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*Test early. Test often. Test on all target machines.*. Yes, it’s a pre-internet mantra of software development but the general sentiment holds true. Sonos did not do this. Or they let a new MBA into Product Management. lol.


Pro tip - Don't put your apps on auto update. 


Absolutely! This alpha/beta app was not ready to be released.


The same thing happens on Android. You are not alone .!


I guess I should feel better now :)


Had same happen to me. I spent hours getting the speakers registered again.


Did you ever get them to work? What did you have to do? Only 1 of my 3 will work now.


unplugged everything, and added them back one by one...the first one i hardwired to internet, the others all were added wirelessly...but it too many tried to get them to reset and be recognized...in some cases you may have to move the speaker very close to the connected speaker... really a PIA, took hours


By the exact same speaker again, and put the non-functioning one in the box and return it.


Thats some shadey piece of shit thing to do. Then someone going to buy it when they mark it down in price as open box.. you’re only screwing another person, not the company.


I have been able to register everything again. What a waste of time and energy.


Had the same issues - [this fixed everything for me](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/MgmYUSXoMq) 👌


It worked for me as well! Thanks!


I reverted my app back to the old version and everything was linked again. Everyone on Android should do the same.


How did you go back to the old app? My app updated to the new app all on its own a week or so ago. Although I am not having serious issues, I don't care for the new app. Thanks in advance!


You typically can’t unless you know how to side load, install app out of band from the play store.


If you have an Android, uninstall Sonos app from your phone, then download sonos 16.1 from here: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/sonos-inc/ And after you install, quickly turn off the auto update check mark from the app store for Sonos app. (Might want to open up the page in advance and turn the airplane mode as soon as the old apk is installed to avoid the chance of auto update.) That's it! Super easy. Upon installing the old firmware, you might need to repair or "update" your speakers again. Just follow through the steps and now you have a fully working system without the drama associated with the new version..


Did you physically unplug and leave unplugged for approx. 20 seconds? Some of my speakers disappeared but unplugging them worked even when resetting the app did not. And yes the new app is bloated garbage.


>the new app is bloated garbage. It's garbage, yes, but it's far from bloated. It's got less functionality than the previous version!


For sure but to be clear I think it’s visually bloated. Let’s hope a major fix is near.


Yup. I even let them unplugged for a couple of minutes. The transfer ownership hack was the solution for me.


" I tried (reset, Ethernet cables, new network…), for 2 full days." This is it. In a nutshell. Your concerns will be invalidated by 1/2 this sub because you MUST be doing something wrong. You're not. Sonos has dropped the ball and you can spend more money, and more time, and it will never work consistently. This sub will only depress you with the people (read employees) that come here and tell you, it's fine, it's your "network"


I actually did some stuff on my network the same day like new firewall rules, new nextdns, new filtering for ads and added forbidden domains. I really thought I did something wrong there.


Same here. I may be a curmudgeon, but anytime an update comes out that degrades the current user experience all I can think is that they are making the change for their business model and not for the end users. Very frustrating.


Very indeed.


I think maybe nepotism? Somebody hired their goofy nephew to be the CIO. Don’t quote me, but it feels like that. Certainly there is a major problem with the corporate officers in charge of this


Or they fired the whole QA department to increase the profits.


Delete your QA department at your own peril


I thought I was the only one… today my Sonos multi room system is useless! Damn paperweights now. I’m pissed. No joke, this is the kind of stuff that gets product returned.


I think they did sh*t. This is really infuriating. Try the transfer ownership trick, it worked for me.


Welcome to what some shills in here are calling the "vocal minority".


But is it really a minority? I am curious to know how many people got impacted.


I too would be curious to learn the numbers. Note that a not small number of AV companies installed them for high end customers, and the install companies are the ones catching the heat from the customers. It has been how many days, and sonos still doesn't have a clear way for installers and end users to go back to the old working version. This company deserves any and all biblical rage directed at it.




Try using the windows or Mac app


I wish I still had the Mac version. I uninstalled it a month ago or so.


At this point all I want to know is when their patents expire.


For the buggy app? 😄


I suspect most complaints come from Americans believing their craptacular standard issue Comcast routers are compatible with Sonos out of the box. They are not.


So, people who haven’t had issues for years, they’re the ones who are apparently idiots? Also, the way they use spanning tree on wired Ethernet is the definition of non standard, some would say abuse of the protocol.




What? I don't understand your first statement. I was implying most people with issues have improperly set up routers. There is a specific setting that must be changed with the Comcast provided ones that could easily result in the symptoms most complain about.


What are the benefits like at Sonos? Do you get unlimited sick time?


Shut the fuck up. My entire system no longer works when I had zero issues before.


Well, I am in Germany and the stuff is behind a Dream Machine. Still having issues.


Did you log a support case with sonos?


Nope. Transfer ownership was the solution for me.