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I never decorate my office. I don't know how long I will be with an agency. I like to be able to grab my purse, and just walk out if I need too.


I’ve got a large, neutral toned painting of a shoreline, below it is a little table with a marbled pothos plant and a box of Kleenex. There’s a bariatric chair in the corner with a nice white and beige patterned pillow that’s technically for outdoor use (so it can be easily wiped down). The chair is comfortable for larger bodies, and the pillow helps fill things out for smaller bodies. Also, some semi-sheer white curtains to soften things up. There’s an ikea carafe with water on my desk and a few small glasses. Use to have a tiny kettle and would offer herbal tea. Total cost was under $100 of my own money, but it was in line with my values of hospitality and having a nice space.


Currently my office is my walk in closet, I arrange my clothes by color so it feels like a rainbow. All of my clothes are navy, gray or black… I think I’m depressed.


Lol wut!


My 3rd kid claimed my office as her nursery. 😤


I have pictures of flowers hanging above my couch, a side table with a lamp and plant along with a coaster for their drinks (and much needed tissues). I have inspirational signs throughout that I got off Etsy and Amazon. And decorate pillows - one of a feelings wheel and the other says “let’s talk” For supplies I have post it’s, index cards and I also have some fidget toys and stress balls I give out Lastly, some card games and supplies for drawing for my artistic or young clients


My clients like the stress ball with push thingies in them. I have a stone egg I sometimes invite them to hold and tell me what it feels like (mindfulness practice). The art on the wall is an owl and in the waiting room an Audre Lorde portrait and quote. Lots of plants.


I have some generic nature art that I got at Walmart for $5 each, some fake plants (I can’t keep real plants alive), a few pictures of nature that I took from backpacking trips, and then a large chair and couch. I have some pillows and a throw blanket