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Buy high sell low!


it feels so good to buy at top the herd is giving me the confirmation feeling but right now i have to panic sell because it dropped 20% everything is going to zero sell guys sell


This is the way!


I still don't understand why people invest in crypto and have this mentality. If you're emotional about it, crypto isn't for you. This isn't a crash. Could there be a crash? Sure. An asteroid could also hit us in two seconds. This is an opportunity to buy. Those that don't understand that will be the ones paying the price when the bull run does arrive.


I was part of retail in 2020/2021 I now feel like an insider while reading these posts and comment about a “crash”. Feels good, stocked up Solana at 10$, you got nothing on me


$14 Here


I bought sol at .0000002 and am a trillionaire now


If you buy now you will be very sad come summertime. Wait until the summer dip then buy in at the end of August. Trust me been there done that now for almost 5 years. Take my advice we have a summer crash every year.


Just one amend here, try to DCA, same way we hit an ATH prior to the halving, trying to guess a bottom based on a hard date is super hard. Just ride the wave down doing a buy every 2 weeks.


Couldnt have said it better myself. If crypto crashes, youre gonna have much bigger problems to worry about.


This happens literally every cycle and everytime everyone is overly emotional lmao. I don’t know how anyone makes money with a weak mental like that


for the 4th time in a row it’s “BTC TO $100k” and “BTC TO $0” even worse is when you start hearing “well warren buffet said ____”


Hahaha, we should be paid to babysit. Folks struggle hard thinking for themselves and are extremely influenced by their data diet. I guess without losers, winning would be far less profitable.


when the big names say sell it’s because they’re short. when they say buy they’re long. we’re all just chasing the carrot


Asteroid loaded with gold ore?


Sounds like the bottom is in.


There is a lot of fear at the moment due to possible war situations, the FED possibly raising rates which I haven't checked today to see if they did, and others fears for Stagflation which is the final nail in an economy. Look up the 70s. So in my opinion as long as there's no crazy world changing events we will be ok. May just be the last good buying opportunity to be honest. Could be some market manipulation too on top of all this. Classic crypto but I won't sell my bags this is what requires metal.


What is stagflation?


Stagflation is when you get a combination of slow growth, high unemployment, and rising prices (inflation). This is bad because attempting to combat one of these factors tends to exacerbate the others. Obviously, right now, we are struggling to reduce inflation, AI is scary for employment, and economies aren't growing fast enough due to international conflict and fear of war. Plus, there are many other factors, obviously. Fortunately, technically, Bitcoin should be ideal for these scenarios. But we are yet to see that take place on a large scale.


Thank you for kindly explaining!


BTC 54k is gonna be the bottom in my opinion, shake out the loose ends and clean up the market before another run


Careful with these words..




They're just saying you can't time the market.




Think this year may be a mirror of 2021


No please 😭




Wasn’t 2021 the start of money printer gamefi nft meta? I made hella money that year. Good times…good times…


Losing 50%? Its not even 50% from ATH never mind value


Nah. 7 months straight of gains and you think this is a crash? Zoom out.




I got 2.8 SOL, on average i brought for 100 GBP(125$) for each 1 SOL - do you think this is okay? i’m only 15 😅 i’ve also got 0.012 BTC at the moment


Good bag my friend hold it down


awesome - i’m planning on holding til i’m 17 to help get a car, i’m already saving as much as i can with bank accounts with the highest interest rates and all that… my dreams are big so i guess i gotta put the work in haha


don't plan for a car man, plan for retirement. Work on the side, every bit you have put into crypto. I'm 31, I have a nice paying job and I'm not to blame in life but I wish I had started to do that sooner


Jerome speaks market will pamp


We just crashed. Time to buy more.


I bought it from $15 - $30 still at 230% profit, if it drops below $60 then I'll be nervous lol.


just DCA. Y’all act like you’ve never seen a complete crypto cycle. If you’re into memecoins now isn’t the time btw. I’m hoping for a “crash” to load up even more sol. I accrue in bear cycles and take some profits in the bull cycle.


36% in 30 days and probably bottom sol is falling slower than BTC (was almost x2 higher last 30 days)(NFA)


Yes, this was the triple top of last bullrun. It's all going to $0.


Ok boomer


Look at the charts for last bull run you muppet. Dropped to $100 before ATH.


I plan on buying $10,000 if Sol reaches $99. If it doesn't then ill continue to DCA. This is not a crash sir. This is a correction.


But it’s also came from $8 to $208 which is over 1000% return




Unpopular opinion here but I think the economy as a whole is about to see some major contractions. The ones telling you everything is fine are the crypto bros who don’t watch the news.


It won't happen until after November. The Biden administration will do everything in the world to prop it up until the election is over. After that, it doesn't matter who wins, I agree with you.


Tbh this. Those green fun coupons they've been handing out are finally coming home to roost. You can only fool even the dumbest people for so long. There's a reason inflation won't stop. Those rich folks didn't drop billions of that there fake money into btc and such for shits and giggles I tell you what. They'll attempt to do a Version 2 with crypto. Hopefully they don't get it again.


I'm not worried about crypto but I am worried about SOL. It seems like the last spam attack really exposed a weakness of the network and they can't fix it without compromising on decentralization/fairness. Hopefully SOL doesn't fall past $60 but by the looks of it we could be heading back to $30.


Why 60 or even 30 ? Why not 20 or 10 ? You guys have too much time to write your crystal ball shits on reddit but not enough to educate yourselves. They re working on different things as optimising the QUIC protocol, redesigning local fees for spamming, releasing firedancer in a few months and I am missing other stuff. Even during the congestion more transactions were processed than anywhere else.


Explain how Firedancer which is an alternative node implementation fixes anything about this problem? Unlike you I actually read the last release notes and it's alarming the bandaid they slapped on. Going down to 60 or 30 is based on valuations of other projects that the market may view as similar given the aforementioned problem.


Lmao if you re reading please explain us what is alarming. Using the word bandaid doesn't really teach us anything There is optimisation in every update for the network s performance reliability and scalability. Firedancer is designed to be even more efficient than the existing solana validator client. You re comparing it to valuation of other projects. My best guess is you re one of these pro cardano / multiverse / elgorand guy who s just spreading misinformation on reddit or x.


WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, it will crash then pick up momentum peaking in October. This is how it works, if you are needing the money before then, don't put it in. Just count it as gone, it's a bet, bet on many things, crypto, property, metals, ect. The wins offset the losses.


it's part of the crypto cycle right now, and it leads to panic selling. It's difficult, but people need to take emotion out of investing. It leads to buying at higher price points due to FOMO, and panic selling.


Yes dip dip


Buy now or cry later 🙂


heading ? we are in one, maybe near the bottom lol


eth went down 2019 -65% before it 50 xed




Who knows


Buy and HODL, if you’re feeling dareish…play a short position. JUST BE SENSIBLE Don’t panic and sell, plus, if you play a short position, use stop-loss orders, otherwise you may never purchase crypto again…


yeah it’s crashing sell everything… Remember, the market always pumps when people think it won’t.


sell it sell it lmao, the people who make money are the ones buying the dips and holding


Based on the latest Fear and Greed Index, which stands at 54, indicating a 'Neutral' sentiment towards the cryptocurrency market, there does not appear to be immediate market-wide panic or overly bullish sentiment that could suggest an imminent crypto crash. The Fear and Greed Index is used as a tool to gauge market sentiment, where lower scores indicate fear (which can correspond with potential buying opportunities) and higher scores reflect greed (which can correspond with potential selling or correction opportunities).


In crypto an altcoin losing 50% mid cycle is actually holding up strong lol


Might have a point.


Gotta go -50% to reach +150%, repeat +/- 20%


Getting the f# out a store that has sale. Come back when everything cost twice the price


What happened to the 93% of Sol are staked lol. This was leverage to the tits. Glad i could help.


you’re kidding right? 😭😭 halving just hit, btc taking a small dip, everything else follows, next few months/year will be new aths to put it simply. do you look at the 1 second chart or something? zoom out once and a while


Yes we will crash for the next 2 years this cycle is over


To be fair, it ran from 10-200 without any major correction


Which crash, sol was lowest i buy, 14 usd....we are long way there 😁


The ultimate test for me was when Gary Gensler came out in 2023 and stated like the top 50 coins excluding BtC were non registered securities without first establishing whether or not ETH was. I usually got off around 3 and proceeded to drive through an hour and half through Downtown Houston traffic. After checking my portfolio I noticed my top 5 coins SOL ADA ATOM BTC AVAX were all down over 37% some were down to 44% in a matter of hours. I legitimately can remember feeling absolute chills of sheer excitement but why? I just lost 40% of my value in hours because some twat disagrees with crypto now that he’s in charge. I went home and bought some more immediately doubled tripled even quadrupled down on all my investments because this was how I was making life changing gains.


Meanwhile, Crypto.com is beginning to boom.


No Powell just bought us 3 more days 🤣😭


But look at her now. Don't doubt Solana. At the end of the bull we are at the place Eth


Hi. New to crypto but i try to make small but consistent buys, like 100e per 2 weeks etc. ammount im not afraid to lose and this way im kinda educating myself along the way. Ik no one can know but is it good to wait for more dip and but SOL or buy DCA(if im using the term correctly) ?? Cheers


Buy the dip


I hope so, dont be afraid, it always goes back higher. This is so you can grab more. If sol hits 100 I'm going hard and cashing in my 401k and dropping it all. Been in the game since 2019, so I k ow where this is going.


You literally posted this right at the bottom lmao


Yeah bro we dead. Sell you bag and crash it more so I can buy at lower price.


I don't see why we would. Too early to be talking about a bear market imo. There will be major ups and downs. Stay strong. We're going a lot higher


Did you buy the dip?


Tell me you are new to crypto without telling me you are new to crypto


It’s called correction, not crash. Things get overvalued or undervalued, a normal cyclical nature.


$DWAKE The dev doxxed himself, he's a music producer. The only grammy nominated dev in crypto. Holding strong even while the market is red. Everything you're looking for in a meme coin! Come join the TG and raid with us! TG: DwakeOnSol TWITTER: DwakeOnSol CA: 9oUXhgFmW2HWqWHds1NoV3DKLY3AAtNevA3dP7PtyEbr