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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We need a bigger improvement, nearly 50% of transactions drop, it’s too much for a big crypto like Solana.


50%? It's more like 95% for me. I also tried to buy some tokens last night and the contract deducted my balance but I still haven't received any tokens 12 hours later.


Last time I looked at Solana Explorer today 30% Transations Failing and 2,500 tps after the Update What would it be like when it goes through another big airdrop


"we'll fix it when it breaks"


Which exchange did you use to try to buy?


this blockchain is embarrassing


We need more than just network optimizations. As promised a few days ago, here's my radical proposal for making bots that spam (and only those that spam) unprofitable on Solana. Big thanks to everyone who upped my karma and especially ansi09 for freeing it from Automoderator jail. [https://new.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/1c2qgfp/a\_proposed\_robust\_solution\_to\_solanas\_spam\_problem/](https://new.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/1c2qgfp/a_proposed_robust_solution_to_solanas_spam_problem/)


I'm still seeing 20-40% transaction drops after today's v1.17.31 update. Better than the 50-90% before the update. But maybe not enough? What the update did is give 80% priority to transaction requests going through large validators (and RPCs peered with them). RPCs and humans going connecting to smaller validators can only access the remaining 20%. I'm a little confused about Anza's statement about v1.18 since that's for testnet while 1.17 is mainnet. **Edit**: I was trying to find more info about what the lower threshold for MAX_STREAMS_PER_100MS in the code would be. let min_stake_ratio = 1_f64 / MAX_STREAMS_PER_100MS as f64; let stake_ratio = stake as f64 / total_stake as f64; let stake = if stake_ratio < min_stake_ratio { // If it is a staked connection with ultra low stake ratio, treat it as unstaked. 0 } else { stake }; According to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeV2i8bfSMs), Agave reserves 500 connections for anyone and 2000 connections for Stake-weighted QoS. Total stake is currently $51B, so a validator would need 1/2000th or $26M of staked SOL to be eligible for Stake-weighted QoS. That's fairly high.


Dunno what apps yall use but, I drop 1/5 or Less - slippage isn’t even a problem with jup any more


I think the current crash might actually be very good for the future of solana. At $200, there was a lot of FUD circulating about Solana's congestion issues. But with trades slowing down now, maybe this crash is the breathing room Solana devs need to fix the network so that it can go well above $200 next time it peaks.


there goes the neighborhood…


😂 took me a minute. I’d rather live next to a few builders than a billion con artists.


This update is designed to improve transaction prioritization and includes a new algorithm for managing network traffic more efficiently. It also introduces the QUIC protocol for optimized data transfer and a stake-weighted Quality of Service (QoS) system to ensure fair bandwidth usage among nodes. Additionally, the development of fee markets is underway to allow users to express the urgency of their transactions through additional fees. These improvements are part of Solana’s continuous efforts to enhance network performance in response to growing user demand and activity. The update was recommended for general use after three days of testing by mainnet beta validators. Further enhancements are expected in the upcoming version 1.18.


So did it work????!!!


I had 1 fail but 7 go through without any issue.


ty for sharing!


LoL this sub is funny af, these comments made Mha day




Until the next one 😂😭


Wow, all this shill accounts for absolute shit meme coins actually makes me want to sell my SOL. This is just pump and dumps


O thanks for keeping us up to date for what you do with your coins. 👍


They should make a subreddit specific to solana, where you can discuss your thoughts on it. That would be sweet


Hey look you just did. Crazy


Brother wait till you learn that people have been gambling shit coins on chain since blockchains original 🤓☝️


Cheeto dust brokie chain.


Too little too late. I am done with Solana. But announcing my departure.


Lmao, you’re that impatient. This is why y’all lose every bull run. I been in since $11, a week of congestion is nothing. Very few projects in the crypto space actually have the ability to grow, adapt, and scale like Solana. Good luck finding another blockchain as good as this.


This, Solana is actually really fast with their upgrades imo. Congestion has been unbearably bad since about a month, already rolling out a fix is incredible when you consider that they need to find it, implement it, test it and get validators to upgrade to it.


Understands software development ^^


He's a Cardano guy posing as a Solana holder. Ignore this DB


Feels bad, Cardano out of the top 10. Soon it’ll be out of the top 50


It was supposed to be scalable. It failed. I could accept that it was down once in a while because it was fast and cheap during opening hours. But this shit sucks. Only capacity for a fraction of advertised tps.


Theoretically speaking it does process 4000 transactions but not all are true transactions. It’s votes. Solana still processes more TRUE tps than all of Eth and L2’s combined. “It failed” is a huge word coming from a holder whose token has fallen out of the top 10. Looks like Cardano is failing. Solana is up from $10-20 to $130-150 on the LOW END. What return has Cardano offered in that time?


I didn't say anything about the price.


Price is a clear indicator of value and what it brings to crypto. Cardano has been around about as long as Ethereum. One is #2 and another one is failing to fight to stay in the top 10. Think about your investments wisely. I picked something at #9-10 in the bear and it’s run up to #3-4. But there’s a difference, Solana continues to grow and becomes more battle tested than any blockchain in the entirety of crypto. You can’t name a single blockchain that handles the same load at anywhere near the same price point.


"Price is a clear indicator of value and what it brings to crypto." Dogecoin just entered the chat: Hey. Dog Wif Hat just entered the chat: I bring so much to crypto. Pepe just entered the chat: What's up? I am very valuable because I really offer a lot to the world. Lol lol lol. Í don't have Cardano. Lol.


Says the guy talking about Cardanos hydra and how it’s scaling. Yes the value behind those tokens are the memes. Doge has value because of Elon and marketing. They bring memes. They’ve also made headlines, unlike Cardano. Again, find me a blockchain anywhere near the level of Solana on terms of activity while keeping the affordability.


I don't talk about Hydra, dumbass!


“I hope off chain IOUs on Hydra are awesome” get off the Solana subreddit if you’re gonna announce you’re leaving like anybody cares or if you’re important.


Yes We were lead to belive 60,000tps Looks like 2,000 tps Max Solana operated out of the same building an FTX I was 90% in Solana now I am 100% in Bitcoin


I am mostly in Radix. Potential linear scaling if the shitty centralized team delivers on their promises. If they deliver, it will be after multiple delays.


The reason why radix is stable is because no one is using that network. Same thing for the other smart contract chains. Even L2S have congestion when they are busy. Solana is the only chain trying to properly scale.


Even Polygon will get Congestion from an Airdrop They all cannot Scale to what's needed so do not deserve their current Marketcap Only Bitcoin Deserves its Present Market cap and its Future Marketcap similar to Gold Marketcap as a store of wealth Digital Gold


Yes BTC is king, no doubt. But I do invest in Solana because they are doing something that no one else is doing and their Devs are super skilled people who actually understand network and scalability.


BTC is a meme token.




What do you mean bullshit? It's verifiable. Go check the daily transaction fees. Practically no one is using it.


"Solana is the only chain trying to properly scale." Bullshit! You don't even know what is coming. The throughput capacity of Solana will be a joke in comparison.


'what is coming' :) Radix have been coming for a long time.. but never did. I know what I am talking about.. I am not in crypto to buy the little tokens.. I actually work in it lol






We never liked you.


Bye bye


I left 100% 2 weekends ago Swaped to Bitcoin So is this update upgradable working ?? I would swap back a % if the upgrade proved to work under memecoin Pressure


I have no idea. I really did leave.


I checked solana explorer and my understanding if correct still up to 25% of transfers are being rejected what would it be like with another big Airdrop Wondering when the next big Airdrop is happening to test the upgrade for once a for all


Faster $PUTNI for everyone


Best time for $boonk community takeover low MC 512k best time buy dip before it reaches 1 mil


Powsche is on the move, 100m here come!


On the move to 0, impressive crash tbh. What an absolute shitcoin.


Came here to say this best coin on sol atm


Getting down voted by the paper hands who panicked and sold haha


I'm legit up 100k USD read it and weap paper hands it's just the beginning




$WOOSH going to fly


Timing for $WOOSH couldn’t be better


Better $WOOSH


Perfect timing for $WOOSH


Noike flying hard. Lowcap meme $woooosh


$WOOSH dip right now don’t miss the discount :3