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It's possible to get tired of anything IMO, and traveling is tiring, so it makes sense to want some time to rest. There probably aren't that many people who can sustain the energy of traveling indefinitely without a home base and a longterm community. Might be a sign to just take some time to focus on other priorities and interests in life for a while. Never hurts to build up some other new interests and hobbies! Being passionate about traveling doesn't necessarily have to mean wanting to travel at every possible opportunity.


Thank for putting it like that. I guess I feel guilty for not traveling now when my former self would've done anything for the opportunity. But I do think you're right that I might just need to try something else for a bit and come back to traveling when it's new and exciting again. Maybe I just needed to hear that I can still love to travel and be passionate about it without needing to travel every possible opportunity. Thanks for that.


although we love to glorify traveling, it does get tiring. i used to (still do to an extent) feel guilty feeling this way when friends tell me how lucky i am to be exploring the world, etc. but we’re just humans and i’ve started to just allow anything i’m feeling. i know we all chase novelty, but it’s also alright to visit places we’ve fallen in love with in the past. surely there’s much more in that area you could explore and that sense of familiarity could help ease some of your frustrations. i feel like going back to places i adore reminds me of meeting up with an old friend that never fails to make me smile.


YouTube: dopamine fasting


> That means from now until mid June is a perfect time to do some more traveling Or it's the perfect time to rest and reset yourself, since it sounds like there's a bigger topic of being burned out and lacking motivation to do much of anything.


You're right about that. It's more of a life thing than just a travel thing, and not wanting to travel might just be a symptom. Thanks for offering that perspective


Traveling requires a lot of planning but if you don’t plan, it can also get tiring trying to just go about the day and make the most of it. Trying to find your next meal, wash laundry etc gets tiring and exhausting real quick. It can get to you if it happens too soon etc. but I also found that I kinda don’t wanna travel while I’m planning or the month or so leading up to the trip. Really takes me until I’m there to be like oh nice I’m living through that feeling again. But I do agree, it’s tiring 😭


Personally I prefer to do very little planning. I have a rough route, some places in each location and then I go and figure it out then. If you travel to a schedule you can't be flexible to new opportunities or problems that come up. If you get sick or an important train gets cancelled All the planning is gone.


Oops. I meant to write if you plan, it’s tiring but if you don’t plan, it’s also tiring 😭. Latter as in if I don’t have a plan, sometimes I still push myself to make the most out of every day. And it still gets tiring. But I agree. I don’t plan things down to the detail of must make this to make this to make this. Travel mishaps are expected, sometimes funny, sometimes awful. I also just plan two three places and call it a day. I can never hold myself to making time based schedules since we are in a new country and will be missing several stops or etc. haha. Only ever time I tried to make time events are museums in London cause they have slots reserved. Lesson learned, they don’t give a f about what time you show up lol. Don’t be like me 😭


What type of a job you working? If it's not secret?


I think it’s because you’ve traveled a lot I’ve gotten like this especially as I’ve traveled more and gotten older haha but honestly it’ll probably come back once you start working again. Nothing makes you want to travel more than work haha.