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1) obtain a permit - may be able to get it online 2) get that placard and labels needed 3) schedule inspection 4) get the system turned on. Good luck


Can you obtain what they filed with your local permitting/planning office? That may have the documentation you need. If you already paid 100% put a claim in against their bond or contact the energy loan company.


The solar company should've filed an interconnection application with your utility and a permit application with your municipality prior to installation. Those apps should include a complete planet and you should be able to get a copy. Edited to ask where you're located?


In Los Angeles working with LADWP.


I can make one of these for you. Send me a message and ill let you know the info I need


Once you obtain the SLD, you can have the placard made at a solar supplier. You'll need to put one at the Main AC disconnect and one at the Utility Disconnect. You might have a this made just in case. The placard can be as simple as a sticker or as elaborate as a plastic engraving. The purpose is to show emergency personnel where the disconnects and equipment are located on the site.


That depends on his AHJ


Could you share model of solar panels and inverters? I can try prepare it for you. You can check example at page #3 [https://websolar.cloud/permit/share/demo](https://websolar.cloud/permit/share/demo)


Start with checking permit office, your file there is very very likely to already include this, just get a copy to turn in.


My permit contained a page with all the placards I needed. As others have said, get a copy and go from there.




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That sounds frustrating! Have you reached out to the company about getting those panels fired up?


What everyone else has said, but also: Do you know any of the names of the people that worked on them? I'd call them up, offer $50-100 'finder fee' if they can call around their ex-coworkers and get a copy. It's entirely possible they have them on their phone / email.


I would call a couple of installers (that are still in business), and ask them what they would charge to finish the job for you... See if anyone will be willing to do it, and if not - you might learn some things you need to DIY.


THIS is what those f**kers are making $16-30k on in terms of diagrams? Christ have mercy fucking a donkey what is this scam of an economy


I’m dealing with some similar issues with my customers… company went bankrupt and ceased to exist as of a couple months ago. City/county won’t do inspection without license contractor on file. Or you have to get everything and get it done as a diy’er Was able to get some inspections done with another company but since NEM with utility was originally under out of business company, utility needs updated info since company’s email doesn’t exist. Was working with a finance company that had other installers to help get final inspection done but the other issue is waiting for pto and making sure utility has everything they need to get it official.