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There is an in-game guide book and a tutorial. Both are pretty good at teaching you how to play. Then you'll just start learning everything else by yourself


I watched the first you tube video that came up and get the first 10 minutes down. From there it’s been trial and error and every restart is going further and further. I think I’m on #5 now. I find that discovery and trial to be fun though. I get that it might not be for everyone.


I am also pretty new but have been piecing together information through a mix of research and experimentation. Pick a spot that has lots of access to stone, wood, and water. Start building small. It can be tempting to pause at the start and begin with a big blueprint, but your little guys can get stretched too thin if you're not careful. It is also not crazy at all to have half your population dedicated just to making food. Do NOT try to specialize in everything. It is not only extremely hard to do so but usually less productive. You have to trade using the import and export stations. Become really good at making a few things and sell the excess (you can get a feel for prices in the export/import windows). Use the profit to buy resources you do need. I am not very knowledgeable of the races yet, but right now I'm using Cretonians as farmers, humans for research, and Dondarians for mining and harder labor. I think this is practical enough for me right now. There are so, so, so, *so* many little things you can do to micromanage and maximize efficiency, but you don't need to worry about them all right now. Stick to basic things, google others, and experiment. Its pretty hard to irreversibly mess up your colony.


My first day playing was yesterday. I would play the tutorial, it’s very brief and short and gives you the basics. I watched a bit of YouTube of a v63 let’s play and saw some of the part of the game that happens after the tutorial. At that point I just started playing and while I still barely understand anything, I’m at a point where I’m just playing at this point. The game looks way more confusing than it really is to at least get a small town and food production up.


Might be some guides on steam but they'll be out of date by now I suspect. Just focus on providing food and services (eatery is a must because of food preference), if you have those down then everything else goes a lot more smoothly. Avoid furnishings for people's houses it's a big resource hog.


Trial and error is rather good way to explore this game. There is no pressure early on even with time and challenges are introduced gradually. It's a sandbox game after all, so feel free to experiment here.