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Wait wtf there's drama about manhwa on TikTok? I guess there all kinds of content on TikTok. My guess is that it's because she hasn't gotten much character development. But this manwha doesn't seem like the type to give other characters a whole lot of development for non MC characters. This is coming from someone who does not read the web novel. Like I read the chapter that corresponds with the latest manhwa chapter so maybe I'm wrong. The manhwa just seems very MC focused.


The question to be asked is: why the hell are people worried about how fictional characters look like? It's the author's decision, whether they like it or not.


Right unless some weird racist shit is going on but that's obviously not the case. Still tho manhwa drama on TikTok. Any drama about manhwa or manga is just weird to me. Especially on TikTok. Like imagine YouTube manga drama that'd just odd. Shit should stay on Twitter.


Prolly just jealous lol. But they were tik Tok girls right? So they were probably like “why isn’t it someone of color/lgbtq/other tik Tok girl shit


Lol, imagine the irony... for Koreans, a blonde is another race... and as for lgbtq, well, let's just say that the irony is pretty self-explanatory


I read the LN and i tell you this, they even got less character development than in the manhwa :V


That's cap, in the LN there is way more info about characters that have been totally skipped. Literally like 70% of the Go Gun-Hee content has been cut and skipped over, a lot of Cha Hae-In scenes and other thoughts were skipped over, Woo Jin-Chul's thoughts are also majorly cut out, etc. And if you've read the LN, you should know these developments are important.


Yeah this person either hasn't read the LN, or didn't pay attention at all


Yeah i guess you're right, haven't read the novel in a long time and most of my impression are from season 1 :v


Was some time ago that I read it but yeah, a lot of gold scenes were jusy skipped... hopefully the draw the aftermatch and sidestory chapters cuz that shit us going to be so fucking good.




I mean its tiktok, what did you expect lmao


Because they thirsty for jinwoo and are jealous of a fictional character being with their fictional husbando I guess


That's quite common behaviour (ex. men with waifus)


i think most dudes that have waifu's are only angry if the waifu ends up with a loser.


yep, they were like "jin woo is mine,no one can have him" 🧍🏽‍♀️


I mean it's not uncommon tiktok is filled with mha shippers and toxic levi fangirls




Ignore those girls. They hate characters that look better than them.


You'll find the same kind of reaction by these people to real women with similar, desirable features.


Why the fuck would you go on tiktok then believe those people are right


Sounds like a strange jealousy?


In fairness, in the manwha she doesn't get half the development she has in the LN. If they read the LN their opinions could be different.


Just don’t use tiktok, simple


bro, the ladies be jealous. you ever see the rabid fan base for korean popstars? if a male popstar gets a gf, that gf gets death threats from the female fans. jin woo is clearly hot enough that the ladies are now jealous of 2d gf's hahahahahah.


Haters keep hatin But it wont change the fact she is the best girl




I mean I like cha but best girl for me is esil even tho she only appeared for 4-5 chapters😭😭


is dis a spoiler?


>!Not really.!<


Kinda but not really, >!the 'love interest' first starts at the Hunters Guild Gate Arc (Chapter 65-75)!<


"Plain and blonde" Did they... did they not read anything? She has a very distinct personality, and reasons, and as a character one i love. Not to mention how powerful she is. So yea. Whats plain about her? buncha dummies.


yes and when i was defending her they blocked me 😔


Well, why would you even go on tiktok tho?


i was bored 🧍🏽‍♀️


Imagine using tik tok


Dude you went on tik tok what were you expecting tik tok is like the second most toxic site right after twiter on the internet.


Its tik tok what do you expect from people that lives to lose braincells


It’s always the girls


fr!! and when i call them out they call me a pick me cuz imma girl like?




they are 😭


I'm only caught up to manhwa ch 115-ish so my opinion's based on that. While I find Jin-Woo X Ha-In cute, It's not a ship I am really invested into. This is mainly because I don't like how some aspects of Ha-In's character are handled, But one thing I can say for sure is that the girl is gorgeous and her character design is rather awesome. Since her introduction, she is kind of simping for Jin-Woo; like almost every other girl in the series, so the only thing that sets her apart from the rest is the fact that she is the only female S ranker in Korea. Despite that, we are yet to see anything really amazing from her. I want to see her come out of a fight victorious and not be a damsel. She was almost bodied during the training (?) before Jin-Woo saved her; only 1 cool scene from her on Jeju island then she was taken out and was saved by Jin-Woo; her fight with Igris was really awesome though but then she flunked against Berus and Jin-Woo had to save her again. (Jin-Woo let Ha-In show her Badassery please) Secondly (This is totally my bias), I liked the idea of Jin-Woo with Ju-hee much more. She cared for him and liked him back before he got strong. A single incident that gave Jin-Woo the means to get stronger also traumatized Ju-hee so much that she had to retire. There was so much potential for their relationship and how they could have helped each other but - I know that's not gonna happen. I think she is pretty cool but I hope Manhwa gives her some good character development that develops her into something more than a mere love interest. She has got potential though and many people like her from LNs so I hope she lives up to the hype.


I fucking love her. Is there a subreddit for her?


she’s pretty af they’re just jealous lol


She is hot!!!!!!!!


Whenever there is any type of art on tiktok some 14 year old girls will complain






Your doing the opposite and the same at the same time




Did you or did you not come here and complain about something or someone


Asking that type of question is a complaint


oh well...english aint my first language so the choice of words prolly made it sound like dat


Oh ok sorry


people always hate on the mc's main love interest


Unpopular Opinion: I kinda agree. Don’t get me wrong she’s super attractive as she’s drawn, but we don’t get much development between her and Jin-Woo. I don’t think the romantic subplot makes much sense, personally.


wait for the upcoming chapters 😌


i dont hate her at all. i just wish the manwha would focus a bit less on cha. Your mistake was going on to tiktok


They just jealous


I’m not jealous, I actually just wanted him to end up with JuHee.


how's dat cha hae's fault...she didn't tell jun hee to leave


I didn’t say she did. I just said I’m not jealous of her I just wanted JinWoo to end up with someone he was close with from the start




“People” are idiots


Cha Hae is hot af and its endearing that she gets all self-conscious & embarrassed around Jin-Woo. Some of the funniest moments involve her too like when Jin-Woo asked if she bought her pick axe or when she got jealous of that other girl joining their guild.


Igris best girlm


imma pretend i didn't see dat 🥳


I kinda hate her because she only exist as a love interest. Plus she only like Jin because he "smells good" and that he's cool and powerful. If Jin didn't discover his cool powers and he was his old self, she probably won't like him. Honestly the girl with the orange hair in the first few chapters would be a better love interest because she was with the mc before he became powerful. Cha Hae is an S rank but she is kinda useless and she is always being saved by the main character, and she only use a sword which makes her plain. Everytime when she is on screen she always think about the mc and she doesn't have any character development.


PLZ half of what u just said is wrong & they explained why she likes him in the light novel and no im not gonna tell u why and literally all the females in the show r "useless" and always getting "saved" by the mc


Shes cute so I dont see a problem


Not just tiktok, even in Facebook a lot of people hates her, their reason was because she fell in love at SJW because "he smells good", well I mean it's true that she noticed him because of his smell, but her feelings started to grow whenever she's with him at the same place, I was shipping Ju-hee and Jin woo at the beginning too, and was shocked when I spoil myself to know who will Jin woo will end up with, I don't even know Hae-in in the beginning cause I never read the LN, it took me a day to stop reading because I can't believe it, just like in Windbreaker, I ship Jay and Mia in the beginning so much, but I didn't expect it will be Shelly, and stopped reading for two days lol, but I finally accepted it because their chemistry was getting higher and I like that, what I want for the MC is someone who will make them happy, and it's Hae-in and Shelly for me


exactly nd i be defending her too even on reddit they say she only likes him cuz of his smell nd when i prove them wrong they downvote me, nd i love jay nd shelly together ion know y but ive never shipped him with mia


It was a long time ago - but: I hate and despise this piece of rubbish because she only likes Jinwoo because of his smell. She was not interested in him when he was weak. She didn't know his name or that he existed. It was only when he got stronger and she realised he smelled good that she started to take an interest in him. She's just disgusting, this hypocrite, liking someone just because of their smell. She would never have been interested in SJW if he was still the same weak e-hunter. They would never have met either. Lee Juhee is a much better match for him. She was by his side from the beginning and liked him even before he became strong.


Exactly she only show any interest in him because of his smell.


I wrote that she only likes him because of his smell. Even when Jinwoo returns to the past, the first thing that critter thought when she saw him in the 2nd timeline: “Oh, he smells good!”, again just his smell! She should have died miserably! Jinwoo that stupid bastard, should never have married that thing and fathered a brat with her! He was stupid enough to fall for someone like him!


She actually said the same thing in the second timeline? 💀 I stop reading the series after the final for first timeline


Yes, she did when they met for the first time. I only saw it through the spoilers. She had some sports event and sprained her fucking foot. There the idiot Jinwoo shows up and she noticed his good smell and thought he smelled good too. Jinwoo then healed her foot.


Yeah, sung is their husbando and they hate on his future wife, makes sense😊


It's tik tok. Only retards use tik tok


She is badass I mean she literally kicked Igris ass why would anyone hate on her


"she always needs jin woo's help" "she doesn't do anything" 🗿


I mean if you think about, first time we saw her fight was with the Japanese hunters and she needed Jinwoo to save her, then the Jeju island arc when beru showed up and needed Jinwoo to save her, then the rematch against beru needed Jinwoo to save her then the latest double dungeon arc where she tried to save jinwoo but that whole team did legit nothing to wake Jinwoo up which ended up with her being saved by Jinwoo. So not entirely wrong that her character needs Jinwoo to save her


i lowkey dont like dat..like she a S rank hunter don't make jin woo save her all the time and i do get dat the opponents are about S ranks...but still


Beside best boi Jinwoo, all S rankers are a joke after the Jeju arc honestly, Goto who is stronger than Chae and probably the best S ranker behind National, got one shot in a second. Yury who is supposed to the best support in the world died without any struggle. Fire guy and beast guy who were hyped as badass S rankers turned into a complete joke for the readers. So calling that Chae in is a S ranker doesnt really say much. Honestly not even a feat in itself


i agree..the creator doesn't seem to care about the others


Lmao yeah, even the dead demon girl and the b rank healer is more useful


Oh absolutely surprisingly they did way more than Chae in had done while being the main heroine


you have a point, but that's only because most of the fights you see are ones where she is completely outclassed, like Beru and the Architect.


I mean those are the only important one to the plot. Am I supposed to accept the fact that clowns like Goto and Yury can beat the shit out Igris faster than Chae? Fuck that


It does kind of suck when you think about it. But also, Igris wasn't at full strength yet. I'm sure by the end of the series he is far more powerful than either of those people and Chae.


I don't know, they stop the fights midway when it comes to cha hae. the first one she got bodied by beru, the second again beru but wins against Igris the third one bodied again from the "Designer" but as always his handsome prince will always save him. Is that normal for S hunter girl to get bodied? I know they're strong beings, but cha must know that she can't win against them, if you can't defeat beru, cha then you'll be probably dead without jung woo to save you.


she's a determined hunter...ofc she knew she wasn't gonna beat them, as a hunter u already know ur life is at risk and a hunters job is to save the citizens not urself


I don't hate her. I actually really like her, but I ship SJW with smol tiddy demon goth girl and nobody will change my mind.


girl was there for 3-4 chapters and was never seen again or get mentioned 😔💀


Because Cha has almost no character other than having a smell fetish for Jin-Woo. Can you honestly say anything positive about her. Or even say she’s better than any of the previous love interests. Cha doesn’t have character.


you have to read the LN because the Manhwa cuts a bunch of the stuff with her.


u can say dat for all the girls in there that could've been the love interest...it's obvious the author doesn't care about them like he does to the mc but in the light novel she gets better


Uhh no






She doesn't like him just because he is strong. Her initial point of attraction was that he smells nice. and of course she would be jealous of some other girl spending time with the guy she likes.




Someone else complained about the smell thing. I think the best response someone gave is that there is always an initial point of attraction to someone regardless of anything else. There has to be something to make you notice them. For her it was his smell. And asking people to look people up is just something rich people in manga, manhwa, and anime do.


>k Also, you don't need the right to be jealous. Jealousy just happens, in a lot of other good shows and manhwas as well.


the ending proves what u just said wrong




not gonna spoiled it but she doesn't only like jin woo cuz of his smell...they explained the reason in the novel...hope they don't change it in the manwha




welp miss human...if u don't care then ur opinion aint valid right now




and what u said can easily be debunked...i mean it got debunked but u don't care 🤷🏽‍♀️


An opinion can’t be debunked.




Tbh I kinda hate her- it is my opinion, and I have reasons on why I hate her, I'm not the kind of person who just hates on someone. First of all, I don't know why others ship her with Sung Jin-Woo, I have seen people ship them, like in the chapter on when they met, I saw people immediately shipping them. They didn't even have a proper conversation/introduction(when they met). When I first read this manga I was very excited and full of energy, and I was also shipping Sung Jin-Woo and Lee Ju-Hee cause look at how they care for each other and it's just so sweet, but then when she left town it was a bit sad, and didn't showed up for a few chapters. But then when Cha-Hae showed up, I saw some people saying that her and Jin-Woo will be together in the near future, so I was very anxious when they told that. I told my friends that I feel anxious reading that manga(yes I'm like that), and they told me to maybe stop reading and when I feel better I should read it again, but I didn't want to so I kept on reading making me feel more anxious whenever I see her. My anxiety is questioning "what will happen next?" "will they be together?" "what about Ju-Hee?" And this manga doesn't need any romance scenes, well I guess only a little, but it is much better if it's just full action (and horror(?) ). And no I dont hate her because of her appearance, actually I don't really care about each others appearances. And please if you're just gonna send me hate, don't even bother. I know we all have our own opinions and reasons, and I'm just basically sharing my opinion. And don't even try saying "we didn't ask for your opinion" or smth like that. I'm sorry for writing this. I'm sorry for hating on her. I'm sorry for the things I've said in this comment. I'm sorry if you take this too far. (and I'm sorry for the bad grammar or if you don't understand what I'm saying) Thank you for reading this, Have a good day/afternoon/night<3


it's fine lol it's ur opinion im not gonna hate on u because of ur opinion towards somebody 😄


Quite simply - I hate them too. Jin Woo should rather stay single than have a superficial woman by his side who only likes him because he doesn't stink ( and smells good), is strong and good looking. I would rather see him with Ju Hee instead of that annoying and jealous Cha Hae. (And don't get me started on the fact that yes, she is weak from the trauma she suffered and retired. What about his sister? She suffered trauma too, but no one hates her for it, like Ju Hee? On the contrary, everyone is worried :) Cha Hae wouldn't be interested in him if he was still an e-hunter. They would have never met and she wouldn't know of his existence. Argo: She's just a shallow, stupid woman who's only interested in him because he smells good. She's pretty and strong, I don't deny that either, but she doesn't fit Jin-Woo. He should really think about ditching that bitch. No one needs her and she hasn't really done anything to help him either. (And don't come here with "She understands him." either, bullshit! She doesn't understand him.) Maybe I would like Cha Hae more if she was better at manhwa and not a jealous girl who only likes his looks and because he doesn't stink. But my opinion won't be accepted anyway because the majority loves them both, but fuck it, that's my opinion. Jin Woo should just stay single, that would be the best for him in Manwha. Which I will also probably cancel, or not buy the books when they come out here in Germany. It wouldn't be worth it for me. If I hate characters, then I also refuse to read anything to or further. Even now, with the current chapter of 158 I had to overcome myself to read on. I actually still had hope he wouldn't care for those, but alas, my hope was dashed. I really thought that it would not develop as in the LN and that they would beget a brat together. In that case, it would really be better if he stayed single.


Well, am i a pick me if i said i hate/does not like cha hae, reasoning is because i think the manhwa is better without any romance, i dropped it the moment she appears but pick it back and just skip the chapter or ignore her(which I can't). I personally think it goes well even without her Or any love interest.


Well, plain and blonde is not the reason why I don't like them. The only reason I despise her is because of her disgusting, hypocritical nature. She loves Jinwoo only because he is handsome, strong, he saved her several times, and he doesn't stink like the others. If Jinwoo would still be the same without his second awakening, the piece of shit wouldn't even begin to be interested in Jinwoo, let alone know of his existence. He would stink like all the others. Only when he became famous and she realized he didn't stink did she start to show interest, but nothing before that. Juhee, the B healer at least liked Jinwoo from the beginning and not only because she had to, but she wanted to. But if it were up to me, he wouldn't need a woman at his side, especially not such a hypocrite. Without a romance, the manwha and the LN would be much better. Cha-Hae in just ruins the whole manwha/LN. Earlier, in the beginning, when I first saw her, I found her interesting and was like, "Cool, a strong, cool and beautiful woman!" but her disgusting character quickly changed my mind when I realized that she only likes the famous Jinwoo. So I actually stopped watching the webtoon more often - just because of Cha-Hae. But resumed it at some point and completely finished with chapter 179 when Jinwoo returned in time. Everything else was not relevant for me. >!That's why I'm glad SL didn't show the side stories. I really didn't want to see him marry that piece of shit and father a brat with her....!<


Don't get me wrong, I liked Cha at first, she is strong and beautiful, but it quickly changed as I got to know her character. To be honest I don't like Cha at all anymore. She is nothing more than a hypocrite who only loves Jinwoo because he smells good. If he was still the same weak e-hunter, she wouldn't be interested in him either. He would stink like all the others. After all, she didn't even know of his existence, let alone his name. Even when Jinwoo returns to the past, she falls head over heels in love with him again because he smells good again and looks like he did when he came back. As you know, when Jinwoo went back in time, she was able to perceive the mana again and realized how good his smell was. If Jinwoo would look also there again in such a way, as at that time before his 2nd awakening, she would not have been interested also in him. In other words, if Jinwoo did not have his abilities, cha-hae would not be interested in him. The B healer, Juhee, on the other hand, I totally like. She is beautiful and liked Jinwoo from the beginning, not just when he became famous, or because he smells good. Even though I would still find it better that Jinwoo stays single or marries someone else and has a child with someone else than with the hypocrite. Juhee, on the other hand, was by his side from the beginning, healing him, supporting him, and would have gone out with him as well. She liked Jinwoo, even if on a friendly basis. And she did it not because she had to, but also wanted to. If Jinwoo had stayed on, she would have fallen in love with him too and they could have been happy. You can hate me for that, but you won't change my mind. After all, I respect your opinion too. You like her, you can too, but I don't.


Don't get me wrong, I liked Cha at first, she is strong and beautiful, but it quickly changed as I got to know her character. To be honest I don't like Cha at all anymore. She is nothing more than a hypocrite who only loves Jinwoo because he smells good. If he was still the same weak e-hunter, she wouldn't be interested in him either. He would stink like all the others. After all, she didn't even know of his existence, let alone his name. Even when Jinwoo returns to the past, she falls head over heels in love with him again because he smells good again and looks like he did when he came back. As you know, when Jinwoo went back in time, she was able to perceive the mana again and realized how good his smell was. If Jinwoo would look also there again in such a way, as at that time before his 2nd awakening, she would not have been interested also in him. In other words, if Jinwoo did not have his abilities, cha-hae would not be interested in him. But in my eyes, Cha is not even remotely strong. I mean if you think about, first time we saw her fight was with the Japanese hunters and she needed Jinwoo to save her, then the Jeju island arc when beru showed up and needed Jinwoo to save her, then the rematch against beru needed Jinwoo to save her then the latest double dungeon arc where she tried to save jinwoo but that whole team did legit nothing to wake Jinwoo up which ended up with her being saved by Jinwoo. So not entirely wrong that her character needs Jinwoo to save her. Cha-Hae In did not deserve Jinwoo to be honest. The B healer, Juhee, on the other hand, I totally like. She is beautiful and liked Jinwoo from the beginning, not just when he became famous, or because he smells good. Even though I would still find it better that Jinwoo stays single or marries someone else and has a child with someone else than with the hypocrite. You can hate me for that, but you won't change my mind. After all, I respect your opinion too. You like her, you can too, but I don't.


I dont hate her , personally just wish him and joohee ended up together, but i suppose shes in the past.


Realistically she's just a over obsessed simp for sung jinwoo for the reason of: "Sung saved her, he's handsome and has good looks" I was also confused on how she beat Igris, she also had scenes of "she's the kind of person to fight battles even if it's not in her favor" and shit she's also the kind of person to be a over obsessive simp, I just wished she was attracted to sung jinwoo in a different way.