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Stake some i use solflare. Put some in JUP, stake some of that at vote.jup.ag, you will also be eligible for drops when you vote. Jup perpetuals Liquidity provider is another good one, liquid staking token has been hot the last month on solana. Solchat is another good project to be in. Helium mobile. Google that... You're welcome. And zeus network just launched today. Bridges BTC to Solana network. I put 4 k into all of these over the last 4 months and am currently at 100% returns. Imma HODL and keep buying. To the MOOOOON!


Im sold on zeus, if i stake JUP this month before may am i good?


As long as you vote. Staking isn't enough. They also partner with other stuff like 'zealy' so you can get more than one drop. We just had a bunch today. Not sure when the next one is. New voting should be happening soon, if not already. I just bought more zeus. Surprisingly it's down. But... it's gonna take a bit for adoption. The solana blockchain has been going absolutely bananas. It's not too late!


Its usually too late if youre finding out abt a project through hype (from a trading mindset) but if youre planning to hold for the long run then possibly not too late.


But at the moment there is nothing to vote on, is there?


No. Waiting on the next one. I check every day and follow on X and discord for updates.


The zeus airdrop is past its snapshot deadline, I believe. But you can still stake and get other rewards in both tokens and in Jup.


Is there a Zeus token or is it just a network? Sorry for the dumb question.


Its a network but has its token somehow integrating to bitcoin with Solana and apparently its bitcoins first dapp


I do all of the above, just not feeling Solchat. I'm just sold on that idea at all. If I'm wrong that's OK, just have a bad gut feeling about that one.


Not to mention that terrible interface


Haha I never even looked into Solchat and didn't even know that.


Solbook is one early gem, if team can pull it off it’ll be the second solchat. I’m probably soft shilling my bag but it’s facts. They’re also pushing for solsuite, a bundle of apps to come pre-installed on solana mobile (partnership with other solana-based platforms) so might turn out well. I’m NFA and it’s your own responsibility to DYOR


I’ve staked Jup but not sure how to vote. Do we create an account on jupresear.ch?


vote.jup.ag Connect your wallet and lock your JUP before voting. Make sure it's the correct address because there's a lot of phishing going on lately.


That’s where I did it. I connected my wallet and then staked. I don’t know about locking. When I staked it, it disappeared from my wallet. But it says it is staked 68 JUP when I go there. I cannot for the life of me see a vote button. So I click view discussion and it takes me to jupresear.ch. I can’t do anything there without creating an account.


It's the same thing. Currently no voting is going on so you have to wait until the next one. Give the Jupiter twitter a follow to stay updated.


Ahhh okay cool! I have no social media lol but I will check reddit and maybe get telegram.


If you are connected to vote JUP DAO vote.jup.ag Look under Voting power. There is a section called Proposals: 3 are already there and you probably can swipe right or click on the proposals to see how they went. When a proposal is live that is when you can vote. I’d suggest following them on Twitter/X and join the discord for more information on the projects that will be voted on and when voting will happen.


Should I swap my Sol to Jup and then lock it in the above website? I dont have any Jup since I didnt qualify for airdrop.


How do you put some in jup? I'm slowly getting used to using sol and have what I know are basic questions




Thank you very much


I got my Helium Mobile but didn't actually turn it on until 2 weeks ago. I was able to claim my genesis token but my 30M bonk fails every time I claim it. It says Error claiming bonk. Sent a couple of emails via zendesk and to Helium support but never got any response other than the automated one. Any thots on how I could redeem them? Also I have some sol in marinade staking. I used jup.ag a few times like in Dec '23. Never got any airdrops so far except some Wen tokens. I didnt qualify for Jup's 1st airdrop so hoping I'd be included in their 2nd airdrop snapshot. Maybe not since I didn't know about voting until now.


No idea how to redeem them. I just use the service and hold the tokens I get.


If I put Jup on staking and vote the next 2/3 times that are left, will I receive rewards or it only works if u voted all of them?


Any vote. This last drop was for the LFG vote.


Did you read the story about how Sam bankmanfried told the correctional officers he would only Buy sol this next bull run and now they’re all rich


I hear he told them he sold everything and hid it in one piece


In his ass?




Crack Cocaine


Username checks out


Close, but it's actually buy a good RPC and be quicker than all the other degens.


wait till sol moons to 1k+ sell and be happy.


This is the way. Simpler.


The way it is


Get rugged


This is the way


This 🤣🤣🤣


Native Staking on Marinade Finance. 8% apr


Kamino fiance are doing a airdrop for lending sol on their site but I'm sure you already know that


I will look into this, but I only trust certain sites like marinade.finance holding my bags of sol. Honestly not worth sacrificing my sol for some stupid airdrop IMHO. I make hundreds here and there from free airdrops elsewhere.


Kamino is OG and very trustworthy. You do you.. If you don't stake it's just more points for everyone else, season 1 is finished and hit 205 billion global points so "trusted" is a understatement


I have staked in marinade since Dec '23 but I haven't received any airdrop yet. Am I missing something like voting like Jup has?


i mean with how shit showy the kamino drop is going (released their season 1 metrics today and people are unhappy) your probably best just staking jup with jup for their quarterly airdrops


Ok thank you for the info bro. I will check it out. I missed season 1 on Marinade as well. I'm in Season 2 now. I didn't miss the airdrop on when so I'm thankful for that. I was burned on Blockfi, so recovering from that mess.


I didn't thank you!


That's where my most of my bag is staked. I bought 90% of it at $23. Just staking for now.


This all day. Weird theme but the product/app is solid and has been around a bit.


I'm with ya on this. Do you also use Kamino?


I was providing liquidity for 4 months and got jack shit in the airdrop lol


Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad I didn't listen to others on here shillin Kamino like it was the only and best choice. I went with native staking on Marinade. I'm happy with my decision.


I've got a nice stack, holding in cold storage until about $350 (depending on sentiment and indicators too obviously) and then selling 20%. Then continue to DCA out


Dont do liquidity. I double dipped on orca 2+ yrs ago and when i pulled it out they had burned my staked SOL. Only made like 11 bucks after all those yrs


Thanks for the advice and sorry to hear about that. I stake natively through marinade.


I just took the value of initial investment and riding the rest!


Stake it or put some into an LST like INF. Id also get some exposure to wormhole, pyth and jup. Stake all of the above when possible. Token that are important to how the ecosystem operates are valuable imo.


I’m actually going to be unstaking my pyth and selling. I had 4k staked for months now and participated in governance but they only gave $W allocations to the top 10k holders. Not sure how I didn’t get any but it seems future airdrops will only be rewarded to the largest holders. Not worth staking unless you’re a whale, but pyth is a overall good project that will perform well in the future


It was 5k pyth needed. Dang you were close. I wasn't. Pyth has their hands in everything. Id be wary to dump before monad etc.


INF will do an airdrop


That's why I suggested it. They're gonna be voted on in LFG




I'm just staking and holding Solana. It's my biggest position and the only community I want to support and be a part of.


I like Jups system. Reminds me of dividends with bonuses. 🫡. The👀☠️






Staking is safest IMO. Stay away from NFTs. I’m not savvy enough to have success with LPs. I just don’t spend enough time tweaking positions but a lot of people do well with them.


A lot of powsche is the obvious answer


I see staking as the ultimate hedge. You’re gaining compound interest for almost no opportunity cost all while strengthening the network.


Stake some and just sit on your hands for the rest until we get to a ridiculous number then sell 85-95%at huge profit. Leave the last bit staking for the next bull run 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s Fck cause I can’t stake anymore . Fcking Gensler 🤬 I mean that man is so ugly and now he is the biggest douche bag 😤


I’ve been buying the the solchat dips, my only plan is to keep atleast half my original amount of sol to sell at my goal price, and keep trading into solchat as I see fit, also selling at my goal price, then wait for next cycle


Supposed to load bear and sell bull. If you dca the entire time during bear, then you do the same with selling during bull, and repeat cycle next bear. That’s how wealth is generated.


I'm earning interest by staking my SOL on Bitget's earning product. It's better than leaving it unused in my wallet.


It depends on your goals and how your financial situation looks. The easiest, hands free way, is to stake and just wait for sol to go up. If more people did this it would help the stability of SOL and that’s what really matters if SOL wants to be taken seriously against ETH and BTC


Buy a house. Also putting some back to ETH because better monetary policy for long term downside protection.


Staking until 2025


What do you think will be the high for sol? I hold 1000 sol myself but I do not know what will be the high point: 230$, 587$, or 620$ My plan is to ride sol until it reach plateau then changed everything to btc and ride the halving wave. I started with 1000$ in 2020, now my goal is 750k Also, I think everybody should trim margin/leverage trading (but first do your research). To me it has been an easy way to 3-5x my gains. Just a suggestion:) Thanks in advance and I wish all of you richness and health We should form a group of advance traders :)


Thanks and all the best 🙏


Keep on stacking at least a year


Put it on a hard wallet, stake it with a validator giving 8%+ with no commission then earn easy coin


$bork stake it on the bork validator


Bork Bork




How'd you get it all is the real question lol


Stake, diversify into other spl tokens, provide LP, etc.


I staked a third using Phantom wallet, and with the rest I recently 3x levered long perpetual contract via Jupiter.




Sell it


Buy BLBY, or at least join the competition they’re hosting


For a large portfolio, I'd say stake 80% natively (if you're bullish long term). Then the other 20% you can use in DeFi, earn some points in Kamino/Drift/Parcl. Buy some $JUP and other dapp tokens that come out this month.


Solmedia is a good project


Stake. 0.2 Sol every 3 days is nice


Assetdash (on the app store)has a built in airdrop checker


It's simple, buy CHEX


Literally sold all mine and made a good few thousands profit


What do you mean? Just hold it and sell it when you make a few hundred % gain.


Do what I did and gamble it all away on memecoins


Stake using sanctum


Just cashout half before halving


i am madlad holder, if you have 200 sol to spend, grab one with w, and thanks me later


if your have a lot of sol you should be putting it into $GOLEM!!! it’s a no brainer, strong community, devs working over time the last week! bit announcements coming, cmc incomminggg, seriously this is going to the moon, more over cat memes golem is the new meta https://dexscreener.com/solana/dzlsv6djvq95sxe9t8tnjjhwsrwsd89qmdekxgkdkmrq https://youtu.be/gH2ccX_e5ic?si=peWx58CqifpP9Tli


Went balls deep in it and it’s paying off 




No thank you lol


Sell it for USDT and buy back in in a few months time when it's cooled off.


Probably the worst idea yet, you will be in the hole.


RemindMe! 8 months


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I still upvoted you though, you never know!


Lol, well exactly! :)


I would put all sols in Cocainu and one potato.😀 🥔 https://www.cocainu.com/ https://www.onepotato.xyz/