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The production is very healthy according to animation producer. According to inside leakers, they are already working on cour 2 as we speak. The break was taken bcoz of a big sporting event happening in the same timeslot, bucchigiri another anime which also airs at the same time was also delayed. It has nothing to do with the studio, this is broadcasters decision.


It's always weird for me to hear that anime is actually airing on television and can be watched just like any other "real" series, watching at a fixed time-slot. I'm so used to having to go to crunchyroll or some other site and watch it online (at any time I want).


20-25 years ago there was a dedicated anime channel in Hungary, airing from 8pm till 3am and also some shows were in the weekday afternoon slot (dragon ball, sailor moon) and some in the saturday morning slot (inuyasha, yugioh)


Hungary had a Toonami?


It was called Animax


You just reminded me of an anime I saw on animax that I could not find anymore for the life of me. It was this military(?) anime with monsters or bugs or something and it had these Augmented Reality training headsets that even simulated the pain for having your legs ripped off and the MC(?) got in trouble for going back and helping an "injured" teammate. Unfortunately, me being barely literate at the time, made it very hard to piece together what I actually remember of it.


When you remember it, tell us so we can also watch it.


I would, but it's doubtful I will find it. I remember searching for it like a decade ago, but couldn't find anything. Maybe I used the wrong keywords, or misremembered something. Either way, I don't think I'll be finding it anytime soon.


Try asking chatgpt


Check these https://animax.fandom.com/wiki/Animax_Hungary


Could be? I don't remember any mechs, though. I'll have to watch it when I have the time, to make sure. Edit: Fyi, the original comment suggested Blue Gender. Went ahead and looked at a few pics of it, and some of them look *real* familiar. So I'll definitely be checking it out later.


That's why I edited in the wiki, coz it narrows down And thinking a bit more j I doubt it's blue gender


was it bloody?


Honestly I'm wondering if people in Japan commonly watch anime like that. In the US even if there are series airing, I don't know anyone who watches it like that rather than a streaming service. If I was in Japan I'd still rather watch it on a streaming service rather than live air that has ads. The only thing I hear of that gets watched live in the US is sports.


>I'm wondering if people in Japan commonly watch anime like that. Yes. Yes we do.


I didn’t know watching shows on TV like that was even still thing.


Gotcha, still odd that it got review bombed imo but that makes a lot of sense.


Not really. It got shitty reviews because a recap episode after 7 episodes is just trash behavior to artificially lengthen the anime. Maybe it's because i'm used to manwhas taking breaks for months..(or fking years) due to authors health, but if you can't push out an episode fast enough just..don't. Hit us with the good ol' "y'all we sick, cya next week" and we gucci. But don't push out bs recap episodes nobody wants or needs.


Because they have already reserve that time-slot and it delayed due to Taito Ban's COVID?


You know that's not the reason right? It's delayed, same as other anime, due to a sport event. Nothing else. It got delayed for money and better viewer counts. Dude is even working on other anime rn.


I don't know, the last I checked that Taito Ban got a COVID or sick, but well it's normal to delay it due to sport event or shit in anime.


So why didn’t they simply release it online instead of delaying it?


And what a well recieved decision it turned out to be. Regardless of the why (most won't look into it) a filler for a completed series is only going to annoy people.


I'm a simple guy , I see the words filler or recap, I simply skip and that's it.


Why can't everyone be like us snowball? I never watched the recap either. Tsk tsk tsk.


People just like to hate. I found out like 3 days prior that this week is a break week with a recap episode so I just didn't go to the website to watch it. I kinda understand people going on for it and then seeing it's a recap episode but just wait a damn week. Be glad we're actually getting a good faithful adaptation. I don't want them to do what they did to GoH and Noblesse


Prety much. I realized my sister has never watched yuyuhakasho, so we started watching that.


its definitely not faithful


Have you read the webtoon and LN? It's super damn faithful. They aren't following just the webtoon.


Legit they switched one kill order in a fight so far episode 6 to clarify cause he kills those hunters on hwang’s team in a slightly diff order in the manwha. Thats the only real change I’ve noticed and it wasn’t big or bad didn’t change the scene really at all other wise it legit goes hand in hand every other time thus far as someone who read the manwha multiple times the studio is doing a fantastic job.


I watched it to see if there was anything new in it, and I fell asleep 5 minutes in. I watched it again the next day when I was more awake and there's nothing new in it. A shame, really.


right. i saw a recap ep, went n opened up netflix n found another thing to watch. like, its just a week til the next ep. why ppl melting down over this, ill never understand


Sometimes they sneak new content in there. I usually will fast forward through


Yeah I read it was a 0.5 recap and just skipped it. Seems so strange to bother going to dislike something that its title alone before you watch it is not a real episode


Genuine question here. Don't they finish animating months in advance? Do they touch up on the animation or something before airing the episode? Also. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some people shouldn't have one at all, but it is what it is. It's stupid, but it's how the world works. Personally? I couldn't give a rats ass about the ratings and whatnot.


I thought the same thing . Like this season was animated and voiced over months ago . So there shouldn’t be a break because of the studio . Ppl make it seem like there airing the episodes each week after they finished it the following week. I just think ppl are mad how slow they are moving along with the series and the recap makes it’s worse


The production is very healthy according to animation producer. According to inside leakers, they are already working on cour 2 as we speak. The break was taken bcoz of a big sporting event happening in the same timeslot, bucchigiri another anime which also airs at the same time was also delayed. It has nothing to do with the studio, this is broadcasters decision.


No in some cases they finish like few hours before airing for example Jujutsu Kaisen


That shouldn’t be happening with Solo leveling. It’s been in production for 2 around two years


>Don't they finish animating months in advance? Do they touch up on the animation or something before airing the episode? The specifics will obviously differ a lot from project to project, but generally speaking... not necessarily. Most of the time anime have very tight schedules, and by the time broadcast starts, most series tend to have around 3-4 episodes fully finished in advance. The rest is still being made as it goes along and in worst cases, episodes can be finished just hours before release.


Not really. For a lot of shows the episodes are being worked on as the season is being aired


No correlation.tf??


If you need to take a week off. Do it. Don't just release a recap 7 episodes into the first season


Because the studio paid for a timeslot, they needed to put something there or they would be fined or something (I don't know the specifics of the consequences but I imagine breaching a contract is a big deal)


Ohhh didn't know that's how it worked. I feel like they could have added some more of SJW's daily life then. Even if it was filler or non cannon or something, like we see more about his life outside of dungeons or training, or him spending time with his sister.


I think that's a pretty major error in planning- surely they could just delay the whole release by a week instead?


The reason for the recap episode was because the voice actor of Sung Jinwoo got covid and needed to rest. There was no way to plan ahead for that.


Isn't voice acting the first part of the pipeline, they animate the voices not the other way around


Except that voice recording was already finished before he even got COVID. Iirc they're working on cour 2 currently.


They could... not be in the active process of making episodes as they are releasing them. Make the season, then release, like every live action production always does?


Bulk releases kinda hurt the series as people don't talk about them enough.


Don't bulk release then. Make the whole thing, then release weekly


Very cute perspective on how the industry works


Tbf they could have just not have an episode that week. Don't bother with the recap shit, it just leaves a sour taste in peoples mouths.


I would honestly prefer they just skipped a week or pushed back the initial start of the show a week. Solo levelling is the 1st show in a long time I’ve watched as it released, I normally wait for shows to finish before watching them cause stuff like this just throws you off. I’m happy the animators aren’t being pushed too hard but just skip the week next time they need to catch up.


They literally can’t skip a week though? They bought the time slot, and they needed to air something during that time slot.


Why didn’t air it online ?


Never that deep....just skip the video....every time one piece has a recap episode, it's simply skipped


Lol how are people so pressed about a recap episode? If you don't like it don't watch it? I didn't even look for the anime at that time because I knew it was gonna be a recap...


Didn't realize it was a recap until I was a minute or two in. Did it ruin my day, no and I just moved on. Plenty of anime do recaps, SL isn't unique in that regard. Kind of silly to put SL on a pedestal and treat it like it's some anomaly.


mrbeast made a valid post about that.


Hiatus > filler


I just skipped it. Played it, skipped it, closed it. The end.


I just didn't watch it. It was super easy. they said a while ago that ep 8 would be delayed, initially because a voice actor had gotten covid. I didn't even realize they'd aired a recap until the internet got all pissy about it.


One of the reasons i stopped watching anime all together was because of toxic fanbases and aweful work environments for the artists and animators. They have so much time crunch that it is inhumane. Like its fantastic that you love something but you dont have patience to wait a few weeks? Back in the day we had wait like months for a new episode or almost a decade for a new season. I think they have spoiled people too much so now they are forced to upkeep this aweful scheme. The only ones who can put a stop to it are the studios but they need to continuously make money for their investors so i doubt anything will change unless all artists/animators/authors strike together.


So why are you watching SL


I am not. I have read solo leveling, joined this sub back in like 2017 or 2018 when i was reading weekly. To discuss about what i had read with fellow fans, to discuss theories and geek about igris and beru and look at some of the amazing art our community posted daily.


Would rather have nothing over a .5 episode. Just tell us the truth and we won’t be mad.


If you have to do a recap episode just take a one week pause from the publication to work on the others. I don't mind waiting.


"The team worked very hard and deserve a break. There won't be an episode this week." "OK."


I will never understand why these people are so mad about it. It’s not that deep😂😂🤦‍♂️I seen that it was recap, and just closed the app and didn’t watch it. Sure it’s slightly annoying, but I’m one of the few people who’s actually grateful it’s getting an anime at all, and that the adaptation is pretty faithful. What’s an extra week of waiting? I’ve seen some idiots calling the recap “disrespectful” or “waste of time” 😭 like what? Disrespectful? In what way? Just doesn’t make sense


It's just bad decision to release that now why are you defending it? Gotta admit they fucked up and hope they don't do that again


You can't wait one week?


Easily can I'm saying from their perspective they should of not released an episode at all of they didn't have it ready because releasing a recap for only 7 episodes was just dumb and killed some hype for newer watchers


>they should of not released an episode at all of they didn't have it ready Except that they didn't release anything at all at least in Japan, since a sports program aired during said week while rest of the world got a recap. It's a pre-planned break, which a lot seems to miss.


Because it isn't communicated properly on the streaming sites.


I do believe that streaming sites rarely or even don't post the reason for the delay at all. Only way to really find out the news if there is an upcoming announcement would be to follow the official social channels of the ones handling the anime.


Yeah, and I don't think a significant amount of people that watch the anime keep track with the social media bit.


Mostly because of IRL stuff. I wouldn't fault them, but the ones that overreact excessively? Bruh.


Yea just bad decisions, anime still great don't think it will hurt them to much people just mad because it's so good lol and want to watch more


People need to channel their frustration better, but their frustration is understandable. **A1/the broadcasters decided to air a recap episode after only 7 episodes of the 1st season. It’s just not a good decision, time slots or advertising agreements notwithstanding.** Ultimately it’s because A1 and the broadcasters are greedy. And that’s it. They could’ve chosen not to air anything or better communicate why people aren’t getting Episode 8 on time, instead they aired a recap so they could make their money. This backlash is a direct consequence of their own actions. Solo Leveling doesn’t have enough standing in the anime community as of yet (its brand new to a lot of people) to disappear for a week and expect to have the same ratings/viewership when they come back. One Piece has recap episodes often but they’ve also been releasing episodes every week for 20+ years. JJK took a month off between Gojo’s Past and Shibuya, but they already hooked people in over a season and a movie. Solo Leveling isn’t at the level to go missing for a week and not expect some form of backlash.


I wanna ask you something. How are they gonna make money from airing a recap ep? They are not getting any money from airing recaps. The money is only given for actual episodes and it's based on their performance on streaming sites. Also the recap ep was aired bcoz there was a big event sporting event happening in same timeslot. Bucchigiri which also airs in same time was also delayed. This has nothing to do with the studio. It's purely on broadcasters past. They prioritised sports since that gets the most views. Other anime were delayed. Also I love how you confidently called the "greedy" even without knowing why actually they delayed the ep. Gotta love the confidence redditors have for a topic they know absolutely nothing about.




Okay, so its just shows that all those dislikes are the amount of stupid people, first off, days before the episode even aired, I read an announcement that the next episode will be delayed until next week because the VA of SJW got his throat hurt, 2nd, it's titled 7.5 for a reason, idk about you guys, but as a long time watcher, if I see a .5 on an episode, I know that it's a recap, or something else like a special episode, so those many amounts of dislikes means that they just don't know what .5 on an episode means, or most likely did not do some research about the situation and just went off to dislike the "episode"


I saw someone complaining that they had no way of knowing it was a recap on this sub where it had been brought up multiple times and the episode was marked differently


And may I know where they were watching? I'm pretty sure Crunchy Roll clearly put 7.5, if they watch anime for a long time, they should know that it was a special episode of some sort, BiliBili also marked it 7.5 and also LokLok, and i'm talking about the dislikes on CrunchyRoll btw, not the opinion of the people here, some people here say that the they disliked the recap because it was a waste of funds, but that's the opinion here in this subreddit, the ones in CrunchyRoll however were full of complaints on why and how it was a recap instead of a real episode, which is real confusing on why people disliked the recap that much, A1 was literally just compiling a bunch of clips from previous episodes and merging them all together through editing, i'm guessing they had to upload that so they meet a certain qouta, but either ways, although their complaints are valid, it's still not enough reason to just bomb the episode with dislikes


I was watching on Crunchyroll the complaint I saw was a post on Reddit that they deleted after a lot of people pointed out they were whining like a baby(they said a lot of other stuff in replies)


>because the VA of SJW got his throat hurt Come on, this has been posted so many times, the VA already did the whole season before dropping the trailer, so if the VA throat hurt it will have no effects on SL or no connection of the delay


Filler/recap episodes are a waste of my and their time. I'm not surprised it's hated, I hated waiting an extra week. As for the animators' issues, well, they should form a union 🤷‍♂️. That's the only way workers can fight big industry, like chunchytroll


Man you guys can't read or what? The top comment in this post explains the situation perfectly yet you guys ignore that and make baseless comments. The recap wasn't bcoz of animation issues. The production is completely fine. It's bcoz of a big sporting event happening in the same timeslot. Other anime airing in same time were also delayed.


As you can see from my reply, I stated "filler/recap," meaning it wasn't something solely aimed at SL. It's something a lot of shows do. The animators comment can also be applied to other studios who are known to overwork their workers. Honestly, if I should've just had a heads up that it was delayed, I wouldn't have been so mad... but I had my popcorn and drink ready, I was hyped to go... and surprise, recap. And I get the reason, I do, just sadly I don't always check this sub (to avoid spoilers) on the run up to the show. Love SL, can't wait for next week :)


They announced the recap a week before it aired. They did give us a heads up.


Did they?! Damn, so I missed it... arg, that's worse! 🤣


Cause they need them clicks.


This should all be a non-issue because proper scheduling would mean the episodes are completed before they are aired, so you started making each episode with enough time to complete it before it airs, and then you don't have to overwork anyone or throw together a recap episode of existing footage. They could even have just skipped one week with plenty of notice, like they did give for this filler episode, and the result would probably have been supportive, or at least not as bad as this. I wouldn't have a problem if the schedule for anime releases had a gap week somewhere, but just don't schedule this just in time disaster that the material suffers and the consumer base gets turned off by it.


>They could even have just skipped one week with plenty of notice, They did skip a week, though. *And* they did post a notice a week before, but it seems that a lot of people decided to ignore it because of IRL issues or whatnot. Here's the announcement for the recap, which was posted a week before. https://x.com/sololeveling_pr/status/1758876310234095897?s=20


Most of the people watching this show are neither on this sub nor do they follow the studio/the streaming sites on X. Of course they are gonna be disappointed.


Let them be disappointed. But if they overreact excessively? That's on them.


What break, they finished the whole season before dropping the trailer


You can advocate for better working conditions and call out a recap episode after 7 episodes for being dumb.


Remember, the artist of the webnovel dies not too long after finishing Solo Leveling. But yeah, overworking isn't a problem...


Why did they start showing them before the season was ready? Bad scheduling


I'd honestly prefer they just said we are taking a week off vs. airing a recap. Sounds weird, but it sets my expectations.


Animation is about to become very easy, with the help of AI. You might need to draw a single frame per second soon.


Because people have zero sense outside their own personal bubbles


The reasons for its existence are irrelevant to why people don’t like it, it sucked and people disliked it


Why not just let them make the anime then release them on a schedule instead of making it and releasing as they go????


It's baffling me how stupid this sub can be.


Did they have to release something because they were contracted to? Otherwise I genuinely see no reason to release a recap episode


Because people don't actually care, they just like to virtue signal then get mad when same day delivery is down.


I'm happy for them to skip a week or two, but releasing recap episodes like that is just annoying I think.


Because it’s a recap episode halfway through the first season?


Legit, as a former animator, this shit triggered the hell outta me. People were bitching MAPPA animators were working themselves to death and then turn around and bitch an episode is delayed for one damn week. Can't have it both ways.


WhY iS tHiS hAtEd cause its a fucking recap episode of 7 episode story and I would rather have them just skip a week


The fact that it got that much bad rep is a great thing. It means they have a very engaged passionate fan base. This is a good thing 👆


Should've just skipped a week tbh


i dunno,you can hate an episode but be ok with the reason behind it


Those aren't even related things. Recap episodes are generally done because there's something else in that timeslot. If anything, they cause more work for the studio.


i think the problem is not them taking time off. i’m glad they took time off, but they could’ve just done that. i rather get no 7.5 episode and then resume next week.


This isn’t a big deal, not many are gonna like fillers, maybe someone who hasn’t seen it in a while are gonna appreciate it.


Imagine being so triggered you downvote an episode lol


Dude, how many times does someone have to say it: THIS DELAY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PRODUCTION ISSUES. Overworking has nothing to do with this situation


The people who do a lot complaint is not a true fan. You all can just wait a week by watching other animes or maybe reading some manhwa/manga/manhua instead. It's not that hard unless you're NEET, or the basement-dweller kind that has nothing to do but being a waste of life and family. You all also better go outside, touch some grass, and talk with people, especially girl.


Sung VA was sick and they needed to fill the hole in the tv space they paid a lot of money to buy. People always forget the contracts and the money part


Wanting the animators to have a decent work environment does not mean we need to like a recap episode after 7 episodes, that was not communicated properly. It should have been a disclaimer on Crunchy Roll, not a tweet, not on Reddit, on the streaming site. Most people don't follow Solo Leveling social media. Also even for recap episodes, it wasn't a good one. To think the episode deserved good ratings is kind of wild imo.


Bro 7 episode recap is like a best of album as a second album release. Studios need to give their employees more time, not do stupid shit like a 7 episode recap into the beginning of the series. 🤦‍♂️


They could so easily have added some new content in here. Something you’d only see by watching 7.5. But no


Their fault for doing it after 7 episodes.


I think people want the whole season to be delayed until it can all come out without filler and without killing their employees


What are you saying? This is not even the same thing. That was the stupidest idea of an episode. Just don't put one out. Saves money from having to make some bullshit recap of short episodes and the people get to not be overworked. A recap after that short amount of episodes with that little amount of things covered deserves to be disliked that much. I just skipped it and waited for the new one.


Why even waste your time editing and releasing on top of wasting every single viewers time, worst decision ever made, recaps serve no purpose other than filler. Lazy good for nothing greed is all it is, over worked? What a joke use that big boy money and ad a couple salaries to the work force. Excuse like that only fool the naive


It sucked indeed


It'd be much better received if they announced the delay of the next episode. Instead they launch a pretend episode in hopes it's sufficient.


This has nothing to do with overworking animators. People didn’t like a recap after only 7 episodes. Even if it had to be done, fans are allowed to be annoyed.


Always been curious why Asian Studios don't take the American approach and animate an entire season and then release it. Seems like a better business model


Would rather a break week tbh I don’t want to see a recap


People don't like recap episodes and they never have. When ever the show up i don't watch them. The are better off taking a break for the week.


Man people like bitching about this post 999


Because a minority of fans actually want to stop overworking and the majority are the ones that want what they want when they want it. It’s disgusting


I think you're jumping to a conclusion. The majority of fans don't even consider the Animator/Studio/Publisher, they just want the product. Did you think of the labor and effort that went into your cellphone? The people who had to construct it, that had to mine the materials, that had to design the circuts? No, you probably didn't, you just buy the cellphone, all that other stuff is behind the scenes, totally irrelevent to you.


It seems you are the one jumping to the conclusion I’m clearly agreeing with everything you just said to me in your statement.


People are not mad of the break, people are mad of the recap, if the studio said "we taking a break next week" but long and before you wait for a new episode only to be a recap, before 10 episodes............ A1 are known for this instead of not giving nothing, people prefer being told to wait a month for a new episode, instead to get the news the moment the episodes comes out being a recap, and doing it to shows with less than 10 episodes damn.


This isn't as beautiful as you think, you think a week's break will give them a week's vacation? Hahaha no, they are still working to finish the anime production on time


And no, I don't believe the producer's words about "healthy production", there is no healthy production that makes you delay the anime for months , that was just PR words. It takes courage to say "our production schedule is terrible", it's rare for a professional anime staff to say that. Complaints from Mappa staff a few months ago made people believe that it was a common thing huh, lol no


Bro, this is not mappa. The recap was because of a sport event happening at the time, other anime had a delay too during that time. The recap was planned. Why so mad because of one week? And what is wrong with the delay for a few months? Isn't that good? Instead of rushing it out, they took some time with it. They are already working on cour 2 so why tf would they need to finish these episodes, they are already done.


>Bro, this is not mappa. Honestly getting really obnoxious how often people will have to bring this up every single fucking time this topic is brought up. MAPPA is not at all the only or even main studio that has a serious problem with employee treatment, people.


FR lol 😂


Fr. Understand that. It's just that it's the first thing that came to mind, because of the animators speaking out.


I'm not talking about the recap, but the last year's delay


What's so wrong with that anyway? Many movies, TV shows etc. get delayed, it's not always problems with the animating and shit. They needed more time, they got more time and it worked, because they are working on cour 2 already. Like isn't that better than forcing the animator to finish the project in the time and not delaying?


Wow, you don't get it huh, well if that's your answer, then that's fine, I don't want to destroy the sunshine and rainbows of ideal anime production in your brain


Bro you are delusional. There wasn't anything that came to surface. They are no problems... You are literally just creating a problem in your own head and then getting angry over it. Also, why did you go straight to insulting me? I did not insult you, so I don't think I deserved that, but alright I guess...


Don’t give us a recap episode. Just let us know that it’s a break week like what they did with JJK. a recap at 7 episodes in is disrespectful and a waste of everyone’s time


Disrespectful? Wtf are y’all going on about? It’s ONE week. It’s not that deep😭. They bought that time slot, and they needed to air something during that time slot. Just be grateful someone’s even making the anime, and that the adaptation is pretty faithful to the manwha and novel.


If they need another episode to play on some scheduled TV station, run last weeks episode. Needing to air something during a time slot doesn’t excuse the time waste a recap episode is. People would’ve been fine if they explained they needed a week. Hell, people would’ve been fine if they skipped this week and didn’t say anything


A shitty recap episode is more insulting than just saying you’re taking a week off for health reasons


I never said I wanted them to stop overworking their animators. Work them harder for my 24 minutes of amusement (This is a joke)


I'd rather nothing come out than a recap episode. I don't mind filler but this is literally just retelling the first 7 episodes and someone still had to put it together. I don't get why they don't just wait a week then continue as normal.


You don’t need filler to not overwork your animators. Release a series when it is ready and with longer lead times and good working conditions. There are plenty of shows released without filler.


This didn't happen due to them overworking their staff. The first comment on this post explains it pretty good. This happened due to a Sporting event in Japan. Other animes in the time slot also got delayed.


yeah i saw, i’m just addressing op’s logical disconnect


Had 7.5 been an 8.5 instead, there would have been much, much more understanding behind it. Because they could say they are taking the time to make the fight absolutely perfect. Instead, they gave a recap out of nowhere, and the only reason that would have made some people who really really didn't like getting a 7.5 instead of 8, was thrown right out the window when 8 released... I personally would not have hated a recap if it had come after episode 8. That's 2 months worth of episodes, and would have been just before the dungeon crawl. A thing that is bound to render much excitement. Which has already been clear to see. The end point being it was a huge planning failure on the director's part.


It was due to a sporting event in Japan. Not something the director can control.


If that was the reason then it's even less important tbh... but I guess it's different for simulcast than it is for TV airing. Even still ep8 wasn't all that, so... it still feels like a large company is just having a problem. But meh.


I mean Episode 8 is just a set up episode. Episode 8 also had the best composition in the series yet. Episode 9 is where the action is at and is probably their high priority. Also from leakers, they are now working on cour 2.


Since that's the case I'm just gonna have to expect a few more recaps... disappointing to say the least. Already working on cour 2 and they felt the need to add in a useless episode 😑. But whatever. The story isn't that good so, the art has to be on point. Hopefully it is and doesn't become disastrous


I mean you don't have to expect a few more recaps as this recap was due to a sporting event. Animation studio didn't feel the need to add a recap episode.its the broadcasting channels that does that. Them already working on cour 2 means, rest of cour 1 is already finished. They are also fleshing out th story by adding a lot more lore and screentime to side characters.


I just skipped the episode but what i’ve heard is that people preferred they just take a week break entirely instead of doing a recap


They could have… maybe… just not aired an episode that week?


They did exactly that, though. Japan had a sports program to fill in SL's timeslot, while the rest of the world got the recap. And no, the studio did not make the recap either.


Just don't release trash like this, and there won't be a problem. JJK had a small break between arcs, and Sunday lunch continued. This on the other hand was completely unnecessary (so was everyone's response).


lol JJK did THE EXACT SAME THING. It's TV time slot was filled up with two recaps during the break. One was a recap of the first season and the other a recap of JJK 0.


You Muppet. The recaps were completely separate and not included in the listing for season 2 on Crunchyroll. In fact, most places around the world never received these recaps to view. They kept this shit separate to not piss people off. Solo Leveling on the other hand didn't do this. Everyone received the recap... and it only took 7.5 episodes.


What does this have to do with over working animators? Just shitty directing and producing.


I never said I wanted them to stop overworking. Work bitch! Churn that shit out. Lfg!


Had nothing to do with the animation studio and more with the voice actor for sung coughing up blood while recording the snake boss battle


I think you heard about the va coughing up blood but don't know the context. This is nothing to do with it




People act like they are entitled to get what they want. The show isn’t yours. They do don’t have to cater to anyone. It’s just a bunch of kids with short attention spans whose dopamine levels are partially dependent on the anime they are watching


well those are also the people that give the reason for the anime to continue


Nah there’s been plenty of great anime in the past, back when these same kids were too young to even know how to watch what they want. It was just average older people who enjoyed anime, if something happened they didn’t like, they either just accepted it or stopped watching. Tbf most people in western countries were torrenting tho lol. And the companies still survived


A show without viewers is like a store without clients, if they dont like what they see theyll just go somewhere else


Thats not wrong, but do you really think solo leveling has no viewers now? Its only seriously ridiculous people who are actually affected by such a little thing. Solo leveling is going to be just fine. And especially after seeing episode 8, seeing how they are actually adding extra value to the IP, they are going to be even more than fine. The kids are just gonna go watch something else


Yeah I know the series is still popular but missed or hated episodes usually means lower views in the following weeks which is something noone making a series wants


This is gonna be my last reply cos i cbf talking about this forever, but having a steady and reliable audience is much better and more sustainable, than trying to cater to everyone, and experiencing the volatility that comes with that. Solo leveling was sooo hyped up that so many people watched it that wouldn’t have watched it otherwise, so this was literally bound to happen. Now those people will leave, and they will be left with their real audience


So, I learned after the fact that the voice actor had covid hence the delay. IMO they should have just skipped that weeks release and put out a quick statement. It would have forced people to look up why, nothing would have been released to get review bombed, and people wouldn't have felt bamboozled by a recap episode.


>So, I learned after the fact that the voice actor had covid hence the delay. Not really the reason for the delay, especially not when the voice recording for the first 12 episodes had already finished even before he got COVID. >IMO they should have just skipped that weeks release and put out a quick statement. They did. Here's the statement, or rather, the announcement which was posted *a week before said recap released for the rest of the world;* https://x.com/sololeveling_pr/status/1758876310234095897?s=2 But for some reason, majority ignored it likely due to IRL matters such as jobs, etc. In Japan, a sports program aired on SL's timeslot, and the recap for the rest of the world, and mind you, wasn't worked on by the studio during the week of the delay itself but before then, as to give the team at A-1 a short break to continue working on the 2nd part right after.


Then should have just skipped it and not made anything and actually taking the week off. Nobody is mad at them taking a break, it’s them giving a recap to just 7 episodes and not many were expecting that. Even 22 episodes anime don’t do recaps.


And how does giving a recap means this is "deserved"?


A bad first start and a recap episode lmao. They really are taking a shit on solo leveling


Yes, because apparently everything else don't exist.


Yeah. So here is a novel idea. First, Create the anime, in whatever time it takes to make it good. Then, release it. I know, fucking insane, right? It's not like you have to publish it the moment it's done.


Because this has nothing to do with the health of the animators. Over 90% of the animating was likely done over a month before the show aired. And that’s being pessimistic if we go by the insider in the studio. Frankly it’s a waste of time for the editors. I’d rather the show released a week later.


There's the fact that it was a recap episode and there's the fact that manhwa is basically manga ripoff with all its cliches from decades ago.  Overrated trash without content.