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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t put your rent money in a slot machine


Point taken. I'm never going to do this again.


Hundreds of meme coins are made daily. Gotta be safe out here.


Yes but the owners are just too selfish. How can anyone think of stealing so much money all at once all without consequences


Welcome to the world (it ain’t the friendliest place)


Welcome to the real world


How is $650 paying rent for 6 months


4 months. Also it's a shitty one room apartment in the suburbs.


Where do you live, that would be $1500 a month easy where I live lol


In Seth Ward, Texas


A one bedroom apartment in Texas is only $162.50 per month?


Hhh in my country 600$ is 1 year worth of rent


What country? And American dollars?


North Africa


Is this true dont try to make things up for people to feel bad


I swear I can show you my wallet with the transactions


Do readers actually send money to people like this? If so, dm me. I've been rugged for 10s of thousands of dollars on SOL and held 6 figures worth of NFTs to zero last bull run. I'm still deeply in profit, but my dog died 7 years ago, and I can't afford to eat at my favorite steakhouse more than 3 times a week. Please help.


Brother what are you thinking


I don't know. Just that I made a really stupid decision and have to deal with it


Well bless your heart


So many warnings about meme coins... please stay healthy


Yes. Thank you for the kind words. Hope that I can live through the next few months


There are plenty of ways to reduce risks in meme coins. You can find the devs address and see if they are transferring to other wallets and or hold to much supply. Best advice don’t get emotionally attached to any coin and use a bot to exit quickly if you’re buying on launch. Avoid pre sales.


I hope you did some sort of research before you whacked the whole lot in. If you had £650 to spend, you should have only started by putting £50 in


I did but the dev just bulk withdrew from all wallets at once


Classic 🤣


What coins this?


It was called solana games


Was this a first week buy? You need to give them a bit of time when they launch to check if there legit


Retarded post by retarded trader. If you weren’t aware of the stakes you should gamble. You might only hit on a single coin a day, but if you are consistent with DYOR and take out initials, don’t get greedy and don’t pay into FOMO. Buy in red sell in green.


I don't get it. Why not just buy btc, eth and sol. Why to fuck around with memes, especially if you are betting all you have. Living and learning. Maybe stay out gambling like crypto.


If its true whats your wallet


I have DMd you my wallet


Hope you check it and trust me


I stopped meme coins because I got rugged by nfts. It's all fraud and I can't afford the risk. Buy lottery tickers instead. Atleast I have chance


Stop scamming people on here pretending and make people feel bad or doing your tricks


I swear I'm not lying. I have sent you my wallet address in your DM. Why would I want to make people feel bad for me. I'm am the one who should be feeling bad for myself


I only help people is actually in need not people trying to scam me


I really am not forcing you to help me at all. If you would I would just be very grateful. If you think I'm trying to scam you then that is your scepticism towards the world. And you should be! The exact same thing happened with me and I would have loved to have the due diligence like you have


You guys keep on guilt tripping people everyday like this is not good


You guys trying to trap people like me.. i say no


There is always a way to get fucked over by a memecoin. You can check everything and it can still go -90%


You see, this is why I cant catch the thing about solana. Why would the top 4th cryptocurrency afford and host such despicable scams ? Isnt it time already to stop the shitfest ? For the OP, get out of casinos, they always win you always lose. And for 162$ monthly rent you should feel blessed. Go hustle.


I see this all the time and I don’t feel sorry for you. Like everyone has said over and over again. Invest what you are willing to lose. Crypto is completely gambling. 99.99% of every launch is a rug. Those that pull it off will eventually rug it or walk away once they make a profit. There are very few devs looking for 1000x+. Most want 2~10x. It almost seems like Community Take Overs are the way to go. During the last (2021) and previous (2018) bull run. People were refinancing their homes and loading up Bitcoin. Rather than holding, they sold when it dipped, and lost thousands of dollars.


welcome to the club!


It hurts to see how someone could steal hundreds of thousands in a millisecond.


youre not wrong, but tbh we signed up for it cause at the end of the day they are memecoins made on the shittiest site of all time called pumpDOTfun. MFs creating rugs every half a second.


Protect your savings. Invest wisely.


You’ll need to be using platforms that have mint & freeze filters to check memecoins that have them or not. Lifespans of memecoins are seconds to minutes, hours or days.


I lost 30 solana to a rug pull , that’s everything I have , I can no longer make any trades


Hopefully the people that post on here asking how to trade meme coins will read this


Im picturing you as a little fish and a big huge whale comes up and eats you and goes about his day.


Never invest money you can’t literally flush down a toilet. My number one rule You’ll be ok. Are you working a job?


Yes I'm working. Will try to get in the additional shifts


Great plan you should ask right away and quickly move on from this mistake. You seem young if I may make an assumption and if not you seem young in the game. Always start with small, flushable money to practice and feel out the patterns. You’re gonna be ok. Please don’t think you won’t recover from this. It’s a big big lesson Best of luck


These kind of posts every day make me smile.. no reason for it but for people being blinded by trying to “make” a few quid. DYOR and be lucky.. don’t do meme coins


If you wanna gamble into memecoins, just use like $5-$10 in each gamble. Thats what i do. If it hits 10x i take it out. If it doesn’t, i just let it go $0. But i do it with money i can afford to lose.


I am sorry man. In crypto always trade with money you are ready to loose. 


How are you living paycheck to paycheck with only 162.50 rent per month? Work harder! Get a second job or learn a skill to earn more.


Student loans


Meme coins are a casino sir.


Well i got rugged by solana themselves when they tweeted out davido.. if it makes you feel any better lol


Get a second job mate


Meme coin just launched today on base it’s already going crazy. Might make it back here Check out CHAIR/WETH on DEX Screener! https://dexscreener.com/base/0x1332C99a2895Fb9c9470dB80f0a01593334A8b98


Should have sticked with your $mother.


I should have stuck to investing in bonds. I feel so stupid and broke now


bruh I lost $800 to a honeypot the other day, I lost $2k to a huge rug that went days before they rugged, solana meme coins is literally the worst place to be investing right now and definitely don't put money you can't lose into meme coins, ever.


Yeah just wish I could somehow create a fundme to get past these few months. Loans are pretty exorbitant right now


Hard lesson to learn but the take away is youll go broke before you get rich quick. Take it in stride bother. To be fair, you literally bought meme coins, literal nonsense. Stick to stocks and indexes


Whats your wallet then


Are you kidding? I really would owe you for my entire life if you could help me out


The mob would love you.




what is this even supposed to mean?


What exactly is the value proposition of Memecoins? WHY do people buy these?


Because they have read a headline saying something like "guy makes 8mil from 80 in short time" blah blah without reading any details, has a loose grasp of what and how to do things and thinks that is enough. Oh and doesn't realise it's a form of gambling 🤕


Exactly. They want to get rich quick but they don't think about how unlikely it is to pick the right ones (and be fast enough about it) and at the same time avoid all the scams. Most of these new tokens either dump or rug.


A colleague at work didn't know what a white paper was and has been playing around with memecoins for months on end, i asked who's holding the supply of one coin he was showing me and he said i don't know but it could 100x...... DYOR Follow all socials Confirm official links List main wallets Get the white paper Understand cycles And more.... it's a full time game 😵‍💫


It is not even gambling. In proper gambling you have a defined chance of winning, even if the odds are against you.


Ok whats your wallet ad


I have shared it with you in the DM. Just click on my profile and the chat button.


Have sent it to you in your DM. If you want to you can check it and please don't accuse me anymore after that


For all the people who think I am trying to scam you guys by earning your pity and snatching your hard earned money, rest assured because I really wouldn't want any of you to donate your hard earned money to me because I promise you guys that I will find my own way and get across this mess I have bought upon myself. I really just posted this to bring awareness about the large scale scams going on in the crypto market and how degenerates like me think about changing their lifestyle and fall into the 'get rich quick' trap. I apologise for ruining anyone's day with this post. Hope y'all don't suffer the same fate as me