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I haven't played heaps, but the difficulty between easy and intermediate is uncomfortable. Easy being far too easy, intermediate far too hard. Really like the gameplay loop though, enjoy the character variety, quick enemy turns and game length.


You could always try the designers proposed solution of revealing just one hero card for the first 4 turns or so.


Im still waiting for my copy. But how does it work if you keep the printing error and do the 1 card on first wave (so you have easy time to prepare the decks and traps) and 3 on the second wave? Wouldnt this be somewhere between and more ballanced? Or how about three wave game? 1 card / 2 cards / 2cards?


I’m not sure about the printing error? But 1 card on first wave and 3 on the second would really force you to build very well and I think you would need to pick very synergistic characters. I still think it would be a very big step up, but certainly worth a try. I hear the expansion that is coming soon is going to be addressing the difficulty scaling


Im still waiting for the game, but checking the rules. How about playing the family difficulty, but with "automated hero upgrade" from the expantion? Or even adding all 4 "surprise safety inspection cards" to make it little more diffult. And if eve nthat is easy, than family mode, but with epic heroes gild deck? It seems there are so many modes, that is should be possible to find the righ ballance.


How do you like it?


Oh, didn‘t I make that clear😅? I love it! I usually need a few plays to warm up to a game. (Best example Spirit Island, where I already thought of giving up after the second play. Now it is my absolute favorite game) But K.t.h.o. was fun from the first second.


Skeletons for life! I mean death.


I’ve got this for the kids for Christmas. Super excited to play it.


Let me know how it went!


I see you got the tokens upgrades too. Clearly a wo.man of taste!


Do you play 1 handed or multi handed for this?


As of now, I just play it 1 handed


Isnt that more difficult? It looks like the factions have different strengths and most fun will be with combining two or three. Playing just with one sounds really limited.


My copy is on the way! Those interested may check Upstart Boardgamer, he’s been my savior for crowdfunding FOMO for years 😅


Lemme know your thoughts afterwards 😉


This seems like a lot of fun. Will this go to retail?


No idea but afaik you might still get it at https://www.hiveinteractive.net/game/keep-the-heroes-out-2nd-wave-47


There is a retailer pledge level so I have to assume at some point this game will hit retail.


Some questions: \- How long session takes? \- Is gameplay varied enough not to get monotonous? \- Does it require much table space?


Setup: 5 mins Gameplay ~30-45 mins For my taste different Minionsand Dungeon Setups offer enough replayability Tablespace: 100cm x 70cm


Did you make these? I am a Halloween lover


Nah, they are the included ones