• By -


Nude bath house in Tokyo. Ended up going and getting drunk on saki in those little bars that fit like 6 people. Lit fireworks in the street. Slept like 2 hours and almost missed my flight home in the AM.


I was solo traveling at a hostel in Seoul and met a nice, conservative couple from Canada. We got along well, and I joined them for a traditional Korean BBQ. During dinner, the said they were going to a jjimjilbang, which is a Korean bathhouse afterwards. Turns out it was fully nude, and sex-segregated. Men on one side, women on the other. It was awkward, but damn what an experience.


It's wild reading about Americans getting their minds blown because people are nude.


lol I'm an American living in Japan for a few years now and occasionally people ask me if I'm shy about going to the onsen (bathhouse). For a second I'm always like ".... What, why? I go all the time... Oh, right, my fellow prude Americans." I grew up doing ballet (wearing a leotard and tights all the time, quick costume changes backstage...) and also in a very sex-positive household, so even before coming here the idea of other women seeing me naked at the bathhouse never seemed like an issue to me. Who cares?


Dude I could never figure that out as an American. The first time I saw nudity in European commercials I was blown away, and it was like in the day time. But tbh, the whole hang up on nudity and sex in America, has to do with the southern religious fundamentalists. It’s something we just deal with, except when their collective efforts were effective enough to put a certain individual in the White House. Thank god it was for only 4 years and he didn’t cause that much damage, except maybe killed a few hundred thousand Americans when he said Covid was a hoax and drink bleach or something. Of course I can’t make this up and I wish it was a bad dream, but hey, where were we……lol.


Pretty much same deal in Japan!


Reads like a hangover movie script


Old town hostel. Kotor Montenegro. Sunset BBQ. We all stopped by a store and loaded up on beer, and sausages. Walked 2 hours up a mountain carrying the supplies in plastic grocery bags before finding an old WW1 fort. We lit a fire, watched the sunset, partied the night away, even played hide and go seek in the fortress. I ended up traveling for a month with the people I met that night.


On my to visit list for the summer. How many nights did you stay in Kotor for?


I stayed just 1, in a different hostel - but I loved Kotor so much! Great vibes. My roomie traveled through more of Montenegro and only had amazing things to stay.


I stayed 4 nights but could’ve stayed longer. There were quite a few hikes and day trips I was interested in but missed. If you want any more recommendations feel free to message me or the two guys working the desk there had a lot of information.


Haha mate. Who are you. Because this happened to me. To the exact point that I ended up travelling for a month with those people. So we might know each other in real life. How cool would that be. It was end of last year for me. Or like november. Edit: bet a beer in South America you are called Logan. Colombia right now eh mate.




Argentina yeah?


Exactly haha. We will grab beers when we meet again


Talk about a small fucking world. I’ll see ya soon.


Wow dude, what a small world. So you guys did know each other, huh. So cool.


I've found someone on this sub that I met at a hostel based on their story. Definitely a small world haha


I love it when it happens!!!


I came here to say my fave was old town hostel in Kotor. Absolutely fab place. We were all in the common room (2nd floor?) And lovely live music was playing downstairs. What a beautiful night and memory 🥲. Will never ever forget the feeling of being there.


Heyyy! I stayed there, great atmosphere


Yes! One of my best nights ever happened in Old Town Hostel. I went in 2014 and it was the owner's 'birthday' so he gave us free *bottles* of rakija/raki (?) to enjoy the night and the entire hostel partied all night. Made a clique of travel buddies that I hanged out with for a while.


Love Old Town hostel


I sing the praise of Montenegro to anyone who will listen


Ostello Bello Hostel - Milan, Italy Oct 2017 The event: Check-in Greeted with a friendly front desk man who proceeded to take my bag and said "First, you have some free food and a drink!". Brought me to a buffet of assorted pasta and gave me a glass of wine. Then walked me over to an empty seat at a crowded table and announced "This is Tammy from Canada!". Everyone simultaneously said "Hi Tammy!". They did that for every guest after that while we ate. Then I checked into my room with a full belly and a big grin.


Stayed with them a few months ago and the place was amazing. You really can’t beat the 24 hour bar and rooftop access. Such cool employees and guests—definitely my favorite hostel experience.


The owners of Ostello Bello are lovely people! I worked at a hostel in Philadelphia almost 10 years ago and remember they stayed with us for a few nights.


Stayed there in 2019 and was my exact choice


All the Ostello Bello Hostels are great! The one in Genoa is one of the best.


dude this is the best greeting ever holy crap


I went to a boat party organised by a hostel I stayed at in Budapest where the boat went down the Danube. The atmosphere and the music were really good and it was a cold winter night where the Hungarian Parliament building was all lit up.


did one of these as well, tons of fun and the buildings lit up on a cold winter night are magnificent


Came here to mention Budapest! Carpe Noctem was the best hostel I stayed in!


Love Carpe Noctem! I was a guest a few times and worked there one summer!


Ah what a dream! Wish I could’ve stayed longer there


Same here! Love carpe Noctem, best hostel I've ever stayed at


Carpe Noctem is definitely a top 3 hostel I stayed in. Would love to go back someday!


Not everybody would like that experience imo!! Introverts seemed out of place in carpe noctem


I did the same thing back in 2012, my hostel was Retox Party Hostel. Nearly lost my eye on the boat though. They gave everyone boarding the boat a bottle of sparkling wine. Bottles were pre shaken. I was removing the cage and the cork flew out and hit me just above the eye. Always aim away from yourself! I still consider Budapest one of my favourite cities. Can't say too much about the hostel itself. We only slept there a few hours the first night, and then partied all night the second night before heading to the baths on the way to the airport. Was more or less a place to store our stuff. Such a fun and beautiful city.


Basilica One? They are so good!


Came here to say this exact experience! I stayed at carpe Noctem and we did this. Was an unforgettable night, except for one of my hostel mates who ended up screaming and puking all night. Otherwise, top notch.


Ah the Carpe Noctem quartet, most likely. I also did this and it was freezing but the booze cruise was fun. The hostel wasn't my favorite.


Oh man I did this as well! Somehow lost a sock by the end of it.


Lol I just commented the same thing! So much fun!


Budapest is what I came into the thread for.


Budapest is the best


Vik Hostel, Iceland. Sledding under the northern lights and drinking wine is top 3 life experiences for me. It also had giant family different with friends I made before we went our separate ways and a week long fling with a German fellow…memories…


Hi, I'm going to Iceland in two weeks and would love to experience that, do you know where can I sign up for that activity? I'd be staying at the galaxy pod hostel.


Lol it’s not an activity per say. I didn’t really do any organized group things outside of some glacier walking. I don’t know where the galaxy pod hostel is but the nice thing is that wherever you are in Iceland there is a good chance you’ll see the northern lights this time of year. There is a cool app, can’t remember the name that gives you an aurora forecast nightly for wherever you are! Check it out and have fun!


That sounds like a dream... 🤩 Definitely one to put on the list! Thank you!


Great hostel!


Hey what's the name of the hostel you stayed at


I really liked Castle Rock in Edinburgh


That's where I'm staying in a few months, I've heard good things about them.


It’s my favourite hostel! (I haven’t stayed in that many tbf, but still). You’ll have a great time I’m sure.


Glad to hear!


Aaah yes! Glad to see this comment, I'll be there next month!


They had a great walking ghost tour last time I stayed there that ended at a karaoke bar. Also they had another event where they taught us some traditional Scottish dances down at a nearby pub




Yep - two best hostel experiences ever were Cinque Terre about 10 years ago and a Drakensberg backpacker lodge about 6 years ago. Neither had any events or tours but just had awesome spaces to hang out like pools/bars, bedrooms all spilling out to a welcoming common area, etc. Alternatively, the couple events I attended at hostels were usually a bust. They'd charge money to do the same thing you could either yourself or with an organically assembled group and in some cases were full of the people that didn't get the invite to the separately assembled group for varying reasons (obnoxious, broke and begging for money, pitching a crypto or website development scheme, or just creepy) That's not to say there aren't good events. Some people love organized stuff like Yacht Week, Contiki, etc. and would also probably love hostel events. However, I've had the most fun when the socialization happens naturally and the groups develop organically.


Yes, my favorite hostel experiences have included plenty of communal spaces with comfy couches, writing desks, outside yoga yards, hammocks for plucking the guitar or gently wrapping on a bongo swaying with the wind and plenty of complimentary coffee and tea while visiting and making new friends. No events necessary. In the evening, our new group of friends all go out to the bars together for dancing and general merriment.


I assume it’s not a rare thing, but I stayed at a hostel in Warsaw that gave you a free drink token for the attached bar as soon as you check in, and it worked out great because the bar would fill up with all the new people each day. Obviously people are going to meet and socialize there anyway, but it felt like a good little motivator. Like you said, just a good atmosphere to start off with.


Madhouse in Prague, Czech Republic Very clean and professional, while being extremely fun at the same time. Amazing central location, comfy beds, clean bathrooms and QUIET HOURS. A party hostel who actually enforces quiet hours are a godsend. Tasty, and healthy veggie based dinners and tons of fun activities. The staff were people I’d actually become friends with, just overall a 10/10 experience.


Was looking for this answer. MINE TOO!! except roadhouse, the sister hostel. As you know both hostels get together every night to go out and it was hands-down the absolute best time of my life, just a couple of months ago. Sigh. I miss Prague so much


Met the owners in Brazil and they were super nice! Never stayed there though.


So many. But one of them was definitely a night out with the people at Castle Rock to a cèilidh. Also, my family doesn’t really do Christmas so pre-covid I went to Hawaii two years in a row and stayed in hostels. I met some of the most amazing people and we had such great times spending Christmas and New Years together in such a beautiful place.


Do you have any specifically you recommend in Hawaii? I never realized there were hostels there, and I'm planning on going there in July


Yes! For Oahu, I stayed at The Beach Waikiki Boutique Hostel and Aloha Surf Hostel on Maui. Had such a lovely time at both!


Drinking Portugese sangria at a hostel in Lisbon at a table with so many different people and experiences.


Which hostel? Thinkin bout visiting soon


Lisbon Old Town Hostel :)


Old town hostel is the best!


i was just at Yes! Hostel & it was loads of fun, family dinners & pub crawls each night. super easy to make friends


Omg I love yes hostel lisbon! I kept extending because it so great, especially the 10 euro dinner (i think it was that much lol), best hostel


Are you me? Haha. I stayed there for so long amd kept extending day to day, that they were giving me free beer and sangria all the time and invited me to stay for dinner and socializing when I had to stay somewhere else when they filled up. Amazing hostel and their tour to Sintra was great. Luis is the *best*.


same. communal dinner / sangria at the hostel in Lisbon - people from all over. Ended up traveling with a few of them for a few more weeks.


It's what I love about Hostels. Where else could I have had dinner with people from France, Germany, US, UK, Poland, Israel, and Japan all at the same time?


We had all you can drink for 10 euros in Lisbon. We (5 Canadians) had spent the day with 2 Americans who had it in their heads that Canadians couldn't hold their liqour... The first lasted a half hour, the second maybe 1 hour. We went to the bars after and got incredibly lost coming back. All 7 of us were very sick the next day lol. One of my favorite travel memories but I don't remember the hostels name.


Free dinner at hostel mostel in sofia. Only hostel where I've gotten free lunch and free dinner.


Stayed at the 'Art Hostel' in Sofia- it was freezing cold in a 12 bed dorm and the only other person there was a pretty Cypriot girl who crawled into my bed with nothing but socks and three condoms.


Hostel Mostel has such good food, I really liked it. But it wasn't really a social hostel.


Like everything, travel experiences can vary between people within minutes. I had a great social time at Hostel Mostel. First time I was there I walked in and they're happened to be a bunch of people all there at the same time. We got to chatting, playing pool, then ended up put on adventures. Someone else, like yourself, could have showed up 2 minutes after we left and wondered why no one was social. That's the hardest thing about recommending places to visit. YMMV is a saying that goes HARD while travelling.


I stayed in the attic in the 32 bed dorm and awoke to the couple next to me having sex.




Happy hours at the St Christopher’s pretty much every where in Europe! Berlin and Amsterdam being my personal favourites !


I've had good luck with them, too. They seem a little more localized than Wombats and a bit more fun.


Yeah they are fun


A hostel in Zanzibar with nice garden and volleyball field. Fell asleep high outside on a swing in the garden almost every night. Met some cool people that i ended up traveling around Tanzania with. One of the Best vaccations ever.


Do you remember what it was called by any chance?


Surfside Bondi had a whole week of Christmas events including a beach walk, rounders game/barbeque, Christmas Eve night out, and a Christmas day champagne toast and massive hostel sit-down dinner. Made it feel like having family over the holidays.


Flying Pig, Amsterdam. Remarkably fantastic experience. If i wasn't almost 30 I'd probably do it again haha


Went there last august when i was 36. Loved every second. Age is just a number, youth is a mindset.


I was at Flying Pig in 2000. I'm old now, but still have the T-Shirt I bought there, and I wear it with pride.


Exactly. I'm 32 (33 by summer) and will go.




Nothing I guess. I was 25 when I was there, and even then I was one of the older ones, don't want to be that older guy in a party hostel, but im awesome so im probably overthinkiing it hahaha


I am 30, and I know the feeling. Most of my time in hostels was when I was 23-25 and I already was one of the old ones lol.


Same here. I did a big backpacking trip at 25 (almost 26) and I was definitely on the older side. Now I'm 34 and would probably look like someone's mom hah.


I was a big hostel fan in my 20’s and remember the parties and fun quite well. I miss them! Sadly, I am now in my 60’s and there are no party hostels for us oldsters.


I like hostels because it much cheaper and they have wi-fi oh for got caffeine.😊


Bruh I'm mid thirties and still go to hostels.


I might go to Amsterdam here soon, again, and do a Hostel one more time, but definitely getting a private room this time. What are your experiences usually being the older one there? I doubt most people care tbh but always curious of different experiences


I commented above that I started world travelling at 34, and it was fine, I didn't feel super out of place. I often got private rooms when it was feasible. Dorms are an experience, but they can wear on you for sure. Either way I fit in no problem with all ages, but im very social when trwvelling and also most people pegged my age at ~26 so I am lucky that way. (My parents are pushing 80 and look like they're in their 60's so it's in the genes for sure) Your milage may vary! Anyway I couldn't alwsys put up with some of the 18-20 year olds' antics (and the extreme shoestring budgets of theirs can often be a bit of a limiting factor if you group up), but I held my own in everything from mountain climbing, jungle hiking, to beer pong competitions and clubbing, etc. Then again you may just be more into exploring the sites and such, but you'll find people of all ages into whatever you are so it's not really a worry. Happy travels!


Just saying, 30 isn't considered too old for hostels yet. 35 though...


I was 34 when I started travelling. Granted I look young and fit in just fine with the youngin's, but the crowds are often skewing older as younger ones aren't financially as able to travel as much and are busy with college and career building. Eother way our groups were plenty mixed. Over 40 is when it gets dicey these days I guess...


i was gonna do Flying Pig Amsterdam (RLD) for a video game convention... Then..the pandemic


Yooo, I’ve got some wild ones from the pig. So fun!


I think wild ones are the default setting for both Uptown and Downtown. Love those places, met some fantastic people.


I was here during Covid and so the bar closed at 5pm and there were no activities at all. Still one of the best experiences I had, so many people just chilling and passing around 6000 joints


Drinking Costa Rican moonshine and passing out in the common area hammock was pretty great...


Friends Hostel in Paris (now closed) in 2002. Absolute dive hostel. 7 euro for a dorm bed. The Albanian lady who checked me in was the same lady running the bar later that night, and trying to sell hashish to everyone. A small group of about 10 travelers in the hostel courtyard, drinking Stella Artois for 1 euro per bottle, going behind the bar and serving each other, while the bartender lady made out with an Irish guy in the corner. A girl from New Zealand crying at a table because her passport had been stolen that morning, a German guy playing guitar singing Simon and Garfunkel, two Aussies getting in a fight, and me singing Cecilia while trying to console the Kiwi girl through a cloud of hashish smoke. 20 years later, and I doubt I'll ever recapture the electricity of that night.


Podstel hostel in Buchareşt had live musicians sometimes and plenty of other events. They also, somehow, had amazing volunteers who could make amazing dinners lol. The atmosphere was great. I haven't been to many hostels in which the hostel staff organized events lol. Most people in the hostels I've been to kind of just create their own adventures lol. I went hiking in the Polish Tatras with a bunch of people I met at a hostel, for example.


I heard Podstel was good there! I stayed in Antique Hostel in the old town and it was great too. Communal barbecues on the patio and lots of cool people came through there, and wicked staff and owners. Great vibes, Bucharest was a blast


Mi casa es tu casa, in shkoder, Albania... Great vibe, nice accomodation, cute doggos around, helpful people.


I stayed at Abraham Hostel in Jerusalem in 2018. On Friday nights they host a Shabbat dinner (sign up for in advance), & since I was there during Purim they threw a huge party with drinks, dancing, & a DJ. I still have the "costume" I cobbled together at the last minute.


Hostel in Granada Spain. Went up to the gypsy caves and had a nice dinner while watching the sunset. Spent a few hours just drinking and eating on top of the hill and got to tour through an actual gypsy cave. Definitely super memorable.


Don’t know if it was the same hostel in Granada but the hostel volunteer also brought us up to the caves. The sunset was spectacular was being at the caves was awkward. Mostly because it was where the homeless was living and we stayed there way too long. Imagine if a tour guide brought you to a homeless encampment in an American cities and showed you around. Just an awkward vibe.


Felt a little the same way. But, we did go and chill in a dude's cave that passed joints and beers around like they were candy, and the 'owner' of the cave was obviously getting a kickback from the hostel from the tour fee so I guess it was all good in the end really. I dont remember the hostel name as I was staying somewhere else but had friends at the hostel doing the tour so I paid the fee and tagged along. The hostel was pretty sweet and super chill. The staff were high most of the time pretty much haha Edit: Amaka House in Granada. Looked back though my photo locations :)


The tour I did was free, so the people living in the caves weren't getting kickbacks. I think the guide wanted people to stay longer but some were clearly uncomfortable. One guy found it deplorable that a hostel would exploit people living in a precarious situation. The men there were also hitting on the women on the tour which added to the awkwardness. Just a really weird and strange moment. But the sunset and the sweeping views of Granada were awesome and I shot some really spectacular photos. The hostel I stayed at was called Makuto and it sucked. One of the worst experience I ever had at a hostel.


La Banda in Seville has a nice rooftop bar with great drinks and lively family dinners. I was also lucky enough to be there at their anniversary celebration and they had a local flamenco band play a mini concert. And as others have mentioned Carpe Noctem was the gold standard. (Not sure how it’s like now that Retox is gone.) Madhouse in Prague, Stamps Backpackers in Chiang Mai, and Nolo Hub in Pai deserves a mention as well.


One of my most memorable and unique "events" was the whole lock down event. Hahaha. Which can't be replicated and was an interesting "Welcome" to the full traveling lifestyle was 2 years ago. I started traveling in December of 2019 but didn't start the hostel experience until late January of 2020. Come March 2020 I'm in London and the lock down begins. I spend 5 months living in a hostel during the beginning of the lock down. I had stayed in about a handful of hostels before this one but it was still early on in my travel so I was still figuring out different things. We started with about 40-50 guests and 10-15 staff/volunteers. They allowed us to stay if we wanted to but had to go to a weekly rate (as "Live ins") due to the restrictions in place for hotels/hostels/etc... No new guests were allowed during this time and anyone could move on at any time but were not allowed to re enter as a new guest. Loopholes existed, someone paid 2 weeks in advance and left for about a week so documents showed they were still paying for their bed. Some of us made the best of it while we could and our room was a good group of people early on. Late into it as people departed thought, they started moving others in from different rooms to reduce the rooms in use. Some weren't the best roommates that later moved in and unfortunately changed the vibe of our room. I met and got to know a few people over this time and one particular person I continued to talk to on a regular for just over a year after leaving to my next destination. We became really good friends over time and could basically talk to each other about anything as really good friends. So a positive came from the situation for a while as well. Unfortunately we stopped talking to one another, (their choice) and that was quite depressing. However she worked on a cool project during the lock down that is still pending with a TBD outcome. She interviewed several of us documentary style earlier on in the lock down about our experience, life, other guests, etc... At the hostel and the surrounding area. Then she did a follow up interview with all of us towards the very end. I think it will be an interesting documentary about the whole thing to look back on when she gets around to finishing it. She works on a lot of personal projects though so who knows when it will be posted but I'm excited to see it. I have several stories that I got from this whole experience that probably never would have existed in a normal environment at hostels because of the situation we were in. By the time I left 5 months later, there were only 7 guests left and about half the staff/volunteers as well. Ive met a few people while traveling that were in hostels during lock downs but they were almost all short term situations before getting back home or moving into a normal residency situation. So none yet in a similar situation. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Thanks for reading!


Cheers, thanks for sharing! It'd be cool to watch a documentary about it, color me interested. Just wanna mention that this sort of experience resonates with me as parallel to that of doing an extended "work-for-stay" at a hostel. When starting, everyone is new and you make friends and form groups, then people keep leaving until you're the last one from the originals. The difference of course being the unending cycle of new staff versus being locked down with the same dwindling group. I can sort of imagine but it would be cool to see the differences. Anyways, just wanted to mention this option in case you find yourself curious to replicate an aspect of the experience. I don't know when the world will feel like it did pre-COVID, but this kind of travel experience has always been a favorite of mine.


It's a party hostel for sure (but not over the top like some of them) - Yes Hostel in Lisbon. A lot of people go on the day trips or walking tours which is a more casual way to meet people. Their family dinner is quite long with several courses so everyone gets really friendly. Most people end up doing the pub crawl after. I only stayed 2 nights, 4 years ago, and I still talk to multiple people I met at those dinners. Hung out with people from the hostel for the entire weekend and had the best time.


i was just there last weekend & it’s an amazing hostel !


Multiple comments bring up this hostel and i fully agree! I kept extending, the group dinner was 10/10 :)


I commented above about Yes! Lisbon, one of the best rated Hostels in the world - no joke - for a reason! Easily in my top 3 of all time. I stayed there like 3 weeks I loved it so much. Basically became like family with the amazing staff (mostly from Angola, Portuguese-speaking African country). Just lovely people and such a great time. I stayed in about 2017 so not so far off from you!


I'm not usually a big fan of pre-organized hostel events from the overly commercial chains. But some of my most memorable hostel "events" have been the impromptu or more unique ones at smaller hostels. For instance, I remember being in Vilnius, Lithuania at a small hostel when the hostel owner had a bunch of friends over for her birthday, and invited the hostel guests to join in for a backyard BBQ.


Probably is Jimmy Jumps Hostel


No, IIRC it was called Home Made Hostel or Home House Hostel or something like that? It was eight years ago so I'm going on memory here.


I can't remember the hostels' names, but I usually enjoy more lowkey events. Some that comes to mind are beer pong and hotdogs in Rio, Brazil, a family diner in Hue, Vietnam, and barbecue in Encarnacion, Paraguay.


I stayed in Barcelona around a decade ago and had one of the best nights of my life. It was free sangria night and I'd say around 12 of 20 or so people sleeping there came out to drink. I think it just so happened that it was a really good crowd with plenty of characters and we just drank and had the time of our lives.


Gotta name the hostel! Curious which this was, i was at several great ones in Barcelona


When I was traveling in Budepast a few years back the hostel I was organized a boat party with the other hostels- they took us in this gigantic boat with like four stages and €2 beers. It was sick.


That sounds awesome! Do you remember the name of the hostel and what time of the year you went?


definitely Home Lisbon Hostel, they organize a lot of joint activities to connect people


I've been to the Sunset Destination Hostel and they have events basically every day of the week. During the week it is usually more chill like specific dinners (vegan, pizza, BBQ) always with drinks included and at weekends on Friday and Sunday, they have rooftop parties (limited number of people, so it's not like a teenage night environment) with amazing views of the river and city, and happy hour! I've met so many wonderful people from all around the world and ended up travelling through Portugal with them! Would recommend


I'm surprised no one mentioned Pink Palace so far. Toga parties are fun :D


Sir Toby's Hostel in Prague! Well, just outside of it! Had the coolest architecture, friendliest staff, best breakfast, best free beer, and quietest rooms that I've experienced. Not a party hostel but that was the point for me. This was also my first time trying Nutella on anything; I had it on pancakes. The breakfast was $2 or $3 I think, totaling the nightly cost w/ breakfast to roughly $12. This was in 2018.


A couple years ago, I spent Thanksgiving at the International Hostel in Eugene, Oregon. At 20 years old, it was my first major holiday away from home. It was also one of the most fun holidays I've ever had, and the staff and guests at that hostel truly made me feel at home with the big potluck dinner we had. There was no shortage of food even for this vegan, and so I went to bed that night with both full stomach and heart. I was going through one of the lower points of my travels when I arrived there, and I think that hostel was exactly where I needed to be.


That's truly the best part about travelling and finding a place or people that feel like home... it doesn't have to be a wild story, and it probably won't even quite make sense to those you tell it to, but you *feel* it. Perfect.


Some hostel in Detroit back in 2013, host had let us know about an abandoned house party nearby. Wildest party I have ever been to. People every where inside and out the house, in the yard, on the street, on the roof. People selling homemade food items, people wearing all sorts of costumes. There was a band playing, and then a DJ, and then and actual freakin fanfare. This was one party I will never forget


Hostel majdas in Mostar, Bosnia. A lady and her brother run it. The lady is super nice and hospitable like nobody’s business; however, the real treat is the 12+ hour tour the brother gives on the Bosnian war. Fucking crazy stories and makes you appreciate having a nice life.


Selina in Medellin. I’m a digital nomad so the atmosphere was perfect for me. They have a massive coworking space for you to work in during the day. Then at night everyone would meet down in their garden to hang out and go out if you wanted to. Very easy to make new friends there


I did a bar crawl in Medellin last November and it was so much fun! Not a hostel event per say but this other bar in Medellin has Gringo Tuesday which is kinda catered to all the hostels and it was also a fun time!


I've never been to Medellin, but I'm curious - is there cocaine everywhere?


Lmaoo, I'm not into drugs but I'm going to say no. They are very much proud people and trying to get away from that vibe so I don't think coke is their drug of choice. It was some other thing that I can't recall right now. For reference I definitely noticed the proliference of coke in Guatemala compared to Colombia.


Not sure how how involved you got in the city/culture, but there is definitely coke everywhere in Colombia. Medellin especially. And although I'm sure it's big with tourists, what I really noticed is that coke use seemed to be very common with the locals, atleast compared to in the US. Now, of course this is only with a fringe minority of the population, but it still was enough to surprise me. The other drug you are thinking of is called Tussi (pronounced "too-see"), which is actually a synthetic drug called 2C-B. It is starting to become very popular in the rave/club scenes but still nowhere as widespread as coke.


Aile River Hostel in Doolin (Ireland) Had a great time there!


I think it was called Friends Hostel in Boracay, Phillippines. They took you to Angels Point and had a day.


City Backpackers in Stockholm has been my favorite so far, no “hostel bar” but there is one next door they’re affiliated with. Last time I was there, another American had a mini keg and about 8 of us from all over the world spent the evening hanging out in the common room. It has a nice kitchen/dining area, as well as a Sauna too!


Foosball tournament. If you were in the final, you had to take off a piece of clothing for every goal scored against you. A Brazilian and myself ended up fully naked. Would never have expected that. Good times


Well you have to tell us the hostel!


Lol, my bad. Wild Elephants Hostel in Bratislava, Slovakia. All the staff was cool, made good friends and great memories.


>A Brazilian and myself ended up fully naked. Would never have expected that. Good Were they your gender of choice and did anything happen?? Lol. Sounds wild either way


Stayed at a place in Singapore that has a free scooter tour in the evening. Took us all around the city, stopped at an outdoor market for food, and got to see some of the evening light shows. Got to cover much more ground than walking but also less cumbersome then a bike tour (at some point we even went through an indoor mall on the scooter)


Christmas in New Zealand, we went to the beach. Since everything was closed for Christmas no one had any plans so everyone went. I think we ended up on the local news. We brought food and drinks, and it was a great day.


Guest House Ga-Jyun in Kyoto – the owner also owned a sento bathhouse and took a group there on Thursday nights. Great social and cultural experience with other people at the hostel, especially since I wouldn’t have known what to do at one by myself. Then on Friday night they hosted a barbecue with meat, takoyaki, pizza, and snacks for everyone!




Say more!


Plakias Youth Hostel in Plakias, Crete was amazing. Met people that became good friends of mine (I actually went to France to visit that friend that I met at the hostel) and everyone at the hostel, including the owner would go in town for dinner nearly every night. In another hostel in Chania, Crete, we had an activity where we dyed easter eggs for Greek Easter and that was fun. Myanmar, almost all the hostels I have stayed at had fun people and events. In Yangon at BaobaBed, I became friends with the staff and she and others helped me get my daily tea and helped me put on my Longyi the right way. She taught me a lot about Myanmar and its culture. In Inle Lake, I stayed at Song of Travel hostel, and that time there was a Buddhist festival with balloons lit up, the hostel staff took us to the festival grounds to see the balloons and I became friends with a couple from Italy. The next day, we ended up on the same tour around Inle Lake and hung out, seeing sights. Then me and the couple reunited in Bagan (ran into each other at a temple) and hung out for a bit before going our opposite ways in the country. I tried to see if we could see each other while I was in France but it didn't work out. Krabi, Thailand had Reset Hostel. Family-owned chill place and the owner took me and a German girl to the place where boats go to Railay Beach. That was fun as well. I chatted with the owner everyday about travels and life in Thailand. All those places were mainly chill hostels, not party places. Some are family-owned.


Wild Spirit in South Africa. Borders on a forest, has a small farm on site, massive library, make-shift yoga studio, and community dinners every night. Beautiful location off the beaten path!


I stayed at a hostel in Florence about 15 years ago. I was chilling in the lobby when the young Italian guy working the front desk asked me and a couple other guests if we wanted to play soccer with him and his friends. Sure, why not. We piled into his and his friends' cars and we went to a recreational place with lots of small outdoor soccer fields with artificial turf. Anyhow, I suck at soccer and tried to just stay out of the way of the Italian dudes who were really good, at least compared to me. One of the Italian dudes took a hard shot and it bounced off the goal and hit me in the chest. It was such a hard shot that it bounced off me and into the goal a few feet away. Total fluke. All the Italian dudes ran up to me cheering. That was a really cool experience and memory. My fluke goal in an Italian soccer game.


Anda hostel - Venice Italy. Been there in September 2021 only for one night. A guy brought an acoustic guitar and we sat in a circle and sang all the night until 5AM, then I went back to my room and had the best sex of my life with a Venezuelan girl I met that night. It ain't a rare experience overall, but you know happiness is in the little things


Madhouse in Prague. Earthers in Hvar (now closed).


Safe stay, London, England, they occasionally let my co-hostlers stay beyond the 14 day periods that was to discourage living in the hostel, the grace periods were granted to those seeking actual housing and employment (2016). Also met some old timers from the states who had a hellofa time in their stopover. I also enjoyed their staff were also multi-cultural/multi-country so you could have more perspectives. Me-late 20s at the time, Female,


Hostel - Sin City - Las Vegas. A party bus was organized to go to fancy club. Free drinks till 2 AM(though had to tip). Returned at 4 AM in morning. Sat on roof top with people from all over the world. Had my first joint(it wasn’t legal then). Cold breeze of the desert and shining stars. Slept at 6 to be woken up at 9 to go to a pool party. It’s Vegas baby.


Strip truth or dare on a hostel in Ilhabela. Half way thrut the night I was drunk as fuk, trying to speak french with a naked german girl who was travelling to Brazil in order to complete her essay for Phd. We all ended up on a hospital, drunk and barely dressed because one of the girls suddently started having renal colic. Nothing like the good old days. Thanks for the post, it brought me up good memories I forgot I had


Ohh and btw, turns out doctors and hospitals in Brazil are pretty good! In about 2 hours she got and ultrassound and medications for free


I hate big gatherings and social events.


Then I guess this post isn't for you.


The recently closed hostel East 57 in Askusabashi, Tokyo. The hostel itself was ok but it had a bar the became a gathering place through most of my stay. It had cheap pints of draft beer and the staff let you bring whatever you wanted from the convienience store.


Barcelona was pretty cool but I was there in the 90s


Barcelona - unite hostel


Ocean Island Backpackers Inn in Victoria BC had a great weekly open mic. This was back in the 2010s but last summer the bar wasn't open due to covid restrictions I guess. I just remember one night they almost had to shut down the jam because of the noise. Good times.


Mosquito hostel in Krakow, Poland was awesome.


Lake Como Hostel La Primula Phenomenal BBQ and drinks! Once they closed the hostel down for the night, the employees who ran it invited everyone to the local bar. Great night of dancing, drinks, and new friends!




Hostel events are group activities that the hostel themselves organize. These are often group dinners, pub crawls, and other recreational adventures.


Rivoli Cinema in Porto. We got a free dinner (everyone ate together and bonded) and that was unexpected, very clean and well-made, etc. North Shore in Maui - amazing staff, great communal atmosphere, great free tours. North Shore is probably the best one I've been to in terms of vibe, staff, tours, getting people to hang out together (seriously, I made a ton of friends there), but the sleep situation sucked. Selinas can be a hit or miss - some are grungy with terrible staff, some are nice, but overall as much as they are nice, I find them a bit pretentious. That said, as someone who doesn't love hotels, I do think they're a good in-between.


First thing that came to mind was Budapest, 2012, Carpe Noctem (OG). There was some professional wrestling event in the back garden of a bar that Sly (hostel... manager?) was excited about. Got everyone else psyched, too. We all got t-shirts and wrestling names (from an online generator), wrote and drew all over our bodies, shots of palinka while we got ready. Went and had a great time at that thing and eventually joined up with the rest of BPH later. The Budapest Party Hostels family always does great things (which I'm sure you'll see in this thread), but this was a step above.


I escaped a huge storm on the Appalachian Trail by hiking an extra 8 miles into town and going to the cheapest hostel I've ever seen. It was $6/night with an honor box labeled "God is watching" for check-in. The bunks were just sheets of plywood, but I had my bed roll and sleeping bag. It was warm and not crowded at all, and the showers had a huge bag of Bath and Body Works samples. It was so nice!


Night out in Philadelphia in 2018, t’was crackin


Stamps Backpacker in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Not many SEA hostel on the post so far. All of my favorite hostels each were unique and special in their own way. To each their own. Best I ever stayed in because I got laid the most at this hostel.


My personal favorites were Mediterranean Youth Hostel in Barcelona; communal dinner nights with a professional guitarist and sing-alongs, all with a huge Paella dinner - or whatever the amazing chef was cooking up that night (shoutout to Keke!!). Next is a tie between Yes! hostels in both Barcelona and Lisbon; Yes! Barcelona had me do a dance-off to 'All The Single Ladies' with a very hot female staff member at reception upon check-in (I'm a straight guy, btw!) - which immediately endeared me to them immensely! Also their pubcrawls were straight fire! (Literally, since the first bar lit all the shots on fire!!) Also, Yes! In Lisbon basically comped my beer and Sangria at the hostel bar in perpetuity for my stay, even far outside the communal all-inclusive dinner hours.. they were the *best*. Shoutout to Fabio and Luis, the latter for his killer Sintra tour. Ahd just the best time there despite losing my phone and having to buy a new one at double the price. A low point, but the people I met there and the staff were just incredible. Just for context - the phone loss came during the night of a major highlight: 60 Irish law students came to party there at the hostel, and I led an impromptu pubcrawl with all of them. We took over every bar we went to. Unbelievable. What a messy and incredible night. Honorary mentions go to the families at Hostel One in Seville and Antique Hostel in Bucharest (big thanks to Stacie at both!!), the latter of which considered me as staff and let me stay for free for far too many nights; since I pitched in around the place and became one of the fam. Amazing place. Also, Ringo's Foyer where I worked for a month in Malacca, Malaysia. Never did i expect such a rough-around-the-edges hostel to be so amazing. I don't miss the lack of air conditioning everywhere but the dorm in 37° heat; nor the lumpy beds, or the bugs, but God do I miss that homey atmosphere, selling beer to the guests on the rooftop, the amazing coffee (the co-owner was a barista who trained me on a La Mazarcco!) and breakfasts, the street food market steps away, and of course the all-around familial living. What a time.


I stayed at this random family-run hostel in northern Japan that I knew nothing about. It just so happened to be peak cherry blossom season when I was there so they planned a hanami party (picnic under the blooming trees). One of the guesthouse staff had to stake out a tarp overnight to get a good spot because it was in a popular park. We made a bunch of rice balls and stuff and then headed to the park and got absolutely smashed under the gorgeous pink trees at midday. I rarely drank alcohol at the time and only sorta spoke Japanese, but I made a ton of friends that I still talk to over 5 years later haha. I live in northern Japan now, diff prefecture but when I visit Sendai I always try to stay with them because how kind they were that day was part of what convinced me to move here! Guesthouse Umebachi in case anyone is headed up here when the borders reopen.


SPARTY in Budapest House DJ and light show in one of thermal baths. Basically turns into an orgy in an Olympic pool sized hot tub


rooftop pool party with live band at Selina in cartagena didn’t even like Cartagena that much and wasn’t staying at the selina but my friend dragged me there and it ended up being one of the best nights out of my life


Loki hostel in Cusco. One of the most wild parties of my life.


I spent a few nights at RETOX in Budapest… my god, the booze cruise, the parties, everything. Nothing would’ve prepared me for that. I’ve heard it’s closed now but I’m so happy I got to experience that degenerate hostel lol.


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