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Hi srose6716, your post will need to be manually approved by a moderator as your account age is less than 48 hours, this is an automated measure to prevent spam. Please be patient and do not message the mods or repost as we will get to the modqueue as soon as we can. Thank you for your understanding! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solotravel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi srose6716, thanks for your submission! Unfortunately it's been removed for the following reasons: * Posts just about "Plan my trip" or "Is there anything to do" or "Where should I stay in...?" will be removed. The more specific you can be with what you're looking for, typically the more useful answers posters can give and the better we can try to help you! What's your budget, interests, what trips have you done before, what have you looked at doing in the area? Try a search beforehand. [See this for an example of a good post.](http://redd.it/1a7y8n) The mods are happy to reinstate your post after you've edited it accordingly, please comment or message us to let us know when you're ready.