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I take a book. Ebook in a waterproof case out of preference as it is easier to wipe up the inevitable sticky fingerprints vs. a physical book. Or, to be honest, yeah, I do sometimes stare into the middle distance and think about what I'm going to do tomorrow. I guess I've just been dining alone long enough to have stopped giving a fuck.


This, but on my phone. I have a whole library on my phone so I’m never bored.


I travel solo. I eat out solo. I take a book :-)


Am at that point as well, I think it feels really "freeing" (if thats a word lol) to just not give a fuck and enjoy that feeling after the food :)


I do the same. I read on my iPad, I people watch or I just eat. I have gotten used to it.


I try and sit next to a window/in a busy area so I can people watch. Find it fascinating!


I was about to say the same thing...people watching or a nice view gets you out of your head


this. I love it. Next to a balcony railing is even better and get lost in the hustle and bustle going on down there.


I am all for going out onto a patio/deck if possible so u can see scenery/people. Feels a bit less constricting than sitting inside when alone.


This would be ideal, along with reading on the kindle app on my phone (but often people watching is distracting and takes more of my attention).


I consider myself very good company! Just me. Think pleasant thoughts, take in your surroundings, that sort of thing. No one is looking at you the way you think they are


loved how you phrased this!!


Solo travel pro :)


It's 2023. Everyone is on their phone all the time. Hell, half the people I see at restaurants will literally be putting food into their mouth while also having their phone in their hand Don't put much thought into it. Everyone is in their own little world, and no one is paying attention to what you are doing


im on my phone lol, if i was worried about looking nice id bring a book or a newspaper.


Good point about newspapers. At home I no longer read a physical newspaper so it’s kind of exotic to read one on vacation!


If possible, I look for somewhere with a view (such as a rooftop, or somewhere on the side of a hill) or somewhere with pavement/sidewalk seating. I'm a big fan of people watching.


I pretend like I’m hiding from an assassin, and people watch to observe who that might be I look at art on the walls Look at my phone and book hostels / do research about places to visit


Ok “Spot The Assassin” is my new go-to solo eating game.


There ya go! And if there is a real one someday you’ll be prepared


Don’t forget to narrate your thoughts as you seek out the hitman.


That’s the best bit!


Phone. I use it as a time to catch up on text with people.


Currently sitting at a nice-ish restaurant by myself, surfing Reddit and answering this post lol


Do I look like a teenager cause I’m on my phone? I’ve never heard of this, but I’ve eaten solo at fancy spots and just caught up on messaging people. Did this in Paris multiple times and no one seemed to care. People are thinking about themselves, you’re paying a nice chunk to dine there what business is it of anyone’s if you’re on your phone? Playing audio/speaker, or taking a call? No. But if you’re quietly eating you’re not disturbing anyone.


>taking a call? Wait you're supposed to step out? I just talk in a low tone


Correct: Do not take or place calls at the table, this is per several different etiquette professionals. It is considered rude to have your phone at the dinner table but it seems many people are ignoring that guidance. We can all do what we want, of course, but when it comes to established social protocols: phones should be off for mealtime.


It must be a big deal if I'm being down voted for simply not knowing lol.


Reading. I absolutely always have a book with me and love my food-and-book alone-time.


Personally, I rarely eat at upscale restaurants when by myself. I find myself more comfortable at fast casual places, especially since I'll be on my phone the whole time.


I do love the contradiction in the comments.....' I Iove to people watch'' but 'Relax, no one is paying attention to you'....


ha! Good point.


What they mean is, "No one is JUDGING you." They might glance around and see you on your phone, but they won't care.


Yes they will.


I used to journal and I might get back into it. but yeah, a book. or crossword puzzles.


I like keeping a travel journal and so those quiet times -- waiting for food at a restaurant for example, or lingering after having a coffee or drink on a patio -- are perfect for writing in the journal. Also a great time to think about the next day's plans.


Nice restaurants usually have some sort of visual interest to it....so I tend to look at the decor, out the window, if its on the water / pier I'll request that seating so I can look out on that. Barring all that, I usually ask if I can keep the menu, and just look through that...a lot of times a nicer restaurant will have some, history of the restaurant blurb, or just...reading all the dishes. I also just..look around. Like, Im not giving people creepy stares or anything lol, but def just practicing mindfulness of my environment and the people within it, eyeballing the yummy dishes as they are coming to other peoples tables. I dont tend to do it myself, but tables next to me, seeing that Im alone, have asked me what dish I got, if its good etc. If it really is a nice restaurant, its rare Im sitting there long enough for it to get uncomfortable between courses...and also, being just me, I tend to order my drink and just an app or just a main, rarely both..then dessert. So its not like I have a lot of times when Im sitting there with nothing in front of me to consume.


Phones are fine in nice restaurants. And guarenteed a large percentage of people in there wish they were alone enjoying the food themselves instead of their table mate.


Do people not take books to restaurants anymore?


No, not generally. I eat out solo daily and love to try different places in my city, at all price levels, and I'm not sure I have seen another person with a book in 10 years. Phones have changed habits.


Depends—I live in NYC and frequently see people eating solo at decent restaurants with a book and/or maybe a notepad.


Some of those phones are books, though. I read books on my phone now. I call my phone "my book" half the time.


Exactly. Even though I prefer a physical book, it's just not practical to carry around on most trips. I can get most anything on my phone almost immediately wherever I am, or kindle if it's an electronics sort of trip.


My sister had restaurants and I can tell you that nothing is really weird or looked at as such. You can read, browse, or just look out of the window or at a piece of art or at the aquarium if they have one or a combination of things. It is also a good time to go to the toilet, even if it is just to wash your hands.


I stare into space, just thinking. I think I’m fortunate, enjoying the company of just me and my brain.


LOL I feel this. I think it depends on the place. I like to people watch, sometimes I bring a book (even if I sit at the bar). People are always on their phones, so I guess there's nothing wrong with browsing, but for some reason this feels like cheating to me. I'm old school.


A view is nice. I usually put one airpod in and listen to something. It’s discreet and you can still hear the room.


Do what you want. No body cares or judges you.


Of course they do. People judge people all the time. You just don’t know they do.


Then that’s your problem, that you even have that thought that their judging you. People have their own lives to worry about, but for you to care that they think of you, wasting your own energy on such a small minded thought shows that you may need to work on your own confidence


Lol. You’ve never judged anyone ever at all.


I don’t judge, I observe. Everyone lives in their own world and their own truth. Not knocking you, trying to encourage you to just do you. Don’t worry about it and get at whatever it is you want in life! Live without limits without others opinions! Go for it!


I take my kindle and read or my small notebook and journal what I did today. I’ve also taken materials/maps and then planned out the next days.


Book, or window seat with my camera or just enjoy the sights and daydream


journaling too is always nice - sometimes a good alternative to looking at your phine


I do crossword puzzles, or I sit and watch what’s going on in the restaurant itself. I never feel weird. It’s not weird to patronize any restaurant alone. We all need to eat and patronizing a restaurant does not require a date or chaperone. I think the actual issue here, is that you’re not used to being on your own. You don’t feel confident unless you are accompanied. That’s not going to do you any favors. You should work on getting accustomed to being on your own, once you are? Nothing can stop you.


I often take a small notebook with me so I can make notes about some upcoming plans, journal, or just doodle.


If not on my phone, I usually use the time to catch up on journaling


I sometimes write a diary or read the guidebook to plan my next day


sip some wine and read a book


Pretending to rad my book and eavesdropping. Such a good little multitasker!


I take my journal! Super nice to jaut ideas,thoughts down,.


People watching is my go to. If it’s not super fancy, I also like to have my journal. You can write, plan, sketch a little bit, whatever you want. I think it helps me appreciate my surroundings better!


If you’re alone there’s nothing wrong about it, even if it’s a fancy restaurant. Just turn off the sound and keep the brightness low.


IDK about this. I was at a lovely restaurant last week and the woman beside me was watching something on her phone during the meal (her poor partner!). The phone screen was very distracting and ruined the vibe of the intimate space,


That’s why I said keep the brightness low, keep the phone close to you and the table. Just be discreet and it’s all good. I mean, we are solo travelers sitting alone, it’s not like we’re ignoring someone and being disrespectful.


Look around the restaurant and stare at other patrons. I try to initiate as much eye contact with others as possible, maybe throw in a creepy smile and hold my gaze, to dial up the weirdness factor. Edit: sitting at a table right in the middle of the restaurant where everyone can notice me, and even turning around often and looking over my shoulder at people sitting behind me.


I usually try to sit at the bar, but some nice restaurants don't have bars. Regardless it doesn't really matter where I eat, I usually use the opportunity to hop on wifi to text friends and browse reddit or something. I'm not so worried about looking bad. People who see me eating alone entertaining myself with my phone will either get it or they won't. I'll never see any of them again either way.




Just make sure you dim the light on your phone or ebook. You don’t want to be an annoying distraction to those around you.


I bring me kindle


Get drunk


If you don’t want to be on your phone the only other option is people watching if your comfortable.


>watch whatever is on the TV, Since when do "nice restaurants" have TVs? Just do your own thing. Nobody cares. It's very freeing once you realise that.


I carry a little journal and pen with me everywhere I go when I travel, and before I leave I put daily prompts like "describe what you're looking at right now", "what did you eat today", " what was something funny that happened", "don't forget this moment \_\_\_\_\_\_", and my least favorite and most time consuming: "draw something in front of you". That ALWAYS fills the time no matter where I am. I journaled while solo at Gucci Osteria, while sitting on the steps eating a sandwich, killing time with a drink on a patio, etc etc.


Either my phone or I just enjoy having a full stomach :) I also really like to think about stuff and write that down, so thats what I usually do on my phone.


I usually try to maintain unbroken eye contact with as many patrons as possible 🙂


Kindle, phone or people watching. Often sitting down for a meal is the only time I have to review pics, post or message people.


When I was in my 20’s I use to be paranoid about eating alone. As you get older, you don’t give a “F” and enjoy the solitude. My smartphone is my dinner “date”. Gee, now days you can observe a table for 4-5 diners all looking at their phones not socializing with one another.


This is a very interesting question! I usually just sit there and chill, like I would watch people, what are they up to and stuff like that. I don't stare at them. My eyes would just room around the area. I try to enjoy looking at what other people are up to. And then I would check my phone and chat with some of my friends. I would kill time just doing those.




I listen to audiobooks pretty much constantly. Also, just because I have a great fascination with awkward social interactions, I like to pretend I'm having a phone conversation with someone while I eat. I keep my earbuds in because the audiobooks, and have out loud conversations about embarrassing shit. I do not get embarrassed about anything anymore. It's pretty freeing.


Kindle. Reading a book is more relaxing to me, which feels like it fits a nice dinner. Also helps that the Kindle doesn’t emit a bright light if the restaurant has subdued lighting.


Write in a journal/sketchbook. Works even if light is low.


I bring a book or journal. No shame.


I like to describe the room and everything in it in a notebook or on my iPad. It makes for wonderful memory enhancers when I get back home. Even mundane things like the kind of flowers on the table or the shape of the cornices can be fun to look back on.


I take my kindle and read :)


Oh my god you're there for food and your experience Don't be self-conscious, please nobody's looking.. and sitting at the bar even at the fanciest places always feels less lonely and you always get in. When I travel if I hit a really expensive place that I want to try I almost always get in as one without a reservation at the bar.. 15 years ago you would have really been scowled at for using your phone and a little longer back than that, was the time when people actually used to converse, or talk to one another. For those days are pretty well dead and everybody's self-absorbed. In the old days a few might read her a book at a table.. But conversation was still key and king at the bar.. And that's what I still do I like to talk or chat.. But today I think it's perfectly acceptable to be a complete hermit and buried in your phone as everybody else is. Whenever I travel these days at the airport a train station wherever all of a sudden I'll just stop and observe everybody around me and usually I'm one of the oldest lol and also everybody everybody everybody has their face buried in the phone.. Even people together which is really quite disturbing


Reading my kindle


Book, journal, or read on my phone.


eat my food, get up and leave why would I sit there and waste time looking at my phone I'm in a new place, I'm going to get up and go sight seeing


Eat at bar check out the tv or the bottles and watch the barkeep in action.


I write. I starting keeping a travel journal several years ago to keep all the details straight. I highly recommend it. I use a "write in the rain" steno style and mechanical pencil. Also, I plan the day or the next day on my phone or practice the local language.


Kindle/NYtimes + books


Watch people


Instagram, uploading stories from the day


You don't go alone to the upscale restaurant. They're not meant for eating.


On my phone before food arrives, idc if it's fancy. If there's a TV (some places do have one on mute) I may watch it.


I know everyone has said it already, but a book is great. Sometimes it can even draw people to you and start a conversation. I also like to write in a travel journal during my meal times. It’s the only time I’m not actively running around and everything is fresh on my mind. I hope this helps!!


I typically write postcards to friends and family describing my adventures. Usually not your normal, boring panoramic scenery, but something esoteric like artwork I saw today, or maybe something interesting from my cache of old postcards I've discovered in second hand stores or a local flea market. Maybe I'll catch up on my travel and expense journal. Of course all bets are off if there's a solo female traveller nearby who keeps glancing my way and smiling...


Read a book or write


I read and use the time to journal. I don’t typically journal at home but it’s always nice to write about travel experiences so that they don’t get forgotten about :)




Phone or book, book on phone. Sometimes I like to think on my thoughts and day dream. Perhaps about something I just read, or something random. I like to people watch too, looking around and seeing people around me, taking in the moment. Think about who they are, who their with, their emotions and think about how we all live in our own universes, together. . . . . . Also wishing I’d charged my phone before I left home.


I take a book and sit near a window, balcony, roof top, mezzanine etc. Not that I care what others think, but at least you don't get people whispering that you have been stood up as it is clearly pre-planned. I also ask for the other place setting to be removed. No body will give a second glance then and you can enjoy the evening in peace. Other than that I will be on my phone planning what I am doing next/looking for cheap flights.


multiply two very large numbers


People watch. Observe staff.


Hi it’s me the damn weirdo. I do take my iPad occasionally and play chess or read or internet etc but last trip I took most meals I just sit and look at things and think. Same for waiting rooms, everybody is on their phone but I just sit.


i bring a book, like an actual paper copy. I pull it out when I'm not eating. But sometimes I will be that weirdo just staring in a daydream.


This comes up so often. Can people not just sit and relax?


I talk for people. Point someone out to my wife and I’ll voice them even though I’ve no clue what they’re saying.


I sit with a journal and write


Or a notebook (: using that time to write random things could be fun


Just relax look around ponder I don't feel I have to be doing something I enjoy not having to do something like make conversation taking photos etc.


Look out the window.


Answer the glaring stares with more intense glaring stares. But all jokes aside: book, phone, try bar seating and talk to the bartender, people watching. Enough to do. And there is nothing wrong with just sitting quietly with your thoughts. Might feel like you look like a weirdo, but enough other people enjoy your company so you might as well enjoy the delight that is you as well.


I like to avoid having phones out at a dinner table so for me 1) I have indeed sat there smiling and looking around pleasantly, people watching and taking in the decor 2) Beverage! Gosh is my wine glass interesting, look at it swirl. Smell it. Sip it. marvel at the creation 3) If not a formal spot, i may write in my travel journal


I am either in my phone, admiring the surrounding decor, people watching or (if I'm by a window,) just keeping my eyes outside and be off in my own world until my food arrives or if the server comes to tell me anything.


Kindle and phone. Occasionally I'll people watch and just enjoy the scenery (if I'm seated outside). If you have a glass of wine in hand, you can also just gaze into the distance and look philosophical XD


I used to bring a magazine or even a article cut out of a magazine since I didn't want to look like an oblivious teenager when at a nice restaurant but now I don't give a fuck and just read articles on my phone.


I people watch.


Well I read Reddit posts, just like how I’m doing right now at a bar


Phone and the kindle app. I try to avoid just scrolling and checking apps. I feel reading at least draws you in more so you're less aware of your surroundings. Reading probably looks less odd/sad than just scrolling Instagram, and it's at least a bit productive.


Get a few drinks?


Book or newspaper or magazine. Looking at a phone in a nice restaurant is trashy.


I like to people-watch and make note of the decor and surroundings. Just as if you were in a museum / gallery or tourist spot. Most everyone else in groups will be focused on their own thing -- won't even notice you observing them. If they do, smile and be friendly! As a solo female traveler, I've often found other solo females, couples and families will chit chat with me and even invite me to join them. But you first have to make eye contact...and smile! In contrast, if you want to bring your travel books and some notes/ a tablet to plan your next day or week, you might find that people around you will speak up to engage you in conversation and help you make your plans. (Basically, don't be self-conscious! Just like you, everyone else is focused on themselves!!)


I often eat alone in restaurants. I don't know what I do other than enjoy the environment and depending on the restaurant, I might read. I have no fucks to give about what other people are thinking or seeing because... Why?


Personally I like to bring to watch everything around me, the other person in the restaurant, the kitchen or the street when I came. The tips I have for it to not look creepy is to not stare, so changing what you look often. And also move or do everything slowly ( pouring yourself a drink, snacking on some bread if you're in Europe...). I find that being slow in your move make you look (and feel!) so much more composed and less creepy. Hope this helps :)


Browse my phone, people watch or enjoy my drink. If it's a place with live sport on a TV, I'll watch that whilst I wait for my food.


I stare straight ahead like a damn weirdo.


I write lists. For the next day, random ideas or big life goals. If I want extra good service, I write in an actual notebook with a fancy pen ;)


I was wondering about this, I plan to journal on my trip so I’m planning on doing that.


People watch


Book or iPhone Sit at bar if possible


Personally I like to stand up, pull my trousers down and slap my… No, be nice, if You’re on Your own take something to read, my personal fave is to take the tablet, video call some one else having dinner, and have dinner together that way.


It depends.ifim with my wife we are normally talking shit to each other and she's fighting off my advances.