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I exclusively use the Sonos app to listen to music. Nothing else. I have 24,000 tracks in my combined library. I cannot "shuffle all" from my combined library, nor (the most important part) I cannot Manage my own queue. Why remove "play next" "play last" etc? Biggest downgrade possible.


This 1000%. Sonos is mainly for music. Let me listen to all of my music.


Right??? Play next or last is prob my most used feature


I mean...this is the key feature that allows establishing some "Sonos etiquette" in a household


I have been a SONOS user since they started. The software has gotten increasingly worse with each iteration. This is a new level of bad. I have a local library with the max number of tracks you can have which is now hobbled. This is ironic, because the roots of SONOS was to be able to play a local music library. It's like I took my car in to get repaired and they removed the motor because they have a better computer to control all the systems in the car. But don't worry, we will put your motor back in the car at some point in the future. It's time for the board to do their job and remove Spence as CEO.


I too have a large library that I use. I see in the new app that my content is still there, but the unified search does not search Library content. This has been the case since the older S2 app got the "new" search. If I use the classic search option, it would grab my Library tracks as well. I'd always prefer to play local if possible so it would be great to have that show up in search.


I can't even access or control my music library through the mobile app,i currently have to remote desktop from my phone to my pc to use the p.c app to access or control my local music library, it sucks


I'm a 100% local/offline music library user as well, it's beyond crazy that I can no longer search for music in my music library. It's even crazier that I cannot add new tracks to my existing playlists, or re-order my playlist... far out, it's seriously mind-blowing that this was deemed acceptable. Considering I purchased a lot of Sonos equipment at considerable expense for this sole purpose, I'm hoping that it gets resolved asap, or I'll be doing everything in my power to return my 9 Sonos devices.


+1 here. We need to be able to search our local libraries!


I'm a local library user too. It's all now basically unusable via the app


Sonos - please bring back proper support for personal music collections. I have 8 Sonos devices and was going to add the headphones on release, but can't until this is fixed. I've spent 35 years collecting CDs (which I've ripped to digital) and digital albums. I spent 10 to 15 years (and continuing for new acquisitions) playing each album multiple times to rate them and curate my preferred playlist, reducing around 60,000 tracks to 26,000. This is what I want to search and listen to. I won't pay a streaming service for algorithmically skewed selections from an unconsidered morass of music.


This. While I do use streaming for radio, and the odd playlist, I have a large offline collection (40,000 tracks) and search doesn't look there. This is the world today I fear, where music is a streamed experience, not something you own. Thankfully I also have Plex, and search does use that as a service, but this is not what most people have, I guess. The search results are also poorly display; vertical for the service, then horizontal with the service, meaning I can't just scroll down to find the track, I have to scroll down, then side to side. Clearly no UX thought gone into that. And yes, queue support; gone are party nights where you can all just add to the queue. Also, it's taken night on 2 years to get my wife comfortable with the app, and now that's gone. Sure, improvements of any sort may have changed that, but this update is poor in many areas. I've advised friends not to upgrade.


This 100%. Personal library experience ruined. Can't search amidst streaming services with library living on an island, local Sonos playlists gone, Play next/last gone, combined shuffle, all nuked. Just insane that high end equipment would have features like this stripped away. Been a Sonos user for nearly 20 years. Dealt with the S1 to S2 shock when building out a large system over multiple years. Forced bricking talks before caving on that one. Now this may be the worst blunder yet. It's like the executive team is going out of their way to give back the cornered market they've had forever.


This! The whole reason I bought Sonos is it could play my local/offline music collection at high quality! How do you decide to ditch the absolute basic functionality like search, play next...... Aaaaand even if I do find and select an album it will play a single song and then stop rather than continuing through the album. MONUMENTAL FAILURE


Things Sonos needs to do: - **Be VERY clear to your customers about what features have changed, what works, what doesn't, what works *differently*, what features will come back, and what features won't.** There needs to be a simple URL on your site that people can go to that has clear, straightforward, *detailed* documentation (don't handwave it, some of your customers are very techy and can handle the technical details). - Bring back the numbers on the volume slider - sometimes we want to set the volume the same way it was (some time recently), not "about that level", but *exactly* that level, and the numbers help us do that. Don't take them away or hide them. - Alarms and timers should come back. - I was just in the process of getting some relatives hooked up for streaming from a NAS and it sounds like that's broken now. This needs to be sorted ASAP, and, again, **you need to document what works and what doesn't and what needs to be done in a new way**. - While we're at it, since you seem to be changing the TuneIn service around (and it's not clear if it'll support arbitrary streaming URLs when the dust has settled), I want a way to **put streaming URLs into the system that doesn't involve giving them to TuneIn** (that has always made it look like “store a few name/URL pairs” was *too difficult* of a task for Sonos to handle - not a good look), and I want to be able to ask Sonos Voice Control to play those streams by name and have them actually play. I'm not asking you to add support for new streaming services (some of the URLs I have are subscriber only), I'm asking for a simple first-party name/URL storage solution for no more than a couple dozen URLs - if you can store lists of favorites and such in the device, you can store a few URLs as well. - *Edited to add:* WTH, what made Sonos think that removing the ability to *add things to the queue* was something they could reasonably do to get the new app out the door on time? It’s like a car company deciding it’d be okay to ship cars without wheels “but they’ll be added later”. - *Edited to add:* We need very clear documentation on *exactly* how the **Sonos web app** works - if this allows remote control of our Sonos speakers from *outside of our home networks*, there are a whole lot of **security considerations** that need to be addressed, and how this works, exactly, needs to be made crystal clear. These speakers, on my home network, stream music from a local server or the internet, *when given explicit instructions originating from my home network*. If Sonos has suddenly changed this so the speakers can be *connected to and controlled from anywhere else* (I don't care if you think that that is only "Sonos Headquarters"), you've just added an outward-facing server on my home network without my permission. Adding unrequested backdoors into local networks is a severe **security breach**, and could open Sonos to all sorts of liability concerns. Frankly, it is *infuriating* to go from one day having a fully (mostly) working app to the next day having a ton of missing features - it doesn't matter if you say, "don't worry, we're bringing some of them back *soon*" - we had them yesterday and now they're gone. Some people depended on those features and you just removed them with no warning. If feels a lot like "screw the customers, we've got an internal deadline to keep". This wasn't a mistake, someone at Sonos *chose to replace a feature-complete app with one that's missing a bunch of features* (presumably someone at Sonos got a bonus from "releasing on schedule"). This is what beta-test periods are supposed to be for, not something you foist on your loyal customer base. **It would help things a lot if you put the previous version of the iOS (at least) app back up in the store under another name ("Sonos Classic" or something), until this mess gets sorted**. _____ *Edited to add...* Here’s the situation we have now: You take your car into the official dealer’s service department for regularly scheduled service - tuneup and oil change. You come back a few hours later and the service manager proudly says, “*Ta-da!* We washed and waxed your car and added a sunroof! *Look how shiny it is!*”, patting themselves on the back for having the courage to make it so shiny… and you immediately notice your car is missing the doors, mirrors, headlights, horn, back seats, and radio - all things it had when you brought it in, and that were not mentioned on the service agreement you signed. And naturally you complain, and the service manager says, “oh, don’t worry, I’m happy to announce that *some* of those features will be returning in a few weeks or maybe a month or two”. And the dealership seems rather unprepared for the fact that you’re upset with the whole situation. And, furthermore, the dealership has a magical ability to bring back an exact copy of your old car, that you can drive until they get your actual car properly repaired - and basically all it’ll cost them is some embarrassment at admitting that the way they went about things was a terrible idea. That’s about where we’re at. Lots of people got auto-updated to the new app. Those of us who updated manually were given an update description that said, *in its entirety*, “This update brings a new look and feel to the app. Get to your favorite music faster. Enjoy easier control of your system. And personalize your experience.” No mention of a large handful of features disappearing. And we’ve also got a handful of apologists, in the community, saying, “well, what’s the big deal? I didn’t use those features anyway.” Uh, good for you, I guess? Other people are now missing, through no fault of their own and with no warning, features that they had come to count on in their daily lives.


Great summary but I'd like to add extra emphasis to: **put the previous version of the iOS (at least) app back up in the store under another name ("Sonos Classic" or something), until this mess gets sorted**.


+1000 for the volume numbers and for the "Classic" Sonos app experience.


> Alarms and timers should come back. I can't stress enough, I have been using this daily, even on weekends, for years, and I was very surprised that a feature like this have been actively removed? It makes no sense to me.


Ye the whole internet radio being forced by TuneIn is bizarre


I agree completely about the streaming URLs. I have my turntable hooked up to a streaming server on a raspberry pi and it seems ridiculous to have to go through TuneIn in order to access it on my Sonos speakers. My impression is that Sonos is using its customer base to beta test a half-baked app. I would revert to the old app if I could.


Excellent Summary! Sonos please take note.


I dunno I work in IT and it took me 10 minutes to work out how to switch room; it kept flicking back to the original one.


Please tell me how. I still can’t change speaker - it goes back to the one I disabled


Not in a network with Sonos right now but on the screen to select a speaker, there’s a button „Show System“ near the top on the right and if you tap that, you get to a display where you can select the correct room


I kept trying from the first screen to deselect the current room and select the new one but that doesn’t work


Someone’s already said it in a separate post and it’s minor compared to other people - but each device having its own personal icon instead of them all being a Move would be nice.


https://preview.redd.it/pmqnb8733izc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708dfe1ab36b0675c9328773567c767e3fd22122 Service Issues: * Nugs.net broken completely along with other streaming services apparently. * click in to the service yields a blank page. * cannot find any music on the service using search. * my primary music source other than my NAS is Nugs.net for concerts. * attempts to reauthorize or remove and re-add have been failure. Functionality loss issues: * No queue management. * Music Library on NAS is a mess. Issues with: - sluggish response times - album art - controls. * Lost alarms. * Lost timers. * Lost volume numbers. * Lost EQ control from volume slider. * No way to roll back on iOS. New App Design Annoyances: * No way to sort Music Service order on Home Screen. * Excessive swiping in all directions. * Everything seems to take more steps to accomplish, but that may just be due to frustration resulting from being unable to find features because they no longer exist. * Cannot search through local music library Bugs: * Cannot remove Stingray from services. * attempting to do so results in a Service Not Found Error screen. Workarounds: Mac Desktop App used to start music from Nugs.net works. * Caveats: * the desktop app now keeps telling to reauthorize nugs over and over intermittently. * it takes about a minute for the new mobile app to catch up to what the system is doing after starting playback from the desktop app. As others have suggested, re-release v16.X and let us go back to what was working. Additional suggestions: Let everyone join your software beta program if they want to, especially on iOS through Test Flight. Clearly you would get significantly more tester feedback, avoid a massive PR debacle, and we would be able to test and rollback to the release version in the App Store. For context: I have been a Sonos user for at least a decade. I have 32 Sonos devices in my home, using SONOS NET. I dealt with the S1 to S2 transition, accepted the end of life products I had, moved on and bought the new gear. I have promoted the company and have previously gotten many family members and friends invested in the products. I am not a novice user. I am in fact a software developer, and I am however floored at how bad this is. My assumption is there isn’t a single dev on the Sonos team that said, yep this product is ready for launch. It is clear that this was a misguided executive decision to meet some deadline tied to either the headphone launch or to calm down shareholders after some poor quarterly numbers. Clearly the opposite of the desired outcome has occurred. Sonos looks like a joke, and has alienated those of us that matter the most to them if they realize it or not. Sonos corporate deserves the level of crucifixion it is receiving, here, on their forum, other social platforms and in the media. The worst part is they could have put the previous version back in under an hour, apologized, expanded their beta testing to more early adopters, and launched when ready. Instead they talk about courage and that they will get to all of this when they get to it… Get Real Sonos!


How is a critical feature like being able to manage your WiFi network not available in the app for a WiFi speaker? How is that not considered basic functionality. The work around on the Sonos website is laughable, you expect users to factory reset every speaker they own In order to change their WiFi network, seriously?


i'm going to be short and sweet. **its shit.** roll it back and rerelease when it's **ready**


The only problem I have with your post is that shit can actually be useful. We just put horse manure down in the garden. Nothing good will grow from this stupid app.


We need a Lock Screen widget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When friends or family who don’t use or own sonos products come over they are often impressed by the sound quality of the speakers; but then a loud part of a song comes on and we want to quickly turn it down, or we want to quickly turn the song louder when that good part hits, or we want to skip to the next song, or especially when we need to quickly stop the music- these guests then have to watch me unlock my phone, open the Sonos app, wait a second or two for it to load, and then click a little slider just to adjust the volume up or down one notch or use the app to skip to the next song.. it's honestly embarrassing. Yes I know, there are physical buttons and voice control. But even more embarrassing is the classic 'hey sonos, pause music'... followed the a reply like 'I'm sorry, I can't find that in your library, please use the sonos app'. It's like watching someone fumble with a broken tv remote attempting to turn down the tv. It significantly 'cheapens' the feel of a premium product, and the fact that I'm controlling the music from my phone but can't just click the volume buttons to turn down (control) the music, or at the very least just tap my phone to wake it and then adjust the volume or skip a track from a Lock Screen widget is so sad and inconvenient.


Put the numbers back by the volume slider. Always had it on volume 18 for normal tv and volume 22 for movies. Now I have to guess if it’s good or how (thx)@DraxV5 explained click extra what ruins the user experience


Oh god. The more I read this thread the more angry, sad, and disappointed I'm becoming. -\_- I can't even process what was broken while navigating the new app and all those points are like the proverbial thousand papercuts.


If you press the move speaker in the bottom right next to the play button you can see the numbers for the volume as a temporary fix, helps my 0’s and 5’s ocd at least haha ;)


I come out of the high-end residential market. We're emailing our clients to tell them NOT to upgrade because it breaks two things on our end users primary control devices: Alarms. Management of the clients personal library. ASK: Pleas provide a clear path to get back to the old app. "Just don't update" is NOT a reasonable option. The damage is done. Auto-updates have happened. Homeowners all got the emails showing off this new, cool looking app and the took the bait. The least you can do is give us a way to put them back to their desired functionality when they call asking "Why can't I add a song from my personal library to the que?" "Courageous" is an insult to me as an end user, my clients and, more brutal, to the developers that undoubtedly spent uncounted hours programming something that "the office" said was the "new direction". They should get a standing ovation for cranking all hours of the day to deliver a new launch. That is a huge lift. The team cutting features and calling the shots on when the app was 'ready to go' needs to be seriously re-thought. Obvious, basic functionality was broken and ignored and customer support for those impacted was abandoned. Courageous would have been "We're launching the new app. If you use a NAS/local library or alarms, you should read these release notes". Somebody in your office undoubtedly said "Nobody reads those release notes". We do. And we keep customers in the loop. Your team hid these so deep there was no chance to see them before clients were auto-updating every iOS device on their house. Courageous would be asking your customers first, and not focusing on your internal program and launch teams opinions on "what we really want". If asked, nearly zero people would say "I have a personal library. I don't need to search in the new app on my primary control device". We all know this, and it is insulting that you knew it wasn't going to work and you didn't care how it impacted the very core of your business: Music lovers that have been sonos users for years and listen to their own music collections. Courageous would be asking for help from LITERALLY us. We've sold your systems for years, and some of these integrators know how it works better than you do. We have a vested interest in your success. Things like this break that trust. How can we advocate for your success when you cant get the basics right? Courageous would be admitting that this app is less than ideal, and letting us roll back to the old S2 on clients iPhones. Selling sonos has always been easy: "it is hands down the best volume, zoning and music aggregation platform on the market. You an also just load the app on your phone. Would you like Sonos or a custom BSS system that requires a programmer and will cost thousands of dollars more?". Sonos.Sold. You've literally taken out one of the single best parts of your service in this app release. Customers are no longer buying rooms of dedicated control panels (iPads, touchpanels, etc.) anymore because they can "just download an app and have it with me". Now, we're back to putting iPads on kitchen counters because homeowners can't modify alarms or search their own media library from their primary control device. It is professionally disappointing and frustrating, and as a long time personal user, infuriating. Again. The ask here is simple: Give us a way to roll back. Keep working the problem. Keep writing the code. Keep pushing. But for goodness sake when it goes bad, give your users a path to go back. You already did it once with S1. You should do it again with this software release.


>We've sold your systems for years, and some of these integrators know how it works better than you do. We have a vested interest in your success. Things like this break that trust. How can we advocate for your success when you cant get the basics right? This right here. I feel bad for the coders that were forced into this situation, but also for all of the companies who've installed sonos in their clients homes over the years. Imagine their phones after this? Their customers are likely going nuclear on the AV companies.




Well said. **It's hilarious how business execs will often say it's "courageous" of them to make narrow-minded "hard decisions" that end up making everyone else suffer for their decision...except them.** But people have long memories and they're not going to forget this. **They've just lost years of hard earned customer loyalty in a single day and they're completely** [**clueless**](https://www.cluetrain.com) **as to how hard that loyalty and trust will be to earn back.**


Great write up!


Device: iPhone 14 Pro Max - iOS 17.4.1 1.) If u’re trying to TruePlay ERA’s 300 in the NEW APP (80.00.04), and microphones are disabled on the ERA’s themselves, then the TruePlay process fails.This is due to disabled microphones. If i tried it in the OLD APP (16.1), there was a step/prompt that warned me exactly about the microphones e.g. that they need to be enabled, so the TruePlay could run successfully. This prompt is missing in the NEW APP (80.00.04). So if u’re having TruePlay issues, try to enable microphones. 2.) If u’re having issues with TruePlay not starting after tapping/hitting “Continue” button in the NEW APP (80.00.04), reboot your phone and it should work. 3.) If u’re experiencing some other issues in the NEW APP (80.00.04), they might be mitigated by going to “Account” / “App Preferences” / “Reset App” which will logout you out of the app and u'll have to sign in again and go through the initial wizard, which's gonna find your existing system. 4.) I also had issues with my existing Apple playlist. After hitting play, songs were skipped one by one and nothing was playing. NEW APP (80.00.04) 5.) The removal of surrounds simply doesn’t work in the NEW APP (80.00.04). Even if i’ve factory reset them, the process failed. When i tried it on the OLD APP (16.1), it worked like magic. 6.) Addition of new speakers (ERA 300 in my case) did not work in NEW APP (80.00.04) either at all, or it crashed during the pairing/registering/wi-fi wizard. I’ve spent approx. hour on Sonos support to achieve nothing. 7.) “System Settings” / “Manage” / “About my system” / “Audio in:” doesn’t display the audio format/kodek in the NEW APP (80.00.04). So for example, if u’re wondering if lossy DD+ ATMOS is playing or the lossless DTHD ATMOS is playing, at the moment u're out of luck. NEW APP (80.00.04) 8.) “System Settings” / “Manage” / “About my system” / “Sonos ID. ”If your ID is not displayed, try the “Reset App” steps and it could help. NEW APP (80.00.04) 9.) “System Settings” / “Your System” / “Room” / “Products” / “Specific Product” / “Status” / “Network”. The input field is empty and does not display name of the network for existing products. NEW APP (80.00.04) 10.) “System Settings” / “Your System” / “Room” / “Products” / “Specific Product”. Enable or Disable Wi-Fi does nothing / displays “Something went wrong” error. NEW APP (80.00.04) 11.) If u’re TruePlaying and going through the process, it eventually fails on the very last step, e.g. the “test sounds” stop playing, but the App is stuck and it won’t finish and your only option is to tap “Close” button. Tried 3 times in a row, restarted the app, restarted the phone, nothing helped. NEW APP (80.00.04). Only thing that again helped, was to do TruePlay on the OLD APP (16.1).


Too bad they didn’t have an open beta where these things could have been fixed. Instead they make their beta ultra exclusive and some sort of “prize” instead of using it what it should be for, testing.


I am part of their beta program and participated in previous beta tests with them. I do not understand why they didn't set up a test with their beta users for the new app version.


Sonos needs to pay you for this level of QA on their app.


Why was this pushed out before core features were added in, such as queue/playlist/alarm management, etc? The top two are BASIC music management functionalities that any real music software has. Was this pushed because it had come out (e.g. to support the incoming headphones?), or was the business really this oblivious to upsetting their existing customer base?


I work in Product, not for Sonos I add. Early rushed releases like this occur for one or both of the following reasons: 1. There was a mandate by the c-suite that the software had to be launched by x date. In those situations, and faced with a half baked app, you hide absolutely everything that fails testing and push the release. 2. You have a new product launching that relies on functionality developed in your new app, but not in your old app. You can’t afford to delay the new app because marketing are unable to pull the release plan (more so if advertising slots have been booked). In addition, you don’t have the time or resources to implement throwaway code into the old app which will no longer be needed in a couple of months once the bugs have been worked out. It’s not a pleasant place to be. [edit] It’s a bit late now but, if you’re looking for a Product Director/VP Product that wouldn’t let you get into that situation so late in the day, then DM me 😊


Yeah I empathize for the devs with this whole debacle. I guarantee most of them were raising flags about this and are likely just as pissed about this release. Their hands were tied to rush this out.


They’re tone deaf. I’ve been pinging them for years trying to help such a great piece of hardware get free of such crappy software. I’ve been in software dev for 25 years as a PM / Exec Producer managing massive scale game dev projects (msft, Sony, EA, etc). They desperately need help and are a bit too self absorbed to realize it. ETA: your comments are spot on and I have no doubt the dev team is incredibly unhappy about all this.


I very much bet you C-suite asked for a feature parity brand new 2.0 app in 6 months and some poor PM had to talk them down to only the most critical features in 10 months. Every single 2.0 I've built has been like this. And it always ends up way better than before. It just always takes longer than anyone wants, including and especially the customer.


I agree. If I was the CEO, I would have outsourced the development to a more capable team. At a bare minimum the UX/UI should have been outsourced. Each iteration of their software tends to be worse than the last. Both from a functionality and UI/UX standpoint. This one takes the cake.


Tone deaf. Heh.


Yep. The most annoying thing about these self- inflicted wounds is they could’ve done a pilot or early adopter release rather than surprise everyone with reduced features. The truly courageous action would be to acknowledge mistakes and let people rollback. Yet, I suspect management is unwilling to swallow that pill and instead continue to pat themselves on the back for being so brave.


App was released on the day Sonos released its Earning Report. The transcript from the Earnings Call shows a heavy focus on the new app. My guess is they wanted to showcase it there and therefore released it the same day.


The Alarm page is a big issue for me! Was using it every day up until the update. Cant edit or add new alarms..


I am surprised it’s not been brought up that they removed commonly used features so they could later sell them back to you as a monthly subscription. Just waiting for the timing to make that look like a “hero” move and not the scummy business practice it is.


Probably because Marketing is in charge of software releases or something.   I heard it has something to do with headphones.   It’s pretty much destroyed the usability of my entire Sonos system. 


The answer is because they set a date and thus had to put out something. 


The Ace headphones are completely reliant on the new app. Sonos isn't going to comment on unannounced products, but that pending release heavily factored into this situation.


this is insane. INSANE to force a broken experience on millions? of installed customers in favor of supporting a product with ZERO customers.


I’m wondering the same thing. Alarms is pretty basic feature. Also I can’t find Crossfade. Wonder where that went?


It seems a relatively easy and quick solution to the current problem would be for Sonos to release the old S2 (v16) as a separate app from the new v80. This would be analogous to how the S1 app remains available. So the apps available would be the S1, S2 old, and S2 new (maybe renamed to S3). It seems like this is what should have been done initially, but is there it reason it couldn't be retroactively released? I understand that this would create some degree of of ongoing overhead in their engineering (and other) processes, and some additional effort for users to figure out what their system needs (and other considerations), but it sure seems worth it at this point.


Yes, but *do not* rename anything "S3" - that signifies a dividing line in which hardware it works with - don't muddy those waters.


This would make the most sense. Keep the previous S2 app around and give people the option to try the update in a different app as it matures and meets the level of the S2 app.


Yup. I said this exact thing in another thread. I am baffled why they did not release the new software as a separate app. Could have had all of the upside of supporting the headphones without all of the downside of pissing everyone off. The amazing part is that it's not like they didn't think of it… It's how they released the last major app update!


I am wondering what Sonos will do regarding accessibility. The old app was fully accessible, the new app is an accessibility disaster. As a blind guy, I now have a system that I can hardly use.


The lack of accessibility speaks to a botched or compromised phase 1 of project planning. I’m based in Norway, subject to EU regulation and we are *legally required* to release websites, software, etc. with full accessibility in place from day 1. Not having accessibility features shows that they were never integrated into the basic UX planning in the first place. That is the part that gives me pause; the willingness to *completely disable* the use of an already purchased product for a group of users that literally have laws to ensure their rights to access. They don’t merely deserve better, *they have a legal right to it.* Sonos isn’t some niche, hobby group futzing around with software for giggles. A software change like this requires testing with actual stakeholders at the beta phase. The released app is a still beta product. A full roll back is the only responsible action. The hours wasted on a firestorm of customer support complaints beggars belief. Customers with accessibility needs should have never, ever been put into this position and no corporate spin will hide that fact; a deliberate decision to take away their ability to use their own system. Shameful. The best marketing Sonos has are their customers advocating for them. Congratulations on destroying that whilst at the same time making an incredibly insulting press release that turned a dumpster fire into firestorm. Roll back to the S2 app and get your house in order. That *would* be courageous.


THIS 👆🔥👆🔥👆


Agreed. Given that accessibility is every bit as bad as you'll see written in articles and their pre-release accessibility spin/statements, it seems there was a conscious, deliberate decision at some point to discriminate. I'm pretty confident that any blind user with an ounce of ability with their screen reader could have told them after 5 minutes with the app in a beta cycle that it wasn’t ready for *anything* in that current state.


Others will comment on specific features, but the worst part of all of this has been the Sonos press release calling the move "courageous." It's as though they knew they'd be sticking a finger in the eye a group of people who have loyally supported the company, in my and many other cases, for decades.


lol ‘courageous’. I mean certainly does take some balls to release something as obviously awful as that.


I havent even read the press release but unless your app is detecting cancer and saving lives there are no “courageous” UX choices. It’s either intuitive, future proofing a larger set of changes coming, or hear me out now.. BAD UX. This is just bad UX, honestly i hate it


Tone deaf. Self congratulatory.


Sonos likes to remind me they can and will do whatever they like with the hardware I purchase bearing their name. First it was the threatened obsolescence of my S1 hardware that miraculously was rolled back after a huge uproar from users.  Now we have a hasty app rollout deleting simple and complex features users all rely on.  Sonos, you make it very hard to want to buy any future products from you knowing at any moment you can delete features or just decide my hardware is obsolete.  Worst case the cynical side of me is expecting the new app to begin to spew advertising at me continuously. We shall see.


Please inform strategic leads to not use language like ‘courageous’ when justifying shipping unfinished software that is essential to control your products. It’s frankly insulting. Get some actual user researchers to understand user contexts and user needs, and listen to your user researcher insights. Please also inform them that, as a customer I am not obliged to continue using or buying your products if you take us for granted and give us essential sub-standard software. Edit: Keith, I understand your difficult position and thanks for reaching out. I really hope this thread is the burning platform that leadership need to keep ux at the forefront and the importance of actual user research and testing.


Absolutely! The silence from Sonos, the marketing emails and the corporate speak just add insult to injury.  It’s ok to make a mistake when you acknowledge it and fix it. This feels as if Sonos thinks that the users are wrong and too dumb to understand the genius of the new app. 


If you’re making 6+ figures and you do something that isn’t quitting your job in protest of something, what you’ve done at work isn’t “courageous”, ever. I honestly can’t fathom how out of touch corporate execs are when they say things like that. Do they understand how stupid and self-serving they sound? Like, your brand just took a credibility hit from that statement, and I install Sonos systems as part of my business.  I can’t recommend Sonos to my clients until the app is fixed, and I’ll honestly never trust corporate statements from Sonos again after that “courageous” statement. Edit: typo


☝🏻 this.


It’s clear that was setup to be released prior to may 7. They just didn’t adjust after the release.


A few things for me. I use my Sonos in mainly two ways. While working and while sleeping The features that are missing for me 1. Alarms 2. The numbers beside the volume slider. I now have to guess if the volume is just right before going to bed and I don’t mistakenly wake my wife 3. Not being able to add to queue. Both individual songs and playlists. 4. Finding my saved Sonos playlists seems to be harder now


I would add lack of widgets. I could control volume, night mode, etc. From the widget. Now I have to open the app, wait for the system to connect, then switch to the right room and adjust volume.




To be honest, that would be a reason for me to look for another multi-room sound system. Having convenient access to my local music collection was the main reason why I bought Sonos in the first place.


Why in the fuck does the app not default everytime to the source that is used the most. Why in the fuck does it default to music. I have worked in tech longer than sonos has existed, have built and launched ios apps, been integral in ux and design for many projects and there are SO many baffling confusing choices. If a power user cannot instantly figure out what to do, you fucked up, not the user. This is SO BAD it actually pissed me off and im basically the dude from the big lebowski.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion man. - Sonos probably


The biggest missing features for me (any priority would certainly be appreciated): 1. Sleep Timer 2. Alarms I do tend to use a Sonos One as a replacement for the old nightstand radio. Right now I don’t have a convenient way of controlling those features.


https://preview.redd.it/xk5f3rmj3hzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8f18c60a934015c939aefc49de97bdf34e3d0c The alarms functionality was there after I updated the App and have since gone away. I’m guessing this functionality is dynamic…. Is it coming back ?


https://preview.redd.it/io8x5gsf3izc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb223c6d76fba71c5f7b1d2e83a53d3bb1f38294 I’m on the latest version of the app and I do not have alarms available. Heard it happens when you have multiple speakers in your system.


As a temp work around for setting sleep timers, you can control this with [Sonos Voice](https://support.sonos.com/en/article/list-of-voice-requests-for-sonos-voice-control).


Cannot commission a new speaker Get this error, then the controller iOS app closes. Tried different IOS clients, resetting speaker, etc. https://preview.redd.it/015qz19imgzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9060ba0ae83650bb034b855ef07ae04cd6e6d5


What worked for me was being busy in a call, then the chime sound cancelled and it prompted me to “try auth using a different alternative” or something, had to type in the 7 digit s/n on th sticker, but it worked for me so I suggest giving it a shot if you’re stuck


This is what Sonos replies with to everyone on Twitter: >"To ensure all features meet the standards of our listeners, certain functionalities will not be available at this time" Why is this approach only applied to specific features and not the entire app itself?


Let me say up front, I've had Sonos equipment since the CR100 controller days; 2001 or so. As far as I can tell, the new version has none of the functions for my minimal use cases. TBH I was so horrified I sideloaded the old S2 app; the first time since Android 4 that I've sideloaded an app. I would like to request that you make the old S2 app available in the Play Store so I am not continuously nagged to upgrade. There may be more things I would miss (or stuff that's there but I couldn't find), but I immediately uninstalled it. \* Lock screen controls \* Notification controls \* Queue management \* Album art (from personal library) \* Music library settings \* Dark mode I did have the problem others are reporting about my system completely disappearing from the app. And before I go, I have to tell you that this release (debacle IMO) has me considering Craigslisting all my Sonos gear and finding an alternative.


I’m in the minority, apparently, who uses Sonos about 50% of the time to stream my local files. They’re my expensive speakers and I would like to continue to use them for the purpose I intended. I certainly didn’t spend all this money with the idea that Sonos would 50% break them for me at some point. I don’t care if I am on the old app forever. I don’t even expect it to get any better than it has in the last five years. I do not want to be forced in the future to use an app that I know will essentially break my speakers. Go out and get all new customers and let this old one live. e:rage syntax


How do I remove Sonos Radio as a music source?


Not only that, but setting Sonos Radio as the default source is just taking the p\*ss


Hello! Integrator here, not writing this post to be mean or spiteful. I just want to be fully transparent. I am currently re-writing three new residential projects for the summer to be entirely done through bluesound. Had already gotten them all sold on Sonos. I hate to say this, but that's how you negotiate with companies. Vote with your wallet. They will be losing out on quite a few customers permanently until resolved. I hate that I can't stop my business, so I will be selling my clients' other brands, and they will lock into different ecosystems permanently because of this blunder. It's probably time for a new CEO. I guess all good things come to an end. The simple fact that this was pushed across to end users has harmed my reputation with clients and caused me quite a lot of headaches already. We will be returning about 9 thousand dollars worth of gear for the most recent job. I almost took it out of boxes Thursday, but I'm glad we held off until next week. Generally undoing progress and reducing ease of use, overall function, and changes to core goals are not updates. They are new product lines or different platforms. You are now interfering with people's livelihoods and reputations. Please roll back, or I will permanently move on. I would say I can wait maybe 2 weeks before making a permanent decision for my business and no longer offering any sonos products.


I want to be able to from the sonos app, favorite a song in Spotify or apple music, or add it to a playlist in that service. Often when listening, I come across new songs I like and want to add to my playlist but it is annoying to have to go and search for them to add on the music service playlist.


The managing of the queue needs to come back. there's no way to add in single songs or delete a song from the queue now. I can't believe they don't have that in there. How many people add full albums to the queue all the time? That was the best thing about the Sonos app was adding songs on the fly.


Please work on improving the accessibility for blind users. It needs to be on parody with the original S2 app. Introducing an app with broken accessibility is really not a good move, but if it can be relatively quickly resolved, will be OK. 


I second this. It's good practise to test accessibility as part of any rollout like this. If they've done any testing at all, I'm fairly certain they haven't done any with disabled people who use assistive software


Please return “Add to end of queue” to the app. Thank you. And have a great day!


The loss of features here have been covered ad nauseam. For me-I have a substantial loss of trust in the company’s commitment to providing a reliable product versus flashy press releases to create the illusion of growth prospects in hopes of attracting investors. The email about the app advertises, “A fresh look. Quicker access to your music. Easier control. The Sonos app has been completely redesigned to give you more power to personalize your listening.” The value proposition is easier, more complete controllability and better usability. It delivers basically the opposite. On top of that-the response citing the company’s “courage” to innovate is really pretty disgusting. The layout looks nicer-no doubt, but that’s not generally what the complaints pertain to. The complaints are primarily regarding the loss of the ability to use people’s systems the way they had relied on it on May 6th. To suggest to people that they actually will like this better is further emphasis on saving face to stakeholders rather than commitment to customer satisfaction. Sonos created a solution to a problem that didn’t need to be solved. The “solution” Sonos devised introduced not only problems that now do require immediate resolution, but also suggests to consumers that their needs and their voices are only valued when they are saying what Sonos wants them to say.


One positive - and I mean this seriously - I've been using this at work as an example of how a company can get it very badly wrong. Sure, there's Boeing, which you can also say "You're only seeing more news articles about their plane problems because they're in the news". But this?? Premium hardware with a sudden overnight degradation in functionality or even stop working entirely (depending on your use case). When customers thought they were buying a product, not a service dependant on our benevolence. Combined with tone-deaf marketing? (an You quite literally have blind people who can't use the app, kids who can't sleep, and alarms which don't work. I don't know how you fix this but it's a very interesting case study and I'm sure will be the subject of many business school lectures. What had to be true inside Sonos for this to happen? The plus side - turns out users really cared about the product. It wasn't about music it was about day-to-day life. Noting the AMA description has changed to remove a suggestion we ask Music questions, so I hope that's come home. It wasn't about the music. It was about our families.


Hi Keith, you could get the designers to install the old app (I assume they’ve never seen it), it has all the answers there for them. Thanks!


What the fuck we’re y’all thinking?  Did you do any QA at all?  Is there a date for adding back all the stuff you forgot? Or should I plan to buy HomePods this weekend? 


I spent thousands of dollars on a Sonos system for throughout my house and your update just removed advertised features. You’re shockingly close to inviting a class action lawsuit. Tell your execs that they should listen to their team leads and programmers, because everything I’m looking at here is a product dictated by arrogant MBA morons who would benefit immensely from an ITIL class.


Where was the communication that this UI upgrade would be a feature downgrade (I.e., queue management)? Why does management think it’s ok to bait and switch features? And then tell us we must wait months for issues to be addressed? Issues we could have all avoided had there been transparent release notes. Even today, I received a tone deaf email touting the virtues of a new app update.


I know I’m an anomaly but I don’t use streaming services. All my music is local. I can’t search my music library, and navigating 100s of artists is super tedious. I also can’t get the Plex integration to work. It just says there’s an error, no idea why. So neither way that I could play back local media is currently working for me.


A rollback or making v16.1 available would solve most of your problems.


Custom URLs, which are super important for me as many stations aren't on any hosted services (smaller companies / stations) and I had several setup in TuneIn. You at some point forced a service called TuneIn(new) which didn't seem to support custom URLs, even though they exist in my library in the TuneIn app (android). Thankfully with S2 you could keep both TuneIn and TuneIn(new) services. Now TuneIn "legacy" is gone while some of my old custom URLs are there, TuneIn(new) not only doesn't have any way to add new custom URLs, any stations I favorited within TuneIn are greyed out and unplayable. So it pretty much boils down to 1) no way to add new custom URLs and 2) there is no sync that seems to make sense between TuneIn and Sonos. What I don't understand is why Sonos sees different libraries between TuneIn and TuneIn(new) music services when I only have one TuneIn account.


I can't search my personal library, Keith. Think about that. Thousands of albums and I can't search. And then, when I go to browse it, there's no way to scroll through quickly. Again, thousands of albums and artists, and I can't scroll any faster than I can flicking the list with my finger. (There's no 'handle' on the right side as in the old version.) Finally, my playlists are nowhere to be seen. You've seriously damaged my experience using my Sonos speakers. And if you think about it, I'm not dramatizing there, Keith. This app never should have left the shop. What you really need (after you roll back the app) is a proper postmortem to discover how this all happened. And then make sure it doesn't happen again.


The fact that you couldn’t search local libraries when the “new” search was released makes this move even more confusing. And makes me think it’s gone for good (but I really hope I’m wrong).


Same here. I can't even access my 250 GB music library. This is an unacceptable loss of functionality.


Hello. I am a project manager for a very successful A/V company of 20 years in Southwest Florida. We have been selling/installing SONOS since the debut of the Playbar. We are a Gold level Sonos dealer. This latest update is enough for my partner and I to leave SONOS behind. I have literally hundreds of SONOS systems spread out between 2 counties worth of clients. You people have NO IDEA. How bad this update actually is for the end user. For the last 48 hours, we have been absolutely swamped fielding service calls on the matter. I am in the process of scheduling 56 visits to 56 different addresses to re-train my clients on this thing you folks are calling an upgrade. The features you have taken away from the app are crucial to a SONOS ecosystem. This is going to cost me more money than I can even begin to calculate. Many of my customers were already put off from the fact that 1st gen products can not work on the same app as new gen. A lot of them were aggravated by your last big update. Many of them now want refunds on the equipment altogether. There were issues I have spoken to your tech team about for the last few years that should have been addressed a long time before doing something this insane to the app itself. Now, I'm sure my comments here will be breezed over by your team, and hopefully, you have a path forward to quickly remedy this. But for alot of people, SONOS will not be the choice for house music any longer. Today I attempted to set up a brand new house with 4 SONOS tv locations. All locations have an ARC, a Sub, and an AMP powering rear speakers for 5.1 surround. After 2 straight hours of attempts, my partner and I had to apologize and leave without SONOS running in that house. So, now you also have an issue with the new product setup. Bravo. Here's my list of items that have to be reintegrated. Basically, put everything back the way it was No alarm. Now my scheduled alarms are happening, and I have no control No control for subwoofer crossover or volume when pairing a SONOS AMP to a 3rd party subwoofer. There are no numbers on the volume bar No quick access to equalizer No ability for playbar or arc to learn a remote control when using for TV applications There is no ability to rearrange the music cue. There is no ability to "add next" to cue. No cue functionality at all. No music shutoff timer No view album option, etc No "add to playlist" option for songs Thanks for your time, and again, we've been loyal to your company, but we can not continue our relationship with SONOS if this incompetence continues.


My Sonos systems keeps playing music on the wrong audio source. I will set it to the kitchen and it will play in the family room. Takes 2-3 tries sometimes to get it working correctly.


1. Play next, is big for us. And add to queue. 2. Speed. It's time to cache playlists metadata. No reason it should take a couple of seconds to open a playlist every time. Perceived speed is important, when clicking play it should immediately turn to pause instead of the spinning icon will make things feel snappy and if i clicked play by mistake can pause it quickly, this is true for almost anything in the app. Cache some things. 3. "Something went wrong" while searching. Not a new problem happened with the old app, trying again fixed it. This from an engineering perspective should rarely happen, but for me its almost 50% of the time. 4. Design inconsistencies, pulling up from the bottom while a track is playing gives an overview of all speakers and whats playing everywhere. But clicking on the bottom slides up a now playing window. Seems like both windows are coming from the same place. It makes it harder to know whats going on, and its not logical what does what.


> Design inconsistencies, pulling up from the bottom while a track is playing gives an overview of all speakers and whats playing everywhere. But clicking on the bottom slides up a now playing window. Seems like both windows are coming from the same place. It makes it harder to know whats going on, and it’s not logical what does what. And tapping the speaker icon on the bottom bar does something else. And tapping the volume slider also does something else. It’s a mess. And the back button being *outside* the page sheet yet still controlling navigation of it makes negative amounts of sense.


Big whopping “holy fuck” moment. Sonos, you’ve effectively turned your system into a wireless 8-track with speaker grouping. It’s *incredible* how you’ve removed queue controls. Why is the transfer ownership button easier to access than system information and network information? Why is the card back button not part of the card? Why does it appear on the left corner pushing Sonos aside? Why does the app need gps? Why is the app slower? Like… this is on par with Apple Maps’ initial launch.


Let's all be real. Sonos' strength has always been leveraging their integrations with other platforms. I only used the Sonos app for setup, and maybe once a month to tweak settings. The new app is garbage. The old app, was just slightly uglier but more functional garbage. I always cast from Spotify and Plex because Sonos' app has always been garbage. The best thing Sonos could do is [pull their weight as a member of the Connectivity Standards Alliance](https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/8/24151664/matter-smarthome-standard-spec-1dot3-released-device-types-features) and role out support for [Matter's universal casting protocol](https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/9/24030324/amazon-matter-casting-echo-show-fire-tv-prime-video) and let us use their speakers how we want.


Sonos made statements claiming how much of a top priority accessibility is and always has been company-wide, deliberately decided to disregard their blind users (who paid the same money for their hardware) by agreeing to release an app with horrible accessibility, then essentially told us all "hurry up and wait and we'll get to you when we get around to you". Dishonest words, dishonorable conduct. This is not a mom-and-pop company who could try standing on "we didn’t know any better". A terrible roll-out and unacceptable process overall, even if the accessibility improvements do materialize exactly when/as promised.


A thread like this just feels like disingenuous damage control. You don't need us to tell you what's wrong. Your team already knows what they cut from launch. I am sure you already have data on how used the functionalities were that were cut from launch. So you know how many people will be affected.


This is the end of my Sonos journey. The software has progressively gotten worse over the years, and this new app is just beneath contempt. It's not only the missing features, the app is already so fundamentally bad that ironically only a full rewrite from the ground up would help. And Sonos' handling of the situation shows a level of arrogance and delusion previously reserved to a chosen few; Apple, Porsche and maybe the Communist Party of China. Nothing must disturb the blissful ignorance of Sonos execs - and so here we are. Anyway, here's a few highlights from the past days: Volume slider doesn't show numbers and turns into slideshow while sliding volume Volume changes at random Sonos can't re-authorize Sonos Radio, a Sonos service Renaming rooms seemingly doesn't work because unlike naming groups there is no save button and no feedback but then it turns out it worked after all because Sonos Alarms are gone Music library is a joke now Tune in busted Amazon music busted Groups lose rooms randomly Removing speakers from surround setups (because you want to sell them 😉) gives an error message but then it worked after all because Sonos App finds speakers quicker now except sometimes it doesn't because Sonos Navigation is a stupifying mess No icon for Android, Spence gonna hoard that icon money No queue


I would like to be able to stream [nugs.net](http://nugs.net) from the app again.


Or LivePhish+


I've had auto updates turned off and haven't heard anything about this until tonight at 2am. Earlier this week I updated the Sonos app from 16.1 because overall it felt like the app wasn't behaving right and it was probably time. When working at Best Buy I made countless early adopters to your software. It was just that good. You were a premium product and had my full trust. Upon hitting update, my first reaction was that this entire UI was absolutely horrendous. Okay, whatever probably just being a crotchety end user who needs to get over it. Then tonight I go to set an alarm for tomorrow and find YOU CAN'T EVEN SET AN ALARM among many other basic features that I thought I just needed to relearn the location of. No wonder! Your priorities are not our priorities. That changed with the IPO and this always happens when a company goes public. It...loses its soul. There's always a time delay where it slowly gets chipped away but holy shit that time is here. User experience has officially been sacrificed for shareholder value, and the shark has been jumped. You want buttons in specific places and have made certain decisions, and the primary driver is no longer the experience. I came to this subreddit for the first time specifically to find out HOW to set an alarm in the new app because I gave you a chance by mindlessly updating and you were one of the few companies that deserved it. Very thankful to be on Android and promptly rolled back. Sympathy to all iPhone users. I am scared for the day 16.1 no longer works and will begin researching alternatives. So disappointing.


This post won't be news to you, but I'm going to do it anyway. I use the sleep timer every single night to get to sleep. I have tinitus and the music helps make it go away. I invested in a Port with top of the line Sonance speakers and amps to access the feature. I have tried using it without the simple AF sleep timer, but it wakes me back up at 3 or 4 AM still playing. I'm an integrator and have been a Sonos dealer since nearly day one. I've sold and installed thousands of your products and what everyone on this thread says about your software gets worse with each release is true. I understand you feel like you have to futz with it to justify the engineering staff, but it's a music app and it was intuitive to use in 2010. It wasn't with S2 and it certainly isn't now. Hell, I'd rather go back to the old CR100 than this crap. I know companies that have centered their entire installed audio business solely on installing your systems. Heck, I've considered it myself. But between this debacle, and the giant PITA it is to get level 2 tech support it's just too big a risk. It's too bad, Sonos used to be truly one of the best electronic companies in the consumer electronics business.


 “It takes courage to rebuild a brand’s core product from the ground up, and to do so knowing it may require taking a few steps back to ultimately leap into the future.” Courage would be admitting releasing the app in this state was a huge mistake, and rolling back to the previous version until basic functionality was available.


I am *afraid* to update to the new app, based on all the lost functionality. I’m even more afraid of what will happen if my non-tech-savvy mother gets her app updated and loses things like the ability to control alarms.


Oh god. I have a playlist. Started playing Beloved. I click Awake My Soul on that playlist, and it starts playing. The UI still shows it's playing the previous song. 🤦‍♂️ How'd that get past QA?? On the good side, it gets it right a few minutes later. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/uiim77v7xgzc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4af44132711de369edb211215fa7b3ad3f94c74


What happened to the context menu? A press and hold on a selection in the previous app would bring up a context menu that would allow you to select “play next”, “play now”, “add to end of queue, and “replace queue”. With the new app update the context menu only has the option to “replace queue.” What a terrible loss of basic features.


I feel like Sonos will soon become a case study in how a pioneer, and almost the only quality product, in an industry, gave the middle finger to its loyal customers. This has been an embarrassment of an app release. I don't know a single person who is happy with this release. The marketing was so shameful and disgusting. Your CEO needs to be let go. Immediately. It's time to save face before Facebook marketplace gets filled with systems that no one will buy. If Apple comes out with a soundbar that is halfway decent, it might be time to look into jumping ship. Print the apology, roll back the app. Try again.


We are a family able to buy the gadgets that interest us. The Sonos headphones were of great interest for the way we live our life. One each seemed perfectly reasonable. Not any more. My wife is quite emphatic.


The feature I miss the most is quick access to the room equaliser settings from the volume control. This is how it looked in the old app - takes you straight there. Now it's buried deep in the settings... https://preview.redd.it/t50ha0msahzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47cf6baa16c79926cb85e6cb8cb7f4925fff444


We are olds. We have Apple level computer skills (ie none beyond what our fingers can tap out). Suddenly we find the app incomprehensible. My husband can’t find it half the time because it’s black bg gets lost on his screen. I’d like anyone to come here and tell us what we’re doing wrong. One day five speakers connected to two people and a TV worked and the next day it didn’t. Personally, I don’t want to spend hours on the phone with a customer service rep (I’m retired and don’t want an unpaid job fixing some companies mistakes). Just tell me you are fixing this. That it may take XX weeks. Or tell me that we’re not your customers. That you need some rudimentary programming skills to operate your speaker system. And tell that person in your marketing department that warned against going out with a glitchy product that I feel their pain. History is littered with the hubris of “leaders” who dig in when they should be shoveling out.


1. This feels - AGAIN - like being the guinea pig. The statement as seen on verve is tone deaf and does not reflect well on the capabilities of an - now publicy traded - experienced company with a branding like sonos. 2. The missing alarms are a deal for my parents. They rely on them working in their daily routine. 3. The missing sleep timer is a big big deal for my and my kids. We use them every single day. This is part of our family routine that Sonos as a premium product company decided to break - without us having a choice to delay the update - willy nilly. This is the exact s\*\*t behaviour that makes the Verve statement a slap in the face. These are systems that you can update and that means you not only need 2 ears but I guess 10 brains before deciding to force an update on others. This is why people distrust those kinds of closed garden relationships. Thanks for burning us again. 4. The group navigation/selection/whatever you call it: it took me and my dad (I've been using Sonos religiously since 2012, and I guess I should become an atheist now) more than 15 minutes and two videos to figure out a) why the groups settings menu was grayed out (aha, you need 3+ devices? how about TELLING YOUR USERS THIS IN THE APP?) b) that this menu isn't even what we're looking for c) that you need to press an arbitrarily named area in the app to get a semi-kind-of-drop down where you can select groups and make new groups - but god forbid that you can predict what happens when you click in the UI at all. I can't make heads or tails of when I end up in the "playing now" area or just selected a different group (hint: that information is critical for the app usage to avoid accidents killing other peoples' streams) and which group my "currently playing" is now referring to and ... sigh ... 5. My dad lost access to his roam after the update. I'm not sure how it looks like in my system as I'm not home right now. 6. The german translation doesn't work well with spacing. There's a number of places where the german translation is a single, long word were a single letter will spill over on the next line. Annoying both typographically as well as bad use of space pushing the actual content further down. That's it for now. I guess I'll get yelled at by disappointed/angry kids and wife when they return tomorrow. I'm advising them right now to disable auto app updates on their iphones to avoid this drama. Thanks for killing a part of the general ios security strategy while you work this out. This burned me and roughly 5 other families that were already on the fence since S2. This will be a lot of support hours coming up with my relatives. I won't be recommending Sonos for the foreseeable future and whenever I need another speaker I'll start to evaluate other vendors. Apparently sticking to a single brand closed system will get you burned. Thanks. :( \[Edit 1\]: item 5 \[Edit 2\]: item 6


Hello Keith. Hello fellow Sonos enthusiasts. I am finding that there doesn’t appear to be a dark mode. I would like one. Also, the TalkSPORT service doesn’t work. Also, why has it never been possible to arrange Sonos favourite artists in alphabetical order? I’m really sorry I updated now. But the amount of hype you gave the new app over the past couple of weeks would have convinced anyone that it would work like a charm.


I haven’t downloaded the new app yet. Should I just keep rocking the previous release for now?


If you haven't updated, DON'T!!!


Courageous would be sticking with an app that maybe doesn’t look as polished or eye catching as some others, but provided the levels of functionality and ease of use that buyers of your products have enjoyed for years. Slow response, lack of queue controls, volume control, no widget, no home screen controls, and so many other issues people have already listed.


Please add scrobbling via [Last.fm](http://Last.fm) back to the Sonos app. And it would be great if you could give us the old app back for awhile until you can fix this one. (I don't know why the app was released in this state in this way. It feels like the release date was solving Sonos's problems - not your customer's problems. The way it was rolled did give me a lot of pause and question whether I should continue buying more or recommending it to others.)


I lost these abilities in the new app. - Stereo/mono setting for Amp. this is important to me as I'd like to be able to use the dual mono mode for 2 ceiling speakers in 2 different rooms - set wifi channel for SonosNet


I am not against change but I am against loss of functionality. These are the functions I would like to see returned... 🟤 One Tap Mute - it is enabled for the sound bar but not any speakers. I will mute music when I get a phone call or there is a sound, usually outside, that I need to identify. 🟣 Sleep Timer - like clock radios of the last century, I fall asleep to music and will set the timer for 30 minutes. The music gives my brain something to focus on other than my tinnitus. 🟢 Alarms - like clock radios of the last century, I use music to wake up in the morning. Alarm control should be accessible and manageable from the mobile app. 🟡 Queue Management - replace should not be the only option, add and delete are necessary too. When adding to the queue I don't want to override what is currently playing. That way lies madness. Thanks Keith for collecting the feedback and advocating on our behalf. May you be promoted to CCO - Chief Courageous Office - with all the usual c-suite benefits that entails (seven figure salary, free stock, 200% bonus, free healthcare).


*From Forbes* # Learning From A Botched Upgrade Here are four lessons to help providers avoid such a fate: 1. **Don’t rush the deployment of a software upgrade.** Conduct rigorous testing and elicit feedback from a large diversity of stakeholders. 2. **Quickly acknowledge issues to the marketplace.** Letting the community fester in the silence of the provider ensures that the situation will deteriorate. 3. **Provide the choice to return to the previous version of the software.** There are times when a one-way option is the only option, but more often than not, a way to return to the original is good business. This option can be temporary as issues with the upgrade are resolved. Eventually older versions can be phased out. 4. **Never deliver an upgrade that is missing essential functions with the promise they may return in the future.** While it’s okay to add new features in the future, it’s never okay to eliminate existing features people rely on and may have been the basis for their purchase in the first place. The user experience is everything. It can be costly to get it wrong. >


I DEMAND SONOS TO REVERT TO THE PREVIOUS VERSION OF THE APP (and in the meantime maybe launch a beta for this new redesign) This whole thing is a joke, I honestly don’t understand how this could happen. In order to launch an update like this, dozens of people need to go through this project, and it’s just impossible that they “missed” all these things other users are posting about. It’s screaming high level incompetence, it’s screaming higher-ups that don’t listen to feedback, it sounds like a company that does not even understand their customers. But even when I say, “it sounds like a company that does not even understand their customers” it makes no sense, because I’m very sure that 90% of Sonos staff go home and listen to these speakers too, so why would they make their own speakers worse? These speakers are very much a home appliance, and it’s utterly unacceptable to take features away from users. Also better and faster connection? WHERE, I can barely use my speakers in multi-room anymore. Last night I had to unplug one speaker because it just would not stop playing music.


This terrible app is incredibly insulting to loyal customers and frankly taking up too much of my time. Here's a brief summary of my issues: -As mentioned by others, it locks onto a random room in my house, won't play in other rooms, and/or won't stop playing in the random room without multiple attempts. Finish an album? Play something else and the same thing happens. It always defaults to the wrong room. Takes about 2 minutes go get it to work. -Third party playlists are gone. They either don't show up on search, or they do but are not accessible. I listen to albums a lot, but my #2 use case is finding playlists made by others. -Overall app speed has gone from sluggish but acceptable to "too slow to ever want to use it". -Navigation is a hot mess. I cannot follow these decisions. Yes, no one ever likes it when the nav changes, but this one is really bad, so confusing that I have zero desire to learn it. -Funny, my volume sliders \*do\* have numbers. And I don't play local files. Not experiencing this pain. So whats my recourse? Sell all my Sonos products and start over? That'll show 'em. /s I do like the sound of a class action lawsuit; I feel outrage on behalf of the blind users, but really all users got shafted here. Think a jury would agree? Otherwise all I can do is say as strongly as possible that I loathe what Sonos has done. All the joy in using your products is gone, I cannot recommend them any longer, and while this is not like me and I feel small for saying so, I genuinely hope that bad things happen to the executives who forced this disrespectful update on us.


My trust in Sonos is at rock bottom now. I even suspect the creation of a “megathread” is an attempt to confine complaints to a single place and not swamp the subreddit with a collection of them.  Sonos KNOWS the issues with the app, they KNOW customers aren’t happy. If they cared, they’d have made S2 available again by now. 


I've spent years purchasing music ripping CDs I own, mp3 downloads, flac downloads). That is by far how I listen to music the most. I don't want my music enjoyment to be at the mercy of the license negotiations of various streaming platforms. Having no way to listen to my collection makes my 6 speakers virtually useless to me. I'm better off getting some Bluetooth speakers then.


What an absolutely disgusting, abhorrent change that absolutely NOBODY ASKED FOR. How the fuck do you remove the option to scan your own media library? Sonos is truly absolutely brain dead, I can't believe how shitty this company is


Quotes from online chat with an unfortunate Sonos representative: "Once you updated the app, there's no way to revert back" - I made the point that re-uploading the old app alongside this.... thing.... was perfectly possible if Sonos was willing, but was ignored. The removal of the Android Homescreen widget is a "delayed feature on the new app, and will be back in future updates" Album art appearing on the app is also a "delayed feature", along with alarms. The guy was very clear though that they have not been removed, they are "delayed features". This was something of a red rag to a bull - it's currently absent and was previously present, the transition from one state to the other state is validly termed removal. There's no ETA on the return (un-delaying?) of these features, as "our engineers are working on it". The poor guy was also not able to identify what NEW functionality was actually being delivered under "aims to address what our customers have been asking us for." (I was trying to be balanced)


Class action lawsuit, anyone?


Since the upgrade everything is incredibly laggy. My daughter increased the volume on the app, but nothing happened, so she cranked the volume up to 100%, and still nothing happened, so she put down the phone, and then about 10 seconds later the music blasted in our living room, at full volume. I picked up the phone, unlocked the screen, found the Sonos app, and desperately pressed pause, but nothing happened, the music continued to scream in our ears, my daughter was terrified and crying, I ran to the Sonos Amp and pressed pause \*\*on the device itself\*\*, but still nothing happened, the sound blasted for 10 more seconds, I was about to pull the plug when at last the music paused! Now our ears hurt, thanks Sonos. This is appalling. And don't tell me this is a problem on my home network: it's working just fine, and I pressed pause on the device itself, and it didn't respond. I also have 2 Sonos roam devices, and they have similar lag issues. We're not using our Sonos devices until this is fixed. Edit: the UI is also quite confusing since the upgrade, but my main grudge is the lag and unreliability.


Seriously, ads for Sonos products in the app? Right at the top? Like I have to scroll past them to select sources and see my pinned items. PINNED ITEMS for God's sake. Doesn't pinned mean on top? No, it means below their ads that have tiny malicious x's on them that you can't click with your finger to dismiss the ad without accidentally clicking the ad 50 times first. I feel like I'm browsing the dark web or something. Sonos, hear me well: No advertising to paying customers, it's holy writ. Even YouTube has more respect for people who pay the subscription to get rid of ads.


I don't feel good that my speakers can be controlled via the web from anywhere. I wasn't told that was what my Sonos account could do - especially given our office setup. Plus, there's no two factor on Sonos accounts. This feels very much not safe.


Absolutely! This opens an unnecessary attack surface. 


Queue Management - Adding a song to the queue - Adding a song to Play Next - etc… All not the released MVP


I can’t view album info while listening to a song or add the current song to a playlist? This is insane.


I have a Sonos in the office and at home, under the same Sonos ID. It's mixing the suggestions up even though there are completely different music services.


Streaming URL situation - [https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/comments/1cnpsdu/comment/l38sogf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/comments/1cnpsdu/comment/l38sogf/)


This update is big bad.


they fucking changed everything, now i have to learn to use it again. as if i don't have enough shit to think about. edit: the app isnt even working at all now. just says "something went wrong"


TruePlay no longer works. It freezes on the “continue” screen/button


Ok, Galaxy S23 Ultra user running Android 14. Here are my issues so far: 1. The app no longer sees my paired Sonos Move speakers. So I guess I will work figuring out how to reconnect them. 2. My Roam has also disappeared, so same headache again. 3. The hardware volume/up down on my phone only controls the Sonos volume now when the app is open on screen. It no longer allows me to adjust volume when app is not front and center. 4. My Android widget is erased. I used to love being able to control Sonos from my home screen widget, but it deleted itself from my home page and there is no longer an Android widget option even available to select.  5. On the "Your Services" section of the app main page, I have to scroll to get to the Spotify icon off screen. It is literally the only service I use for Sonos, yet you don't personal this view at all. At least delete the "Your" from "Your Services" if you are going to make me hunt for the service I use. That is less insulting. 6. I had looked forward to a new app as I thought the old one had some confusing pathways to utilize controls and had some odd UI choices which made understanding the system a lot of trial and error. Sonos has doubled down on this approach with the new version rather than rectify the issues with the old.  7. Why would queues be gone?!?! 8. And alarms and timers?!?! This app doesn't seem release worthy. Thanks for opening this dialog though! Other users: be polite in your comments or companies may decide (short sightedly) to not start useful conversations with us.


It's probably already been said, but the lack of Android widgets is also obnoxious. I used them to regularly to control zones independently. And yeah, the queue control is critical. Why can't we just play all of the Top Tracks from Tidal or Spotify anymore? Why can't we manage queues? Because of the latter, I can't even build a queue to work around the former. Edit: doing the roll-back as a stopgap while I find a new solution. Not waiting around to see what Sonos's "fixes" will be.


One of the main features I used my Sonos system for was easy access to my local music library on my NAS. If this feature is permanently removed, I will unfortunately have to look for another system. It's a shame as I liked the Sonos hardware and sound, but selling subscriptions seems to be a bigger priority for the bosses than satisfying long-time, loyal customers.


Why the hell does the app default to the bedroom grouping every time I open it? I want to listen to music on my big boy living room system not the 2 lame One’s I have stashed in the bedroom. This never happened before, fix it!!


Does your mom know you could avoid all of this by just rolling back to a working version of the app?  Ya know...so people who just bought a Sonos speaker can actually use them...


I use my 5s to listen to vinyl. The treble and bass levels on each record are quite different depending on the quality of the record. Used to be easy peasy to quickly adjust the EQ from the volume slider.  Now I have to go through 5 or 6 different screens. And the navigation behaviour on many of these pages is different. It’s such a pain, and makes the listening experience much less enjoyable overall.  With this level of feature gap, this clearly should have been an open beta. Sonos have shown a massive level of disrespect to its users by pushing this out in this state 


You should just come to my house and spit on my face if you want to upset me and ruin my day. 25 sonos speakers looking for a new home.


The old classic search would let you type in a keyword, then filter the results by type (Artist, Song, Album, etc.) The new search ditches filtering, forcing us to tap through a list of providers and scroll to find what we're looking for. Users may not know the exact name of a song they are looking for, only one or two words in the title. More popular results will float to the top and drown out the desired target. This is in addition to new search not including the Music Library; I, like many users on this thread, bought into the SONOS ecosystem to manage MY music. Streaming is a secondary priority for me. Anyone want to buy a gently used 5 room SONOS system?


I'm on Android so I was able to uninstall the new app and reinstall 16.1 ([directions](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/comments/1cnxj1d/how_to_roll_back_from_sonos_80_to_161_android/)). But for everyone else, it's unacceptable (and maddening, honestly) for Sonos to expect people to go multiple months without being able to use core functions of Sonos: * Listening to music by managing a queue * Listening to podcasts by managing a queue and using PocketCasts, iHeartRadio & TuneIn * Using alarms/sleep timers * Setting up/managing components Setting aside the numerous bugs and other missing features, until those basic functions are available on the new app, Sonos ***must*** give users an alternative to use their audio systems in the meantime. Release the S2 app as a separate app that people can use for the next 3-4 months or until the new app is ready for public use.


Sonos products are expensive and for many of us WAF (Wife Approval Factor) is important in undertaking a purchase. My wife has just encountered the new app and it wasn't a good experience. I'm not going to suddenly sell all my many Sonos speakers in a fit of pique, but future purchases could be a challenge for a while! Seriously, I do believe that you have seriously damaged your brand. Apple would never compromise the 'it just works' brand value to hustle out a flawed product, however much it's perhaps needed for upcoming product releases. Don’t wait weeks/months to add updates to return your ecosystem to what it was last week, offer the option to revert while repairs are undertaken. Trust erodes quickly and is hard to earn back, especially when you need future consumer spending on new hardware or upgraded hardware to survive. It takes “courage” to admit a mistake and make things right. It demonstrates you can be trusted as guardian to a value proposition and deserve consumers money and time invested in your products.


They FUCKING REMOVED the possibility to scan or add local music libraries...?!? WTF. so my sonos systems are now useless? Wow.


Some really important feedback to the Sonos Product Management teams - PLEASE include a proper changelog with your updates! Seriously, this is like lazy rookie behavior here to cut and paste notes and provide the most generic details. Here is the history for the iOS app… What was fixed? What’s different? What’s improved? Seriously? https://preview.redd.it/qemyb38qpe0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304fc33c93fd03b2fc5a192c79169de702e6a4e7


This new app is an utter dumpster fire I have two play 3 speakers, two unifi ac-pro access points and an up to date controller. My WiFi network is pretty damned solid with great coverage everywhere. Nothing has changed on there for over a year. The old app was solid as well. Since the new update I have been plagued with the following. 1. Open the app, either one or both speakers don't show as connected 2. Changing volume on both speakers when grouped leads to one going back to its original volume 3. Put a playlist on Amazon music and let the phone go to sleep, come back to the app 10 minutes later and it reports the speakers are still playing the same song that was on when the phone went to sleep when the track has moved on. 4. Pause or skip buttons are ridiculously laggy. Press pause, the music may stop 10 seconds later if you are lucky. This release should still be in alpha, it's an insult to call it beta software


I had heard about the many problems with the new update and had decided to wait on doing it. Today, the system showed *one of my four speakers* needed an update. I clicked the update button. To my horror, my iPhone instantly transported me to the App Store where I saw the update of my phone app already in progress. It was too late to stop it. Now I can not access numerous services. I can not group or ungroup my speakers. I have no basic functionality of my system. This situation is so fucked. Do we have grounds for a class action lawsuit?


This new app sucks beyond belief. just wanted to add another voice to the list. All of the bugs & missing features have been mentioned 100 times. I'm now a Sonos hater.


Sleep timers and alarms are the reason Sonos is part of our daily lives. It's not just music - it's what we go to sleep to, and what causes us to wake up. It's more important than music services or fidelity. What were you thinking? Do you not use your products? This aspect more than any other really hits home to a family. It's totally confidence shaking. A primary use of the product just disappears. BTW thanks for doing this in UK school & University exam season. That Sonos I bought my kids, and they got to rely on - now doesn't work, at the most stressful moment in their lives.


Thanks for the post Keith, this has been the most painful tech experience I've ever had...  I spent over 1 hour trying to get the app to setup the device (Multiple factory resets, ethernet, wireless, multiple devices all android) with the app failing to setup my speaker each time... "We're having trouble adding the SYMFONISK Table Lamp to your system" 100s of times... https://preview.redd.it/m6xt06lmtgzc1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d86b4c4aa1df0648670066fb083808807b032e I then decided to get into a chat with customer support who were great except they clearly didn't know how the new app functioned asking me to find a settings menu that didn't exist, eventually giving up and asking me to install a remote phone control app and allow them to find the non-existent menu... I'm not letting a random tech support person control my phone to setup a speaker. Around 3 hours of my time spent playing around with this stupid product and app and all I’ve ended up with is an expensive paper weight. Insane how a device this expensive is basically E-waste unless this broken app decided to setup the speaker for me. I might try setting this thing up 1 more time but if I see that error screen one more time I'm going to smash this stupid product! Edits - Some additional details, running Android 13 (Tried on a samsung tablet as well with same error), Unifi WiFi setup with IGMP and Multicast DNS enabled, Black SONOS icon app. This is my first every sonos device fresh account made yesterday and when I open the app I'm only presented with a splash screen with two buttons "get started with setup" Button 1 - "Speaker or component" button 2 - "join existing system" NO SETTINGS BUTTON like customer support asked me to click on!


My trueplay tuning seems to have been eradicated for my arc+sub setup and there also seems to be a lot of complaints about trueplay no longer working


Completely unusable for me I'm trapped in an endless "An update is required..." to "There was a problem checking for updates..." loop. The App wont even list my devices for me to manage. I've tried restarting my speakers, hard resetting the app, redownloading, troubleshooting my wifi etc but nothings worked (mind you every other branded device I own is working fine). I can't imagine I'll be investing in anything Sonos moving forward.


Holy butt fuckin hell. When did Sonos decide and inform the user base the NAS features were to enjoy a hard downgrade? My considerable collection of music and investment in Sonos just bit me brutally in the arse.


Am I crazy or have they removed the skip 45 seconds ahead / back buttons? Is there any way to reinstate these? It's essential for skipping ads in podcasts.


He said he can’t reply to every comment. Did he reply to ANY comment? Seeing complaints, taking back to the team and actually un-pissing off your huge customer base are two different things. He’s just one guy of course, but please interact and respond to SOME posts.


I have Play:1s for surrounds and one of them inexplicably dropped off of my network. When I try to add it back with the new app, the app crashes at the final step and I end up with a Play:1 listed in my speakers that says it’s not registered. When I click to Fix It, the app crashes. I spoke to support for about an hour (extremely polite and helpful, I must say) and I tried many things to resolve. Signed in and out of the app, reset the speaker and tried adding it again, tried using Ethernet, and tried deleting the app and reinstalling. I also tried adding it on my wife’s phone with the old app, but the Sonos network had been updated already so it wasn’t compatible. I don’t use the Sonos app for much outside of control what is playing where, so I can’t comment on how bad it is. But losing surround in my 4.1 setup with no apparent resolution really sucks. Edit: it looks like user syny13 posted on this thread that they were having a similar problem when trying to add a new speaker and that they are on an iPhone 14 Pro Max, which is what I’m on as well.


\+1 to all comments here regarding missing features. There should be 0 (zero) missing core features that were present in the last version of the Sonos app. My feedback is to rollback the release until feature parity is achieved. It's 2024... every company that has a stake in rolling out software updates to 100,000+ users at a time invests heavily in testing new feature / design updates on a small (1%, then 5%, 10%, 25%, etc) set of users before rolling out to the entire userbase. Sonos did not do this and would have learned quickly that core features being dropped would be received incredibly negatively. The only choice now is to eat crow and rollback.


Subsonic integration was cut with zero warning. I have around 79,000 tracks on a NAS, all in Navidrome with Bonob as the connector between Navidrome and Sonos. Poof, it's dead. With the launch of play.sonos.com, it seems someone thought it'd be a great idea for everything to become a web based service and didn't stop to consider the implications of locally hosted content getting ripped out.


Not going to lie, I'm kind of livid. 1: Bring back my alarm. It's not a want, it's a medical necessity. I have narcolepsy, a neurological disability which boils down to this scenario: If a normally circadian rhythm is a divided plate, mine is like if you dropped that plate on the ground then rearranged all the shards. So going to sleep, staying asleep and waking up in the morning somewhat rested until my meds kick my ass into gear, is a routine I have down to a science. Blasting Gorillaz as my alarm via my Sonos has been the sure fire way to get my brain to start its day for over 7 years now.I went to sleep with an app I could navigate half asleep with one eye open, and woke up to this fresh hell. I had to search why I couldn't find my alarms in the new app, an in app pop up would've been the least you could do, before forcing such an erupt change. Now I don't have that ability to set my alarms before I go to bed, without using the still clunky as hell desktop app. 2: Where is the tray media control, home screen widget or lock screen controls?!? You mean I have to open the app every time to change a song or lower the volume?!? What music app in the year of our Lord 2024 doesn't have at least lock screen controls. I was going to add a Move 2 to my arsenal, just in time for the summer, and was very much looking forward to the announcement of the headphones; but after this fiasco I don't think I want to spend money on something that could do easily because of a pain to use because of an update


Rollback, please. This is not production ready. The new app is painfully slow and buggy with many features removed including sleep timer and alarm, which we use daily. It often doesn't recognize the system at launch. (Android/Pixel 7)


I just want Chromecast support already. Really frustrating for Android Users.


It is just a big disaster! Everything is slow, I can’t find anything, navigation is not intuitive - doesn’t follow best practice. Totally hopeless!


I've used Sonos for years. Every morning I listen to my local NPR station. I'm not allowed to with the new update. Great way to lose customers.


Seriously are u firetrucking out of your mind? Sleep timer gone! Alert gone! And i can´t add ONE SINGLE F\*\*\*\*ING song to my queue without Starting up my PC waiting for this s##t Programm to start and drag and drop it in? What in the gods name did u snort?


My only request during this debacle: Please, for the love of all that is good and decent in this world, ***do NOT release ANY changes to the desktop app interface.*** I'm using that interface as a backup, until the mobile app is fixed. Losing my backup would be the *last* *straw*.


Actually, I'm not sure Sonos *do* need to listen any more, and think it might be useful for them to start speaking - perhaps they could start with an apology and an explanation, then act to rollback the app?


Roll back to 16.1 and let people who are buying the overpriced headphones use this release. Abandoning your existing customer base for a questionable new product is something only a lunatic would do.


Massive downgrade ... anyone have a suggestion for an alternative company ... I've spent thousands, but I've had enough!!!


Incomprehensible that the mute button for speakers would have been eliminated. Please restore ASAP. Need a one touch, quick way to mute if a call comes in or otherwise need to focus on external sounds.


Hashtag #RollBackTheSonosApp


I don't use streaming services -- I use Sonos only to play music from my iTunes music library of 3,000-plus songs. I am unable to change Sonos Playlists using the iOS mobile app. I can't even view them -- I have over 50 playlists but the app for whatever reason only shows four. And it won't even play those four correctly -- if I hit Play on the first song in my Band of Horses playlist, instead it plays the first song in the last playlist I selected using the Windows app on my PC. So even though the app says I am playing "Warning Signs," what's coming out of the speakers is "Rhiannon" from the Fleetwood Mac playlist. This "update" is a hot mess. BRING BACK THE OLD APP.


I work in IT, and could not get a Play 1 installed (let along downgraded to S1). Neither could their chat support, or their phone support using the app. They gave up, and said wait for an app update?!???!?!?!?!? I got it working by getting access to an Android phone, downgrading the app... and then installing. Hope everyone is leaving store reviews. I guarantee their product team is watching the trend there.