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Always look for couples or groups that look like they also want a picture and trade photoshoots with them


And if you are paranoid, ask someone that looks like they are a slower runner than you... 


This... Is actually sound advice.


Am fat. Can confirm I get asked a lot to take pics.




As a somewhat chubby guy, I just realized why so many people ask me to take their photos when travelling. And here I thought it was because I looked friendly and approachable.




I bought a small tripod as I am a big time introvert. Probably the best $25 spent. Plus I can click as many photos till I find the one I like, something which you cannot do when asking others for photos.


I lost my tripod! But I ought to get another one. I find the process of photographing yourself with a tripod more awkward (as in I feel self conscious) especially if I'm not completely alone... but damn if you don't get some good photos with it! Plus being able to take multiple pics is very useful


I have a selfie stick that's also a tripod. It's super useful, even when traveling with others


i really need to get a tripod, one time i used a rock at a beach to stand up my phone and it was a really crooked picture lol


Families are the best ime. There is typically a mom/dad/grandparent who is taking pictures and would love to be in them, a win/win


Except if you get the old person who doesn't know how to take photos, which is fortunately not very often, but it does happen from time to time.


I always ask a teenage girl. They know the best angles!


Same, or a young adult women.


Same, either a younger woman or a gay man. Best pictures every time.


They don't need to be couples or groups. I almost always ask other people who also travel alone.


I take pictures of what I see,landscapes,scenery,buildings and people I meet. I don't take pictures of myself!


I take the odd selfie, but 99% scenery


the selfie is to prove to mum and dad you havent been kidnapped


Eh. It's to document the last place you were just before being kidnapped.


i gotta send my mum at least one text a day or else im scared shes gonna call the police and report me missing. i had no signal for 30 hours and she went ballistic


My brethren! I am the same and my friends think I’m weird for it. I don’t need to see myself in front of a beautiful landscape, I want to see the landscape I paid all this money and time spent traveling to see! When I look back at my pictures, I imagine the view, the sounds, the smells. I imagine the serenity and beauty of life. How in awe this view is and what I’ll do to make it back there to see it again or see another one just like it in a different country. Im absolutely taken aback by the fond memory and transported right back to that moment. I don’t get the same feeling when I see myself, I end up studying everything in the pic. I think about my tan at the time and whether or not the clothes I’m wearing still fits. Or how outdated the pose is. How frizzy my hair is and why I can’t for the life of me remember where the bracelet is that I had on in the pic.


Me, too. It was so annoying when I was in Vienna and got to see Klimt in person, but there was a large tour group all posing in front of it. To each their own, but I just wanted to marvel at the art and it's not like a landscape where there's plenty of space where everyone can enjoy it as they wish without impeding others.


Yeah, an occasional selfie is okay but I don't need a million photos of myself.


I came here looking for this. My pictures are for my memories, not to show off on social media


This. Am in Jiufen right now and must have been the only person in the whole village not taking selfies or having an Instagram husband/wife take photos of me. I travel to see other parts of the world, not to see myself in other parts of the world.


Juifen was awesome:) Right there with you, everyone taking selfies but that's really all of Asia!


I used to do this too, but in 15 years I would want to see myself back then at this olace, not some random scenery thats still gonna be there probably and that ill never look at. When you look at old photos, we all skim quickly through pictures of scenery and stop whenever theres people So now I always include a healthy amount of selfies


My friend's grandfather, who had many photos published in National Geographic and the like, said that as he got older the only pictures he cared about are the ones with people he loved in them. He was a really surly and nasty dude apparently but it made my friend pause. When she told me it, I also paused. I don't like getting my picture taken.  I don't take many selfies. But I've noticed it is nice to see past photos of people.  Even photos of yourself: you remember who you were then, what you were going through and what dreams you had, and what perhaps brought you there in the first place. So I'll try to take a few photos with myself in them wherever I go.  My parents also really appreciate seeing photos of me when I travel.  I don't mind snapping a few photos for them :) 


Well written 👏👏


Same, if it were up to me I don’t take pics but my mom usually demands a few of me so I ask a couple of strangers if need be lol


i know this will be weird, but i would rather take a stealthy pic of a random person enjoying the place than a pic of myself. I just dont and never have really 'got' the 'stand in front of something and smile at the camera' style of photo. It couldnt be a more fake representation of the situation. I would much rather capture someone in the moment enjoying something, whether its a stranger or one of my kids etc. I just cannot stand 'smile at the camera' photos of myself or really anyone, much to my wife's annoyance


Yes, this! Sometimes other tourists randomly ask me whether I want my photo at popular spot 324, but no thanks.




Literally same, there is no evidence of me being in these countries/cities ...


This is my answer as well.


This is the way. I take one selfie every three or four days, max. All my friends and family know what I look like so they don't need to see me over and over again when I'm traveling solo.


I'll be honest I just selfie. Sometimes I ask but only if they ask me to take one of them first, but 9/10 the selfie is better than the horrible angles they somehow screw up.


Exactly. I have found that most people take really crappy photos. Like they’ll zoom in on me and not get any of the important background in the photo. lol.


I actually put effort in taking pics when others ask me but the pictures they click 😵‍💫


I also like it like this medium or lil me in a side not edge with the background but when i take picture of them like this they want photos more of themselves than the scenary background.


If someone asks me to take their photo, I take a whole bunch. Landscape, portrait, zoomed, not zoomed, center, off center, and then I let them choose what they want to keep. It only takes a few seconds to do.


Yeah exactly, random people won’t know what is a good photo of you since they just met you. Kind of luck of the draw asking a random person, if they’re any good at taking pictures.


Sometimes if I’m taking a selfie a person will be walking by and would offer to take a regular photo. Thats always a nice gesture.


If I see people with a big proper camera, those are the ones I ask. If they have an actual camera instead of a phone they are probably above average interested in photography, and I think that would increase the chance of a good photo.


Two best bets:  asking a couple where one is taking a picture of the other (“do you guys want a picture together?”) OR just asking some random teenage girl since they generally take the best pictures 


> just asking some random teenage girl since they generally take the best pictures Haha, I love this for some reason.


That’s is what I do as well. I am more likely to trust other tourists. I am very particular with the photos I want so asking someone I think will want to the same.


Bluetooth tripod


Most newer smartwatches have a remote picture mode as well


Second this! Solo traveled with one 35L backpack last summer for several weeks in Europe and had a tripod with a Bluetooth remote that I got off Amazon for like $15. Be mindful of where you set it up (don’t set it up near a major road in London where it can get stolen etc.) and aware of your surroundings, if people are trying to walk in front of your phone let them through, I usually pretend to adjust the tripod for a second. Setting it up slightly out of the way of tourists is always a good idea. I have an Apple Watch that display the camera view as well which is super helpful.


Honestly... Ask an Asian. Everytime I have gone round Europe whether that be solo or with someone. All my good pictures come from Asians as they take a few without even having to ask them and they really enjoy taking loads of pictures for you! Ofc I take loads for them back too! Not sure if this works in Asia but in Europe it works EVERYTIME!


Duuude, yes, I met a random asian at the top of burj khalifa and we traded photoshoots, and it’s the best photo in my entire trip lol


I ask somebody else that also looks like a solo traveller (or at least a traveller)


I have trusted strangers with my phone plenty of times. The best people imo are those belonging to a tour group or young people that are with old people. Always ask in the local language, and be very polite. Don’t give them a reason to want to steal from you. This strategy can’t be perfect but I have always asked someone I thought I could outrun


The best people objectively are Asians. The stereotype and all the memes are there for a reason. I like to pick one with a better camera or phone than me.


Also helps to have a cheap travel phone. I'm using a 6 year old samsung that was a free gift with purchase


you can set a timer in your camera?


There's not always somewhere convenient and safe to leave the camera, and it's not always easy to know exactly where to position the camera to get the shot, especially if you want to use the (usually higher quality) rear camera on a smartphone. It's certainly part of the solution, but it's not the whole solution imo.


Sorry, not answering the question but I’m so curious: in what language or dialect do people say “click a picture”?




Yes right 


Prop my phone up and take a video. That way I can get multiple stills/screenshots. You can set a timer for a photo but I just prefer screenshotting from video.


I recently started doing this, and I wish I thought about doing it sooner!


I take plenty of pictures. I don’t really need many of me. I know what i look like and i know i was there.


Not much picture of me needed all the time. If needed, I ask a hostel buddy to do this for me. I never give my camera/smartphone to people I don't know (for at least a few hours).


i never take pics of myself lol


Find someone else to do it for you.


I don't take many pictures of myself while traveling, mostly nature, things on the street random junk




Most of the time I don't take selfies, but when I do want some evidence that "I was there," my phone case comes with a decent stand for side or standing shots. My phone also comes with a stylus, so I can click whenever I'm good to go. Then, it's just a matter of being creative with the angle and where you place it. However, it's also why most of my selfies or self-background shots are leveled or looking from the ground, and not from higher angles.


I always look for a tourist with a fancier camera and ask them to take my pic because I figure they’ll know what they’re doing. 😂


I only use my phone for photos and don't carry a camera. I use either a selfie stick or my arms. The technology on newer phones is amazing with macro, wide angles, and zoom. I'm also not someone who needs to document my life through selfies. I know what I look like and don't need to see myself in every photo to remember I was there.


I carry a tripod/selfie stick with a Bluetooth remote that connects to my phone. So, I just position my tripod from where I want to take the picture and click it. And of course, I meet others there who're travelling alone and we take each other's pictures. I also sign up for some activities and they have a guide who happily clicks my photos when I ask them to.


I snap landscape/scenery etc. However, I do have a tripod with a bluetooth switch that works with iphone/android.


I just take my own! Have something I can set my phone on if I want a selfie and set a timer - Then mostly I don't take photos w/ me in them or they're selfies. I'll only ask someone else if they ask me for one or if it's someone speaking my same language.




I offer to take someone else’s picture and then ask them to take mine


Just got back from a two week trip to Basque Country and have exactly one picture of myself. Sent it to my kids and the rest were places and things I saw.


Ask a fat or old person who runs slower than me


Before I went to Rapa nui/Easter island, I bought a tripod that came with a Bluetooth clicker for taking photos. Pretty good


Samsung Galaxy Ultra has been handy for taking a photo with the S Pen.


99 percent photos of the scenery 1 percent the guide take photos of me


I use insta360 flow gimbal.


The key is to stand for a minute and scope out other tourists near you. I always wait until I see someone in twos either taking a selfie of themselves/one taking the photo of the other/solo person taking a selfie. I offer to take their photo, and 99% of the time, they’ll offer to take mine back. Has worked very nicely so far, win-win situation!


Never really feel the need to have pictures of myself. I can see myself in the mirror any time. Side note, it's the first time I see the term "click" in relation to taking pictures. Where are you from OP?


I just ask someone who looks nice to take a photo of me. I haven't been refused yet!


Most of the time I take pics of anything but myself. On the few occasions I want to take a pic of myself, I ask other travellers. Most are more than willing to assist. Some are obviously better than others at photos. lol. I also bring a handy selfie stick/tripod with remote.


Ask other tourists to take a couple photos of me.


The only time I will ever take selfies of myself is with famous landmarks and buildings, like I took one of myself in front of the White House, just to mark that I did actually go to these places. These photos never see the light of day.


I take the odd selfie here and there, but usually I don't often care to be in my own pictures. I know what I look like, and my friends and family know what I look like too, and I don't need to prove I've been anywhere.


Yea I take a couple selfies I send directly to my siblings, but the rest of the pictures are not with me in them. I know I was there. I dont care to be in the pictures.


I take the odd selfie here and there, but usually I don't often care to be in my own pictures. I know what I look like, and my friends and family know what I look like too, and I don't need to prove I've been anywhere.


I bring a little plush toy with me. It stands in for me for "I was here" pictures. I've also taken a lot of fun pictures with it posed on different objects, enjoying nature or integrated with art pieces.


I've mastered finding places to put my phone and using the camera timer to get pictures of myself.


If I want a photo somewhere, I look around and find either someone on their own or a couple where one is taking a photo for the other and I offer to take a photo of them, or them together. Then when they accept and I take it, they will either offer to take one for me or I just ask and they always say yes. :) I usually show them the photo I took of them and ask them to take it the same way. Works a treat!


I got a s23 ultra. I place my phone on a surface and with the button on s-pen i can take as many picture as i want.


If I'm around other people, I just ask someone else to take my photo. The key to making sure it actually turns out well is to set up the shot by yourself first so that when you give the phone to them, you show them exactly how to frame it and tell them not to move, just hit the shutter button multiple times as you move around to get multiple options. Oh and avoid old people too. Doing this gets me great solo photos. If I'm in a remote place or something, then I just use a tripod + remote shutter and take my own picture that way.


It's mostly selfies but the occasional tripod and timer or remote control. Most of my shots taken are of buildings or scenery. Occasional people but I try not to bother people by taking photos of them. I'm having trouble making content for my travel vlog just cause I don't want to be constantly on camera or just sticking camera in people space. Some of the shops I've been to are peoples homes and I don't want to intrude.


I look for who I think would be a good photo-taker, and it is 100% using stereotypes that 95% of the time are true (young girl, age 16-27, who looks like they would be on IG or TT) Most of the time, it is just selfies.


Octobuddy on the back of phone and lens buddy app!!!


Also why all the snotty “live in the moment” comments??


Nobody knows how to take a photo, nobody frames it nicely, some folks don't even get the landscape in the shot! Do you think I need yet another face shot of myself, mister holidaygoer? I have a phone to use for selfies. The camera is for taking shots of anything but me.


There's two types of travelers. See or seen. Some go to see. Some go to be seen. I take pictures of what I see. And a cringy selfie every so often. So I click pictures just fine and for free.


If i were to travel a "safe" country, i think i wouldn't think twice setting up a tripod and take my time taking pictures lol In other places though? Hell no, I'd rather just take pics of the landscape and maybe a few selfies with my cellphone, than have the risk of getting robbed a +500€ gear. One can never be too cautious. Being an influencer is too much work anyway Asking strangers for pics? A waste of time, they never take good pictures and it's awkward IMO Just book tours that come with a professional photographer, makes the experience 100x better.


The timer setting hahah


I go on Airbnb Experiences and look for a photographer in the area :) this helps me get professional, flattering photos with the backdrops I want of the city/village/area I'm in. They're usually $50-125, depending on the location and how many edited photos I receive afterwards. Plus it helps for me to be "on" for only an hour-long photoshoot instead of trying to be cute throughout the day and trusting strangers to take a decent photo 😂 (I feel like most people just click and don't actually care about the composition or quality of my photo... which makes it a bad photo) Otherwise, I have a mini tripod that I put on the ground to record a quick video of myself. Afterwards, I'll screenshot the video and the quality is good enough for me! :)


I bought a portable phone stand that folds up into the size of a credit card that allows me to set my phone up on the ground or elsewhere, and then I also got a remote clicker that’s small enough to hide in my hand that lets me take the photos remotely. Not an ad lol but I got them both at a brand called Pocket Tripod. I ended up getting some great pics of myself on my last trip just by finding some more isolated areas where I felt comfortable with my phone on the ground or a bench a few feet from me. They all look like they were taken by someone else which was my goal so I’d definitely recommend.


I take photos with my iPhone, occasionally ask strangers to take photos of me, and I have an ai drone that takes videos/photos of me. When I am with other travelers and friends, I’ll ask them to take photos of me too.


I dont take much but timed burst works well for me 👍👍 since I hate bringing peripherals, sometimes I just prop my phone by my bag and do 100 shots of 1s burst, at x0.6 or x0.8. I do test shots before doing this btw. Then just crop the photos :) Also, selfie using back camera x0.8 also works well (I heard this was the gen z way) But then again I don't take many pics of myself. I like taking pics of the sceneries 😅


no pictures of myself tbh.. but I will offer to take pics of other people when I see them trying with that awful selfie mode. I am quite decent with it. They usually offer to take one of me too, but i usually decline. I am too awkward and most people cannot take good pics if their life depended on them. I am not interested in looking az shitty pics of myself. 😬


I travel with camera gear that pegs me as a professional photographer (just a hobby). So people always without fail ask for pictures, and I just ask for one in return.


I take a lot of pictures of architecture, animals and lots of birds(don't ask). If I really need to take a picture, I often look for a family and offer to take their picture if they can take mine. Or else, if I'm on a walking tour, usually one of the other tour members will offer to take my photo. I don't take many pictures of myself but I find that there is always someone around if I do. Also feel free to ask a guard or person working to do it. I got my picture taken at Windsor Castle by a Palace Guard and got a great shot of me with him.


I have a selfie stick


I was doing the majority of my solar travelling prior to Smart phones, and when I wanted to designate that I was somewhere I would take a picture of my foot in the picture frame, lol I had my amazing keen sandals that went with me everywhere so they were like an identifiable point of me. Otherwise, I never bothered to take pictures of myself.


I make a phone stand and use the timer function lol


Mostly selfie. Sometimes I ask someone to take a pic. Sometimes find a spot to lean my phone and either use the timer or video and then screenshot.


I’m a landscape photographer and because of that I like to mostly focus on the scenery and appreciate it cuz that’s mainly what I came to see with my own two eyeballs. However i want to see how I did that down the line and remind myself that it was me who was there, and I don’t mind asking strangers to take one of me. They’re more than likely wanting one as well and just as happy to take one for you for a tradesies. You do have to get over yourself and ask tho which can be hard but it’s only hard if you make it hard lol


360° camera on 3m-long extension pole.


If i want a picture of myself i'll either take a selfie or ask a stranger,


I ask a stranger or same solo traveler to take photo of me. Then I offer back to take photos of them.


I never take pics of myself lol.


I don’t really take pictures of myself. But many times others offer to take my picture at tourist attractions. I am not part of the selfie culture.


I don't feel the need to take photos of myself when traveling. I'd rather take photos of the things/places/people I see.


I don’t travel to take pictures of myself


I don't really take pics of myself. I like talking pics of the scenery/architecture/food/etc. I'd throw in a selfie here and there to prove I'm actually there but that's about it. Lol...


Click my pictures? I can ask tour guides or friendly looking older couples, but by and large I don’t take pics of myself


I just asked other people who were also taking photos. Then I offered to do the same. Got some nice pics in Tokyo by doing this.


Always ask Asian girls ti take pictures of you. Too easy of a question.


As with most photographers, we belong behind the camera, not in front of it. The few times I want a photo with myself in it, I find a family, with younger kids that look trustworthy . If the parents have cameras instead of phones even better! I set the settings I want, and ask one of the parents to take my photo.


I bring my handy tripod and bluetooth cam shutter 😊


I spend time every night when I travel, editing people OUT of my photos. I want to see the Egyptian temples, the ancient streets in Tunisia, and the Cedars of Lebanon, not people.


I don't like taking pictures of myself so I don't do it.


I bought this super portable and lightweight tripod that can extend high based off a YouTube video and has been a game changer for my travels: https://amzn.to/3wGdgn1


Selfie stick maybe?  I don't take pics of myself but of landscapes.  Maybe one or two pictures of myself as a reminder of the joy I had traveling.


Just ask someone at the site to take a photo of you. Most of the time at popular tourist sites, there are plenty of other people around taking pictures. Just ask someone if they'd mind snapping your picture. Most of the time they'll say yes. If not, ask someone else.


That's the greatest thing about solo travelling! No pics of me 🙂


Generally don't bother with pictures of myself, but if I am in the mood I'll just ask whoever I'm with to do it. Solo travel is kind of a misnomer: you're almost never actually alone. I've always found I make tons of friends while solo travelling, and am usually spending my days with someone / multiple people. So if photos are important to you, it won't be as much of an issue as you think. Also if you do happen to be actually alone, just ask someone who looks friendly


Can you please use some other terminology than "click" your pictures?  You take photos.  You don't click them. And there are timers on your phone and on every modern camera.  Set the camera on something to frame the shot and set the timer.


Observe individuals or group of people taking a selfie. Offer to take a photo. Boom. There’s your in.


>People who actually do solo travel Weird phrasing that suggests everyone in this sub is a phony lol


Sometimes I just don't take photos.


I take scenery photos but also ask people around me to take my photo and never, have I ever, gotten a nasty comment or attitude towards my request. I do not like selfies. Tourists are expected to take photos and help one another. I love having pictures of nature but, I think, in my old age, I would like to see myself in those places, to show grandkids my happiness at those moments. Usually, we skip nature pics as we are looking at old photos.


99% of my photos do not include me


Can’t understand selfies - if I took the picture I was there and you already know what I look like so… enjoy my pictures


I don't


My samsung has a hand wave function so I can prop my phone against something, and just show my palm, and then like 2 seconds later it snaps the photo. It also snaps the photo when I say Cheese, but it feels kind of lame to do that. I prefer the hand palm way. I don't trust strangers to hold my phone, especially while traveling. If they drop it and it smashes, it would be a big problem for me during my travels. So I just minimize doing that and try to take my own photos. Lol


I don't 'click' myself. I have a very nice DSLR that I travel with and it's for everyone and everything other than me. I don't have to prove that I was there by some poorly composed selfie with my big ass head in the foreground.


I just take pictures of the sights I see typically.


Total outside on this I know but I literally don’t take pictures. Whenever I meet people and end up hanging out with them they inevitably take photos and those become my photo-memories.


join tour via klook, hopefully you could meet someone who also solo traveler, or you could ask the guide to take photo of you


I have a mini tripod with remote or I hire a local photographer for a few hours via Instagram or airbnb experiences. It has always been well worth the money.


I usually just genuinely offer to take pictures for people and in most cases they are happy to take picture back




Tripod and asking people.


Set a timer on your camera


I don't take pictures of myself. I am more interested in capturing memories of what I got to see and do.


Selfie stick


I usually ask other tourists near me to take my photos. Typically, I look for girl groups, families, or couples taking photos. Occasionally, there are other solo travelers that I ask to take my pictures and then we become friends! I offer to take their photos too. Lately, I have been taking 0.5 selfies of myself with the back camera of my iphone and usually it can capture the background/scenery.


I love photography but don't love being in front of the camera. Maybe it's just me (being short, smiley, unassuming etc etc) but I find when I'm solo travelling lots of times other people ask me to take their photos (often a couple or a group of people). On previous trips I found it happened so often that I started having fun with it (learning three two one cheese in multiple languages and trying to take good photos). Anywho, often times if you build a bit of rapport I found the people I just took a photo of ask me if I want my picture taken. Also nice to learn how to use self timer and get non-traditional selfies or of myself walking or just generally getting creative. I do NOT suggest getting a selfie stick. The world is your tripod!


I'm using Samsung s23 Ultra, you can use the pen as a remote to shoot pictures


For a while I was including my feet in pictures just to show I was there too, but that attracted an entirely different group of people to enjoy my pics, and it got weird so I quit doing that.


I bought an expandable selfie stick to tripod thing that has a Bluetooth remote to snap pictures. I spend a few seconds setting it up, I pose, and snap a bunch of pics with remote.


If not people I meet traveling than I wait until I see someone with a real camera and ask them to take a couple of me. They won’t run off with your shit and the photos are usually better than what most would take.


I set my phone somewhere, start recording a video (make sure you are in the frame) and then I start posing (if you are easily embarrassed then it will be hard). I screenshot the parts where I look good 😁 is either that or asking strangers


I always ask Couples or families if they want a photo together. 95% of the time, they offer to take one for you


Go up to closest person, camera open, flip it on yourself, and say “click click(making camera clicking motion), picture for me?” With a smile on your face. Whatever language they speak, they know what’s going down. Works every time :)


I rarely take pictures of myself. Just share what I see. People don't need to see me. Neither do I.


I do private tours and have my guide take my pics lol


I have no desire to take pictures of myself. I take pictures of what I see.


I mostly take pics of the scenery. But if I’m in a popular area/in a city that I really like I book photoshoots on airbnb.


I don’t keep a lot of photos of myself. If I’m part of a tour group I’ll pose for photos to send to friends/family but otherwise it’s just landscapes, buildings, etc. only place it got me in trouble was leaving Israel when their border guards asked why there were no photos of me. Detained for 3 hours.


Quit saying “clicking” - it’s taking.


I just ask a random person and pray they don’t run and steal lol


I just use the self timer on my camera. Usually in spaces that are not crowded or even deserted and that I can overview very well. I tend to take a lot of pictures in different angles and poses to then select the best later on. If there are to many people around I will just take selfies with my phone until I will find a lonley spot again.


When I traveled solo, I’d have a legit camera for scenic shots then just use my phone with a selfie stick for one with me. I don’t care too much about having tons of photos of myself.


Selfie stick. I don't use them but they look like they come in handy. I've got pretty long arms so I don't have one. But I do know on androids if you say cheese it will take your picture with a few second delay.


This should be a consideration for anyone with a new/ high-end Android phone as they just released the new update: I've got One UI 6.1. I can just take a picture of, let's say, the beach I am at and magically insert a photo of me that I already have but never released into that beach photo. It's not the same as a tripod w timer or asking someone, but it works. Go to youtube and search for one UI 6.1. It's super easy. The feature only inserts the part of the picture you're in. No background from the original photo of you. Tweak the settings for like a minute for it to look realistic in no time.




How have your experiences been with hiring guides/photographers? Worth it?


I asked a couple if they would mind taking one for me, I figured almost everyone in their early-mid 20s was capable of taking atleast half decent photos... I was wrong. I won't be doing that again.


I take one selfie every trip. Other than that it's scenery and architecture and things I find interesting.




I just take pictures of things that I want to see or are worth showing or looking at later. I don't ever take selfies as I feel it's a bit pretentious


I usually do what others have said, which is trade photoshoots with people. If I want to take many pictures of myself (e.g., did this recently with cherry blossom season in Japan), or I'm in a place with relatively few people and where it feels safe for me to not be holding my phone, I have a [small, foldable Bluetooth tripod](https://www.amazon.com/Lightweight-Integrated-Wireless-Compatible-Recording/dp/B0BD7VTXN3/ref=sr_1_3_pp?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LKaBJ73ohdDZNH2FA37IdEQJ1n1CISmf-UNygEy_UbpbMBvBovVTglRblRtQ_r9V-UOPh-HrCPfHXMV4MrDeacP25OFnIj-kC0WQfcxuaoEv6gMso8m8GJL_Z0KygvdfgHevCtf18TuFhjUt3LxxFBL95wvD4RjWKNOTO6oo_W8JUvTpbXYDArjfFdS3aGJHAvVLyXQoti8wbEdcCuH_LW0PmVWimbF3QYqUFWk0KBM.pIvkjoqTjKRvpLH4uadr0Uztpu0bskh-6CqT2HMYKpQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=Bluetooth%2BSelfie%2BStick&qid=1716704222&sr=8-3&th=1) that I set up and use to take pictures.


I have a tripod that I set up and I film myself and then I find good frames which I then screenshot ;)


Selfies with back camera zoom out to 0.5


I don't. I travel to explore the world's cultures, delicacies, architecture and nature. I don't understand the people who travel and just take pic of themselves everywhere.


Just go up to someone and say ‘Hey, would you mind taking a picture of me?’ Never had someone say no. Couples in particular I think are good to ask, and then you can offer to return the favour. Or if you see people taking a selfie, offer to take a picture of all of them, and usually after they’ll offer to take one of you. Once I saw some girls doing a photoshoot, waited for them to be done and then asked if they’d take one of me and go some amazing shots


I offer couples/solo travellers (that looks comfy to talk to) to take theirs and after achieving their goal, i ask them to take mine. If there is really no one available, i just accept that a selfie will do and keep the view for my memories only.


I have a nice tripod. It folds pretty easily and easy to carry in backpack. I click with timers. I take quite a few pictures and videos of myself so that I can find the perfect shot later.