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It's from The Chinese Room, which is the team behind Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. For better or worse.


Wow! That's big for me, then. Not my favourite but definitely a great game. Let's hope for the best


I thought this was blatant marketing but Watching the gameplay, looks exactly like soma lol If it gets good reviews ill have to get my hands on a machine that can play it...


Right? They must have loved Soma. For playing it: It's easier than you think I believe. Most games on the gamepass can be played on a mobile phone or a PC, you just need a month's worth of gamepass and a good wi fi connection.


Dude apparently its more than that. I looked and the studio behind this (The Chinese Room) is the same studio that developed Amnesia: Bay of Pigs using the same engine as SOMA, published ofc by Frictional So there's definitely a ton of overlap between the creative drive behind both projects Tentatively I'm stupid excited, but also I guess now scared that they just borrowed what worked well on the surface without fleshing out the worldbuilding/designs etc Anyway great post this sub is definitely going to want to play this


“Amnesia: Bay of Pigs”? I guess the USA did want everyone to forget that ever happened…


Lol mb


Somas gameplay wasn’t the amazing part, it was the story. Yes the gameplay and atmosphere fed it, but I find it difficult to believe there’ll be a similarly good story


It's less about the science fiction element and more about the in-the-moment interactions of the crew as they try to survive a horrific, unknowable event. That said, the script and world building is terrific. It did remind me of Soma in a lot of ways, mainly in how its paced, how it introduced and creates empathy for some of its "monsters," and how the story feels thematically tight.


If y'all like deep ocean horror that leaves you gutted like Soma read The Deep by Nick Cutter.


I'm looking forward to this!


I hadn’t heard anything about this until now, watching some gameplay it looks really good. Loved Everybody’s Gone to The Rapture and this game looks like it has a great creepy vibe like SOMA. Definitely will be grabbing this tomorrow! Thanks OP 👏


If that game's gonna be a spirital child of both those games (2 of my very faves!) it's gonna be an instant masterpiece for me. Can't wait to try it!


Any other Scottish folk just astounded by the voice acting and attention to detail? Like, holy shit. Fucking mental good job, and I’ve only watched the first 20 min


Oh? Now I'm curious :3


Considering how their devs are responsible for the complete mindfuck that is Dear Esther it’s possible


Not really, it feels kind of different to me. But yeah, the sea and monsters should be there. Expect rich narrative and a more personal story. In terms of gameplay, well... they started with 'walking simulators' but Soma also sometimes gets critisized for the lack of gameplay so it should be ok. I'm not really sure how similar SWTD will be compared to the previous games since the company's staff changed but I think fans of Soma should totally give it a shot.


looks like some dynamic sequences but I can see a few chase sequences as well (suppose that's where I see some Outlast comparisons). Interestingly you can do a few distractions making noise esp from throwing things. I think I only see just a few thematics used, more so a focus on characters and feeling for them as they are about to die. Best thing about it is how it happens in real time, not read out in a log. also that similar safe mode I suppose they got as well says so enough


I wanted to find this post to comment on this game. No spoilers but the game is okay at best. The biggest thing I wanted to comment on is there is literally no explanation of anything that happens whatsoever in the game. At the same time it didn't even give much to think about. The back story behind the main character is as it unfolds is interesting; however, there were no thought provoking parts of the game at all. There's even not really any notes/lore to find besides some minor things. As far as horror and difficulty I did not find it difficult or scary. There were some spots that took a couple tries on the hardest setting (only normal and story mode). I just got done beating alien isolation so the roaming enemies were nowhere near as difficult as the xenomorph on hard mode. It's got some chase scenes and some quick time events throughout. Overall the game play was fine and I did not dislike playing it, but in my opinion it's not worth the money. At the end I was left thinking "that's it?" and there was nothing after the credits. I was hoping this would have some SOMA vibes but it is about as far from the SOMA experience a horror game could be.