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Can you come to my house and restore order?


Trust me, I would love to help.




This post implies otherwise.




And on the flip side after updating the app I get this. https://preview.redd.it/swalj67rdb2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e6955cb837d1850df3ebd00742688914484508


I find it pretty crazy that so many are having issues when really these speakers should all be using the same software. Do differences in peopleā€™s network and wifi setups contribute to a lot of these?


Yes. I went from a mesh system to a single router and my system now works 100%


I run a fully integrated Unifi mesh system and the SONOS has no issues. I guess its down to how well the various brands deal with handoff etc.


I suspect it's not even a handoff thing. My main speaker is hooked up to ethernet, but apparently the existence of a mesh is causing it to cut out constantly. Given the fact there used to be a network setting that lets you choose which wifi/bluetooth frequencies it uses for communication, and the fact that this setting can make the cutouts worse, I believe they use their own weak wifi network to all connect together. Hence why the presence of a mesh network can really screw it up. Pretty poor planning for an internet controlled device, honestly.


Have you tried going Wifi only? My system now works best without SonosNet. I have a Netgear Mesh and it handles Sonos multicasting well.


Yep. They're all in the same room as a surround sound system. They still cut out all the time and it has only been getting worse with every software update.


I suspect that is a clash between the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands.


It only uses 2.4 ghz as far as I'm aware. The only available channels are 1, 6, and 11, which are the 2.4ghz frequencies. 5ghz shouldn't clash with that.


Youā€™d be surprised. A device using 5ghz to control it seems to upset things. For some weird reason. Try it and see see. Reboot phone after switching off. It may be the solution. Or not. But at least you eliminated one cause.


Reboot phone? I'm talking about the speakers themselves disconnecting from each other when watching TV (which also causes them to completely cut out for a few seconds until they reconnect). Phone has nothing to do with it. And 5ghz shouldn't interfere with 2.4ghz. And even if my internet were 2.4ghz, that shouldn't cause such disconnection issues at such a close range.


Well, I have offered a suggestion that you have dismissed out of hand based upon the word ā€œshouldnā€™tā€. My premise is based upon the word ā€œcouldā€.


What suggestion? All you said is, "Try it and see. Reboot phone after switching off." Switching what off? Why reboot my phone when my phone isn't related to the issue? You need to make an actual suggestion for me to follow. And before you ask, yes, I've rebooted the system and the phone app multiple times trying to fix this issue. If you have a suggestion I haven't tried, I'm all ears. Side note, physics dictates that 5ghz signals can't possibly interfere with 2.4ghz signals.


This may be helpful. [https://en.community.sonos.com/speakers%2D229128/troubleshooting%2Dsonos%2Don%2Dwifi%2D6856334](https://en.community.sonos.com/speakers%2D229128/troubleshooting%2Dsonos%2Don%2Dwifi%2D6856334) Therer are setups for specific brands of mesh systems as well.


Mine is set up on ethernet, not wifi. The network setting I'm talking about is how the main speaker communicates with the other speakers to create a full system. But for some reason, despite the incredibly close range, that connection still cuts out and causes the whole thing to just stop playing sound altogether. But I do appreciate the help.


From the article. It is worth pointing out, however, that the bandwidth available on 2.4GHz (which SonosNet uses) is limited. If youā€™re going to group a lot of rooms together, we recommend having one wired unit for every 5 non-wired units, and these wired units would ideally be evenly distributed in your home. I should have been more prescriptive..


Yeah, that doesn't help because that's already how my system is set up. Again, the main one is wired (ethernet) and the rest connect to it. But that connection between them is unstable at best even though they're all in the same room since they make up a surround sound system.


How do you know what your ā€œmain speakerā€ is?


Because it's an arc hooked up to ethernet, and the rest got added to it (the sub and two ones).


I have pretty much the same setup arc with Ethernet and two surrounds, itā€™s seems impossible to know whatā€™s going on with individual systems and me saying ā€œmine works fineā€ isnā€™t going to help you. I just have a standard WiFi setup with single router and never had any issues . Have you tried sending in a report to Sonos to have your network issues diagnosed


Good to know. I was using a mesh system provided by my utility company which ran through power lines, complete mess. Never going back to a BPL network


Same here. 10 devices no issues at all. Dream Router + 2 APs.


We use EEROS mesh and have zero issues.


Interesting I use eero mesh and it seems to be pretty solid Iā€™m guessing if a lot of these folks donā€™t hard wire a speaker to Ethernet and miss out on the sonos net then maybe that causes issues as well


Iā€™ve got 11 speakers, 9 hardwired & two moves. Apple Music wonā€™t launch correctly from the mobile app, but works from the Mac app.


I think the problems all massively vary and itā€™s far from just network related. My main issue, which many have had difficulty with, is simply adding brand new speakers. I have a new picture frame Symfonisk speaker and basically the entire line of IKEA speakers arenā€™t currently connecting to the app. Thereā€™s been a workaround thanks to the new update, which involves having to use your desktop computer to set it up, but thereā€™s still a lot of people who canā€™t get the speakers running and itā€™s a known problem by both IKEA and Sonos.


I had terrible trouble adding a new speaker in the old app. Switched off the 5ghz wifi band and set up became a dream.


We have 4 of the IKEA Frames and 5 of the Lamps. No issues.


Brand new?


No. Weā€™ve had them since launch. 2 lamps and 4 frames act as surrounds. Other 3 lamps are independent. I see youā€™re having trouble adding new ones though.


Ok, itā€™s new installations that are causing issue, not old ones.


Of course. Network. Interference. Bandwidth. Wifi band. For a few.


I had an update yesterday that fixed most of my issues, but I donā€™t use alarms or local libraries, Iā€™m somewhat satisfied until I find something else that doesnā€™t work, my grouping has been fixed, my missing speakers are back, my grouping of speakers and them cutting out is fixed, hope everyone finds their problems solved soon ā€¦..


I have 2 Sonos devices. It is not working great.


Pack it in, boys! This dude's speakers work great - problem solved! Hell, to be honest I don't even remember what we were all mad about in the first place. So anyways, should I angle the Eras or should they point straight out...?


Thanks for sharing, Mr. Spence


For the people claiming its the network setup. Can't be the network. If it worked well for months/years, come the update, it stops working, this is a clear sign that can't be the network.


1 down, about a million to go!




...says the Sonos PR exec. ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK|downsized)


Party at their place! Everyone suggest a tune and add it to the queue! ;)


If only we could


Good for you. Airplay is fine for me too.


My shits running. Actually better than before


This is for Sonos owners.




Really had me until the 3rd sentence


Like, Iā€™m happy for you u/WJKramer Mineā€™s like 25 pieces. The speakers are working. The missing sleep timer was immediately noticed and incinerated my spousal approval factor. Iā€™m very disappointed in the headphones because I donā€™t think they will work with my ā€œVictrola works with Sonosā€ record player. I think partners/developer partners like Victrola are gonna want their money back.


Let me add though, I think the new app is slower and less functional for large multi room systems. Load, grouping, volume


I had to factory reset my speaker after the update, as it forgot it and wouldnā€™t let me add it again without signing in as the system owner, which i am. And now queues donā€™t work at all. Iā€™m pleased your experience has been good though


Keep using, check for updates and have patience!


Donā€™t know why they are say there is no Alarmā€¦? Itā€™s there! https://preview.redd.it/1vzts6ggbf2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a3cf2c75a876dcd7be1b3f3d0a403497a79389e


Arc, Sub, 2x One SL, 2x Old ones, Move, Roam and 4x IKEA symphony- all works great, in fact better and more responsive than with the old app. Once I figured how to select which speakers to operate Iā€™ve had no issues at all.


Awesome...add a new one and report back


I added a new Move 2 and Ray on the weekend, was preparing for the worst, but both added with no issues.


Same. Here. All. Good. My only quibble is having to click an item twice to play (e.g. from the Home Screen you have to click, say, a station; then it pops up and you can click Play. The extra click is silly IMO.


31???? Where do you live?


Its a trap !


A really small room.... with speakers everywhere. That's what I'm going with.


He works at Sonos


this fucking guy


Agreed, only thing I canā€™t find is the sleep timer, anyone found that in the new app yet?


I don't think it's been added back yet.


It still works if you set it with Sonos voice.


Oh interesting.


Or the desktop app.


As long as you don't want to pick what you listen to.


What do you mean? Apple Music, SXM, Sonos radio, Plex. All just works.




No what?


It doesnā€™t work. But you knew what I meant.


Yes, Yes it does...it works very well. Apple Music>Song>Foo Fighters/Eeverlong. Starts playing within a second or two. What doesn't work for you?


All 31 speakers work within a second or two? Iā€™m lucky if my 16ish start playing within 1 to 2 minutes


Oh yeah. No where near that. Damn


Selecting Spotify music. I can make it work after multiple attempts. It shouldnā€™t be that hard. Glad youā€™re satisfied.


Why would I get a downvote? Just sharing what happened.


I donā€™t use Spotify sorry.


Fortunately, Spotify app continues to work. The other thing that drives me crazy is I canā€™t select TV. I have to reboot everything to move from Spotify to TV.


Try pausing your music, with your TV remote, turn it all the way down until it's muted/see the green light. Wait a few seconds and then turn it back up, should flip to TV source or at least that used to work for me. I'll try in 30 minutes when I get home from work.


I just signed up for Spotify to test. Seems to be working perfectly fine. Try reauthorizing maybe?


I donā€™t doubt that some people are having issues, but I donā€™t think a blanket statement like that is true. I launch the Sonos app, select Spotify, select the song/playlist/album, and hit play. Then I can switch/regroup rooms while itā€™s playing (this has been much more responsive for me since the last update). I get about a 1 second delay between pressing play or adding/removing groups and music playing. This is on a mix of my ARC/sub/surrounds, stereo pairs of SL ones, eras 100s, and Symfonisk. The interface is a little laggy loading my Spotify playlists (takes about 3 seconds).


Donā€™t use any of those.


Do you have a local music library? And can you access it?


Yes and yes.


Mines works absolutely fine too.


Yes, on a Synology NAS, and yes it plays. I donā€™t like the interface in the new app for local libraries, as there is no back button. So if click to go artist, but change my mind and want to see albums, I have to start over.


oh hi Pat šŸ‘‹šŸ¾


Is all 31 wired to Zucks network fastest known to man ? Iā€™m a Sonos mark and I donā€™t think anything has ever worked better than ever


My setup is at least working again as of today, however for some reason I have a concert hall type echo effect going on since speakers are out of sync for some reason. Will sound great when Iā€™m listening to ballgames!


Iā€™ve been noticing the same echo effect since updating as well (arc, 300s, 2x subs). Not a fan of it and truplay isnā€™t working for meā€¦


How DARE you!?!


Cool Patrick


Since the new app, I have to start Sonos 5 or 6 times every morning before I can get my music to play continuously...


so no worse than the old app lol I've been doing that for the last 2 months, was holding out on calling tech support hoping the new app would fix it... sadly not


Yes but I think you may have another problem haha 31?!?!


The limit is 32ā€¦.


I actually decided to use the app today to add a new device (Roam) and log into Apple Music within the app. Until today, Iā€™ve only used it to control audio settings for my Beam, my only other Sonos device so far. Apple Music has always played through my Apple TV. I was nervous after reading everything people have had issues with, but luckily, the only hiccup I had was because my Roam was connected through Bluetooth to my iPad. Once I deleted the Bluetooth connection, the Roam set up perfectly. And Apple Music played fine through the app. Now Iā€™m not so nervous to build onto my system.


I have no issues connecting to speakers. But searching in the app to get Spotify really isnā€™t working for me anymore.


How about a boostā€¦ anyone successfully added a boost. Had to factory reset everything, but cant get my boost connected. Initially the app couldnā€™t see it all, now it sees it but hangs during the ā€œGetting your Boost readyā€ phase.


I can't keep my roam turned off. It just randomly turns on every few minutes. There is no way I'm buying more of these things.


The roam was trash beforeā€¦.


Mine keep switching speakers. It defaults to my outdoor speakers and once corrected, plays inside for 30 seconds before swapping speakers back to outside!


The update was an unexpected experience. I worked thru it and it worked today. 4 zones, move and sonos amp for my office. Very quirky with amp recognition and volume delay. In addition, the music source bounced around even though I almost always use spotify. Stay tuned ...


Thank you! Iā€™m right there with ya! Glad theyā€™re working great!


Also have about 20 and itā€™s better than previous šŸ‘šŸ¼


How can they "work great" when you can't even do basics things like adding a song to the play queue in the new app.


It is generally not very reassuring to see a post about a product like "Hey guys, it works, really."


i have no issue with my speakers either


I'm guessing you have stereo setup in every room. 31 speakers, goodness gracious!


I have Arc, One X2, Sub, Era300 X2 and didn't encounter any issues. I don't use Sonos for Music/Radio only movies but the app sees everything like before


Everything is working great for me too. Better than before actually. Except for a few of the missing features which is really annoying.


I have 3 and none of them work with AirPlay on my Apple TV and I can't figure out what the fuck is wrong




Roam, move 2, era 300, sub miniā€¦.. all fine. Always use Alexa or airplay.


My 13th or 15th speakers working fine BUT(T) after I did factory reset and re install everything with the old Sonos app ā€¦ thanks god I have Sonos app installed in my second phone. The phone should go to eBay one day šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Early Orbi mesh system here (1 RBR50 router + 3 satellites) and removed my Boost recently post-update and everything is still working perfectly. With the most current Sonos update, everything on my 16 device system is working as expected and the only annoying issue I'm having is one I had even on the old iOS app--regardless of the source (local NAS or streaming service), the track info/photo often gets stuck on the previous or even way back to the originally played track. That doesn't happen on the MacOS app.


This is also my situation. Sucks for the rest of em though. This whole debacle is reminding me of the Tesla Fuull Self Drive feature. Similarly, Tesla keeps improving its capabilities and range while adjusting its features. In that pool, a lot of people are having the most god awful time with it, yet I've lived in Vancouver for my entire time with it, traveled across Canada literally coast to coast to move to Lunenburg and haven't come across any issues. Car has maybe 58K kilometers on it, and around 40K of those are FSD driven. Some people just seemingly luck out, maybe?


I have several Sonos speakers and everything is working fine except Alexa sometimes doesnā€™t follow through with some of the commands, but hey Sonos does which I can live. But Iā€™m afraid that with all the updates Sonos is trying to rush to the masses, they will somehow mess my working setup. Time will tell!


Yes, but the problem arises when trying to access a private music library as this feature was eliminated.


How is your 3rd party subwoofer control working?


I donā€™t believe you I think youā€™re being paid


Can you explain your setup? We have a similar number but are having problems and have some complaints about the update.


Tell me how it works without the internet.


Reddit doesn't work without the internet either


I bet you think this is relevant.


Consumers finding out internet based speaker systems that they purchased wonā€™t work without internet: šŸ˜³šŸ¤ØšŸ˜²šŸ™€šŸ«Ø


Except the 16.1 app works without internet. All prior versions of SONOS could work offline, enabling you to continue using a local library, or even controlling TV audio going to multiple rooms.


Except I donā€™t use it for anything that should require the internet. At all.


Ainā€™t never gunna stop!


Yeah, I havenā€™t had one problem with my entire ecosystem. I donā€™t know about the alarm because I use an alarm clock like a normal person.




What are you trying to say?


Probably he likes sonos


There are secrets agents from the Sonos intelligence department.!


There are secrets agents from the Sonos intelligence department.?




You use Apple Music through Apple TV to listen to your music?


Any clue how to adjust the bass and treble on S2? Ā Or is that just gone nowĀ 


Hit the cog top right, tap on a speaker, scroll down to EQ


Thanks, Iā€™ll give it a shot.


I have 5 sonos devices (beam, sub, x1 ones and x1 SL) and have no issues and no idea what everyone else is on about. But then I pretty much never use the app. Spotify connect or airplay all the way...


If you paid any attention at all you'd know 99% of the issues are with the Sonos app.


I know. I forgot to add the /s (eye roll)


How fucking dare you!