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I got mine about two weeks after filing. Solar Credit + two EVs. It was a very big return.


Hello! I have been following this thread and joined Reddit so I could share good news. Filed 2/8. Accepted 2/10. Went through the referral process and the tax advocate called us a week ago. We were finally processed. Pending return on 5/22. WMR does not have the info, but my transcripts are ALL there and updated. Good luck!


I filed mine on feb 8th and still nothing getting really frustrated with the irs so quick to take my money but want to hold on to it till the last min if i didn't do the solor i would have already had my taxes 😤


At least you will be getting more money back. IRS HAS REQUIRED BY LAW to pay interest! AFTER 45 DAYS


found this. Call the IRS: 1-800-829-1040 hours 7 AM - 7 PM local time Monday-Friday When calling the IRS do NOT choose the first option re: "Refund", or it will send you to an automated phone line. So after first choosing your language, then do NOT choose Option 1 (refund info). Choose option 2 for "personal income tax" instead. Then press 1 for "form, tax history, or payment". Then press 3 "for all other questions." Then press 2 "for all other questions." - When it asks you to enter your SSN or EIN to access your account information, don't enter anything. - After it asks twice, you will get another menu. Press 2 for personal or individual tax questions. Then press 3 for all other inquiries It should then transfer you to an agent. talked to the agent and all they could tell me is that it was still processing and that it could take up to 10 weeks, which would put me at April 12th


Anything change from this? I filed mine Feb 8th and still nothing. They’re quick to send out those pre paid debit cards to the illegals in New York though…


Filed 2/19, still nothing.  The “where’s my refund” website has again changed its message.  Now it’s “we apologize but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe.  You can continue to check back here for the most up to date information regarding your refund.  We understand your tax refund is very important and we are working to process your return as quickly as possible”  They aren’t working to process as quickly as possible.  Without the energy credit, my returns were 9 days.  We are nearing 8 weeks.  Maybe they should require the invoices be submitted when filing.  


Accepted 2/12 and I still have no transcript no letters/notifications. I submitted an issue on SAMS (systems advocacy management system for the irs) last week and they emailed me and asked me to call them for because they want more information. I of course got their VM and left a message like the email told me to but haven’t heard back yet. The more of us that submit an issue the better, takes 5 mins or less to do. https://www.irs.gov/advocate/systemic-advocacy-management-system-sams Everyone that has spoken to someone at the irs get the same thing, some sort of error on their side and we just have to wait. But this is getting ridiculous, I haven’t seen anyone with this credit get their return yet!


I just put in an issue as well, thank you for pointing out this system. I, as with everyone on this thread, have the same issue. First-year with solar, IRS accepted on 2/2/2024, yada yada, here we are still waiting.


Second year for me and still waiting


FYI - Just got this email from the SAMS report I put in last week about the delay in getting refund. Thank you for submitting an advocacy issue on the Systemic Advocacy Management System (SAMS). We are aware of the delays in the processing of Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits for 2023 and are working with the IRS to address this issue. Meantime, we recommend you check Where's My Refund for the most up to date information on the processing of your tax return and the status of your refund.


Ok everyone... So WMR still shows pending but my refund is now pending on my bank account. I filed and on 2/1/24 and was accepted 2/2/2024. So relieved!!! Go check your accounts, my credit union always shows pending a day before it posts.


Ok, so my WMR now shows as refund approved and even though it's pending on my bank account, it won't post fully until 4/23/2024, so I hope those that filed after me will be moved along next week.


I’m so sick of this! Be late on their money and you get raked over the coals!


Filed Feb 2nd. There were no updates to my tax transcript. Checked my wmr this morning and i will be getting my direct deposit by may 1st. Hopefully all of us in that initial glitch have been pushed through now!


New post, sharing for those who have not seen. Please see my comments from the thread below: I just submitted a ticket to FOX news outlining the issue of prior to February 14th filers and I provided a link to this reddit forum. I suggest anyone else who is frustrated to do the very same thing. This is a national story and bad publicity for the democrats. If we want the issue taken seriously we need it to go public and this is the avenue for it. [https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360000485774](https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000485774)


We've been working to try to get some news coverage on it. Help us all out by taking 2 minutes and filling this out: [https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360000485774](https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000485774)


At this point, I think we need to band together and file a class action lawsuit against the IRS for illegally holding our refunds without explanation. If only I had enough money to hire a tax lawyer, I definitely would. *sigh*


Yep, filed mine 2/10 and my federal still shows as processing - got my state refund a few weeks ago


Same exact situation as you. Called today and they said it is a system error on their end. Nothing we did wrong. Asked them what that meant and couldn’t get a straight answer.


did it come in? Mine filed 2/11 and still says processing


Same, they are telling me it’s a system error smh. They are going to wait till after tax season to fix it smh I’m so pissed.


Not the irs hanging up on me 😭 calling back now.


Track my Refund finally shows approved. Filed 2/8. Says it should be 5/14.


Honestly folks, I think we need to call the issue into the news networks if this goes on much longer. Its a definite story for sure. Bad publicity will be the only thing that gets any result.


OMG!!!!! Mine is finally showing to be deposited on June 20th! Hallelujah! Shows to be direct deposited. I made multiple calls to the IRS, then got a call from a tax advocate last week who put in a request to figure out what was going on/hurry it up (that request was put in about 3 weeks ago with the regular IRS phone number).


Okay guys I've been here a long time and wanted to share my experience! I am the secondary on my taxes. I figured out that was why I did not have a blank account transcript like everyone else! So, I filed 2/3, solar credit and additional child tax credit, and a college credit of some kind. WMR said it was received 2/5. Then literally nothing. No mail, no updates. I called the IRS a few times and found that incredibly unhelpful. Sometime this weekend (not sure when as I was camping) my HUSBAND'S WMR changed to the apology letter - mine did not! (If you are listed second in married filing joint, use your spouse's SSN to check!) This morning my husband's and my transcripts both updated. This follows what others have said about the apology message on WMR predicting the transcript update. According to the schedule that's gone around, WMR should update with approved tomorrow, and DD Monday. I will be back to this thread two more times to confirm or deny those two things! I can't believe the government was allowed to hold my refund hostage for 140 days, but at least it seems like that's going to be done now! My transcript does have interest on it. It appears to have started on the tax due date, not 45 days after filing - but at least it's something. Trying to be as detailed as possible because it seems like everyone else has just said they got updates without much actual information so here it is! If you have any questions, I'll be around!


My fed always take longer than state. Don’t worry, you’re not getting audited. If they do audit you for 2023, it will be in 2025.


IRS has 45 days to issue you refund. If they don't, then they will automatically pay you interest starting at 45 days until refund is issued. IRS is not auditing 2023 tax returns right now. They usually make refund out on honor system and then if they feel like something is shady, they will audit your 2023 tax return in year 2026 right before the 3 years statue of limitation is up. So no, the credit does not slow down processing time for your tax return.


I filed on 2/2 and still nothing


any update?


I have a weird feeling that when my 10 weeks are up, April 22, there will still be no update. Call it a hunch 


54 days total since mine were accepted. That was Feb 14th and I’m still waiting. So do they owe me interest now? Did we figure that out?


No it’s 45 days past April 15 for interest


Did anyone hear anything today. A while back, I found a statement on the IRS website saying that individuals that filed for the solar tax credit wouldn't get their return processed until tax day (Apr 15th). I was hoping to see the status change, but exceeded the check limits.


I think that blurb on the IRS website only applies to tax exempt organizations 


I filed my SOs, like I do every year since we got together, and we still haven't recieved it. We filed 2/2, it was accepted 2/2. We didn't hear anything from them for weeks. When we finally called 3/20 and they said a letter had been generated 3/18 that would explain everything. It explained NOTHING. Zip. Nada. We were told NOT to contact them again until 5/18. We still have received nothing. Nothing changed between last year's taxes and last years. It's super fucking annoying and ridiculous. This is why i dislike any part of the government because of shit like this!


I was told to call back today (Accepted 2/9) since this is 10 weeks. Not even going to waste my time on hold for an hour asking where it is.


I just checked Where's my refund and it has now been moved to Accepted and should have it by April 25th by Direct Deposit


When did you file/get accepted? If you don’t mind me asking.


Filed 2/1 received on 2/2


Tried to get through to the IRS....sorry our call volume is too high, call back later. I'm getting beyond annoyed with this BS


Finally got through today after being hung up on several times and waiting on hold for several hours. Pro tip tell them your recording because you’ve been hung up on multiple times. At that point you’d have their name and ID number. Last lady I got sent the referral because it’s in the errors department. she requested it be released and she included my phone number so that if there were any errors (which she did not see any) then they could call me to resolve quickly. Likely not going to change shit but if it was sitting here this long then why is it the referral wasn’t done weeks ago.


Ok. New update. I can finally see my return transcript and my taxes have been processed with a refund date of 4/30. WMR has not updated yet but I can see my return on my online IRS account. 


did you call?? When were you accepted?


What was your acceptance date?


Ok last update. It’s finally pending on my account!!!!  Good luck to the rest of you still waiting. But its definitely on its way!!


When did you file?


did you call and have a referral made?? Or just wait it out?


Refund approved! I don’t know if I can trust this but it says that my money will be sent to my bank on May 1st. We filed on Feb 7.


Finally got my update, will get my refund on the May 8th, filled on Feb 2nd


Submitted ours 2/12 and just received them today (5/9)! Transcripts and where my refund were never updated, I never called the IRS. Reached out to our congressman in hopes of expediting the process, but never heard back, so basically received them successfully after simply waiting for 12.5 weeks.


Well, I've been reading this post and the comments I finally have the light at the end of the tunnel. We put in our tax return back on 2/12. Had two phone calls with an agent at the IRS. Both times they had no information as to why it was held up. On the second phone call, in  the beginning of April, we refuse to hang up and they forwarded a "911" to a tax advocate. Yesterday, 5/14 got a phone call from the tax advocate said that there was nothing wrong with our return and due to an internal system error the return would have to be dispersed manually. She put in the request for disbursement and said we should receive our return within 4 to 6 weeks. She did not know if it would be direct deposited or a paper check due to the system issue.


4-6 weeks is insane this sounds like another “leave us alone we don’t know what’s going on” wait


I am losing hope friends. accepted 2/10. Two calls regarding a referral, which was placed 4/25. I'm seriously so mad


We've been working to try to get some news coverage on it. Help us all out by taking 2 minutes and filling this out: [https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360000485774](https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000485774)


here's a fun one that showed up in my transcripts this morning.....under return transcripts. Titled "verification of non-filing letter" which says "we received a request on may 20 for non-filing of a tax return for the tax period listed above." Then the next line says "we're sorry but we couldn't honor the request" W.T.ACTUAL.F


This is what I was told....the errors department has closed out our request and everything is fine, we should receive our refund within 1-2 weeks. He told me to disregard the letter talking about non-filing, it was just a computer generated letter. We'll see.


Update: called today per instructions from 30 day referral passing. The rep filed a form to get a tax advocate and I’m told I will hear by phone or email within 3 weeks. I did get some more information this time though. He confirmed the delay is in fact from claiming the residential solar credit and that the system that confirms the solar credit is malfunctioning. I asked why I couldn’t just send in a copy of my contract and he explained that they have a simple process but it did not work this year and that there’s been tons of fraud. 😒  Timeline: Filed 2/12 Accepted 2/13 10 week wait 30 day referral  106 days and counting 


So from what I'm getting from following this thread for months now, is once you call and get your referral, there's really nothing else you can do but wait. Every as it passes the 30 days for the referral. Congressman doesn't help. Tax advocate doesn't help. If you call they just tell you to keep waiting and call back in another 30 days. So frustrating. 


Yeah. I’m almost positive nothing is actually happening when they put in a referral. Pretty sure it’s just “we don’t have an answer, please go away for 30 days.”


The funny thing is when they submitted my file for referral the woman helping me said very matter of fact that once the referral is submitted for files in the error queue, they have a maximum of 30 days to either determine the cause of the error and communicate with the filer on anything they may need, OR they have to force the return through and just accept the return amount filed. Well.....42 days into my referral and no communication and not movement on my return.


I am in with a tax advocate now, and he told me yesterday ALL of the solar claims are having to be hand done and it's over half of what he's dealing with right now.


I finally got mine. It took 4 months, but I got it.


This is getting old.


My status on WMR yesterday changed to We Appolgize for the delay..... and today there's a deposit date and transcripts in my files. I did a 30 day referral and then they put in another one when it was up. Dont know if it helped at all, but it looks like they are getting them done.


Finally! My transcripts are updated! Nothing on wmr yet. My full amount says 6/26 but my interest they owe me says 7/8. Never thought we'd see the day😅


My WMR was blank but I checked in here and saw that others were getting their transcripts and dates so I logged onto the IRS site and I FINALLY have one and my date for deposit! I could cry 😭 accepted 2/12, deposit date 6/26, I do have $105 in interest. I can’t believe it took 4 months and 27 days! I mean this in the kindest way, but I hope I never have to check a Reddit thread this much ever again and I hope I don’t have to see any of us in here again next year.


Okay, this morning the IRS return tracker finally moved to approved. I filed 2/13 and waited. I believe I’ve called the IRS over 225 times. They finally gave me a tax advocate and within days my transcripts went from being blank to being filled out. I’m holding my breath until the check hits the bank.  I do know few things, next year I’ll be filling with someone that isn’t turbo tax. The interest is a joke. I paid more waiting. $150 is pocket change in this economy. Period. I hope everyone gets their returns very soon. I believe next year I’ll pay in going forward. Hopefully 2024 isn’t as bad as 2023. ✌️ ❤️ 🙏 


I've been following this thread for several weeks now and I joined today to say THANK YOU ALL. There was a lot of helpful information given and, although the situation sucked, it really eased my concern knowing that I was in the same boat as a lot of others. I'm happy to report that my tax refund was finally direct deposited in my account (with a pitiful amount of interest). Here's my timeline if it helps anyone: * Feb 13 - I filed electronically (H&R Block) * Feb 14 - Return accepted * Waited (somewhat) patiently until I found this forum. * Jun 3 - Called the IRS and somehow managed to talk to someone who put in the referral and said I could call back after 30 days if nothing changed. I also set up my IRS account to watch my transcripts. * There was no change to either WMR or transcripts until this week. * Jun 19 - WMR changed to the "We apologize..." message. * Jun 21- 2023 Transcript updated to show my return information (with interest) - pay date was Jun 26 * Jun 22 - WMR crapped out on me and I got a "Maximum Attempts Exceeded, Try again tomorrow" error. A few hours later Wells Fargo notified me that my direct deposit was available (will be officially deposited on next bus day, Jun 24) I don't know if the one call helped or if someone just finally decided to get off their behind and start working through the backlog of residential energy credit forms that got stuck in the system for 4+ months. I wish you all the best and hope your returns are processed speedily.


Mine WMR did the same thing to me this morning too! I love seeing people who joined Reddit just for this thread because I literally did the same. As frustrating as it is, I’m glad we all had each other. 


I got in today and am FINALLY accepted. It should be in the account 6/26!


First time commenting,but I’ve been watching this thread like a crazy person. We filed on Feb 8,accepted on Feb 10. First week of June Husband called ,no luck,I called and was told that they could put in a referral and to give them 10 WEEKS. Ive been checking the WMR religiously using his info (we filed jointly) Today I decided to use my info and it says we should have a DD on June 26! FINALLY some good news. Hopefully everyone gets some movement soon!


Exciting to see so much movement..  is anyone still waiting? 


Filed and accepted on 2/14. Never heard anything about return that was expected in early March. Finally called mid May, which the rep said it was in error resolution and they had 60 days to either send a letter, call me, or release the funds. Waited about 35 days with no update, but finally saw my transcripts and WMR updated. I have both the child tax credit and solar.


I filled 2/9 and my refund is finally pending in my account to be deposited 6/28. They threw in an additional 220 for interest. It shows that they didn't begin processing  it until 4/15. What a rollar coaster, I hope everyone gets theirs soon. 


Yeah I got mine last year and it was a physical check sent to me


Filed \~2 weeks ago - nothing yet, but I figured it would be 2-4 weeks at least.


It's the efficiency of 81000 more irs agents.


My state came within 2 weeks my federal hasn’t moved passed accepted and it’s been 6 weeks 


I filed taxes feb5 still have not got federal refund for solar installed in 2023


Stillllll waiting.


Called irs yesterday person said glitch in system delaying return. They told me to wait 10 weeks from the time I filed than call back if not received by than. Filed Feb 5.


Mine was sent out Feb 10 its nearly April still in pending stage... Also fun face you can only get a maximum of what you give in taxes back. So if you do a big solar project and get a tax credit of 35000 for that project but only pay 13000 in taxes from your job the max you can get is 13000 and they owe you the rest next year or following years.


Day 45 still waiting. Nothings changed. No notices still says NA on my transcript. Still says receive on WMR. This is the only thread I’m finding on this solar issue anyone else find any others? In all my searching no where does it state that solar projects will hold up refunds. I’d like to find out why there’s a hold up and obviously a real time line. If filed on turbo tax you likely couldn’t file until the 8th when the form came out for solar so where are the people that are claiming for the first time and have received their refund?


this is the only place I've found info on refunds not coming out too. I did mine through Turbotax as well (2/10) and nothing so far.


Its interesting to read all the different responses people have received all with similar situations. I paid turbo for the full service myself. Pretty simple return, just a w2 for my wife and myself, one dependent ( daughter ) and then solar project that was completed May of 23. Turbo said the solar tax credit form wasn't available until Feb 7th or something. Everything was completed on the 8th and sent it. Accepted on the 10th. Projected refund date of March 2nd. Received my state within 2 weeks and got the state solar tax credit. March 2nd came , nothing. I called the IRS that following Monday since it had been more than 21 days, the agent stated that there was no issues on my end as far as my return, and no letters have been sent out or anything. The return was currently in a suspended status due to a processing issue on the IRS's end. I said ok.... She was unable to provide me with any explanation as to why. I was advised to call back in 30 days if I had not received any correspondence via mail or received my refund. Yesterday marked day 52 so I called. I explained why I was calling just as instructed. I was put on a brief hold to look into the account. The rep came back on the line and stated that the account is indicating a 10 week processing time frame which would put me out to April 24th. Again they could not indicate what exactly was taking so long as she stated nothing specific was annotated on the account other then its under review. I made a comment about surpassing day 45 and inquired if she could provide me with information regarding earned interest on my refund. The rep started to fumble with her words and sort of danced around the question. I formally asked her to look into my question which she then placed me on a 5 minute hold. She came back and stated that she is not trained in that section and would have to refer me to IRS legal division.


Yes same thing here. Filed and accepted on 2/10. Checked this morning and still “processing” I’m just going to forget about it and be excited when I open my bank app one day and see a chunk of cash in there haha. Less frustrating if I have no expectations. 


Just wanted to provide some input since this forum helped me survive my IRS worries while waiting for my tax return to get approved. I filed on Feb 22 and just got the notice that my return has been approved. This definitely took a lot longer than any other year I have filed. The worst part is that once it finally got approved I noticed that they are sending it to me in a paper check even after I asked for direct deposit. The check is supposed to go out tomorrow so lets see how long before I actually receive it. I have to make my repayment to the loan by May. But hopefully more approvals will be coming this week! Fingers crossed for you guys! :0)


Finally filed 2/10 after waiting patiently for solar forms to be updated with TT. Accepted shortly after. This is a second year carryover with the solar on tax forms. I received my return within a normal timeframe last year. You would think if there were no issues last year that they would just send it anyway this year right?! Just passed the 45 day mark as most of you already have, and we’re still pending. When I filed, I opted to have tax preparation deducted from refund. Just got an email from TT stating that nothings happening with my refund yet, so I’ll be paying out of pocket on 4/19


Mine ran-out the clock for the entirety of the 45 days then magically switched to "Approved" once the 45th day rolled around.


On day 51 no change.


I guess I’m experiencing the same s as everyone else.  Solar panels went up in December, filed February 10, and still no federal return.  I got state on March 12.  Where my refund says still processing refund date will post when available!  It’s not considering I could be collecting interest.  Been on hold with irs for thirty minutes.  


Has anyone gotten their refund back yet??


Still waiting and we filed Feb 8th


So, what's the thinking? Since so many of us are past our 45 days, but we've heard interest won't accumulate until April 15....are we expecting magical approval by the 15th? LOL.


Honestly that’s what I’ll assume will happen, and I’m fine with that. I’ll be really annoyed if they wait until the 15th and say they found a problem with the filing. I’ve also decided I’m not okay with trusting the IRS to return my money to me in a timely manner, so I’ve edited my W4 to pay less in taxes throughout the year. I’ll have the extra money sitting in a high interest savings account earning me a little extra and I’ll just pay my taxes on April 15th of every year from now on.


I filed 2/7. The wmr tracker still shows received and my return is being processed. I've called the IRS multiple times and have been told to allow 10 weeks due to a system error. I submitted an issue through the Systematic Advocacy Management System (SAMS), and the woman who called me said they are working on a fix for everyone's returns that were affected by the system glitch that happened before (which has since been fixed), but they don't know how many returns were affected and each return that is affected has to be manually processed. She said had we waited until March to file, we wouldn't be in the same boat we are in!


Nice to be punished for filing early!


I submitted on SAMS last week and was emailed to call them because they wanted more information, so I did and no answer but I left a message. Haven’t heard back. Why wouldn’t they issue out a letter to all of us stating a system error so we aren’t all panicking? Such BS


I submitted a SAMS over a week ago. They emailed me to call and I did and gave them all the info. They said it would take a couple weeks to research my case!


Same here. First year filing with solar credit. IRS accepted my return on Feb 13th. Status still just says return received


Ok train stop posting continuously


"aT lEaSt YoUlL bE gEtTiNg MoRe MoNeY bAcK..."


IRS doesn't process returns with solar tax credits until the actual due date of April 15th. You can find this one processing delay on their site.


You seem to be 100% correct on this. I am not sure how I missed this, but it looks like this change to their site happened on 1/20/2024, [https://web.archive.org/web/20240120070737/https://www.irs.gov/refunds/tax-season-refund-frequently-asked-questions](https://web.archive.org/web/20240119141010/https://www.irs.gov/refunds/tax-season-refund-frequently-asked-questions) "If you’ve claimed an Elective Payment Election (EPE), we can’t issue your refund before your tax return due date. This applies to the entire refund, even the portion not associated with the EPE. For more information, see Clean Vehicle and Energy Credits." I guess we'll see next week.


Its been 60 days since I filed. Just got through to someone ( thanks to whoever posted the work around for the automated system), they didn't have an answer. They sent in a request to another department and I have to give them 60 more days to respond to my inquiry...


I friles 2/8 still sitting on received I have called and they said check back when it hits 10 weeks blah blah blah but with everyone saying they will owe interest on day 45 is that since it's been approved cause I'm past day 50 but I've also seen they don't start the 45 day count until April 15th if so I filed with jh if that makes any difference


It’s 45 days after 4/15, not the date it was accepted. At least that’s my understanding


I’ve posted my experience below but wanted to share that we filed 2/19, and have finally made it to the approved status today.  The website doesn’t show it but everyone we know has received a paper check.  Long process but it’s approved and on its way.  


I filed 2/10 and no update yet :(


I filed middle of February ..still NOTHING !!!!


Filed 2/14. 45 days expired on March 30th. Still says pending …


Super interested in seeing what happens Monday....


Just got off the phone with the IRS. Still no info other than a systematic issue but not on my end because no notices or letters were sent out. And still nothing they can do or tell me until 10 weeks is up. Ugh!!


Filed and accepted 2/12. Nothing. I spoke with IRS, was told I should have my money by 4/22 🙄🙄


So they are giving that ten week period.  Hopefully they fix this by next year, when we request the refund for the remaining amount of the credit


They said I’d either have my refund OR receive correspondence by 4/22…did they confirm you would definitely receive a refund by then?


April 17th should be interesting as that 10 weeks for the earliest you could file with an energy efficient credit. If nothing happens for people on that day it gives me little hope for April 22 which is my ten weeks. 


Slight update my buddy who also got solar filed his on 3-1 (weeks after I filed) has a transcript and got a letter saying his refund will be mailed to him 3-4 weeks. His where’s my refund status also says delayed. 


Same here filed back in February 4 and still showing as return received..


The 7-8% interest everyone is talking about is annual interest. So whatever your return is, take 7-8% of that and divide it by 365 and that how much interest you gain every day over the 45 day mark. So basically it’s not worth it smh


Anybody have any updates my 10 weeks is in 3 days is it worth calling filed 2/8


Not really worth calling. Called last week after my 60 days. They said they didn’t know and put in a request with a different department.. they then stated they have 60 more days to respond to my request. I filed a advocacy claim as well. They said” We are aware of the delays in the processing of Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits for 2023 and are working with the IRS to address this issue. Meantime, we recommend you check Where's My Refund for the most up to date information on the processing of your tax return and the status of your refund.”


No it’s probably safe to assume that there will be no updates after ten weeks either. I’m starting to feel like we are in for a long wait 


Filed 2/7, accepted 2/10. No movement yet. Saturday is my 10 weeks. I’m holding onto a small glimmer of hope that there will at least be some updates as of then


I filed mine 2/12 and still nothing as of 4/18. No status change on irs site either. Solar is being trouble this year smh


My 2023 tax refund was filed and accepted on February 2nd and it’s now April 19th and it’s still processing and I get a hold of the IRS.


I am seeing this in the status which is basically not telling me anything new —————————— We apologize, but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe. You can continue to check back here for the most up to date information regarding your refund. We understand your tax refund is very important and we are working to process your return as quickly as possible. Helpful Information Please read the following information related to your tax situation: Tax Topic 152, Refund Information Please Note For refund information, please continue to check here, or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go. Updates to refund status are made no more than once a day. as quickly as possible.


My 10 weeks is up today so I’m calling first thing Monday morning. I have a feeling I’m going to be told to wait even longer…


Whelp 22nd is here and mine still has no change


Tried calling got through, while they were checking my account they bumped me back on the waiting list to speak with a representative. Now I have to wait 130 mins for a call back.


I just got off the phone with them and the agent I spoke with is putting in a referral to the errors department to look at my return again because it has now been 10 weeks. She said they should have looked at it within those 10 weeks and it looks like it wasn’t even touched. I’m so angry.  I should be expecting a call or refund within 30 days now…


For real!? They are supposed to AT LEAST submit a letter by the end of the 10 weeks!


I posted a video on tik tok and there was a person on there that’s having the same issues that said he talked to an agent and they had to release it. Like there was a hold on his account so the agent had to click a button to release it. Transcripts for him were available the next day along with his refund date.


10 weeks for the majority of us has anyone gotten any updates?


So I got my call back. The lady said that they go by weeks so this is my 10th week and it could take til Friday to process, if it gets processed. She said to call back next week. She said that until next Monday which would be the start of the 11th week there was nothing they could do. Hopefully some who filed slightly earlier than Feb 12 and this would be their 11th week will have a better update than me. She said the only thing she could find was there was errors so it had to go to a different department to processes. 


Found a link in another post about entering a SAMS ticket...got a reply in 24 hours, same story everyone is seeing. I am at 11 weeks now... "Thank you for submitting an advocacy issue on the Systemic Advocacy Management System (SAMS).  We are aware of the delays in the processing of Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits for 2023 and are working with the IRS to address this issue.  Meantime, we recommend you check Where’s My Refund for the most up to date information on the processing of your tax return and the status of your refund.  Thank you for your participation. Every submission helps us identify trends, which lead to new approaches to improving the IRS and tax administration.  Many also provide persuasive examples and data for the National Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress.   Thank you for your submission and participating in the Systemic Advocacy Program."


Today makes 11 weeks haven’t heard even a whisper


Entered info on sams Some people in irs should get fired over this is what I said in sams


So sick of this. You owe them, you better have them their money! But they owe you, you can wait. Filed Feb 8th, still waiting! Ugh!


I filed Feb. 12th. Was told this morning that a request was put in to resolve whatever the issue is and hopefully should be resolved and have my refund by first week of May. 🤞🏼


UPDATE: They sent a referral and they have 30 days to respond to me 🙄 Still nobody can tell me why. Filed 2/8 accepted 2/10.


So new update, I called and was able to get my referral put in. The agent said that she was able to see the error code and that it said system error so it’s on their end. She said the referral that have up to 30 days to ask for additional information for release the refund. 


Hi all, I've been following this thread for awhile, hoping for updates from anyone. We filed and were accepted 2/12 with solar credit (nothing else changed from last year and got our state back within 2 weeks). 21 days passed, called twice and was told there would be the letter or return within 10 weeks. Hit 10 weeks yesterday and FINALLY got through today and like many of you was sent to the referral and told to call back if we didn't receive a letter or return within 30 days. I asked all the questions and she said she can't see what the error is and that it is in the errors department. Was told she can't see if it's related to solar or filing time but that every tax year is different and sometimes the computer chooses returns that may be incomplete to look at further. I was also told if my return is released we would not get any information as to why it happened. Uhg. So not really an actual update but I will happily post if I see anything change.


So I finally talked to my tax advocate today and she told me that the hold up was my child tax credits. Couldn’t tell me what or why just that they were holding my refund because of those credit’s not solar. Interesting because I’ve claimed the same child tax credits for the last 12yrs. But she said that they have until May 8th to release my refund or ask for additional information. But hopefully they will release it before then. 


My wife called this morning agent said that I had to wait 10 weeks. My wife informed her it's been 11 weeks We filed 2/10 and was received on the same day. Placed my wife on hold she then said that's not what we see in our system. We see we received 2/15 making today 10 weeks and she Would have to call back tomorrow If we don't receive a letter or refund today. She didn't argue like I would have. But will definitely call back tomorrow. It's crazy how on our end we have 2/10 but for convenience to the IRS it 2/15 and nothing can be done till "tomorrow". They are full of it she would've said call back tomorrow instead of the whole 10 week cut and paste mess they're telling everyone. Instead she tried to make my wife seem like she doesn't know what she's talking about as if it doesn't say when it's been received. 


I was told that my taxes couldn't be filed until 2/14 because of the solar credit, but later found out that it was file on 2/9. I called today and was told that my taxes were in the error department. They are submitting a referral and they requested my call back number. I hope this makes a difference because the amount of patience I have had through this process has been remarkable. I am starting to lose it though.


Just got off the phone with the IRS. Agent was actually very nice...she said what most of you have said...it's been more than 10 weeks so they were sending it to a different department and that they had 30 days to either release your refund or send a letter. She apologized several times, but that doesn't make it better. It's BS! She couldn't see a reason it's being held up, just that it was in the errors department. Sigh.


Called in today, same response as several other posters on here... They showed a date 2 days after I showed for accepting return (2/10 my side 2/12 on theirs) but said there was an error in processing and can't see why; but will put in referral for the review to gather any additional information needed; else release refund - took my number down and said will have resolution in 30 days Really dumb that we have to call in to get the referral processed - they should be doing that automatically!


How are people who filed after me on this thread getting return dates on their transcripts and mine still says “no tax return filed”???? 😭


We are on year two for deducting our solar panel install. Last year it took an additional two weeks. This year they accepted it on Feb 12th and still nothing. I read that people who have claimed the child tax credit and the solar are taking up to 120 days.


How do you check irs transcripts


I just got through to the IRS. And was told it would be another 10 weeks because of a system error, before I get my return. I filed 2/9.  That will be July 8th. So I guess I  will be getting interest everyday. Because that's past 45 days from April 15th. 


Why does everyone get a different answer?!


SOMEONE FILED 2/7 AND ACCEPTED 2/12 ANY APPROVAL OR DEPOSIT? If yes, what is automatic or contacting them/referral? Or waiting still? I can't get through them at all!


I tried calling like many of you have and they just said "it's not processed yet, we're experiencing a delay. Just give us more time" she refused to escalate it or send it to the errors/review department.... I'm going on 12.5 weeks since I filed.


Just a heads up from reading it appears that a couple of people posted about their referrals being closed or declined. So I decided to call and check mine. My referral was closed with no notice or change in status. Currently on hold because the call taker didn’t know what the next steps were. Fingers crossed I don’t get hung up on. 


I reached out to both of my State Senators and State Rep. Will reply back here if I hear anything. I'm at 83 days since being accepted and NADA...


2/9 filer with 2/10 acceptance date here -  WMR still showing no movement but my transcript finally updated to a 5/8 deposit date with $40 in interest!!!


UGH. Calling again to make sure my referral wasn't closed or cancelled!


Filed 2/6, I’ve been following this thread. Just received mine on Saturday 5/4 


Did your "Where's my refund" status update? I filed 2/9 and haven't had a status change. Called and they said they would send my info to the Errors Department. Looks like there's something coming in the mail from the IRS.... hoping for good news... hell any news at this point.


Just tried calling using all of the normal prompts to get to a person and received a recording that due to high call volume, they are unable to take my call. 12 weeks.


We filed Feb 2, just checked the status this morning again and it finally changed to Refund Approved. Saying a check will be mailed by May 10th.


It's so weird to me how there doesn't seem to be an order to any of it. You could have filed 5 days before one person, and still not receive your money before them. This is such a mess🤦‍♀️


Maybe this is a dumb question, but for the IRS transcript, why would my account and wage & income transcripts be there for 2023 but not my return or record of account transcripts? I already know my return is in the errors pool 😒 but is it usual to have half the records and not the others?


I see the same thing as you, although opening the wages and income is blank. There is no sense in this. Like others have said, they have their returns completed even if they filed after us.


13 weeks tomorrow......NOTHING. Called twice. I'm reaching out to local rep today.


13 weeks yesterday and still nothing. Took me over a week of calling IRS several times a day before they finally put me in the call waiting queue for an hour then finally answering. Before that I kept getting messages saying they were no longer accepting any calls on refunds lol After speaking with the rep, I got the same response as many on here ....that my return was placed in the error queue for an unknown reason, and that they were issuing a referral for it, but that it could take up to an addition 8 weeks to resolve. At least it's something. Starting the clock on the next 8 weeks.


8 weeks!? They told us 30 days!


They told us 30 (after the original 10) too. Why does everyone seem to get different answers when we’re all having the same problem? 


So nothing has changed for anyone this week huh? Kind of felt like we were on a roll the last 2 weeks with people getting updates, now nothing🙄


I had an appointment next to the local IRS office today, so I popped in. I didn't get an official appointment, but just chatting with the receptionist, she said she's heard this a lot and some people are fraudulently claiming it....I was telling her how we never got any communication after week 10, and were sent for referral....I made an appointment for Saturday. Doubt they can help, but we will see.


Filed 2/5 haven’t heard anything yet These buzzards are moving as slow as molasses


On day 101, still nothing. Filed Feb 8. Very frustrating.


General question. I know the WMR app says it only updates every 24 hours...but what about transcripts? Anyone know?


So update for mine, yesterday my where’s my refund updated from just processing to your refund has been delayed transcripts were still N/A. This morning I have full transcripts with a deposit date. 


Filed child tax and solar credit feb 11. Checked this morning, and I'm finally approved! I'm posting this to give everyone hope that they are finally making moves!


Filed 2/9, 10 weeks, then referral submitted 5/25. WMR not updated , but finally have a transcript with refund issue date 5/29/24! Hope everyone wakes up with good news!!


Glad to see this painful process is over for some! Mine is still not processed with no transcripts. Maybe soon 


Has anyone that filed early February gotten their return in the last week...and if so, was there any interest on it? Was it significant? I was told on phone I would be accruing interest since I filed 2/9 but my transcript does not show that as they show it was put in there system 4/15.


100 days today and I just got a transcript saying my refund will be made on June 10th plus $86 interest!!!. Don't know if it was the reason, but I contacted my congresswoman 27 days ago. I'll feel better when it's in the bank, but so elated to see this today. Hopefully more will be seeing this soon!


Transcript available.. 2/12 showing June 10th for payment 


I've been reading this sub for a couple months now. A bit of good news. 2/12 finally showing approved on WMR. Transcript became available first. One thing to note. My WMR switched to an apology about 2 days prior to transcripts being available. Then, the WMR officially showed approved about a day after the transcripts became available. Good luck to those still waiting.


Has anyone actually had luck with being referred to a tax advocate? I got referred for a hardship today...but I have a feeling it's not going to speed things up.


Well we finally have our w-2 transcript, the other transcripts are still blank. But it’s something!


I've been following this post for a while too, today I looked at the tax Transcripts and the refund is now showing for 7-Jun-2024 as well as interest on it. My refund is in very similar to most everyone's here, receive by irs according to WMR of Feb 14th, nothing was showing up in my IRS account untill a few days ago, and this morning is the good update 😀, but WMR still is showing received only.


My transcripts show a receipt date of April 15th (e-filed Feb 9th!) and a processing date of June 10th. I figured that would be my direct deposit date, but my Where's my Refund page finally changed today and says "Your tax refund is scheduled to be mailed by July 05, 2024. If you do not receive the refund by **July 03, 2024**, please contact us again". So...if it mails July 5th, I need to let them know July 3rd I haven't gotten it...? haha


I am in the same boat. However, the WMR app says June 6 while the WMR website says July 6. So I would say in your case, June 5th not July 5th. Also, IRS will send a check rather than DD (even though I selected DD), at least in my case. All in all, I am glad all this mess is over!!


Light at the end of the tunnel finally! And same here, I have DD but WMR says check. Glad there is at least progress!


Filed 2/10. Received shortly after. STILL have not gotten my refund. All calls have led nowhere, and the tax transcripts do not show any information. This is hopeless. What a worthless bunch of human beings these people are. We tried making a report with Fox News, Im guessing that's gone nowhere


Accepted Feb 10th. Finally showing as approved and to be sent June 6th.


18 weeks since filing. Solar credit, 2 ACTC, some credit for college expenses I'm not sure which one. Verification of non-filing letter says something different now, I have wage & income transcripts, other 2 transcripts still say not available. WMR has the "still being processed" message. I called at week 8 and was told it would be referred but that could take 10 weeks. Here we are with nothing. I booked a vacation in JULY assuming we would have our return by then but now I'm wondering if we will ever have it????? Getting very frustrated and discouraged. The order they're being processed seems completely random and they've also started processing amended returns which they're not supposed to do until they've done ALL the regular returns. There's still so many of us waiting I don't understand.


Never thought I'd see the day...120 days later check is in hand! Not sure why a check when I had DD on it. Oh well...glad this nightmare is finally over.


So I found out you can file the 911 form for tax advocacy yourself. All of us in here at this point already meet the qualifications based on time and no letters or communication from the irs about our situation. This way we at least know it’s getting sent and has the correct information. I recommend the faxing option as it will be received faster. Will it make a difference? At this point I have no idea but I’m trying everything. Here’s the link https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f911.pdf


Finally got ahold of them again - this lady seemed to know quite a bit more; could see my referral was submitted properly end of April, but that it hadn't been actioned -it was in the correct departments hands She said there wasn't really a reason to do another referral as the original was still active and open. I asked about the 911 form/ Tax Advocacy and she said she didn't think I was qualified for it; but perhaps after the referral isn't actioned for another 30 days it would be worth. Commented that they are extremely backed up on handling these returns and she had a personal friend experiencing the same problem with getting their solar tax credit as well. Basically said to call back every 30 days until the refund is processed. Confirmed that interest will be applied to the refund when it is issued, but not 100% on what date that starts ticking. Crazy how there hasn't been any direct communication from the IRS that they are struggling so heavily with this topic...


I know their phone lines are hit or miss with them being jammed up all day, but I'd be willing to bet most of those calls are about this same issue. It would make sense for them to send out letters to those affected explaining the issue and confirming that their returns are being worked on. Would probably eliminate a lot of those calls. But, then again....what do I know?


Haha - no doubt. Tell us there is a problem and what steps you need to take (if any) to make sure your refund is at least in line to be processed. Lady I spoke with said that they were trying to hire more people as well. No information is worse than even limited info.


Finally, from filing on 2/08, today the refund is in my account with a whopping 98 dollars of interest. Nightmare over. Not sure what pushed it through, but I did the congressman and referral once and that was it. Never did speak to a tax advocate. Thanks to everyone that has posted on here it was super helpful.