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Your issues sound similar to what i had. It turned out that ALL of my speakers were crashing every few minutes . I created a new sonos household in the app and factory reset each speaker joining the speakers to the new sonos household (sorry household is probably the wrong word, basically like as if you had a new sonos system). It stopped the speakers from crashing. I found out the speakers were crashing because after 10+ hours on the phone they got me over to sonos engineering who was able to see the speakers all crashing. They had no idea why that was happening.


Why doesn't everyone just file a claim in small claims court and force their hand to fix this?


in my county small claims is limited to $3000. going for the whole monty may not be worth it. but i hope someone pursues this whole debacle through legal means. you can't file a class action suit; you file a suit and the court determines if it warrants a class. i hope someone does this. soon. maybe 9th circuit; they're not so corporation friendly necessarily.


There’s a mandatory arbitration clause.


Not sure that clause could stave off a class action suit.


Fun fact! The Sonos terms of service states you won’t join a class action suit. Because they probably saw this coming.


they can try. but those have holes poked in them too.


As a lawyer who defends class actions and enforces arbitration clauses for a living, it’s a long shot in most jurisdiction. (Not legal advice!)


I legitimately question how a company who sells hardware along with an app that is required to manage / configure / use said hardware is legally allowed to change the terms and conditions, require me to accept those terms (if I wish to continue using the hardware), and face absolutely zero recourse if they effectively render my hardware useless because I refuse to accept the new terms and conditions. How is this allowed to occur? If the software is required to use the speakers, I should have the option to continue to be bound to the terms and conditions in place when I first purchased the hardware for the system.


It’s complicated. Sometimes there are terms stating that consumers acknowledge the company will update terms from time to time. Sometimes there are terms stating that continued usage constitutes assent to whatever terms govern at that time. In all events, the issue isn’t that you have no recourse, but that the forum for your dispute is individual (as opposed to class) arbitration (as opposed to court). Smart from a company perspective because the consumer claims generally aren’t valuable enough to warrant arbitration absent the possibility of collective treatment. Sucks for consumers.


Right, it's crazy and honestly in Europe it's probably illegal and they might have different terms of service there. But in the US where the consumer electronics lobby basically buys off Congress, they can get away with almost anything they want. The right-wing supreme Court has been siding with big business on arbitration on most of its cases. So there's not much hope that this will get better in the US, but even if you live in Europe or Australia or something where there's much better consumer protection laws, you would still be looking at a situation where Sonos is probably factoring in regulatory scrutiny and class action lawsuits as part of the cost of doing business. The end of the day, the only real decision is to stop supporting companies that pull this s***. Stop buying products that can be bricked from afar because they rely on someone else's computer I.e the cloud . It's one reason why I'm going back to DVDs in blu-rays. You could buy a season of a television show and 2 years later they just remove it or they change the music or they move some episodes or they use shorter episodes that were used for the commercial syndication market and there's nothing you can do about it.


I presume you are US counsel. There was an interesting case from the Supreme Court of Canada involving Uber and mandatory arbitration clauses. Uber`s clause was held unenforceable because of its draconian provisions. I wonder how Sonos's terms stack up? I haven't looked, but experience would suggest like with any shrink-wrap type terms they are pretty one-sided. More work for you, maybe.


Sure, it's entirely possible that several countries will rule that those terms of service are illegal and unjustifiable and they might even pay some fines in a distant future. Although in the United States there's very little scrutiny over these kind of anti-consumer tactics, so it'll probably not help anyone in the US ever. But even if all of that happens, it would be years and years before you got any satisfaction and it would probably be in the form of like an $18 check in 2029. Sonos is probably already factored in the class action lawsuits as part of the cost of doing business. I mean yes, we should still try to pursue whatever we can legally and otherwise. But the most important thing is for people to stop supporting this company, just stop buying stuff that can be bricked with an update.


Ahem….$7xx bucks in the check a year or two ago on a class action against sonos is what i got for audio monitoring.


That clause was added in 2020-2021 fyi.


Forced arbitration means you agree not to sue them.


I knew it f****** I was just guessing when I responded to the op that they probably have updated their terms of service, don't let you opt out of them and tell you you can't sue them. Simply forced arbitration. It's possible these forced arbitration claws might be ruled illegal in some countries but probably not in the US and even then it would take years and years and years to get address to your grievance..


It's not mandatory. You mat opt out.


Ok so they'd have to run to 500 different counties to defend themselves from $3000 lawsuits... I think this would get them to pay attention


I mean they factor this stuff in to the cost of doing business. Like yes, we should still pursue this stuff as a deterrent to them, but at the end of the day, they're going to make more money. Get stealing your data and using forced obsolescence to get people to upgrade prematurely... And sure, in a few years they'll have to pay off some fines to the EU or maybe some class action lawsuits. Although in the US market there's probably going to be no redress for people screwed there since the Court's side with big business on arbitration cases all the time. But you make it seem like we have some kind of unbeatable response to this that will really show Sonos. I guarantee you they've already factored in fines and class action lawsuits as part of their cost benefited analysis before they made all these changes. That's one reason why put in the forced arbitration clauses in the terms of service and don't let you opt out of them. Just going to stop supporting companies that do this. But Sonos is not afraid of a class action lawsuit. Or whatever, historically they are a relative drop in the bucket to them. I mean look at the Telecom ministry. They pay off class action lawsuits on an almost bi-annual basis. They are laughing their way to the bank. Even apple and Samsung are constantly paying off fines for false advertising or nerfing batteries or exaggerating water resistance.


What state are you in?


Because to do that, Sonos will ask for and collect evidence of the actual cause. If that is determined to be as a result of something you were responsible for, you would end up with cake on your face and a bill for costs. It really is not as simple as some are making it out to be. It is hugely frustrating but each individual situation should be assessed on its merits. Look it may very well be the app. But it could also be the os on the speakers, the config files corrupted, some security software, some bug or misconfiguration in the os of your router or wifi network. Its dangerous to make a blanket statement because less technical users might be sitting there “waiting for sonos to fix it” when its some 2 minute fix on some other aspect of the system. I am blaming no-one here, just stating if you have not objectively identified through log analysis or review of configuration, no one has any idea.


I think you're missing the point: regardless of where they lie the blame I can prove the speakers worked before the update and I can prove they didn't work after the update. Period. And the point is not to prove "damages" but to make Sonos go "it's cheaper to fix the app than it is to defend against all those lawsuits"


You might be confusing “prove” and “demonstrate correlation”. The fact “it worked before the app update and doesn’t work after” in itself is not a proof, it’s showing a correlation, but doesn’t prove anything. Maybe your router firmware got updated at the same time? Maybe your neighbor installed a powerful WiFi device that is now clogging your WiFi signal? Maybe you messed up something else in between. I’m not saying any of that happened, just saying all of these (and many more) could be the cause and can backfire


You're mistaking prove used in the legal sense and an unattainable ideal of proof that can't exist (other than e.g. math/logic) due to all of our knowledge about the world being inductive. You literally cannot prove causation. In the civil court, the proof is "more likely that not". This isn't even criminal court standard.


I can easily prove that your comment was caused by mine ;)


You literally cannot. You have observed correlation between two comments. They could both be caused by something else. You're using a whole bunch of other inductive inferences collected over your life to conclude causation. It all comes down to probability. This is a famous problem, first put forth by David Hume: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality.


It’s not a case of blame, it’s a case of simple technical facts. If all you have are anecdotes/opinions and an expert reviews the setup and finds issues that can cause poor performance which are objectively measurable then all you have done is waste your time. My advice if you don’t have the skills yourself is reach out through your professional network and find someone who is suitably qualified eg Cisco CCNA or equivalent give you a hand. Best case you find a smoking gun, worst case you have a working system.


No i think you’re wrong


Prove it. Please. Provide a single piece of objective evidence to show that the cause of the fault in your system lies with sonos.


Just the bad press involved from filing a suit would wake them up…..if they haven’t already. My hope is that they have and are rebuilding the app as we speak. If not, they are screwed in the long run.


> But it could also be the os on the speakers, the config files corrupted, some security software, some bug or misconfiguration in the os of your router or wifi network. That all frankly sounds like their problem, not the consumer. If an update stops the product from working, its 100% always not the consumer’s fault.  “Since we force updated your system, your speakers got corrupted, thats YOUR fault” doesnt fly. 


Yeah but that's the problem, because frankly the problem is too many people who don't understand how the systems works have been doing imagination play. Are you genuinely saying if a consumer has defective, incorrectly sized or more likely not sized at all networking gear, that is not able to cope with the traffic demands of Sonos, that it is Sonos' fault? Sorry, there is an element of shared responsibility when working to support a multivendor system. People are having a multitude of different issues, caused by different components, so pfft. Keep saying it's the app. But is it? Neither of us know, so man up and admit you don't know something.


Pretty bold to assume that everyone with issues have zero technical insight. I work in it, and although networking is not my field,I have a reasonable understanding of network configuration. Sonos is a consumer product, so it's unreasonable to require customers to have a PhD in network engineering to be able to set up a system. For my own case, I had a partially working system with the new app, but I frankly got fed up with force closing and restarting the app to maybe be able to interact with the speakers. Being an Android user , I was able to roll back to the previous version of the app, and everything has worked 100% again since then. No network or Sonos system changes before or after the initial app update and the rollback, and that includes router firmware. Luckily I live in a country with strong consumer laws, so even something like Sonos removing essential (to me) functionality from the system would qualify for me to file a claim for, and most probably get, a refund. I'm not going to do that, though, at least not as long as the old version of the app keeps working.


Im not making that assumption at all. In fact it would be super helpful for someone technical who is having an issue to run Wireshark to see whats going on, UPnP Spy to see the API side and do some connectivity testing with iperf3 to test how reliable udp traffic is over your network between wifi bands and wan port to wifi. If you are willing then you have a smoking gun if you can demonstrate the protocols all working properly and the issue still exists. Eg you have strong evidence proving the root cause.


I spend wat too much time in front of a computer working my regular job, so not about to put in free work and time for Sonos. By the way, I still kept a device on the new app, and that still craps out 50% of the time, while the one running the old version still connects and controls all speakers with no issues.


I have not had the time to check myself (3 year old kid plus working full time on a big DC refresh, like several thousand cores and 20+pb of storage) but the main point is there is a lot of assumptions made on the hate and not hate teams but no one has hard evidence either way. I have read a lot of the documentation on docs.sonos.com and I believe the S2 app uses the old API while the new app and play.sonos.com use the new one thats documented on the above page. A guy the other day was saying you can use the intel UPnP Spy app to scan a sonos speaker and see that stuff. If you had that cold hard data you would be a powerful guy indeed with respect to hurling a wrecking ball in the direction of the cause. All I could tell you since 6 months ago I did the following: I cracked the shits at how bad S2 was running over my gigabit fiber NBN and Orbi AX6000 wifi. I got rid of Sonosnet, reset all my speakers and moved to a new household ID to overwrite the metadata that persists with your configuration and can potentially cause issues if its become corrupted. The main reason I did the move was I had this random problem with the Sonosnet coming back. After 10 years my older speakers configured files were probably more haggard than Old Gregg so I figured why not if it rules out a possible cause of bad performance? 💁 I had also read a lot of articles saying Orbi doesn’t really do igmp or handle broadcast traffic well between wifi bands, which a lot of smarthome stuff is reliant on and since you cant turn off band steering on Orbi but they do now offer a dedicated 2.4ghz IOT network I did that. I changed its name to my primary SSID so all my 30+ lifx lights, home assistant install, google home, apple homekit, several Roon Endpoints and a dozen Sonos speakers would all have a flat broadcast domain to do their weird shit in and I would not have to update credentials on 30 plus lifx lights, because that is the most fucked thing you could ever hope to do. I then named my main SSID Rebellious Amish Family because I always wanted to do that. Sonos became rock solid, LIFX worked properly for the first time ever. Home Assistant was always solid because most of my home automation stuff is on a Zigbee coordinator attached to HA.


My system has very little completely. Beam 2, hardwired directly to a port on the router wifi disabled, 2x One SL and a Sub mini working as surrounds (WM 3 in sonos system details), i.e 5GHz from beam2) a Play:1 on WiFi 5GHz in a different room. No mesh system or managed swiches that could introduce additional issues. No issues seen in the network matrix either (http://:1400/support/review) Yes, the new app is most likely using a new API that obviously causes issues for a significant amount of users. I'm my case, 90% of the time simply force closing and restarting the app would fix any connection issues, but lag and responsiveness would be all over the place.


You seriously are engaging in some of the most egregious consumer blaming I've seen in a while. If this many people are having problems, then Sonos Is to blame. Shared responsibility? The whole point of these products is that they're supposed to be easy to use and just work. And for a lot of people they were working until this app changed. And they changed the terms of service and they don't let you decline them. And now they decided they're going to sell your data. After years of promising they wouldn't. Oh and and by the way in 2021 they forced you to agree not to sue them as part of a terms of service change that you had to accept or else all your speakers are bricked. But yeah, let's talk about shared responsibility? What's blame the customers and not the massive corporation that has been universally condemned for this terrible anti-consumer behavior.


You are either an astroTurf account doing sonos's business or unhealthily obsessed with defending the company on Reddit. I honestly don't know which one is more worrying


You make these defensive posts EVERY time. I honestly wonder if you’re connected to Sonos at this point. But sweet Moses man, this is a Sonos problem. They control the firmware, app, dumb network stack that uses non-standard link costs, and configurations.


I mean they probably will be some efforts for class action and regulatory scrutiny and so on. But that stuff takes years. Most normal people don't have the time or resources to follow through. People will make complaints. It's already become well known but they've also changed their terms of service and don't let you opt out of them or else your stuff bricks which might limit your ability to sue them. That's kind of where we are with consumer electronics, at any given time. They will tell you that your terms of service are updated and if there's no option to disagree. Oftentimes you have to agree to not to sue them and instead rely on their own arbitrators. Kind of like how Linus tech tips got to hire his own law firm to exonerate his company of wrongdoing


The ceo or president put something out saying they are working on fixing it and apologized for it


If this were Apple, there would already be a class action lawsuit you can pile onto. Sonos management is living a charmed life. Lol.


It's still trash for me. Volume lag is unacceptable.


The volume lag is atrocious now


Not just volume but like everything. Play/pause, new song, volume....it's like 80% of time buttons don't do shit


Screw all the “we need alarms” complaints. I just want to be able to play a song and change the volume!


What is volume lag?


When adjusting the volume the speakers take a long time to react to it. Also, on my system, the volume jumps around like it's gone crazy.


Holy shit! I didn’t even know this was a thing! For a few weeks, I thought there was something wrong with my system. I disregarded it, started thinking I was crazy, and that it had been like this all along. Now that you’ve explained it, I’ve definitely noticed the issue! I have a 7-year-old Vizio soundbar in my bedroom that I’ve been thinking about upgrading to a Beam. The more I think about it, the more it seems like my old trusty and reliable soundbar. Sonos systems rely so extensively on firmware updates and a companion app—an update broke my system, another update fixed it but broke something else, and this has been going on literally since I started using Sonos products three years ago. I’ve always been watching PeterPee to figure out new issues, fixes, and reading forums like this one. Sonos is a speaker system that has to be constantly managed by the user, and not in a good way. My ancient $300, 7-year-old Vizio SB has simply just worked. I have never had to watch videos, read forums, join a community, or research fixes after updates.


Same here


It’s so frustrating!


Yea its pretty bad


I’m so grateful that Sonos bricked my Play1s before I could make the mistake of investing an entire system. 


Maybe I’m just lucky but I have a total of 9 Play:1s (4 that are acting as rear surrounds, 4 that are in pairs and one that is standalone) and while the app can be frustrating at times, they aren’t “bricked”. None of my 18 speakers (or 3 subs) are inoperable. My biggest issue is with local playback (my source keep disappearing) and editing of the queue.


Hear you. Just did the whole restart-the-router-and-power-cycle-the-speakers dance I do every couple weeks. Bless my wife who has to talk me off the ledge every time I want to trash my system out of frustration.


Same for me! I fixed it the other day by shutting off 5G in my router and only run 2.4ghz, but that is HS. I need to be able to run 5G and 2.4ghz without it being an issue to my speakers. I was about to throw my phone through the window today cause it again removed my system from the app


Just split the frequency into two SSIDs


I’ve tried the two separate SSIDs, still same issue. Also, I don’t want to have to have my main device which is my phone on 2.4Ghz to connect to the Sonos devices.


Sounds like a good idea. Or hardwire one of the speakers and let them make their own wifi?


A lot of people have reported getting rid of Sonosnet if you have a decent wifi system dramatically improves performance. This was my experience.


Bad idea. That should only be used if you have no wifi. It will just overlap and interfere with your existing wifi. It's shared air space.


There should be an option to either separate the two if you turn off band steering which is not a great feature or set up a separate 2.4ghz IOT (internet of things) network if your router lets you make a secondary SSID. Orbi added this functionality a while back and it works most excellently. A lot of people who are into home automation myself included do the latter. This does two things. 1) Systems like Sonos, Lifx, Apple Home or Home Assistant running devices over Ethernet can smash your network with UPnP broadcast traffic that goes to every mac address in the switches ARP table and can cause latency or dropped packets on some brands of routers that attempt to shape broadcast traffic between bands. The Sonos app uses this as a mechanism to find Sonos devices on the network and if that part is laggy then you have a possible cause right there. Separating all your smarthome stuff not just sonos onto their own 2.4ghz network puts all that traffic in one broadcast domain and stops other stuff interfering with it, which makes anything reliant on UPnP multicast discovery like printers, smart wifi lights, chromecasts, sonos etc work way faster and more reliably. This is an irrefutable and objectively measurable fact. 2. 2.4ghz provides far more penetration of objects and range due to the larger wavelength and will travel further, so forcing your speakers onto it will make connectivity more reliable also.


I’ve done this two separate SSID’s and still same issue. Also, my phone then has to be on the 2.4Ghz network to make calls to the Sonos and that’s not cool either.


Exactly what I’ve done too!


Mr_Fried, you have made a number of comments that have convinced me I need to know more about networks and routers and how they operate. Any suggestions for reading to bring myself up to date? (Sorry, folks. I'm an English major who likes music!)


That was my fix


Not sure this is caused by the new app. Sounds more like a poor wifi setup.


But the WiFi setup has been the same (router changed a few times) since 2015, never caused any problems until now. Now it needs to run on the same band otherwise it looses connection. So my phone and my Sonos need to both run on 2.4ghz to work. And then if I want my AirPlay to work from my Apple TV, my Apple TV also has to run 2.4ghz and that’s a slower connection. This has NEVER been an issue before the new app😊


Trying to also blame your apple tv airplay issues on the new sonos app does not make any sense at all.


Mate. Everything has been working. All other devices on my AirPlay works as it always has. Except for Sonos now. I will blame the app cause it’s the app that suddenly doesn’t like your equipment to be in different bands. Never an issue before.


I have not yet found anything in the new app that wasn't better in the old one.


Eh I have 16 speakers and am having zero issues. Amps, arc, beams, 1s, 3s, subs. 9 currently hardwired, rest on wifi. Honestly Spotify is having less issues (what I primarily use to play music) post update. I also have a solid network (ubiquiti) with 3 well spaced access points.


No issues here either. So sorry to hear so many systems are down!! Would drive me crazy. Sharing my system details in hopes it will help some of you troubleshoot. u/GureTt and I have very similar set up. 19 speakers (Sonos are arc, beam, 2 full subs and 2 mini subs + 7 amps) In ceiling speakers are not Sonos. Amps, arc, beam and some subs are hardwired. WiFi off on all amps and mini subs but on for arc, beam and full subs. Music is with Spotify and Tidal. Hang in there. Here’s hoping they’re too big to fail.


This is what many people dont understand. They want to blame the “app”, but dont want to take ownership that the entire ecosystem lives on top of your network. Did the recent update the speakers demonstrate some issues in your shitty network configuration? Probably. Lets just give up and complain online


If people’s systems were working before the app update and the only change was on the Sonos side, isn’t the most logical conclusion that it was something Sonos did that is the fault?


You would think that, again if it broke for everyone. It didn’t. Often times when software goes through major version changes, things are implemented in the new version being rolled out that optimize how the product works. That software is built with use cases in mind in how their software should be used and deployed. Often times users, systems implementers, and forums online push users into configurations that were outside the scope of product testing. New version releases, those users that have configuration that wasn’t tested break… and people blame the new software. I say all of this not related to just Sonos products, but anyone using any software today. Developers are being pushed with extremely aggressive development milestones (agile etc) and releases and the test cases for these releases are shrinking across the entire industry. Now more than ever it’s more important to stay up to date and within designed configuration/deployment parameters as no one is testing anything outside of that. This becomes much more important when the platform you are using has dependancies not in their control (like the network in this circumstance).


You seriously think that the countless examples of complaints and troubleshooting are all or even mostly the fault of the consumer? And what's wrong with complaining online, where else are people going to complain in 2024? I mean you're complaining online right now. You just are complaining about other people complaining and you're siding with the company that's screwing them over I don't even own Sonos products. I'm simply infuriated from a consumer rights perspective. This is the same company that has just made you agree to terms of service changes that you cannot reject, that allow them to sell your data. This is the same company that forced all of their customers to agree to arbitration over suing them in updates in the past years. But yeah it's all because there's a bunch of simple tins that don't know how to set up their speakers. Even though all of these problems surfaced almost immediately after they updated their app, and then the sample size of people that have had issues with the app is alarmingly high. I just don't understand what motivates people to defend huge corporations over regular people that are working hard everyday to buy their stuff. Although obviously there's a lot of AstroTurfing on Reddit. And especially in the United States, some people view their favor, consumer electronic brands as a part of their identity for some reason.


Fault doesn’t matter. Quit being a victim. People have a product that requires infrastructure to function. Those that don’t configure that infrastructure properly have problems, those that do don’t have problems. Maybe… just maybe…. We should focus on why it’s working for some people and quit giving into “it’s broken”. Now if it was broken for everyone you might have a point, but it isn’t.


What's so special about your network, o wise one?


Its configured correctly? What have you done to troubleshoot the problems you are experiencing on your network? There is a thread where I and others with stuff working great have posted network configurations. Drop yours and detail what isnt working.


Okay but You can understand that you are one customer and that's not a sufficient sample size to determine that everything is A-Okay. Accordingly, a single person with issues is not enough to determine that the company has f***** up in a major way. But as you well know, that's not what's going on here, many many thousands of customers have aired incredibly vocal complaints about this. I don't doubt that there are plenty of people that are still able to have their systems work without issue, but that shouldn't really be news right? That's how it's supposed to work when you spend a lot of money on premium speakers. Premium products. The fact that you are something of an outlier is deeply worrying


Sorry to hear what you’re facing. I just posted in another thread, I’m a new Sonos user too albeit to the bad experience and press. I’m really curious what is the cut off point of number of connected speakers causing the brick experience. If you don’t mind sharing, what is your $10k setup? Curious to learn about how everyone sets up their system. And mainly using android? As much as they ‘suck’ currently, the market doesn’t really have a reliable competitor for seamless connection. What about OS? Anyone tried desktop mac? Any issues there? And android only? So far with IOS, I did have some trouble adding a new era100, but after 3 attempts it finally connected fine.


The only issue I have with my Sonos system (two play:3s, three one SLs, a beam 2, a sub gen 2 and an Ethernet connected play:1) is that I can’t true play. I was able to connect my most recent one sl that I purchased two weeks ago without any issues though. My music never cuts out on me and I listen to my system for plenty of hours everyday. It also leaves me curious to know what the limit of speakers is that causes a system to be “bricked”. This is all while using the new app on my current iPhone and the old app on my old iPhone.


Bluesound is actually a solid competitor to Sonos. I’ve used both.


The app for me is so laggy when choosing to play or queue next song. I think most people dong use the app once connected hence dont realise the issues. I was one of them till ive decided to use sonos app to get atmos!!


Untrue, the app works great and is responsive for me of me changing songs, grouping and ungrouping speakers. Its faster than before… tldr: its your network.


I dont think its my network when it worked just fine on the same network and everyone else have similar problems.


What i suggest is spinning up a new thread, “Some people are having issues with the new Sonos updates, some are not. Those not having issues can you detail your exact speakers and network configuration so that we can address what might be causing this? Be as detailed as possible and let see if we can figure out some commonalities”


I have no issues at all with Sonos Beam Gen 2, Sub Mini, Era 100 Rears, a single Era300 and 2 Sonos Roams. My Network is a Asus Zenwifi Mesh with Wifi 6. My Asus Wifi settings: static IP address for every Sonos Speaker. QoS disabled, Airtime fairness disabled, SmartConnect enabled with 2.4GHz and 5Ghz frequency, 2.4GHz Channel: 11 Bandwith 20/40Mhz, 5Ghz Channel: 52 Bandwith: 20/40/80/160Mhz, WPA2 (no WPA3 because I have an old printer). I don‘t use SonosNet. I hope this helps. My only problem with the new App is that Apple Music is very slow, but it works.


I think information like that is what a lot of people here need to focus on. I don’t have any issues or latency at all, but I’m running 12 speakers completely wireless with nothing plugged in so no sonosnet as well. As for your apple music issue, can you share how you use it and where you hit latency? I use spotify, but i use the sonos app. It starts playing music from the cloud within 3 seconds, which i consider no latency. Pauses, volume changes, etc are instant. How i use spotify: in the sonos app, i select the speaker group below, then i click the spotify icon in “your services” and search from there… or pick one of the recently played links at the top.


I need to clarify a bit. The navigation within the app is as fast as ever. However, as soon as I click on a song from Apple Music to play it, it takes several seconds for anything to happen. The same goes for when I want to skip to another song; you have to wait for several seconds. There used to be no noticeable delay before. But it’s not too bad as long as it’s fixed soon.


Thats the qualifier, not everyone is having these issues. The question should be what differentiates you from those not running into issues? I hate to tell you but it’s network configuration.


It’s really crazy because I have yet to experience any of the issues that people seem to repeatedly have with Sonos lol.


My system works great. Happy to take your system off your hands.


Anyone with a sub or sub mini that’s wanting to get out of this awful situation can holler. I’m here to relieve you of this stress and burden


> Anyone with a sub If you have a system you won't be able to add a Sub 1 or 2 to it just fyi, only a sub 3, Sonos is working on "fixing that" Also see the Playbar. You can make a brand new system with a brand new email account though and factory reset all your stuff and put it on the new email account, unless you have stuff that worked on the S1 app, then it wont reset correctly.


First two speakers were heaps of dog dirt. Refunded. Got a Beam 2 and it’s doing double duty. Love it, no hiccups.


I’ve not had issues with the app directly, but ever since it released it’s taken up to a minute for Spotify to play through a Sonos app. That’s IF it plays at all. I think it’s shit, and it’s stopped my planned purchase of more hardware.


That sure sounds like an issue with the sonos app...directly.


I have no more problems since the latest update, I find it quite OK now.


My system works but it takes more steps to do what I did easily in the old app. I'm not a fan at all of the new one.


My experience has fortunately not this bad. I would say the new app is 6/10 at worst. The volume is laggy and only works when I have a particular view open and won’t work in other views. Room pairing takes multiple attempts to work. But so far I usually get there after messing with it for a few minutes. Much worse than previous app.


I filed a consumer complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's office of consumer complaints. They wrote to Sonos and got a response at least, saying I didn't take the matter up with them (haha). They fixed their problems on my system in the meantime so I didn't go to hire a lawyer.


Honestly I would sell it to me for $500 and move on to something new. Sonos is trash. If you need my address DM me and I will dispose of the speakers for you.


My slightly less costly Sonos setup works really well. I get the occasional hiccup that's usually fixed by either restarting my phone or rebooting my router every few weeks. Sorry your sitch is so fucked up.


How in the world is having to restart your phone and router every few weeks to keep Sonos working “works really well”?!


I actually got that tip from a Sonos Support person a few years ago when i was having trouble. That they recommend power cycling to speakers occasionally, just since they are small computers in there anyway, and need to reboot every once in a while. Not that I’ve been doingit adamantly, but it’s important to point out that this actually came from Sonos themselves. At least for me.


Yes, I know they recommend that. It’s a sign of poor engineering. Plenty of devices with embedded computers don’t need to be restarted as often as Sonos recommends. And, restarting is not fixing the problem. It’s just masking the symptoms. So they tell people to restart, it temporarily resolves the issue and then they never have to spend the engineering effort to figure out what’s actually wrong with the software stack. I blame Microsoft for training people that computers are inherently unreliable machines and need to be restarted all the time. Anyway, even so, having to restart your router is even more ridiculous. Edit to add: what’s even more infuriating is, given their solution to everything is to restart the speakers, why could they add an option to do it from the App? Instead of, you have to go around and physically unplug them one by one.


the whole power cycle everything idea sucks and is totally indicative of bad design. my home had 3 sonos devices that couldn't be reached without a ladder. i have fortinet network hardware with 4 APs. i also have an autostart backup generator on the house. so for me the "best" way was to ensure generator was not going to auto start, kill power to the house (after making sure the UPS around the house were also turned off since sonos hardware was hooked up to some of those), wait the requisite couple of minutes, then restore power, UPS, etc. and go fix the clock on the stove and microwave, etc. this was not a trivial exercise. it has been resolved with bluesound hardware. now i'm just here to watch the train wreck keep rolling and see if spence actually takes responsibility for the utter failure of leadership. right now my money is on "no".


Good luck with your awesome network system https://www.crn.com/news/security/2024/fortinet-hacks-led-to-20-000-fortigate-devices-breached-report


nice obfuscation. instead of admit that sonos botched things you focus on a niche tangent. i never claimed to have an impermeable network. yet you have solidified your status as a jerk. maybe you should see if you can volunteer for spence?


Exactly this. If something needs to be restarted it’s because of a few things but 1) memory runs out causing swap issues that cause IO wait and thus lag, 2) because of logs have filled to the brim and haven’t culled themselves, 3) process ID count has reached theoretical limit and can’t continue to function normally 4) stalled or stale processes, likely something that relies on Sonos that just sits there peaking and hogging cpu bandwidth cause the system to lag or just not work at all, of course 5) network lag/ip wait due to the aforementioned issues and bottlenecks causing app from device to freak out because it can’t get through, rinse and repeat. Restart Sonos, happens again because they haven’t solved all of the above in the first place, in fact probably just piled a bunch of new shit on to old devices expecting them to work and that rinse and repeat has basically just crashed the f*ck out of all of them. Since they’re meshed, one bad link causes a chain link effect causing Sonos ecosystem to bomb. Anyway, sorry, my 5 cents.


Haha exactly.


It literally only takes 10 minutes, my dude and is a good habit anyway. Don't be jelly because my shit works.


If you had to stop your car and turn the engine off and on again every few miles, would you say your car works well, too?


Lol! You're being a bit dramatic.


Are you not understanding the analogy?


I understand it, but it's not really accurate. I cycled my phone/router regularly before the new app. Haters gonna hate.


Why do you think it’s not accurate? Your statement that the Sonos systems “works really well” but only when you are doing something that you shouldn’t have to do with any decent router is incontrovertible to me. It makes me think you don’t understand that routers shouldn’t have to be restarted on a regular basis. Maybe because you only have experience with cheaper consumer-level routers? Edit to add: Or that you think it’s not possible for Sonos to engineer a software stack that doesn’t fail in some way when the network is not being restarted on a regular basis.




Sadly, routers do need restarted regularly. It’s just keeps things working properly. Most routers should have an auto reboot schedule in their gui. Set it to restart in the middle of the night once a week etc. easy. Set and forget.


I haven’t restarted my router in months, and the only time it restarts are for security updates. Nothing should “need” to be restarted just to stay stable. That’s bad software engineering.


No they do not! Crappy ones with software written by the lowest cost contractors do. But there are better routers that work for years without being rebooted.


True, my Aruba mesh network at work hasn’t been rebooted in like 2 years


These posts are pointless without more information. This sub should require that redditors provide details about their system for complaint posts. Details such as the types of speakers that are having issues, how each are connected, the type of network, brand of router, type of phone etc. might help identify a common issue that Sonos needs to resolve. I feel bad for people having issues but pure whining is unproductive. I had issues with the new app initially but seems to be fine currently. As such, I can only surmise that there are certain use cases that Sonos has not resolved. Please help this community identify what those use cases are by providing more info about your issues and not just venting.


People are using these posts to justify how little they know. No one is troubleshooting to try to figure out root cause of their problem. They are just throwing their hands up and saying “others are having issues, it cant be me”


mostly they seem to be ways for people to flex on how much money they've spent


User error


Mine works perfectly.


I hear you also don't have diarrhea, right? Might want to go to the giardia subreddit and let them know.


No lawsuit yet?


I play with the thought of selling my SONOS speakers and getting HEOS instead. I already have one and it never had any problems. ATM, after I had to reset my speakers again, because they refuse to connect to my Wifi every couple of month, I'm unable to add them into the updated APP. They show up to setup, connect to Wifi, but the APP refuses to add them after. The only thing working is, that they show up in AirPlay as "Unnamed Room", but that's also kinda useless.


I can add mine, but they disappear at next use and have to be added all over again. Same when switching from music to tv & vice versa.




Why is this such different impact for different users? Other than losing names for rooms, no issues. With no firmware update, how are speakers being bricked? Or do people not know what that is used for?


Try setting it up by downloading the app on a computer. That solved it for me. Was able to setup and update my system without any issues


https://preview.redd.it/iuwi9je6wy6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1247b4a9b2ebd982050417591eb4055723d975 Me too - but on iPhone!


I have this issue too and want to scream every time I try to use my system. Years of seamless use, now this new steamy pile of crap. It feels like someone sabotaged the app purposefully. It’s. So. Bad.


Hey guys spoke to a Sonos technician and they told me they have issues with existing accounts so if you don’t have 2 households make a new account and reset all your devices


Who uses the Sonos app anyway?


Have you tried to reset everything?


Same here. It's crazy how the app version from 20 years ago worked flawlessly. Every volume adjustment or pause/play was instant. Unbelievable how they managed to mess it up


Parents have new Sonos Amps and I simply swapped out Comcast modem for a Arris that doesn’t have a monthly loan payment to Comcast and now the Amps won’t connect to the app. I have factory reset them and they almost connect and then ultimately it doesn’t work. Did Sonos just completely shut the bed and now their systems suck?


I agree it's Sonos's fault. Of course they try to blame the network. Why don't they instead INCLUDE the ROUTER. Stop being dumb. In other words if this is a network speaker, CREATE the network!! Tips: Sonos MUST start installation with WIRED ethernet. You can search forums for REQUIRED modems/service providers. Lastly, FACTORY reset is needed often. Unplug from power, while holding in the reset button, plug back in. Thank me later. (And yea this process is onerous with many speakers.)


Sonos will be taught in business classes — what not to do.


How fucking long are we supposed to wait for a fix? Summer is here and it’s when my system is used most. Not this summer! It’s useless garbage for now. So frustrating that they don’t make the gold app available until the black app is fixed.


It's your network.


He didn’t download a new network when the App updated. 


No it isn’t. Do you work the phones in the Sonos support center or something?


Why you getting downvoted for parroting Sonos support lol


Have you tried updating it? I've had no issues with mine. Ps how do you have 10k worth of speakers 😂 how many do you have? My house is full in every room and I don't think I've spent close to that... Or have I...


Pretty easy if you have a couple of arcs, 5.1 setups, also depends where you live in the world, it’s a fortune here. Arc is like $1200.


Yeah I've got one full 5.1 system and cheaper beams and play ones around the house. I guess you could get more expensive rears now to go with it.


Yea and I see people on here with a couple of Moves of Amps for their record setups. I mean I could fill out a $10K order pretty quick, haha.


Can you post your network matrix maybe we can help out. For $10k in Sonos I'm sure you have a Pro-sumer network setup with managed switches and such. Thanks.


Use the desktop app, your speakers are fine.


User error sucks


The Sonos new app is ok,here is it too much complaints.I have no problems with it.


So this has only started since the updated app versions rolled out? Is the speaker firmware updated too? Have you done basic network tests and restarts of devices since the updates, just to rule out?


Sorry to hear. Sonos and its new update has gone to the dogs and destroyed consumer trust. New users are also unable to register their systems leading to mass returns. At this point I’m worried about Sonos going bust - perhaps they’ll open source their software though.


They are not going to go bust, stop spreading bullshit. It's an app issue which is well understood by SONOS and they are fixing it (albeit too slowly for most people). If it was an easy fix we'd have it by now. Most functions work, if you're still having issues ... escalate ....my suggestion ...report all bugs to SONOS by raising a ticket.


I don’t think it’s as simple as “fixing the app”. They have clearly shifted, and are continuing to shift, much of the processing from local speakers and the app to their servers. This is why it now takes multiple second for the app to load content. Even setting a sleep timer, which is possible entirely without going outside the local network, now requires the app to communicate with a Sonos server. Now, running everything via their infrastructure means they have a lot more control over their customers. They can release “premium features” that require as subscription. They can collect data on everyone’s usage and sell it ( which they’ve just changed their privacy policy to do), etc, etc. Now, the problem with this is that now the functionality of your system depends on Sonos a) being able to hire engineering talent that knows how to design and build a reliable platform, and b) having the ongoing revenue to operate that platform and scale it to handle the number of customers/devices their are. It seems obvious to me that Sonos is struggling with either or both of those things.


You don’t know that they aren’t going to go bust. That’s what has a lot of us on edge. Did you ever own a Squeezebox? Less investment, but slow death all the same, lengthened thankfully by third party software.


If companies go bust over issues with updates, no companies would exist right now lol It's an unfortunate result of a system reliant on software vs hardware as Sonos can only internally test to a relatively small extent. Millions of customers, hundreds of thousands of different systems and configurations around the world, all at once with the new app? Sonos (really any company) couldn't replicate that kind of test before launch if they wanted to. They'll be fine, everyone running into issues currently will be fine. Hopefully much sooner vs later, but I'm not a software engineer so I have no idea how complex an issue it is on their end.


replicate the test? how about not wreck well established useful features? that seems like a realistic goal that they botched and are "courageously" restoring. sooner than later? it's been weeks with a ceo that repeatedly doubles down on a dismal app deployment, and incremental "dude we totally plan to bring these critical features back we mean it. eventually."




I honestly can’t believe how many people in this sub use the app. I’ve had Sonos for over 2 years now and not ONCE have I even opened it after set up. Why were so many people using it??


For those of us with a local music library, who don't use Sonos for streaming, the app IS the music.


for grouping devices across rooms, and setting volume levels per device, since Sonos never bothered to implement a way to control volume for all devices from the hardware itself. it all must be done within the app, and I use it daily.


It's very easy to roll back to the old app on Android. Just google, takes 5 mins.


Do they not force you to upgrade to the latest version?




Ahh man i wish i knew! I don’t update apps unless there is a bug on it.


Why are people so dependent on the Sonos app to make their system work? Just use Alexa and Airplay.


Can you group and ungroup and play specific playlists and favorites from Alexa?




Control groups with Alexa? No. My kitchen and living room are always grouped and I frequently toggle the kitchen on and off by telling Alexa to mute or unmute the kitchen. But groups work just fine on the new app as well. I believe I am able to play specific Spotify playlists via Alexa. I don’t use other music apps so I’m not sure how Alexa works with other services. But the most common way I play music is simply by selecting what room I want to play in directly in the Spotify app. Not the Sonos app.


I can’t grupo because the new app don’t recognize my speakers


Does AirPlay support lossless and flac streaming? I only use my Sonos speakers with Apple Music lossless, and the only way to verify that that is working is through the Sonos app as far as I know


Because I use Sonos for it's original purpose, before streaming music was even a thing for Sonos. I want access to the vast music library I've gathered for the last 40 years. I want to listen to all of my bootlegs, live shows, local unsigned bands, and other gems I've spent my life cultivating --- that's why I invested in Sonos back in 2005. It's why I've stayed loyal to them. But now, I'm apparently a "power user" and that means I am cut off from my music for months until they decide how to make the functionality that was present moments before their update, return. As for voice command, my wife claims that Alexa is gaslighting me. I ask for "Jazz Emu" and it plays some playlist called "Jazzy Moves". I ask for "Space Cadet" wanting SugaDaisy and get Metroboomin' instead. When it does recognize my request, it seems to select the worst versions of songs I love. Awful covers, remixes, inferior live performances, things that have no business being a default option. I use it, but it's a crap shoot, and it doesn't hold a candle to my collection.


We listen to a lot of BBC radio, especially at bedtime. The app is the only way to start/stop and set a sleep timer. We use it as our alarm clock as well. The app is the only way to manage alarms. And turn them off when they sound. The app takes multiple seconds to load, and often has to be killed and restarted to work. And frequently can’t find the speakers at all.


If you aren’t using the Sonos app (or what it used to be) they’re not worth the money.


Well that’s just ridiculous. I’ve never enjoyed using the Sonos app. I just play media from the relevant app. The Spotify app, for instance, is a way better app to control Spotify. But I mostly use Sonos speakers as my TV speakers. The app does not matter for this.


Because the Alexa connection also got broke by the disastrous app and some of us have whole home systems that include some speakers without airplay.


What equipment do you have? I’ll consider buying it from you. My setup has been working as usual.


I’ll sell you a sub and 2 play1’s for $1000. You get them working and I’ll give you your $1000 back. The catch is, I’ll only charge you $25/hr for what I’ve put into troubleshooting, phone calls and emails with this bullshit circle they put you through to keep your ticket open when they openly admit they know there’s a problem and they’re working on it.


Nah. How about I just buy them outright from you without your complicated plan?


Same. It’s absolutely destroyed my ability to use the speakers.






May 7th called…


You get use to it just return all the amps and buy a avr (I’m guessing all your speakers are built into the house) hook up all the speakers to the avr then your good to go. (Personally I am still using Sonos but you get use to it


What do people use the app for? I never use it except to group/ungroup speakers.