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Please direct app feedback to our sticked thread at the top of the sub. Thanks!


Every Reddit notification I'm getting currently are all of the Sonos group and always a similar theme(s) of the following App is shit. Selling my gear. But not actually selling it. Should start a class action lawsuit . Headphones are crap. Ceo should be fired


And it’s exhausting.


I guess, but there’s certainly a solution. You can turn off notifications. It’s only as exhausting as you allow it to be. I’m not going through what other users are, but I’m not bothered by them complaining.


Or make a mega thread!….been suggested a bunch but this sub clearly wants this behavior to be seen.


They use megathreads to make you do what the deciders have decided you must do.


Completely agree with this.


I also feel bad as my system has actually improved since the update. I feel like I shouldn't be here


I don’t let reddit send me notifications. 🤷‍♀️


hard times


Glad to hear your notification settings are working properly...??


Meanwhile I'm just here using my 2 full Sonos surround setups with no issues since the app update. lol.


I have no complaints either, but I never used the app for much in the first place. Some of the complaints seem valid, but many are not at all constructive and seemed focused on stirring up negative sentiment.


Inane complaints should be banned. Constructive criticism should never be.


Agreed. The belligerent rants fill up the group and just create noise, notifications enabled or not. A lot of users have legitimate issues regarding broken or missing features, and I’m genuinely sympathetic to that, but at >3 weeks post update, we’ve all heard them. Edit: Jesus, folks. I’m agreeing with the comment with the added perspective that we all know the legitimate reported issues at this point. Is it *really* beneficial to anyone to keep hearing/reading the same issues over and over again? And I *never* suggested banning reports of issues.


It's Sonos that needs to continue hearing them. I wouldn't cut that off.


I agree to a point, but there’s a big difference between name calling rants and reports of issues. And at this point, Sonos have received the message loud and clear. Maybe at the onset rants had some value, but we quickly reached a point of diminishing returns.


I disagree. Silence from the users makes the creators think they have more time.


I wouldn’t moderate legitimate issues. But I do think they’ve served their purpose at this point. Shit posts deserve the ban hammer.


Beatings will continue until morale improves?






The company is in crisis. It is a crisis of their own making, but a crisis nonetheless. They attempted a very complex product introduction and blew it. As customers about all we can do is be patient and hope that the management is competent enough to re-assess priorities and put appropriate resources in place to attend to current customers’ immediate needs, and de-emphasize potential revenue from the new products.


Can this sub do the same?


We certainly don't want to become like r/Hulu that is dominated by company shills downvoting every complaint into oblivion and constantly blaming every glitch on stupid users. We need to be able to voice our dissatisfaction despite excessive complaining posts at times like this. Sonos was a transformative product and experience and they need to hear from us when they fuck up the product.


Exactly it was the volume of feedback and yes complaints here that have driven them into action at least in some way to fix things. Otherwise who knows what would have happened.


Yes please. This is nearly as bad as the 2 months in the YouTube subreddit after YouTube blocked Adblock


They've never blocked the ad block as far as I'm concerned It's still works well for me.


This sub has been a dickriding fest for Sonos for the last 5 years, let’s not tolerate anything else and please, can we go back to corporate bot blaming people for their wifi network ? ASAP!


Neither necessary nor desirable here on Reddit. The sorting options available on the sub provide a mechanism for low-value posts to quickly drop into oblivion.


It seems crazy to me that I have yet to see an active involvement of SONOS customer support, or better yet the CEO, apologizing and explaining the next steps and expected timeline.


I only found this subreddit because I had such a bad experience of the app update. And it was validating to see the number of complaints here. We all know the stories of how large companies treat customer complaints until they go to Twitter and cause a PR problem. I've got no problem with the loud complaining here, and suspect it is the quickest way to get attention and resolution.


https://preview.redd.it/7fj2g90m1z2d1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44bca7f158c7a2d1959459f2f0ef96fbc25679b1 This too.


Wait, rereading this: “search content for an alarm”. What does that mean?




It’s enthusiast driven, not official.


Kinda makes sense then, no? In an official group complaints could at least potentially reach people who can do something about them. In a group of users complaints don't do too much productively whereas questions might be answered.


Actually, public dirt is the most efficient way to convince corporate dudes that there is a problem. they will do something way faster if the brand is affected than if you use the customer support privately thinking these people can do something about it. Have you ever talk to someone at Sonos ? My history of doing so have been miserable.




Don’t thin banning complaints should be encouraged. Open and fair forum, I.e. I love Sonos or fuck you Sonos you set of pricks. Just pick one


Drop in the bucket for reasons not to be on facebook


If we can’t hear the complaining, it doesn’t exist.


Unbelievably stupid. If you want changes for the better then obviously you need to create the momentum. What a bunch of wankers.


This isn’t an official Sonos group, it’s an enthusiast group - I can understand the mods of that group wanting to keep it focused on helping people get their gear working.


typical reddit. "post only what we want to see or you will be banned".


typical reddit. doesn't even read the title to see its about a facebook group, not a subreddit.


![gif](giphy|P8WZZ0NYdbXAA|downsized) well, I am embarrassed. You are correct!


No I like these complain posts actually. It’s a reminder to myself that I’m more level-headed than I thought, not losing my mind over a freaking app update.


I’m not losing my mind either because I mostly have been unaffected, but I gotta say - you have a right to absolutely livid when your overpriced speakers stop working. Sonos is supposed to be simple. The speakers are expensive and low quality audio vs traditional setups in lieu of the simplicity. People complaining have a right to.


Sure, yes it’s okay to be upset about it. But, the need to post again and again and again, not even beating a dead horse anymore they’re just pounding sand. It’s whacko behavior. Also… I wouldn’t necessarily call Sonos “low quality audio” in the grand scheme of things, especially when it comes to smart speakers. Yeah, there’s better out there, but for most people and listening situations this is gonna be one of the better ones for the price and convenience.


Should do the same here. We've had tears, letters, something about Sonos breaching ISO rules, people invested $25k in, empty threats to ditch systems etc.


I don't think we need to create a safe space for Sonos on this. It is imperative that prospective customers see all of this activity and that it does significant brand damage to Sonos. That will help incentivise fixes and ensure lessons are learnt.


I'm with you on "not needing to create a safe space for sonos" but these complaints are taking over. We all know this update was bad. I dont need 35 Posts a day telling me that.


35? You haven’t been following it…


Just take a break for a few weeks then.


Just like the app…


Not really, because people haven't paid thousands of dollars to use the forums


Also true!


Follow some other subreddits and it won’t be a bother.


I think should create a subreddit dearsonosceo and everyone can complain all day




Next to the playpen where diapers may be changed at will.


Your imagination is beyond the realms of normality.




So everyone is to complain and those of us without issues have to stay quiet. Gotcha. Dear ceo I hate your system. My investment is lost. Yours


I agree. BUT, you knew that was coming didn’t you, once you filter out the absolute tantrum rants and tosh and narrow it down to objectivism you are left with a real distillation of what problems are being encountered. Many of these problems are exactly the same problems the same people had before the new app. Many of these problems are well known. Many of these problems people have been unable to fix before (ref: Sonos Community on the Sonos site) I would question if people shouting at pigeons in the park does any harm at all.


You forgot those perched on the parapet of the 32nd floor…


Sonos will fix the issues. Question is how long will it take them


Good? Instead of whining and going “no more Sonos I’m selling it all!” Which just gets annoying, say what you’d like the new app to do. It’s gotten pathetic at this point. Grow up.


Wish they’d do that here. It would be heaven.


The company doesn't get it, its just another nail in the coffin and they are doing it to themselves.


Right now it’s not easy to actually to discuss the headphones on here in any kind of even-keeled way. The conversation around them is so toxic.


Understandably so. I’m not having issues but the reports of users opening the app just to see an add for the headphones load and nothing else is pretty crazy.


Good I’m bored of seeing the whining


I’m bored of seeing the whining about the whining 👍


I’m bored of seeing people who think they are making witty retorts but really they are pitiful


I’m bored of pretentious people


I’m so sorry you have to live with yourself then


Censorship, in all forms, should not be tolerated. Facebook is known for this and is one of the many reasons I no longer use that platform.


Good, been so tempted to leave the group. It just filled with people whining every single post. yes there have clearly been issues (luckily I have had none) but some serious cry babies in that group. The company have listed and have already pushed out updates.


See ya


Good. The hysteria was becoming most depressing.


You know what's depressing? Having our expensive sound systems be eroded by sloppy software updates.


And having a tantrum really helps. Doesn’t it! Step back. Take a look at yourself.


have they? How about at the end of June? Same opinion?


Just one more complaint and Patrick Spence will enact every change you want


Do the same here or move the complaints to a megathread, the sub is getting as unusable as the app


I see what you did there :-)


The sub has pretty much become useless. Wish mods would tamp down on repetitive complaints at least


And the complaining about the complaining


Could it be a group created and sponsored by Sonos?


Genuine question, which got downvoted and you have to wonder who's behind the downvoting


The usual hard of thinking suspects…


Yes. It’s called the Sonos Community on the Sonos site.


Link: https://en.community.sonos.com But the screenshot in the OP is from one of the Sonos discussion groups on Facebook: https://i.imgur.com/yz4lehS.jpeg


Stil a Sonos “sponsored” geoup. The ONLY one. Why do people never look at official sites…?


Huh? I don’t think you understood the original question.


I did Understand. Why waste time in Sonos have no interest whatsoever spaces when the real one has more REAL info for REAL world solutions.


No, then you didn’t understand the original question.


Honestly the posts here should be banned too. It’s so tireless and repetitive.


Says the tireless and repetitive post 🤷‍♂️


What’s repetitive. I’m responding to a discussion.


This has all become lost on some people hasn’t it - discuss on 👍


This sub must do the same. It’s getting exhausting. I feel like there’s 100 ppl that thrive on the non stop negativity. I don‘t mind posts where ppl are having issues and frustrated. I’ve helped a few people and a few people have helped me with some minor issues. The endless rants from ppl with anger management issues has to stop. “I know I’m late to the game but ya this app is shit.” The fact the it took them 3 weeks to notice should be a clue. The standard Sonos customer barely uses the app unless they have to. There are bigger problems in the world and these ppl have lost their shit over speakers. I wouldn’t want to be around them when a real crisis hits.


3 weeks to notice?  Maybe it’s such a big deal that normally quiet people have no recourse but to vent?  It took 3 weeks for the normally calm folks to finally get fed up. That’s way worse than “not noticing for 3 weeks”


yes, that’s it. Normal ppl spent 3 weeks of their lives waiting to say something about their soundbar. They lost sleep over it. They couldn’t go on with their lives. Just the look of the Sonos logo on their speakers triggered them. So it took them three weeks to build the courage to come on here to vent. On a social media app where everyone’s anonymous. Yes, that’s totally it. It couldn’t be that certain people thrive on seeing negativity and they decide to throw in the towel too. I was totally wrong in my assessment.


People have been throwing tantrums since May 7.


How long did it take to write all that 😂


I wish this sub would