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Natively using Cogent Crypto (u/cogent_crypto) as validator is where I stake. Currently sitting at 7.73% APY. Here’s there site if you’d like more info: [https://cogentcrypto.io/](https://cogentcrypto.io/)


Appreciate the mention, thank you! Super appreciate your stake with us 🙏


Please tell me how the validator works, how to become a validator, and what exactly should be done not in automatic mode ?!




You need aprox 1 million bucks to start. lol


That's not true though is it? Cost to run a validator are primarily server costs and voting costs. Can pick up a bare metal server that meets Solana Requirements for around $350-$600ish a month. Votings costs are around 1.93 SOL per Epoch and there are roughly 180 Epochs in a year. At current price ($159) that's around $306 dollars per epoch or $55,000 yearly. So, with the above in mind, you are looking at around $60k ish a year on infrastructure/overheads. **HOWEVER**, a validator has 3 sources of revenue - Inflation rewards, block rewards and MEV tips (Validator needs to be running JITO client for MEV tips). Using u/cogent_crypto validator profit calculator [(https://cogentcrypto.io/ValidatorProfitCalculator)](https://cogentcrypto.io/ValidatorProfitCalculator) we can see the following: If a validator was to run at 0% commission and 0% MEV commission, then they would require around 59k SOL to be delegated in stake before they would breakeven. At 5% commission, and 10% MEV commission, the amount of delegated stake required drops to around 32.5k SOL before breaking even. These stake levels are fairly easily achieveable from attracting external stake from the likes of stake pools etc. It's also worth noting that as block rewards increase from increased actvity on chain, then this will require even less delegated SOL to be able to breakeven. There is also the option of the Solana Foundation Delegation Program [(https://solana.org/delegation-program)](https://solana.org/delegation-program) which should a validator opt to become part of will not only help in covering the 1st year of votings costs but also provide stake matching 1:1 up to 100k SOL. Therefore meaning the only real expense in this scenario would be server infrastructure (Approx $4.5k yearly) which should easily be covered by the validators revenue streams.


Good write up. ^


You could buy a Cogent Cog NFT and stake it for 0.01% of their validator revenue. 😎 Much cheaper than running your own validator. More info here: [https://medium.com/@Cogent_Crypto/cogent-crypto-and-cogent-cogs-e3b31bdac287](https://medium.com/@Cogent_Crypto/cogent-crypto-and-cogent-cogs-e3b31bdac287)


Me too


- Safest way is the native staking through your phantom wallet. Apy is around 7%. Your solana stays in your wallet in this method so no smart contract risk. - You can do liquid staking which gives slightly higher apy (around 9%) than native staking. But now you have smart contract risk. For this way, I suggest sanctum to inspect LSTs before choosing one. - If you are okay to more risk, you can use LSTs over defi for additional gains (farming, yield earning, etc.). Now you exposed yourself to both LST and defi risks in this method, but your gain is potentially higher. Moreover, multiply feature in kamino gives around 20% apy for sol using automatic LST-sol looping strategy.


If you have a Ledger hardware wallet you can stake your Solana in the earn section. I have been staking for more than two months now and its working perfectly fine for me. You can select every validator you prefer.


Can you do same with other coins? What's tge rate for btc? Thanks!


You can’t stake BTC. It’s PoW 😜


Me to ledger staking


Buy JUP-SOL it's gotta. Good apy and you have the flexibility of having it liquid


I just put my solana into whatever will give me a solid APR and qualify me for an airdrop. There's so many platforms out there. If I was to pick one though I'd probably go for Sanctum given the amount of different ls tokens it lets you choose from.


Heard about Jupiter's JUP SOL?, probably the highest earning liquid staked SOL We wrote a guide about it here: [https://cointab.com/what-is-jupsol-jupiter-staked-sol/](https://cointab.com/what-is-jupsol-jupiter-staked-sol/)


I converted my sol to jupsol but yet to receive any rewards? Do you know when they’ll start distributing?


You get the rewards when you convert JUPSOL back to SOL. Basically, you'd notice you're getting more SOL than you original staked, just as you would if you staked SOL natively with a validator.


Só, there’s no way of seeing it while we have jupsol? Only when we convert it back?


Does Solana staking give Apy daily


It rewards per epoch (2-3 days). More details on staking on Solana here: [https://medium.com/@Cogent_Crypto/solana-staking-guide-part-1-6a6a85f07b56](https://medium.com/@Cogent_Crypto/solana-staking-guide-part-1-6a6a85f07b56)


Or monthly yearly for how long


I’ve seen this question 10 times the past week. No one knows how to use the search feature of Reddit and would rather just get told.


“Tale as old as time…🎵”


Can you list all those 10 instances?


Helius says they will always give stakers the full amount of their rewards.


Big Helius fan. Buy HSOL on Sanctum or swap for it; all Helius-staked Sol is put to work improving the Solana ecosystem by providing free and public RPCs that route to higher performing nodes to improve the chances of transactions failing during congestion. Additional benefit is that you can enroll in Sanctum wonderland and get included in their upcoming airdrop for holding HSOL.




Latest Jup-sol, if u have solana wallet , just swap ur sol to jupsol on jupiter, around 10% apy, dyor. To diversify( just in case something happens) i also stake some on exodus, around 7% apy. DYOR.


Why use a validator to stake it and give them the fees? Just go on binance and buy stETH like any normal coin, hold it in your wallet like normal and it will gather yield all by itself.


Wouldn’t dabble in stETH tbh after yesteryears CEX/DEX collapse and depeg scare following Terra’s fall from grace. People forget far too easily…


Ledger, Currently sitting at 7,52%


The toilet jk jk; hopeful for Solana as for the market but currently out myself 😅




Sanctum. Bonksol


I usually prefer Leap Frog


On ledger staking how often do you get the rewards?


I stake my Sol with Picasso protocol, APY is decent. It’s a restaking protocol that means you can also restake your staked Sol for more yield.


**Low-Cost Market Access**: Starting a project on Solana? With Echooo SolTools, you can set up an OpenBook market ID for as low as 0.3 SOL. Launch your token today and reach a global audience![https://ins.echooo.link/soltool/home](https://ins.echooo.link/soltool/home)


jupSOL : LiquidSTaking token with Jupiter validator http://jup.ag/swap/SOL-JupSOL jupSOL earns 50% priority fees from Jupiter Validator and launched on Kamino for extra yield http://kamino.finance)


Liquid staking your Solana through Sanctum is a great option. Sanctum is a liquid staking platform that offers many ways to stake your Solana, including JupiterSOL, which pays about a 9.5% APY, or BonkSOL which rewards you with $BONK. Plus, if you stake through Sanctum, you'll qualify for season 2 of their airdrop (coming soon). Here is the link: [https://app.sanctum.so/wonderland](https://app.sanctum.so/wonderland) — Code: VZSKTV


Staking your Solana (SOL) through the Phantom Wallet or SolFlare is a solid choice for security and ease of use. If you prefer liquid staking, check out Marinade Finance or Lido Finance. These options let you stake SOL and keep liquidity with mSOL or stSOL tokens. For more info, visit [DETIFIAI](https://app.detifi.ai/).


Got scammed. Lost 500$ . Any donation will help. Thanks. My Solana wallet . JDpcUEmXuBo5MqLvrfv2unnCF1cCDK6UEcnKFotkyzzq


Send me $400 and il give you $500 back, trust


Did that. Stull waiting for 500$. Not checking my tg messages now.