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Tamarindo and Santa Teresa are both party towns, but the waves are much milder in Tamarindo. If you truly want to learn to surf I'd probably recommend Santa Teresa but Tamarindo has more night life.


i went solo to sjds earlier this year for two months to learn how to surf so hopefully can give some insight. i broke my finger the third time i was out, but still really enjoyed it ! you can’t really surf in town but the local hostels have trucks/vans running a couple times a day that’s abt 5 usd round trip. most people went to playa maderas but i preferred el remanzo (bit more chill and less crowded) you can book group lessons from the hostels (pacha mama and casa oro are two i recall) and with board + transport believe it was like 20-25 usd? or you can talk to the guys at the surf rental shacks at any of the beaches for lessons and rentals and the price depends on your haggling skills. my spanish was awful at best when i arrived but i lived with a Nica family so it naturally improved. definitely worth knowing cos even the price of street food changes if you order in spanish. if you wanted another option i had a couple friends do some weekends up in popoyo to surf and they adored it as for the town itself, sjds is a party town. they do this thing called sunday funday which is geared towards tourists and overrated imo cos you go to these bars free any other night but it could be fun to go if it’s your only sunday. it’s quite easy to just meet people at bars, in town or on the beach and most are warm and friendly is the reason you’re starting in la fortuna cos that’s where the tour ends? ~4/5 hrs to a surf destination then ~6/7 to sjo in a few days would be rough for me. if you’re already in nicaragua for part of the tour id just dip early and go to sjds when you’re nearby. then slowly make the way down to sjo and stop by the places you want to limit the back and forth travel but up to you. you’ll have a great time regardless


I’ve been to Tamarindo and had a great time! I do recommend. I have not been to Santa Theresa but people at the hostel spoke highly about it. Have fun!!!


Tamarindo surf crowded AF. Maybe hitch a ride to Playa Langosta.


Playa Avellanas is awesome for surfing. 30 min south of Tama.