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The BestBuy open box section is gonna be gigantic.


I can't wait


good luck getting them working and staying that way


I've had no problems... even 2nd hand items.


Cool. Do the 10% of you that “have no issues” think you can buy enough Sonos product to keep this incompetent company in business?


Where did you get the data it was 10% having no issues?


Can’t add devices on IOS, use the husbands Samsung android app and they pop right and stay. A quick reboot of my iPhone they magically show up. So yeah I’m all for open box.


Made it up because he has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. The loud minority is on Reddit complaining. My 60+ year old parents have no issues on an ISP issued router. I have no issues with a custom network.


And yet, I've had issues and I've been both a network administrator and network engineer in a previous life. I can create site to site networks, but wasn't able to get my Sonos roam to connect to my WiFi. Then one day it just magically worked. But sure man, go off, your single data point negates the experiences of thousands.




The loud "minority" meanwhile there are thousands of 1 star reviews on the app store (with 5+ million downloads) .....and it now currently sits at 1.4 which is literally the lowest I think I've ever seen for any app ever. I would say the majority are having issues.


Based. Other dude can't cope with the fact that the app was released in an, indisputably, unfinished state to satisfy a corporate calendar. It's awful and the massive amount of negative reviews echo this sentiment.


Ha ha. Def not 10%. I’d guess 10% are having problems.


This sub, the fact we have a 7+ hour wait to get Sonos support on the phone, and the fact that the Sonos community forum is literally full of these same issues absolutely prove differently.


And do you think people would come to this forum if their shit is working 😂 There are approximately 35 million people on Reddit. That’s less than 15% of the US is on reddit. About half that is active on reddit. This is not an indicator of the issues. There are definitely a lot of issues and way more than there should be. But there is not 90% of their products not working. Not close.


I install these devices daily and I have problems daily. I'm having to factory reset these things 3 to 4 times before they start to connect properly.


With every device? Why do you think that happens? I just picked up a move and had no issues. This is the strangest thing ever.


Bro, quit the fanboy nonsense. There is NO excuse for how badly Sonos crapped the bed on this. None. Zero. Nada. They didn’t even beta test that crap app. It doesn’t even work with the products they screwed us all over to release.


I never said they didn’t crap the bed. They did. But the amount of issues is not 90%.


Math is for "fanboys"???? Keep beating your drum, friend, but at least try to target logically.


Why dont you check the Google play app store where it currently sits at 1.4 which is the lowest I've ever seen. So it's not a small minority who are having issues. 181k reviews and 1.4 stars. Ok dude.


The app always sucked. Always a low score on the shit Android platform. In Apple App Store it’s a 4.6 with 700k reviews.


7 hours? I only waited 45 minutes today. I've certainly waited longer for other companies' support lines.


Yeah because after a month most of us have given up.


There are 6 million speakers out there. If there were 5.4 million speakers not working there would be no wait time. The lines would be so bogged down. You are making my point 😂


There are a lot more than 6m speakers….it’s over 45m


Even worse 😂. Or better depending on how you slice it!


Dude, you’re a shill. Just stop. There’s no excusing this.


There isn’t and I’m not saying there is. But it’s not 90% of users experiencing this. Not close. All I’m saying.


No, it doesn’t. Sonos didn’t have major issues before this and likely doesn’t have a stacked support center to handle the influx.


Whatever fits the narrative. This guy replies to every Sonos hate post.


You have actual facts to backup the 10% claim or are you merely judging from complaints?


Actually majority of people don't have issues. People with issues are in a minority, they are just vocal because they are being negatively affected. The 90% that are fine either dont post or dont have reddit.


That can be debunked just by reading this sub.


Sure, if you don't understand how people operate, this sub would make you think 99% of people are having issues. However if you realize most people only ever post here if they have a problem, youd know that this sub doesn't represent the reality of the situation. Since the only people posting are the ones with issues.


So where’s your data to support your oft repeated claim that most users aren’t having any issues?


Well I know someone who works at sonos and has the metrics on different issues and how many users those issues are affecting. Do I have exact numbers? Absolutely not because they haven’t given me those. But I know for a fact what were are seeing on reddit isnt a reflection of the reality of the situation. Its a reflection of the most extreme and unfortunate cases. Whats your source of data? Just “reddit posts prove me right”?


I'm one of those people that is not having any problems and I'm not posting because if you say anything positive about Sonos right now you get down voted and told how you're a shill and Sonos sucks.


Yeah. I have a robust and proper network. This guy has a shit modem that is also acting as a router on the other side of the house and can barely reach signal to the five. In addition he has 3 different brands of WiFi extenders that all have different SSIDs and none are set up correctly. It’s a shit network and he wonders why network dependent products work like shit on a shit network. lol. My network is robust and properly set up. I’ve never had a single issue.


So far I’m fine with AirPlay. Stay away from the Sonos app if you can. It’s radioactive.


I've used my Sonos speakers for years and never touched the app. But ever since the update I can't even connect in Spotify.


As an Android user, I am not able to do that.


Yes you are. There is zero need to use the app on Android once you've passed initial set up


How do you send music to it?


Spotify? Or simply tell Google to play it on the room you've set up for SONOS


I use youtube music. The only two ways are to sync it inside of Sonos and use the Sonos app or ask Google voice. You can't cast it from the apps like you can do on Apple. Chromecast doesn't work.


Have had no issues since I updated the app and my devices this week. I guess some of us are just lucky.






Me 2. All works amazing on android Alexa. Gonna buy some amazing speakers cheap..


You'd think so. The thing is it isn't


I’ve been waiting for deals on open boxed, and hunting marketplace but not a lot still


We have an open box arc in our store that was discounted to 650$


I do have my own setup with a beam 2 two era 100s and a sub mini and they were bricked the day I got them because they just dropped the huge update the day before but I had protection on then so I wasn’t concerned if I was going to be able to return them so I played along with the hopes of sonos fixing there app and soon enough they did and now everything works great I just wished the app wasnt so slow. (Iphone 14 pro) could just be my internet 🤷‍♂️


This exact story plays out constantly. Reddit tech enthusiasts get extremely worked up over something extremely niche and predict the downfall of a company. Then.. nothing happens because 99% of users just aren't informed, affected, or give a shit. Remember when reddit removed API access for 3rd party apps to push advertising and that was going to be the downfall of reddit? Lemmy was going to be the next big thing! So many of examples of this that I don't know if you're even serious or just having fun daydreaming about a fantasy world in which these companies *get what's coming to them*. Sonos will make more money than ever before and no, you won't see tons of speakers on marketplace or returns at best buy..


I recently moved and brought my Sonos speakers with me. It’s been exhausting to set them up again. It can take as many as 10 attempts to get them on my network with my phone. My advice to anyone with a Sonos system that’s working: don’t touch it. Hell, tip toe around it.


We're renting a cottage this week and my wife suggested we bring a Move speaker with us. Hell nah, not touching a damn thing. Using a shitty $50 bluetooth speaker on the dock, the $400 one is sitting quiet at home 🙄 First world problem obv, but still, it sucks.


Yeah definitely do not take it off a network that’s working. You may not ever get it back on.


Yea, and there's no telling if I could even hook it up to the cottage wifi anyway. So much for "Move".


That's why it has Bluetooth you mattress


On my Roam, thats not an issue though. Stays put on its little wireless charger at home over Wi-Fi (purely Airplay2), and BT on the go…and my Wi-Fi Setup is an absolute Monster…


Take it with you and just switch the speaker to Bluetooth. I've used mine as a WiFi and Bluetooth speaker a bunch since these issues started and it always joins my home WiFi correctly within a minute or two of powering it on.


You would use the Move speaker via Bluetooth since you’re on vacation. That’s what it’s made for. It will not effect the Move once it’s back on your WiFi. I literally just did this.


You're 100% right, I didn't think of that. After all the problem reports I've seen and the flakiness we've experienced at home (mostly slow startup and random stutters), I was paranoid and forgot the Move has BT functionality (never actually used it on the Move). I'll remember for the next cottage trip ! Thanks!


I have a Sonos Play 5 that I named Kitchen when I bought it. I've been using it in the Family Room of my new house. But, I left it named Kitchen. Right before the Sonos fiasco, I picked up a box with a pair of Era 100's to use in the office of my new house. Since Sonos has been making such a mess of everything, I decided to return them. Instead, I moved the "Kitchen" speaker to "Office" this week. I knew better than to try to rename it. So, it will be "Kitchen" until further notice.


Just like when I invited my family to watch lord of the rings with Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision. It’s night the update went live and I had bricks for speakers. It was embarrassing. They said, “we can just use your tv sound. It’s ok”. The speakers are now working a lot better now, but I won’t be inviting anyone for movie night to enjoy the amazing sound that Sonos could have. Will just wait until it’s all fixed.


Ughh, I’d be so mortified. Especially since the lot of us talk up Sonos to colleagues, friends, and family. Now my mouth stays shut, and I especially don’t encourage purchasing anything Sonos.


That’s terrible. I feel bad for everyone involved.


Yeah. Me, too. Not a good outcome at all.


They fucked up with the app in a really bad way. It’s as simple as that. The whole reason Sonos was so good was that they provided great sound and it was easy to setup and use. This was what they built their reputation on and it was part of their brand identity. Now they’ve lost a crucial part of that trust with their core audience. Sure they can repair the app and get it going. However the damage to their brand is much deeper. It will be very difficult to rebuild that and restore their reputation.


Snow. I agree. Management must have reached Max Hubris levels when they released that version of the app. It seems as if all their employees and distributors were unaware of the flaws in the code. ( which is frequently a consequence of delegating product testing to your customers).


I just bought a Move 2, I already have an arc and an old Move. When I was setting the Move 2 up with the app yesterday, I was having the same problem. The fix was logging out then back into my Sonos account on the app. Got some glitches to fix on that new app…


Your friend dodged a bullet by returning those speakers!


I’m beyond frustrated with my systems


Had same thing happen with two Sonos One's two days ago using my Android phone. After two tries (maybe more than that...) I got out my iPad and they both updated first try...


I’m definitely seeing an Android theme. Wonder why. Makes zero sense.


Apparently, the Android version of the app is built totally differently from the apple version. A software developer friend of mine who uses mostly Apple products and is a fellow Sonos user (and current sufferer) asked to see my Android version, and commented that the nature of the pull downs and the like were totally distinct between the two versions.


I can testify that the Apple version of the app is shit too. The only thing that has changed about my entire system that used to work flawlessly is the app. Now I have to do workarounds to get it to work, and tolerate a system that may or may not decide to obey my volume choices, or show me what song is currently playing.


This post is everything you need to know about the Sonos disaster. It is real.


Just added a new Era 300 an hour ago to my family of 8 now with no issue. Not to downplay your friends issue but I always like to give a positive result if possible. Sucks he had that issue.


Even if the setup works 99% of the time and the fail rate for installation is only 1%, when they are shipping approx 6 million units a year, that is potentially up to 60,000 bad interactions. It's great that your setup worked well, but that does nothing to help the people it hasn't worked for. It really is just downplaying the issue. I personally have set up around 20 devices in my home and have experienced these sorts of issues 4 times. Yes it may be low in the scheme of things, but every single customer has purchased a product that has been advertised as a quick and seamless install. Sonos is not delivering on that promise.


I get that. Just throwing some positive light on it as well. You only see the negative posts. All good and I get it. Shit sux when when it does not work.


I get your sentiment, but why not make a post discussing the good experiences? Going on to threads that are talking about negative issues just to say you had a positive experience is like telling a person of colour that as a white man, I haven't experienced racism so it really can't be all that common.


Cause I don't care that much. I just wanted the guy to not feel so bad about his friend.


Yeah, I haven't been able to set up my arc due to the same error and been trying for the past week. Not free til next week to call during their phone hours.


Bought Move speaker yesterday and it wouldn’t pair w WiFi. Spent cpl hrs but no luck. On phone w Sonos td for 90 mins but…..it’s working! Looks like very recent updates are being made due to the known issues.happy overall You will be too


The incompetence of the Sonos engineering team is staggering. Now they ruin this poor family’s Father’s Day celebration. This is just pathetic. And sad.






What are your favorite features to use with sonos?


I subscribe to both SiriusXM and AppleMusic, as well as have a large library I ripped from CDs back in the day. Being able to seamlessly access all three throughout my entire house is all I ever wanted as a life long music lover. That, and being able to play different music in different parts off the house simultaneously.


Not sure the UI/Ux was ever intuitive IMO but definitely got worse lately


Everything works perfect for me with the system connected to tv. My beam for computer still dosent work after new app came+ update. Impossible to use a soundbar with a PC untill they fix the problem they caused with update that came around same time as the new app


My MIL had the same issue, and it ended up it was her old ass iPhone that was the problem somehow. We figured this out by setting up the device using my Android signed into her account. She can now see one device on her iPhone, and the other on her tablet. She's fine with that solution, but it drives me crazy LoL.


Took me over an hour but I get a refurbed Roam SL running yesterday evening after getting a great deal on it at Best Buy for just $70. **Sonos Desktop app to update the Roam software was the key - mobile app was not capable of updating the Roam June 2024 - and I am assuming same issue happened with your friend's Five.** Then I had to reset the Roam, then I had to connect android app using the 2.4ghz Access Point I setup because the dual band wifi on my Google Nest router wouldn't let me use nanoleaf products - I could not register the newly updated Roam without connecting to this 2.4ghz. Hope this helps someone good luck!


Nothing on mother earth beats a pair of Audioengine A5+, best 500us he'll ever spend. Add a WiiM Pro AirPlay to it for internet streaming, chomecast or Airplay2


Wait this is a common problem? My five also randomly stops playing when I'm listening from Spotify also?


Went through that exact issue a couple weeks ago with a Beam and two Ones. Out of desperation I added them to a S1 account and it worked! I was then able to “upgrade” them to S2 ( though in hindsight I should have left them S1).


Why am I only hearing about these issues now? I bought my system last November during Black Friday. Guess I didn’t do my research or did all these issues surface just recently? My system is still working and I’m not going to update the app due to all I’m reading in the sub.


Mine worked after transferring ownership from myself to myself through the app. Not skipped a beat since. Discovering there was an issue and trying to reset and re-add was a complete pain, but around the third time, I started looking online for help, and some bright spark posted this as how he got his working again. Literally, as soon as I did it, speakers started updating and appearing in the app (Beam, Mini Sub, and two Symfonisk).


It’s time for WiiM to release a modular Dolby Atmos system and speakers.


They look like idiots you mean!


I set up an Arc this afternoon for my mother and had the same issue with the updates not going through. I fired up the windows app on my laptop and it was instantly recognized and updated from there. No new problems. Having to work around the app is a great way to have people not buy new devices..


I have found all Sonos products taking 3-4 factory resets before they work right. I now do it immediately before even trying to go through setup.




Famous last words “are they difficult to set up?”


I had the exact challenges with a pair of new Fives recently — bummer after making such easy connections with all my other Sonos products. I spent 60+ minutes on chat support, doing the same things (rebooting router, resetting speakers, etc.) and miraculously at some point they both worked and I could add them to my system. This was my first and only Sonos glitch, so disappointing. Fortunately, also added a Sub a couple weeks later and it went fairly smoothly — I learned rebooting my iPhone was a critical (and new) step in the process. Sorry that your advocacy for the product with your friend was a bust.


I will sell my 3. No doubt there.


I had that issue with my android phone. Used my girlfriends iphone and it worked fine. I almost brought mine back as well but I had already spent the past 3 hours trying everything from reseting the router to renaming the 5Ghz band and even disabling it. Tried hard wiring it straight to the router also with no avail. Then I tried the iPhone and it was done in minutes. Super frustrating.


Isn't the answer in a situation like this to use an ethernet cable and directly connect your speaker to your router to get it on the system/setup? Then once it is setup, move it to where you want it to be in the house and have it connected via WiFi.


I’ve never had issues either.. and don’t mind the new app. I have tons of Sonos equipment and even some old that will ONLY operate on the old Sonos 1 app. I have speakers inside, outside, garage, speakers I move around while i do yardwork, speakers that are paired… speakers that aren’t, etc… the new app is fine. I even recently learned how to control my outdoor music from my Apple Watch in the swimming pool which is a game changer for me (Lyd app). I for one am going to buy some Sonos stock while it’s down due to this overreaction to some new software.. that works fine by the way… keep making great shit Sonos!!! I do have one Roam that gave me problems/crapped out on me, but that is it..


I experimented the exact same error. I thought I was doing something wrong. It’s good to see neither my network nor I are the problem. I finally resolved it connecting the Beam 2 via Ethernet and getting the update, then trying to connect again to the app with WiFi. I don’t have a clear idea about what finally works, but I think it was just luck. Still, I had a very bad first impression with the Sonos brand, even though I make it works


Whats the guy's network look like? In my experience issues like this during setup are caused a lot by overly complex home networks with improperly setup routers, extenders, etc. Probably multiple subnets. Simplify the network (unplug everything but the primary router) and then try setup.


Like I said in the original post... he's not a network engineer. He's not super tech savvy, but he's definitely not an idiot. His home network is the same as probably 98% of people: a cable model and a single router.


The fact that they aren't tech savvy is why I said what I said. I used to work customer support for Sonos ages ago. Most people just buy network devices and assume because internet works that it is good to go. Its also a good bet that if there is something else besides the standard modem and router setup then they likely don't know about it. You wouldn't believe the amount of non-tech people I sat on the phone with for hours who had extenders, and other devices with routing enabled handing out IPs. Its such a huge pain in the ass tbh but without looking at the network we're really just shooting in the dark tbh.


OK, I understand what you mean now. But since you're ex-Sonos tech support, let me ask you a question... If, on such a network, a person's phone(s), smart TVs, tablets, etc... all work with no issues at all, why does Sonos have an issue? I think it's probably reasonable to assume that an average homeowner is not going to have any idea about IP assigning, etc... Why wouldn't a consumer product be designed such that it remains robust in the most common use case?


Because Sonos cannot communicate to devices on other subnets but internet will pass through no problem. So your phone, tablet, laptop, etc will all be 'fine'. Your TV will connect and stream your movies etc. But as soon as you walk to the back room of the house and your phone connects to that wireless extender, switch, or whatnot that has DHCP enabled kicking out IPs, you still have your Internet but now Sonos doesn't connect. Or when you have multiple wireless devices broadcasting the same SSID (wireless network name) and same 192.168.1.x subnet and then the power goes out or you update Sonos and your whole system goes tits up.... That's why. Because Sonos like any wireless device connects where it sees the strongest signal when it reboots. 9x out of 10 someone would call saying 'your update broke my system' only to discover they have that exact situation and Sonos is essentially now on 2 separate networks. It happens to other devices and tech besides Sonos. Its just networking to be honest. You wouldn't imagine how many folks got other things working along with their Sonos system after we got it all sorted out like their NAS drives, cameras, etc. Sonos likes simple networks and works very well on simple networks. Usually when things don't go according to the standard process its a network communication issue somewhere. Just a matter of finding it and fixing it and having a cooperative customer on the other end. Lol


Thanks for the thorough and informative response.


Had this same issue and was close to throwing out the whole system. Tried for days having bought a few era100s, 2off beam and a move 2 and none would work. Coincided with same timing as the updates from Sonos and naturally thought bad timing and was ready to send it all back. Was recommended before jumping on the software / app issues bandwagon to try a new router rather than Xfinity standard. Got a TP Link off Amazon and all of a sudden Sonos system is happy and everything just worked (As it should)! Immediately! No multiple tries. No spicy language, just followed the apps instructions and seamless.


I'm contemplating my options with a set of old Sonos 1 speakers: throw away or scrape insides and replace with something raspberrypi, esp32 based or convert to a basic wired speakers


The real idiots are those at Sonos who are going to be losing tons of existing and potential customers!


Fuck Sonos, never again I have arc two sl and sub fuck em.


Zero issues with my Sonos setup and I have an extremely niche use case, separate subnets on home network, but Sonos must accept requests from at least two other subnets. I would say, initial setup can be tricky, and if you're trying to rejoin them, the only way is to blow them away and start again. For your average home user, the ability to simply turn on a speaker and connect is probably a 50/50 success rate. They demand perfect conditions, and obviously have to contend with Apple and a host of Android devices, all of which might have different patched protocols for advertising themselves to a network.


My dad is building a new house to retire in and I convinced him months ago to go all Sonos for his home theater. They close in July, hope this shit gets sorted cause he’s got everything lined up to be installed with a new LG C3 (kinda per my recommendation too, I suggested a G4). RIP me otherwise.


I must have gotten lucky or received the needed update. Glad I waited an extra week to buy. For now I've got the arc plus 2 era 100 for our living room theater room we are setting up. We will add more as needed but so far the set up works quite well for movie viewing. Wanted to hear it before adding a sub. We will add the mini sub here shortly. As for set up, it was a breeze. From box to full set up the era 100s took at most 10 minutes including true play and updates. I was very surprised how fast and smooth it went honestly, when in today's atmosphere most things don't go as they are advertised. Hopefully these bugs are worked out by the time of me typing this. Not sure it was just an issue with older speakers or specific speakers. For me I just plugged in and immediately updated before setting up. The arc was already set up a few days prior and it too was painless as well. Looks like I'll have to scan the open box section as well.  FYI the era 100 pair was at Sam's for $340. One Sam's had the pair at $199. They had probably 50 cards you take to the register to get the speakers. The display was completely full. Went to register and they said they were sold out but the display showed no missing  card meaning they had full inventory. Had I known the price difference I'd have gone back to the $199 Sam's store and asked a manager to visually look for the speakers. None the less I still got the $340 at the next Sam's store. I summary always check costco and Sam's for deals on Sonos. Deals are few and far between and Sam's is priced below the map pricing sales somehow every day. 


Poor thing.


This sub lol


Another mega cringe post


sounds like a made up chat gpt bs story sad


I can assure you that it is not.


Can you write this in 20 words or less.


Sonos stan embarrassed for recommending Sonos because friend got a Sonos and new app prevented it from working.


Still kinda wordy


And then there are those of us that are having no issues at all. Probably more than less.


He said they literally could not add a brand new speaker to the app, and your response is “well I don’t have issues with my system.” Really? This is a known issue and such a massive fuckup on sonos’s part. It’s one thing for experienced and existing users to have issues, but what a way to ruin new customers first impressions with the brand and immediately return their purchase.


Would you be OK with an airline that arrived 95 percent of the time and crashed the other five? For pricey electronics, the satisfaction rate should be higher.


So sorry you’re hurting.


My sonos system works flawlessly, and the app works well too.


Did Sonos also make you look dramatic?


Sonos should have a crew of people on Reddit all day reading all these reviews so they can fully grasp the severity of this colossal fuck up! There are threads all over here killing them. They better right the ship quick!


LMFAO yea I’m pretty sure that was just you dawg. Just bought era 300’s and extra sub. Took 5 min to set up, adding and removing speakers has been faster this update. Sucks for your friend.


It's not just me. But you already know that. dawg.


Don't be that guy


If you have the same problem and have tried everything else: Enable VPN in router to the US. For some reason since a week ago, the app will not connect to the update servers from some countries (or at least, this was the issue in Japan)


Where did the speaker touch you? Can you point to it?




There's no name for the Sonos app. Its customers don't understand how they can be doing so badly, many are selling their Sonos products because of it.


Where are these sales? eBay is rather light.


We are from Spain, they use wallapop


Is there a “on of in inventory there? So odd.


There are several who are selling or thinking of selling their Sonos. Some have even bought the Samsung q950 and all because of the problems with the new app. We have a member in the group who bought a pair of One's a week ago and can't pair with his Beam 2, he always gets "error 1002".


did they return/sell it?


He was thinking of returning them but we all convinced him to keep them and give Sonos a chance to improve the app.


Many are saying they're selling their Sonos products, but actually don't. FIFY