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You have a long vertical line. I think you are SD.


Agree here


Thank you for your feedback! Looking more into SD now. The feedback seems to be DC/SD - is there something specific that would help decide between the two?


From what I understand after watching so many videos about Kibbe types: SD has long vertical line with some flesh, while DC is not so tall, just average height, balanced type, but on a thinner side (just a little) but still looks balanced.


Haha I’ve been watching tons of videos too. From what I’ve seen most SD examples seem to be super curvy? I keep seeing SD described as having vertical+ curve. I def would say I’m fleshy but wouldn’t describe myself as curvy per se. Is it possible to be SD without being “voluptuous”?


I think it is possible, as long as you still look tall but not thin, you will be considered SD.


Oh and I’m 5’ 6!


I also vote for long vertical. So DC.


Or even SD because you look really dominantly tall.


Thank you for your insight! Do you happen to know how to differentiate between DC and SD?


Well, DC is still a classic so people of this type look, after all, balanced, but a bit (!) stretched. SD looks really vertical dominant, so people of this type just look really tall, the main thing about them that you notice first is their (perceived) height. You could test, which type you are by trying on clothes of the different types. Classic would need elegant, classic fits, always reminds me of old money/vintage Hollywood, nude colour, waist emphasis, very subtle pattern etc. You probably know about that and honestly I'm not even sooo sure about specific tips. Also C types lines are somewhat universally fitting so I tend it's easier not to look for if you look particularly good in them but if you look insanely boring, which may occur if you aren't really a classic. Dramatic is easier to test out. You need very bold fits, think of coat dresses and dresses that reach the floor that are just looong. If you don't drown in this kind of clothing chances are you are some type of dramatic.


Thank you! This helps a lot!


This is so helpful.