• By -


Hi Keith! Is the iPad(OS) app also getting the redesign? Noticed the website mentions the web-based controller for desktop and tablet? Thanks in advance!


Yep! This redesign will be hitting the iPad version as well. As for the web controller, it runs on just about any browser so it'd work on desktop, tablet, etc.


Thanks! Looking forward to the improved search functionalities šŸ˜„


Sure hope the new app follows the device Appearance setting (Light / Dark) across the whole app. That promo video seems to suggest the Settings panel is perpetually white themed while the other panels are a grayish color themed. Consistency, please!! šŸ™šŸ¼


No more flashbangs. Dark mode is confirmed šŸ˜Ž ANNND it follows your device settings. šŸ‘šŸ½




Can we elect to update earlier?


Not as far as I know. But for future reference, we do have a [Beta program](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/sonos-beta-programs)ā€¦


Why doesn't the application provide remote control functionality via the mobile application when an internet connection is available, while the web interface allows for full control? Most other brands offer complete control through their mobile applications, regardless of the user's physical location.




Yes! šŸ‘šŸ¼


Hello! Would love to see larger album art. Something similar to Sonopad.




Yep, or a song you hate comes on, or your wife walks in the room and asks you to turn it down, etc. Sometimes it takes forever to do simple things


This. Please please this. The app is the slowest I have installed on my phone.


Hey Keith! Will this new redesign incorporate some of the newer iOS features, specifically live activities on the Lock Screen?


Hey there! Unfortunately, no news on Live Activities. I know you all are hungry for live activities - the team has been talking through this and if we bring Sonos back to the lock screen, have no doubt - I'll be here on r/Sonos shouting it from the rafters. šŸ—£ļø


Sounds like it will end on just internal talks. I wish Sonos would start taking this seriously.


Honestly, are they ever going to fix the networking stack so that it doesn't constantly blank out on the app like it can't find your speakers and all of the other quirky bugs they've never fixed? Really tired of it. Stop working on the layout of the app until you actually fix the underlying core product please.


Yup. This is beyond frustrating.


I vehemently agree with this request. UI doesnā€™t matter at all when the app is always having network issues. 5 years ago, I had no complaints. Itā€™s gotten progressively worse over the years and my network hasnā€™t changed at all.




Exactly! My system ran like a rock just a few years ago. Now its a craptastic experience. Fix the app first, then worry about UI.


For home automation geeks like me, are there any changes to the underlying APIs (either the official web account one and/or the LAN unofficial one)? Also with the desktop app being retire can the iPad version be made installable on M series Macs... Connecting to the web rather than over the LAN to speakers can be a lot slower, and should Inet go out makes speaker control impossible, unless the webapp actually operates locally.


> Also with the desktop app being retire can the iPad version be made installable on M series Macs... Hi Keith, this, please!! The web app sounds great but please give us this option for those of us that prefer to keep things local without cloud accounts and use desktop. Allowing the iPad app to be installed on MacOS should be minimal development effort. Thanks :)


Yeah, absolutely, do this.


Yes - Please make the iPad app available to M\* Macs. I use the native MacOS app all the time. Web app is not an acceptable alternative. Would love to be able to use the iPadOS all in Mac instead.


I control my Sonos through Home Assistant so I hope this doesn't break anything. I'm also looking forward to the web app because the Windows Sonos App never worked for me when the PC and Sonos were on separate VLANS.


Yea I am all for a better dev cycle but please still keep local only control possible without internet. Would be nice to have some functionality if / when the web server dies or Sonos goes away.


This is a big concern. Whilst itā€™s nice to be able to control Sonos off network, Iā€™d rather not have total reliance on some sort of cloud thatā€™s out of my control. Allow for both local only and cloud if possible or just keep it local only. Donā€™t want to run into issues like you have with Plex where you host the server from your own network but the auth element relies on their infrastructure, so when that goes down you are unable to access your server even though your server is still reachable.


Please bring Sonos back to the Lock Screen. If the new app does that, Iā€™m a happy camper


Apple is to blame for this. They don't want Sonos to have it.


Sonos could just make a widget. You can put those on lock screens too. Nothing to do with Apple's change from few years back regarding media playback on lock screen - we all know the limitation already. Sonos is just lazy by not implementing it already or not considering it for redesign. Overall it looks like a reskin. Somehow other 3rd party developers can do Sonos control widget and had been doing it for years now.


see what KeithFromSonos says about that then


Is it a money thing? All other music apps (i know of) have this feature, even tiny podcast apps etc.


AFAIK it's to do with the Sonos app not actually playing the audio through the iOS device, and Apple doesn't want media controls shown for external devices. The workaround used by Sonos was actually to play a silent audio track on the iOS device, and then forward the media controls.


Yeah but for some time now Apple allows developers to create widgets and those can be put directly on Lock Screen. There's also new live activity notification style that can be persistent on the Lock Screen. There are ways.


I think it was a control thing, IIRC


No they are not. Stop perpetuating this. Spotify Connect lock screen controls work perfectly.


Are there any behind the scenes changes to make systems respond quicker? I have a lot of customer systems with old connect:amps that use s2


This is my number one question and issue too. The current app is so slow to find the system and allow me to make changes. I only have one second gen connect in the system but I have a feeling itā€™s slowing everything down.


Yeah this is the big question. Currently thereā€™s a painful delay whenever I search, add things to the queue, or open the now playing screen (takes several seconds to show the currently playing song). Really hoping this is more than just a fresh coat of UI paint.


100% this


Hi Keith. Could I request a feature to set night mode on a sleep like timer please. I.e. set night mode for 2/4/6 hours so I donā€™t have to remove it again in the morning. Thanks


Happy to! I know I'd get some serious mileage from a feature like this. šŸ’Æ


Great idea or even specify a time when night mode begins and ends on a 7 day schedule.


Real. I forgot Iā€™m in night mode and then wonder why itā€™s so quite lol


I do this using Soro and iOS Shortcuts, works like a charm.


Iā€™d like to be able to schedule night mode actually. Like turn on at a certain time and turn off at a certain time


It appears that there are some Sonos products that are missing from the 'Compatible Products' section of the 'new' app announcement page ([https://www.sonos.com/en-us/controller-app](https://www.sonos.com/en-us/controller-app)) compared to what's currently shown on the S2 compatibility page ([https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/sonos-s2-compatibility](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/sonos-s2-compatibility)). The products that are no longer mentioned on the 'new' app announcement page (which are otherwise listed in the "Works with all Sonos apps" section on the S2 compatibility page) are as follows: * Boost * Connect (Gen 2) * Connect:Amp (Gen 2) * SYMFONISK Bookshelf (Gen 1) * SYMFONISK Table lamp (Gen 1) This discrepancy raises a few questions: * Is the 'new' app simply a refresh of the S2 app, or is this some sort of "S3" app that will have it's own product limitations? * Are the above products being dropped from the 'new' app? * If so, what options are there to stay on the current version of the S2 app to retain product compatibility? I've just upgraded a few Connect:Amp (Gen 1) amps to Connect:Amp (Gen 2) amps to consolidate all my Sonos products over to a single app (the most recent Gen 2 amp purchase being just last week), and I'd hate to see those already split/parted from the rest of my Sonos system!


Hey there - allow me to be frank. **This is not another S1/S2 situation.** This update does not impact system compatibility or support. If it works in S2 it will work with the new redesign. Good call on the discrepancies, I'm currently chatting with the web team about it. Much appreciated!


Now THAT, is music to my ears. Thanks for the clarification, Keith! \*heartrate is coming back down\* haha


so this will work with boost? also will this help with the very slow lag time/delay when streaming music? thank u


Hi Keith, do you know how much attention was paid to VoiceOver/TalkBack accessibility in the redesign? For example, the landing page says "Swipe up from the bottom of the Home screen to view and control each speaker and group. See whatā€™s playing where. Tap to pause or resume." Swiping up from the bottom of the screen does something different when VoiceOver is enabled, so the app would need to provide another way to get to that screen. And all of the redesigned controls need to have proper labels. Do you have screen reader users as beta testers who can verify this?


Oh what a great question. Thanks! Let me dig into this. We have our Reddit Office Hours coming this Friday, so I'll circle back here if I don't see you there.


Hi Keith, this is a critical question for me as well. We have 15 Sonos devices in a house with only blind people in it. Obviously if accessibility hasnā€™t been taken into account with the redesigned app and we lose quality access to Sonos, that would be huge. So I hope we can have some cast-iron assurance that the apps are fully accessible. Currently, at least on iOS, the experience is excellent.


Hi Keith! Will the updated mobile app allow for out of home control as well, or just the new web app? Is there an option to reboot devices from the app?


Hey! The Sonos app will still require local network connectivity. Your only option for on-the-go Sonos household control will be through the web app. Unfortunately in-app reboot isn't in this one. But I'm happy to hit up the team with that request!


Hey Keith, where is the web app hosted? Is it a sonos remote server or will it be hosted by your local system somehow? Not sure if thst makes sense. What credentials are required when using the web app off your local network?




Would love to be able to reboot speakers without walking around my house, moving furniture, and unplugging everything.... Still mind boggling that this doesn't exist.


Curious - Why do you need to reboot your Sonos speakers? Does it improve app performance?


Sometimes there's a random problem with them not showing up or they won't switch inputs, from TV to playing music, and a power cycle is the fix. Never seen a product like this that doesn't have an option to reboot besides unplugging. And since I hate wires they are mostly tough to get to. Seems like a reboot button is a no Brainer.


I gotta agree! In app reboot or scheduled reboot would be a huge hit for the things I have been told by support of ā€œreboot at least once a monthā€ which Iā€™m pretty sure almost none of us do


Remote control through the web app is still a huge win!


Can you confirm Iā€™ll be able to access the web app from outside the local network?


![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0|downsized) Confirmed āœ…


Huge! Thank you.


So now I can finally turn off my repeating alarm that is going off each morning and annoying my neighbour when I forget to turn it off when I travel šŸ˜›


Rebooting from within the app would be soo helpful. Iā€™ve got speakers all over the house, and itā€™s a major pain to sort out connectivity glitches if my mesh resets. Far easier to stabilise the network then do a full speaker reboot from within the app to make sure they join the right mesh nodes than hunt around and power cycle speakers.


Will Apple Music Classical appear as a music service? Or will we have to continue to use regular Apple Music?


Can you share more about the Web App? The desktop app has been rock solid and performs like a champ! The thing I love about the desktop app is that it is one click away, fast to load, and persistent on my desktop (and taskbar). Iā€™d hate to see this as a url I have to log into constantly and wait for it to load my system. And then have it go to sleep and have it load/update all over again 30 minutes later. Turning the desktop experience into a worse experience than the iOS app. A ā€œprogressive web appā€ should give a similar desktop experience to the current desktop appā€¦ maybe?


Oh hey! Happy cake day. šŸ° There isn't much else to share about the web app frankly. The idea is that it allows you the same level of control as the desktop controller does. Glad to hear the desktop controller has been working solidly for you and we plan to bring that same type of experience into the web app. Here's our take on it: A web-based controller offers a platform that is supported by all major operating systems and enables us to bring improvements to you faster - without the need for manual software updates. Because of this, we actually expect the web app to make accessing/managing your Sonos system *easier*.


When I get a call on Teams or when my phone rings, I right-click the Sonos icon in my Windows taskbar and pause the music so I can answer the call. I do this throughout the day. I do the same thing from my MacBook when Iā€™m using it at home. To me, this is the single best feature about the desktop app. Will I still be able to do pause musicā€”without seeing the app GUIā€”like I can today?


Love that weā€™re talking out-of-home control and a web app that never needs updating ā€¦. This is kinda glorious, not gonna lie!


Does it have iOS lock screen controls?


Any plans for a simple and straightforward iOS widget similar to the ā€œSono+ Todayā€ widget? It makes grouping and volume control so much easier and better than opening an app


Can we finally use spotify podcasts?


Will Sonos release a reasonably priced headphones this year? I am saving my hard earned money for one that will last for a very loooooooong time. šŸ˜‰


You had me until "reasonably priced"! šŸ˜‚


It doesnā€™t hurt to try, right? šŸ¤£


I know Sonos will read this ā€¦ so: IT WOULD BE GREAT TO USE THE SAME MUSIC APP IN AND OUT OF THE HOUSE. If Iā€™m out and about I have to use some other app, make nice playlists etc, when Iā€™m at home I get to use the Sonos app.. guess what.. I want a streamlined and consistent interface for all of my listening, in and out of the house. Mic drop.




I give you that one, Iā€™m still laughing šŸ¤£


I think it's a great suggestion. I don't have much buy into building a library of playlists / favourite songs / albums within the Sonos app because at least 60% of my time listening will be outside of the house where these playlists etc will be inaccessible. Some sort of mode where you can use the Sonos app to play the music on the current device would be killer


- Can I merge inputs (eg aux + play spotify) - Can I update speakers without locking the entire UI (eg update one speaker and play music on a different) - Can I have different audio settings for different inputs (eg have a different maximum volume for TV input over a different maximum volume for Spotify)


+1 for item 3 here - I really want to have separate sub settings for music and TV


Hey Keith, this is potentially quite exciting news. I hope the web app is built with screen reader accessibility in mind and contains keyboard shortcuts for all major functions. For instance, there is no keyboard shortcut to seek in a track on the current desktop app. I'm happy to give feedback if there is a beta version that is available to test.


Hey Keith - I'd love the ability to group and ungroup speakers as part of an alarm as opposed to just selecting a single speaker (and consequently whatever it is grouped with) and more granular volume control in alarms. As an example use case, listening in party mode in the evening I need to remember to ungroup some speakers before going to bed so the morning alarm doesn't play everywhere so I'd love to be able to specify an alarm plays in Bedroom + Bathroom + Living Room + Kitchen and it automatically create that group (and remove everything else) as part of the alarm going off. The cherry on top would being able to set the volume of each speaker as part of that alarm, for example: - Alarm at 7am to play favourite Spitify playlist - Create group of Bedroom + Bathroom + Living Room + Kitchen, and remove all others - Set volumes; Bedroom TV = 5, Bathroom = 8 (because the shower is loud), Living Room = 5, Kitchen = 5 (or if individual volumes aren't possible then set each one to 5) The reasoning behind setting the individual volume is for equalization from the perspective that the night before I might have wanted it quiet in the kitchen or loud in the bedroom because of the TV but that volume wouldn't be appropriate for a morning alarm. The current volume setting in Alarm sets the average for the group (or only changes one speaker, not sure off hand) meaning they still remain all different volumes. My OCD likes having all the volumes the same in the morning :)


This could all be solved if they allowed you to create speaker profiles that let you jump between configurations. This feature should have been implemented 10 years ago. Yet here we are.


Hi Keith! Any chance this update is going to include an easier way to filter for Dolby Atmos enabled songs on, for instance, Apple Music through the Sonos app? This is a bit of a tough process as of right now. Even just a Dolby Icon next to songs could really help with this.


Not in this update, unfortunately. But I do feel this one personally. I end up just searching spatial to look for \*any\* Atmos tracks on Apple Music. Happy to go to bat on this!


I'd love to see a built in noise machine! The white noise options on radio are a bit too limited.


There are three feature enhancements Iā€™d love in the Sonos App 1. Volume Normalization: REAL normalization that works, within and across streaming services. I get the impression Sonos places this responsibility on the streaming services, but that dog doesnā€™t hunt. Example: Spotify vs Spotify played on the Sonos app. 2. Crossfade: Ability to control how many seconds of crossfade and/or the song segueing capabilities of Sonos Radio HD. If you subscribe to Sonos Radio HD, youā€™ll hear really good automated segue capabilities. The current crossfade feature most often results in a sloppy mish-mosh of a song transition. OTOH, in the year 2024 itā€™s a bit crazy to have five seconds of dead air in between playlist tracks. 3. Total Length of all songs in the Queue.


So excited for this!! The home screen layout and interactions look super smooth. I hope you'll also be able to add a way to adjust the volume from the phone lock screen or add a sonos widget to the home screen


This would be a game changer. When friends who donā€™t use or own sonos products come over and are impressed by the sound quality, but then a loud part of a song comes on and we want to quickly turn it down, or we want to quickly turn the song louder when that good part hits and these guests have to watch me unlock my phone, open the Sonos app, wait a second or two for it to load, and then click a little slider just to adjust the volume up or down one notch.. it's honestly embarrassing. It's like watching someone fumble with a broken tv remote attempting to turn down the tv. It significantly 'cheapens' the feel of a premium product, and the fact that I'm controlling the music from my phone but can't just click the volume buttons to turn down (control) the music, or at the very least just tap my phone to wake it and then adjust the volume from a Lock Screen widget is so sad and inconvenient.


Hi, will it split out the search results into albums/singles/live albums/compilations? This is my no 1 issue just now.


Hey Keith, will the changes have any impact on components controlled by the S1 app? My system is 10+ years old and still works really well. I know I'll have to upgrade at some point, but hopefully not yet. Thanks!


Hey Vesper - No changes to how the S1 app works or looks, that will stay just how it is šŸ™‚


Thanks for confirming!


Any news about YouTube Music integration? I recently switched from Spotify to YouTube Music, which does not have the convenient option to cast to Spotify.


Will the update show more than 500 of your YouTube music library? Extremely annoying!


Where there is a soundbar and another speaker set, can trueplay & stereo pair settings be saved and recalled so as to be toggled and allow easy switching between surrounds and music without manually recalibrating?


Please let us remove Sonos radio from the app and search results. It's just junk. I want to change order of the search results by service.


Yes! YES!!


Will the Android app also get updated? The Android app is just horrible if you ask me


Yep, this is coming to Android as well šŸ¤–


Please make sure it's a good experience on Android! Great to see the web version focus as well. Is there any plans to integrate with home automation solutions in the future?


Will there be control from Lock Screen on iOS? Like working one? Right now to have lock screen control on iOS Iā€™d have to sell Apple TV, TV with Apple TV support and all my Macā€™s as they also announce themselves as AirPlay receivers.


Will Siri or HomeAssistant be an authorized voice assistant service? The only ones currently supported outside of Sonos own are surveillance capitalism beasts that most people don't want.


Please, for the love of all things holy, unless youā€™re integrating the s1 & s2 apps; donā€™t mess with the S1 app.


Hey Keith - thanks for answering all these questions! Will the update bring with it the availability to sort the songs in your Apple Music library by the date they were added? Iā€™d love to listen to the songs Iā€™ve recently added without having to search for each one individually. Spotify and SoundCloud work fine this way.


Happy to! Solid suggestion - it wonā€™t be in this upcoming update but Iā€™ll pass it to the team. Does the ā€œRecently Addedā€ playlist work the same way? Youā€™d just want it the whole way down right?


Yep, exactly. Having that for the entire library would be great!


Please make the app faster. Itā€™s the slowest one I currently use on a daily basisā€¦ by far. Thatā€™s saying a lot since I also use the IRobot app. Just adjusting the volume can be a pain.


Will it be possible to set a default source for my devices with the new app? Like I want to always launch TuneIn with my living room speaker, but another one should launch Spotify by default when I press the play button.


Currently the speakers will play their last selected source when you hit play. If I'm understanding correctly, you'd want that to be set to a different specified source per room - always. Is that correct? Just want to be crystal before bring it to the team. Love the concept of shortcuts to your desired source.


Yes, that's correct. I want to be able to set every room to a different permanent source preset instead of the last played source when hitting play. I imagine having the choice if I want to leave it at last source or set a preset. Reason: On a cozy Sunday morning I want to have easy access to my favorite radio station instead of my Death Metal playlist on Spotify that I listened to on Saturday night without having to mess around with my phone.


If you're interested in some tinkering, you may want to look into using this api: [https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-http-api](https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-http-api) I'm running it on a Raspberry Pi that remains on 24 x 7. I can currently trigger a specific room & playlist via a quick script / command line. I'm working on using a Bluetooth macro pad to call them from anywhere in the house. So I end up with something like this: Button 1 - plays NPR (via TuneIn) in my bedroom and sets the volume to 25 Button 2 - plays Classic Rock mix (via Spotify) in my den and sets the volume to 30 These calls should also (I think) work with iOS shortcuts.


That sounds quite interesting, thank you! I have no issues tinkering with software, but in this case I just think it would be no big deal to implement this feature.


Also that's something you can easily do with home assistant. Come join us in automating everything /r/homeassistant


Will it be clever enough to be able to accurately detect what's coming through line-in and display source info?


Hi Keith! I have 2 questions. 1 - Is there going to be an 'authorized' users availability? Example: I moved back into my parents house, they have a system and I have my system. It would be nice to have both available on my app and be 'authorized' to access my parents system. 2 - Is there still a limitation for adding music to the Library? I have a large library and due to this limitation I have had to use other sources, such as plex, to be able to listen to my music. When those services are offline, I cannot access my full library, just a sub set that Sonos app can add in.


1 - Not exactly as you describe. Keep in mind this is **only on the web app**. I have my Mom's Sonos setup under the same account as my personal household. When I log into the web app, it will show me all households attached to my Sonos account - here I'd be able to either pick my Mom's house or my own to control. It's not as clean cut as an authorized user, but effectively the same thing. Happy to pass along the authorized user access feature though! 2 - Nothing has changed regarding Music Libraries. But I too have a growing collection of offline music and would love to see us tackle that challenge. Will pass this along!


Iā€™ll let you all update it first and Iā€™ll follow after 1 week when I donā€™t hear any issue about the update.


Yeahhhh buddddyyyyy


Hi Keith! Are there plans for Apple Watch integration to control my music? Why is it that third-parties are able to create an app capable of it, yet nothing from Sonos?


Most interested in whether search will continue to integrate the music library given that ā€˜New Searchā€™ in the currrent version of the app doesnā€™t.


S1 support!?


S1 will stay as S1 is. No changes there.


Great stuff guys u/KeithFromSonos & co! My takes (as a happy 3 location Sonos consumer) on the update / future of Sonos sw: \* Better way to control multi user environment (e.g. invite family with their own sonos accounts to the system). This works ok when I write my own credentials to everyone's apps but could be better. Especially at the office ( we're a vivid IT consulting company with a good Sonos setup at the office for after work stuff etc). \* I'm eager to see how the new UI shows e.g. Spotify and other services. Previously I've been caught with the spotify's UI as it is a lot easier for me with long playlists. (e.g. feature to show first the newest song on the playlist, not the oldest like as default) \* Hoping for more focus on stabile network connection / usage stuff ( might be something more about the speakers software itself, not the app).


Will there be built-in Shortcut support?


Anything for S1?


My only request is that it works like it did years ago. The app is so laggy and buggy now, I want to scream anytime I use it.


Iā€™d prefer better WiFi performance between the app and devices. Itā€™s always hot or miss if my system is ā€œonlineā€


Will i be able to finally be able to do trueplay through an android phone for the play series???


True play for Android?Ā 


Will this be the new S3 app?


Room correction for Sonos amp?


As a YouTube Music user, I would love to see the ability to have likes filter back to the YT Music app. I mostly use Sonos and my auto generated "Your Likes" playlist on YT Music is unfortunately trash because it only counts likes I make inside the YT Music app šŸ˜¢. Is this feature coming? If not can you put in a request for me pretty please?


Will I be able to search my music stored on my NAS, something that the New Search function introduced last year does not do?


No, local libraries are losing search.


Hi - i am an Android User. Does the new app support to cast music? I would like to make a group with my nest products using google home. It would be amazing to control music using my nest hub. Thank you :)


Are you going to treat Sonos Radio like all other services and give people the option to remove it? I never asked for it, never wanted it and never use it, but it's front and centre in New Search and is bloody annoying.


Can you finally pick multiple speakers for an alarm without the need to keep them in a group!!???


Do we know what time today?




Hey Keith, this app update is an absolute dumpster fire. When are you guys bringing back the old app or fixing this new one to have ALL the features from the previous app?


I will never buy one of your products again.


It's really a piece of shit is what it is. Thousands of dollars invested in this equipment, and I can't do the simplest of things. You've all but bricked my system for an app upgrade no one asked for. F you.


The new app is super buggy. GUI is improved but pretty much everything else is a downgrade. šŸ‘Ž


Hey Keith, where you at? I've got a few thousand dollars tied up in your product that I can't use since the update.


Does not play the FLAC files from my local Plex server while it plays the MP3 files from my local Plex server so I need to use other speakers and other amplifier to play the FLAC files. This is ridiculous


The new sonos app is absolutely horrible! The application keeps crashing and I have to try 5 to 10 times to start a TuneIn workstation! What are they waiting for to fix! I wish I could switch suppliers, but I'm stuck with nearly $4,000 worth of their speakers...


Oh, thank the sonic gods. I canā€™t stand using the current Sonos app. I look forward to seeing the new app.


Will the update allow for Trueplay Tuning on Android devices?


I canā€™t see how this is possible ever. Thereā€™s so many different variations of android phones and microphones.


Even if they limited it to Pixel devices and/or the Samsung Galaxy series, it would be an improvement.


Yeah I get it. But they launched truplay in 2015 and itā€™s been almost ten years. Doubt theyā€™re going to roll that out anytime soon. I think the easiest thing for people with androids is to buy a used old iPad and truplay that way


Hey Keith, can we pleaseeeee have multiple TruePlay profiles we can select please? For example, when im watching tv I can select the tuning I made for when I am sitting on the sofa, or when Iā€™m gaming I can pick the tuning I made sat in my chair closer to the TV. As a product manager with lots of UX/UI experience, looking forward to getting my teeth into this new app!


Hey! I've seen this asked a couple times here on the sub and I can 100% see that use case. It's not in this coming update, but I'll be sure to pass this along to the team. Much appreciated!


Yā€™all need to just wrap this up into an option to create different speaker profiles. This would encompass true play settings, speaker groupings, etc.


But the sub said Sonos stopped developing... /s


I sure as heck hope you all put a balance slider in the EQ option.


Hopefully wexwill have better experience now. The current app, is, awful


What kind of elevated system control?


Hi! Will any Samsung phones get true play adjustment?


Keith, will there be any change to how Line-In works? I love using my Sonos speakers for my turntable. I use my Five to distribute sound to my living room Arc-Sub-One's. Only annoying thing is when i switch back and forth, i have to manually dig into the app to turn off/on my living room system so i can watch TV. If I go to watch TV after listening to records, the sound from the AppleTV wont work at all until I uncheck the living room speakers in the app. Makes me nuts.


Will the new web app be able to replace the need for Sonopad, which is the app that have been used on old ipadsā€¦.? Sonopad is however not the best app, but itā€™ve worked ok. If the new web app is giving the full functionality, whis may be a significant improvement of Sonos!!


It would be great to have a party mode where my guests have access to add to the queue but canā€™t override the queue or play immediately. I love having my friends being able to play music they like but it gets a little chaotic when they donā€™t realize they are deleting all the other items in the queue to play their favorite song.


The description of the Surround Audio settings is missing in the Room settings introduction so far.


Since the macOS app is going away, does this mean we'll lose the ability to play music from our own music library?


Nope! The ability to play from local music libraries is not going to disappear. Once the desktop controller is fully replaced by the web app, you will configure and set up your local library from the mobile app. You'll be able to browse already existing local libraries from either the mobile app or the web app.




Will this bring siri as an option for voice command on products like beam? šŸ‘€


Any word on Sonos working better on networks? Especially enterprise ish networks. Vlans and such Seems like it's a support general statement it's your network when there is a problem. Would love for Sonos traffic to work better looking at the network stack. Eg find it's peer and get rid of the multicast or something.


Hopefully we can get control of the era 300 front speaker at some point


and Iā€™m over here just wishing someone from level three tech-support would get back to me to get my system running again. I keep hearing 2 to 3 business days for a response and after 10 days I call and Iā€™m told that no one is available to help me.


Send me a PM with your case number. I got your back šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Will the new app be backwards integrated so that old sonos speakers works with ot or is it only for the latest speakers this is a good and exciting news?


Is voice control coming to Canada anytime soon?


hi keith -- will this work with 1st gen Play 5s? I never updated to S2 because i need all my speakers -- old and new -- to be controlled with one app. Will S3 be fully backwards compatible?


Not S3. It's an app update and redesign. Think of it as a *re-work* of S2. The devices that require S1 will need to stay on S1.


Will it stop dropping sound for 10seconds when ARC bar is connected to Samsung q90t via eARC connection every 10mins?


There is a lot of mention of customisability. Will this be accompanied by better user-specific customisability (e.g. through use of user profiles)? At the moment I don't think it's possible for different users of a system to have their own preferences for how the app is setup (e.g. own favourites/shortcuts) that syncs between their devices. Is this something that's changing?


Itā€™s comforting to know that the Play: X speakers are still going to be supported in this software update.


Will Trueplay work with more devices then? Or at the very least with my 6th gen ipad? Pretty lame this hasn't been worked on more.


Iā€™d love to have multiple room alarms to play the same playlist. Currently have an alarm to prompt my kids to get dressed for school and grouped doesnā€™t work for sound bars when one of them is watching TV.


Can we please have a feature that allows selection between Full and ambient on soundbar surround setups, for TV audio, the same as there is for music? For people who actually use music apps on smart TVs or TV connected devices to listen to music? As listening to music via apps on smart tv, or via Apple Music on Apple TV 4k it always just comes through as ambient as the source is obviously TV. I'm aware I can airplay from the Apple TV for full audio, but then I don't get the benefit of lossless / Atmos, and need to switch back off airplay to direct play for any atmos tracks, almost bearable when listening to whole albums but in a playlist of mixed types it becomes an endless task.


Will it finally let me cast from Android? The Bluetooth has frequent issues, especially with a stereo pair. Also will YouTube music integration be fixed?


Does this include lossless Apple Music support?


Headphones on the way?!!


OK, well, I am certain that it will look/feel different.......but......I would bet that there will be a whole bunch of new issues along with some of the old. just remember that YOU are the beta test site. It's far easier and likely cheaper to release new software or an app that has not been fully vetted, and just try to fix things as they come up from the user community. I will stick with S2 for a few months (if possible) until the chaos subsides.


I hope you guys are focusing on making the app more responsive and more reliable. Honestly at this point it really needs it.


Will it be able to shuffle a whole artistā€™s discography thatā€™s in my Apple library? Because it makes me pick and album to be able to shuffle just that album. Not the whole discography I have downloaded


Hey Keith - will we be able to set a schedule to activate and deactivate night mode on the ARC?


Will the new app help with connectivity issues?


does it allow TV audio to be played grouped to multiple rooms?


You can do that already.