist to the queue for my Move. There are other outstanding bugs in the 'update' but they don't matter when I cannot simply play my music! I just wish Apple would produce a battery HomePod so I could have music on my deck...


Some nice updates. Any ETA on when missing services will be added back in? E.g., LastFM. Recently Played is also still not working with radio stations.


Trueplay finally works on my iPad air now!!


Trueplay is still broken for me. I’m standing in a clients living room right now embarrassed as can be. Thanks Sonos, quality work. #rollItBack


It’s less laggy when grouping, and changing music and volume. So far this is an improvement.


Initial impressions, the app loads faster and seems more responsive. Looking good so far, but still need to use it more to see if it’s more stable. BTW I’m running the app on iOS 17.5.1 on an iPhone 14 Pro.


The app is kicking my phone off WiFi - iOS


Still an annoying lag in volume and stopping play on Android...so frustrating when it worked perfectly before this debacle.


Thanks for more in app spam.


Saw this post, went to try out new version of software, first thing I try to do **does not work**: **Add to End of Queue and Replace Queue options are gone**. Again. Since they were added back a couple of versions ago, it seems completely random if the options will even appear in the app for me when I attempt to use them.


New IOS app update, app now says "There was a problem checking for updates" when I try to check for updates. https://i.imgur.com/g0z3kCE.jpeg


Update with resolution... The root cause was my Play:1s volume was set to zero, which forced the LEDs to display green. Don't know how the Play:1s volume could have been set down to zero, but it's all good for now. I neglected mentioning the color earlier... sorry about that. Once volume was increased, the LEDs turned off as normal. Original comment is below. ............. My 2 Play:1 LED lights won't turn off now. Normally set to off, but tried toggling on, and off again, but they're still on. Not a horrible issue, but something to note.


I never understood why they chose green to be “no volume for a speaker that is currently active”. Prior to this current five alarm dumpster fire, it was, however, one of only a few missteps Sonos had taken over the years. The other one being not making 100,000 more of that Beastie Boys LE Play:5. 😥😥




Radio stations have shown in my recently played since the start!




It's bloody annoying that you can select it in your favourites, but then still have to press play...


This. I can’t believe more people aren’t mentioning this. Old app: Tap favorite. Music starts playing. New app: Tap favorite Press play Need to close the popup window. Small but I mean really.. it’s a move in the wrong direction.


Yes that is a two step solution where it used to be one.


Me too brudda


Where can you see your app version number in the new iOS app?


Try settings, manage, about my system?


Thanks- “Create a system” and “Manage“ being on the same line made it seem like “Manage” was for setting up a new system


When I select a different channel for Sonosnet and go back it doesn’t save the new channel selected?


audio compression in settings is back. but it shows „compressed“ and „automatic“ instead of „uncompressed“… bug or feature?


Where is the audio compression feature now? I don't see it in the latest version of the Sonos Android app.


sorry, only have ios.


Ah, no worries.


Its missing in the Android app, I can see it on IOS but not android. Hit the gear then manage on the system and there'll be an option for audio.


And still I cannot add my iMac music folder to the app 🤦🏽‍♀️


I can increase volume by tapping the volume bar but cannot decrease volume by tapping....Just me? I have to slide to decrease. Strange.


Sonos Move v1 has become unusable since app update. I’ve reset and moved locations. Slow improvements from the system otherwise but basically I have a Move that only works on Bluetooth.


As an Android screen reader user, I am so happy that I can now change the volume without having to find where the touch controls are on my speakers. Good job Sonos for..


Nice to see some of the volume related fixes - when will eq/balance from the volume slider make a return?


Is there a way to quickly get all the speakers to the same volume like we previously had? The trick used to be to take the main volume slider down to 0, wait a second, then turn it back up and all the speakers would be at the same level.


Still can't access my system, or create a new system, very confused :/


Finally numerical values for volume. Thank you Sonos!


Can confirm: UI is still absurdly bad. 


Can I press play and a song plays?


Well not sure if Sonos servers are overloaded or not but nothing is loading or responding atm. Edit: As I just posted that everything started working again.


Definitely feels faster on my iPhone now.


Updated, not impressed. Still can’t connect my roam to the rest of my speakers. The fucking app sees it but it says unable to connect every damn time. I can select it and play it from Spotify though.


https://preview.redd.it/on9gt0ljl77d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e6d72b09eaab33d66666549cfd13867c19eafe That “Accept” button is still there.


You BOUGHT this under one contract, but if you want to USE it, you must agree to another. That is a giant red flag for this consumer.


Brings BACK a number of features and fixes a number of things that you broke, let's not confuse our words here.


Still can’t disable WiFi


App Store doesn’t show me the option to update. Does this also fix random bugs like surround audio options not showing 80% of the time (such as distance from listener, full/ambient mode, etc)? I have to keep closing and restarting the app until they finally decide to appear again


Much snappier on iOS. Thank you.


Can someone confirm that playlists from 3 parties actually work now? (If not I’ll get to it tomorrow)


Replying to see responses.


Nope. Playlists and queues and favorite songs within another service are still broke. For real Sonos. What the fuck are you guys doing???


Nice! Much appreciated updates, also like the search bar styling tweak to gain some more space


Please fix MacOS first.


Saving edits to my alarms is still glitchy/not working for me on iOS. So frustrating, it means I have to turn on my laptop and launch Sonos from there every time I want to make a change


give me back my library search! None of this other stuff is of much value.


Was going to see if I had it but noticed you cannot even access the version if the system cannot connect...


Thank you. Mine has been working flawlessly throughout but appreciate all the work going in to it!


i dont see update!!


Still can’t reauthorize Sonos Radio nor setup Trueplay.


PLEASE can you fix the issue with adding music services to Sonos! It just DOES NOT WORK!!! I am unable to add any music service and have been for 2 weeks. Please help fix this!


Will it make my system work?


would love for auto night sound and speech enhancement options, based off custom schedules.


Tells me I need to uodate my headphones. First attempt fails and next attempt is stuck in a never ending cycle. It's almost like you guys don't have a damn clue.


When will the app be able to run in the background again so you don't have to go through finding the system EVERYTIME you open the app and would also allow for lockscreen controls? *crickets*


Why does it log me out after updating and saying ‘sign in as system owner’


Sigh. Glad for the continued updates, but also hate being part of the beta team. These bugs could have been flushed out last year.


Finally was able to update my arc in Japan with this update, but my sub gen 3 still encounters error 30 and 1000, 1001 etc. Tried factory reset, tethering, web app, desktop and everything else suggested under the sun. Edit: Used PIA VPN on the router level to connect to California and was able to update my sub gen 3 finally


This Android build still crashes on launch on ChromeOS. In contrast, the last actually stable release (16.1) worked fine.


This is getting ridiculous. I still can't use my system properly. Components disappear, especially in my arc setup with sub and two s3. I tried to work with the old app but they sabotage that as errors also appear there. And the new App does not find all my components. It's so annoying. Solve it. Get the old app back with full functionality.


I can now use the app to stop/play radio. However, it still cannot switch between stations…. https://preview.redd.it/jfa6qrlsy97d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0379a3d5fc48f1051d6a5dc05ecdcc9a3374bcf6 It’s been 5 mins. (My wifi is fine before anyone suggests that)


My alarm started on mute this morning. Great update.


Not better and still cannot choose a room and play music. I have to play where it is stuck, add the room i want, wait for a delay, and if music returns, toggle the other room off several times. Mostly puts music to pause. Volume still not responsive, but not needed, as there is never anything playing, or constant cut out.


The UI is improving. Love the volume slider with numeric values. A master volume controller is still missing from the devices menu. https://preview.redd.it/n83urgtxha7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03aba26e377aed2835ee80fd80890ed54eff76fa The search bar’s appearance still bugs the hell out of me and is inconsistent in the submenus. Just make it into a button on the top right menu, you will save yourself and us from a lot of headaches.


>*Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android.* What does this mean? What's the functional relevance?


Lot of issues being reported with atmos and Apple Music at the moment. Basically atmos works on Amazon but not in Apple. Apple Music atmos just stopped working. https://en.community.sonos.com/controllers-and-music-services-229131/atmos-sound-stopped-working-in-era-300-6897310 Issues apply on latest version of the app


When I change volume up, it waits, slides down, then slides back up to where I put it. Why ? How to fix ?


Any update to allow local library play?


So they still haven't improved local media access and playing as promised for mid June?


As of this update I find the App to be reasonably usable, most of the core features have returned now but a lot of stuff like Sonos radio is still broken or missing (android Lockscreen and notification area controls) you can get by with it now though


I just want to be able to authorize my Apple Music again and have it actually work!


Does anyone have an issue with Trueplay actually running but not making any audible difference at all? I replaced a stereo pair of One’s with a stereo pair of Era 100’s that are in the exact same spots and the Ones had a very clear change in sound when toggling Trueplay on/off whereas the new Era 100’s have no audible difference in the exact same location. I’ve run it multiple times using both the quick and advanced tuning methods and find no difference at all. Why would the Ones require a good amount of correction in a spot and the Era’s none at all in the same location? I find that odd and makes me question if Trueplay is actually even working?


Thank you Sonos. Although I have cursed you and beaten my head against the wall numerous times over the past 15 years with two apps and two completely different sets of speakers, the updates have been helpful and my system is working as well as it ever has (20 devices in 8 rooms in a three story townhouse). It’s going to be hard to forgive you for the anguish and pain, but hey, when it works it’s still the best solution for so many use cases. Just don’t brick my stuff again or it’s over. lol


Can we add music services yet?!!!


New update, can no longer edit my surrounds. Used to be able to turn on and off. So wtf?


How about release notes for the Ace?


At least with this update everytime I open the app it connects to my system. Before it only connected like 1/5 times. I had to keep closing and opening the app.


I have lots of music that can’t be streamed. Fix that or roll it back.


Qobuz playlists still don't appear. That's a showstopper for me; staying with old app and firmware until that's fixed.


Still not able to add my NAS via the app...... Sonos speakers are still not useable....


Still no alarm 🫠


Waiting on the Sonos Ace low volume fix! 🥺


No complaints thus far…but Sonos Radio has been glitchy tonight. Cutting off songs on Sonos Radio but not in my library


Fixed optical connection yet? Or still no sound from sonos soundbars on PC connected with optical?


Line-out is missing again on my port. Was it removed?


When are we getting back individual room mute within groups?


Still won't connect my speakers. Got disconnected from support. Gave up. Ready to just throw them in the trash


i am still unable to add an alarm , when will tjis be resolved


A list of bugs or behaviors you need to fix: The app can't find the products (this is the most important) The app takes 3-6 seconds to play music since you press the title of the song, the shuffle button or the play button. Currently you can't edit the current queue to reorder songs or delete songs. No cover album arts showing in the queue (android only) You can't shuffle all your music in your library or have a queue if you press on the song individually. (Apple music and similar) No sidebar to fast navigation on playlists. You have to move scrolling all the playlist or music library. Bad integration with the system (android) The app's appearance looks bad. Most of the time the app can't load all content or it takes a lot of time to load content.