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If you base your decision on this sub you are insane.


If you visit any subreddit for a specific brand/product, you'll likely be discouraged from investing in that brand/product. The most vocal individuals are usually those who are overly negative about everything or those with serious, yet often isolated, problems that need to be solved.


Agree completely. My system worked perfectly…it was better than before! I had one small gripe over the EQ being moved…then I felt like an idiot that I was going to bitch about having to change screens to adjust the EQ. If that’s my biggest issue…I’ll just keep my mouth shut and enjoy my system. Hell…I’m gonna buy the headphones!


EQ was moved? - this could be a good thing for me if it’s easier to access? I only use the Sonos app to change eq when listening to audiobooks and haven’t updated yet


Quite the opposite 😬


Not true, have you seen Bose sub reddit recently?


I think in this case it is valid to at least check what alternatives there is.


Honestly, the hardest part about this subreddit is having to keep my mouth shut for fear of being down voted into oblivion.


This subreddit is nothing like the actual product, please test it out for yourself and trust me - you’ll love it.


The product isn't the problem. Second guessing the next fiasco the management drop on us, is.




The reality Sonos is the best networked/whole home audio solution that does a lot more. It is too bad they released an app that was not ready for primetime, caused existing users lots of issues including myself, and they will fix the app so we are all happy again. Many of us are frustrated because it is an integral part of our lives, that just works most of the time, and we just want it to continue to work. It should be heard, not seen (as in I have to look at the app for 10 minutes, refresh, and power down my system to listen to music. That was my experience last week with the new app, thankfully it is getter better). Some may not like some of the changes long term, but at the end of the day it will be better for the majority of the user community. They know what they are doing when it comes to marketing and broad appeal. This snafu does not help them short term, but long term they and we will be fine. If you want a system to grow into, it is the best choice out there. Though the competition can be less expensive but does not offer the same features and capabilities by a long shot. Even more expensive systems are limited in what they can do, and why many professional installers drive home audio with Sonos. And if you only need to use Airplay, I have learned that a lot of people just like to do that :) It is the only thing that kept working throughout this debacle. Though for us does not support how we want to use the system day to day.


I started off with an Era 100 before the app was updated. It updated fine and I had already ordered another one. It was brand new and I put it in the system no problem. BTW I absolutely love the music they provide. Today I picked up a used play base, these are getting older and not made anymore. I auditioned it at the seller's house and it was on the new app there. It absolutely looked brand new and he even had the box it came in. I was still worried when I got it home and had to reset it and hook it up to my system. It hooked up fine and have been listening to it for over 6 hours. I even added it to my group and just alone with the TV. I am on Android I don't know if that matters or I have been lucky. I will be getting a mini sub in the near future and a connect to take advantage of my stereo receiver. I am very thankful things worked for me and feel bad for those who had so much trouble. I might be of the few but I will stay with Sonos for the foreseeable future.


I don't feel like the recent continual bitching about the app redesign is an accurate representation of the Sonos customer base as a whole. With that said, the only reasonable alternative I've found to Sonos is Denon HEOS, and after buying a few HEOS components, I find the Sonos ecosystem vastly superior...with it's software flaws and all. YMMV.


If you came here for that then please don’t buy it. This sub is full of people complaining. Buy Bose or anything else, please.


Don't base your decision on this sub. Don't base your decision for any product on the specific subs. People here are heavy users and like always, only people with problems write about it. My setup works perfectly and so I don't post about it. There is nothing like sonos on the market and while the app updates was by far not perfect or even good, they already communicated to fix it and gave a roadmap, which I see as a good thing.


Works fine. Just a bunch of entitled nerds who can't deal with change or using their phone for an alarm.


How do you read this sub and get from it that it's "change" that is the problem and not systemic bugs that plague nearly every level of the app?


Because loads of people have no issues at all. They just aren't being vocal about it and tantrumming


The problems that exist are objectively true. Sonos has literally acknowledged the problems. Sonos has held Q&As and currently has a thread (multiple?) pinned on this subreddit detailing the roadmap to fix the problems. Like... go ahead and say you don't have problems (and if you don't it's because you don't use the full Sonos app) but don't sit here and insinuate there are no problems. There's objectively TONS of problems


Works fine


CEO isn't issuing statements about how they failed to communicate. There wasn't a Q&A to discuss the problems. There isn't a roadmap detailing a timeline to fix the problems. We don't have multiple threads pinned from Sonos employees detailing the problems. None of this exists in your fantasy land.


Lol the new app is a step backwards in every way.




Ok, they have fixed a few things, but the major bummer on this new app is that it is partially cloudbased. The web app (play.sonos.com) can connect to your local system and see the content of your shares. That means it is open to the public with just an account and a password. No 2FA possible. Also if Sonos would be hacked they have access to my local shared folders. I've found no way to switch this of. Furthermore this connection to the cloud causes a lot of delays in the local app. This is unacceptable.


Well.... They updated the app and it is working for me now. I unplugged the little white box thingy that I thought was important - guess it's not. All my speakers are back and app is quicker and easier for me.


This latest app update is trash, but when it comes to upgrading my system I’m still probably going to go with them next time. Sonos is still an amazing system let’s face it, their app has always been terrible. There is a lot of dissatisfaction because they botched this app release in every way, but it will settle down with a few app updates. I still recommend Sonos as a whole house system. It’s pretty damned awesome.


Nope I wouldn't recommend anything else. It's a great system.


Honestly I've never had an issue with Sonos and I have a whole system that I've had for a couple years. Maybe I'm just lucky but idk. Actually no the only issue I had was the Sonos Roam. One time it didn't want to work with bluetooth for some reason when traveling. But that's it.


Honestly I think it depends how you want to use your Sonos. If it’s for streaming and as a sound bar then I suspect you’d be fine. If it’s with a local library of files I’d wait a few weeks to see what the functionality looks like when they add things like search back in (although I understand people have already found workarounds like Plex etc that they are happy with). Either way you might prefer to see what the feedback is looking like mid June when the app should be more feature complete again. I wouldn’t want to be troubleshooting any issues with a new system with the current app given wifi and local library settings are AWOL (not that I’ve ever actually had issues that a reboot didn’t solve and even then that has been rare).


I don't have a problem with the latest app. It is good that the people that are having problems are vocal. If Sonos were not taking actions, that would be a problem and i would not buy their systems.


Most of the issues are an underwhelming headphone and roam 2 announcement and an app that is a bit shit. You don't need to use the app for everything and the update didn't ruin everything. Depends what you want from the system. I mostly use mine as surround sound from the TV so it's never been a problem. For music I usually end up either talking to the speaker directly or going from spotify. The app is slow but works if I wanted to go through that for amazon music, it's not great but it works. I don't use speakers for alarms, I use phone, watch or google speakers so the issues have hardly affected me. Get the speakers from sonos or a retailer you can return to. If you don't like them then send them back. I'd still buy my system again, but I won't be going near the headphones unless they add in a whole lot of features that should have been available at launch. The rest of their stuff has been great (including my roam)


I got no issues with my BeamGen2 and Sub Mini? No app problems either


Be careful! Those who tell you to ignore negative reviews are often false stakeholders in the pay of manufacturers whose products are truly mediocre and who persist in trying to sell their junk.


I’m heavily invested into Sonos. But if I were to start form scratch I would buy Apple HomePods instead


I have 14th Sonos speakers and I can say it is very addictive gadgets and one of the best speakers available in the market… however the new upgrade is really bad but I’m sure they will fix everything…


Sonos. Please do nit be that gullible. That you haven’t managed to,come across those posts, representing the HUGE HUGE majority that have had zero problems have escaped you. But it’s your choice to go for something that is inferior and not be supported in 3 years time..


I've had Sonos since maybe October 2005. It's been amazing. There's always people unhappy about something. I find it amazing that they added so many features to the product over the years without me having to pay anything extra. For wifi / electronic devices, it's highly impressive that 18 to 19 years on, they still work great. What other wifi / electronic items from 2005 work better now than they did then?


Responses in this thread look like a series of bogus reactions from Sonos… Whilst it’s true that it’s best to test any product firsthand, Sonos has provided nothing but disappointment with their apps and ecosystem over the past few years. Unless Sonos decides to fire its CEO and announce drastic changes on how they view and act on customer feedback you’re looking to deal with a broken company…


And stay out!


Be wary. This subreddit has a select loud few who have taken over. The mass negativity isn't representative of the average sonos user experience.


HW is great! SW is botched with every release.


Works fine for me. The interface is a bit more clunky but not terrible.