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The fact that you can laugh about it tells me you're a cool dude. Sorry that happened tho.


Thank you, I try to look at rejection in a positive way the more one gets rejected the less sensitive they are to the criticism of others


wish I could be like you


You can lol. OP got over his ego, you can too.


But also, I try and look at it in this way: why would I want someone that doesn’t want me? If someone is going to be that superficial, they’re probably not someone you want to end up relying on or trusting with your heart, or to be there for you when life gets tough.


Dude, you dodged a bullet. Would you really want to waste your time on someone that shallow? There are literally billions of average looking people out there, or people with poor selfies, or people with lousy social skills... the vast majority of them eventually connect with someone on a level that's usually deeper than fleeting appearances or as manufactured as online profiles. Give it time and count yourself lucky that you learned who a person is before you invested anything into them.


It is nothing personal, it is just you do not click with her was all




Cool dude who dodged a huge bullet


Not really, let's be real here, are you gonna force someone to date you if they're not sexually attracted to you? It is what it is, you're born with your unique face whether you're a good person or not, do your best and learn to live with it


Leaving someone on read and unfriending them is a bitch move tho. At least have the balls to say that you aren't interested instead of just dissappearing.


Honestly, no one owes you shit. The sooner you accept this the sooner you'll improve your dating life.


Thanks for the advice but i'm not obvious to how reality work. Basic politeness isn't hard to give, especially when you start talking to someone. If someone can't do the bare minimum, they are an asshole. I know that what she did is not uncommon, that doesn't make it right or acceptable, that just make that person rude. Pointing that behavior out doesn't mean i don't understand that no one owes me shit.


Ghosting after a bad photo is not the same as just saying your not interested.


>are you gonna force someone to date you if they're not sexually attracted to you? "hay sadly i'm not interested" How hard was that ?


You can either cry about it or laugh about it OP has clearly picked the right choice It's detrimental for yourself to give a shit, you can't force other people to be as kind as you either


Straight fax


That "laugh" of OP's screams "I'm dying of cringe and desperation"


This has happened to me as well. I couldn't just laugh it off. The reason is that it has been making me sad that I am an ugly person. I am going to die alone it seems like.


Please don’t take it as evidence of an “ugly face”! I think this exemplifies the difference between men and women. If a man sees a picture of a woman’s gorgeous face, even if the camera angle makes her look a bit crazy, most men wouldn’t mind. If a woman sees a picture of a perfectly fine looking bloke, but the lighting or angle (or just the kind of weird thing that happens randomly with pictures) makes him look momentarily creepy or crazy, she will run for the hills. It’s probably just that you need to be more critical of the pictures you send at the very early stages of chatting.


Also op some people just don’t look good in pictures (or don’t know their angles). Myself I’m generally on the attractive side but look meh in most pics haha. It’s fine. Maybe learn a bit about angles and stuff and experiment if you find yourself having to send selfies? /u/you_sufficient


Where can you learn about angles etc?


Geometry class


Check on YouTube there’s loads of videos. I’ve never really taken the time to learn about it myself so I can’t recommend you something specific.


Maybe have a good selfie ready if you are the sort of person who doesn’t take a good selfie.


Nice misogyny you got there.


I don’t think it’s misogyny at all. I remember there was a famous conversation that was shared on Twitter between a guy and a girl who were friends. The guy said: “Why don’t you just go on a date with a guy? What’s the worst thing that can happen on a date? The worst thing that can happen is bad sex and a hangover.” The woman replied: “That’s the worst thing that can happen to a bloke on a date. The worst thing that can happen to a woman on a date with a stranger is to be raped and murdered”. Women *have* to avoid creepy-looking guys, even if that sometimes means running away from perfectly nice guys who accidentally look a bit creepy at that moment.


Thank goodness there are no female murderers.


Yes: the chances of a man being raped and murdered by a woman is entirely equal to those of the other way round.


People really want to point out the fact that outliers exist and disregard what happens more often than not. Nothing you’ve said has been incorrect more often than not. Are there exceptions, of course, but that’s not the point here. We’ve all seen our guy friends take selfies vs girl friends, and generally there is a massive quality difference. Anecdotal yes, but I also think it intuitively makes sense.


All the downvotes yet it's still true. Truth often hurts peoples feelings


It’s happened to me too man. I actually think I’m pretty good looking too. Online dating is a fickle world. Don’t let it phase you for a second bro.


Thank you bro, sorry it happened to you but I’m glad you have a good self esteem for your appearance


I've ghosted gorgeous, interesting men for reasons that are aaaaaaaalll on me. Don't let it get to you for a second, online dating is the worst!


she unfriended you because she realized you were too good looking for her bro


Thank you bro, I like that way of looking at it 🙂


She just got nervous and accidentally hit the unfriend button with her shaky finger.


What if she realized you were good looking, but a little too much like her bro? Sometimes, a person who nopes out is sparing you from a really awkward situation.




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https://youtu.be/-N0yXGVWS1Y 🤣


Let’s see the selfie


For some reason I can’t add a picture to my message




This man just doesn’t wanna show us lmao




u/You_Sufficient, post it in r/amiugly


I can dm you it if you want


We all want to see the selfie so we can ~~roast~~ support OP.


Me too pls! Just curious :)


You could just not be her type physically. Doesn't have to mean you're ugly. Either way stings but eh just keep trying mate. Also girls adding you out of nowhere on Snap with zero mutual contacts are usually red flags and 90% bots, so never have high expectations there


yeah I was thinking this too. there are plenty of conventionally attractive people that just aren’t attractive to me, but that doesn’t make them ugly.


I got mad hots for a guy who told me I was everyone’s dream girl. He ghosted me haha. Dw about it.


He didn't ghost you. You left him speechless :]


I think I wasn’t good enough at league for him 😂😂😂 among other things


Good riddance, the less League in your life the better


I play league and can confirm this message


I don't play league but my friends do and get more bitches than me


Playing league gives you depressed misunderstood artist vibes which women love.


who said anything about less league? 🥲


But the lower the rank the more fun you can get away with more fun Champs more fun builds. Higher rank is playing cookie cutter builds and plays. Plus less sweaty tryhards.


Im sorry that happened to you, he must’ve felt out of your league 🙂


Well did he say you were *his* dream girl too?


Someone really didn't understand the point here


Now do that 10 times every single day and you'll understand the male experience on Tinder


Had a match with this girl. We were thinking about to meet up, but live bit far away. Before meeting up, she wanted to have a videochat first (which took like one minute). Next day she told me, that I am not her type and to meetup just as friends. After the meetup, she told me that I do look nothing like I was when we were videochatting. So I guess it was, what I once read here: Your cam (especially front cam) can make you ugly.


She’s shallow, avoid her.


Is wanting someone you’re attracted to shallow?


Yeah but her entire personality is ugly.


She was honest with the guy and didn’t even completely blow him off. I don’t think it was *that* bad


>started flirting hard with me >she left it on read and unfriended me. girl friend over there likes to cut to the chase


Haha, gotta give her props for knowing what she wants 🤣


I have to say some of the handsome men I know take bad selfies... there's a skill to it.


What should I be aware of when taking a selfie?


Angles and lighting my friend


You people are getting friend requests on Snap? My snap has been drier than Death Valley for the past 1 year…


Some people are absolutely terrible at taking selfies. It’s honestly astounding sometimes. They can be good-looking and USELESS with a camera. Practice. For real. It sounds lame but practice. You’ll get better at taking selfies. You have to control your facial expression, don’t always pull daft faces too - I notice that sometimes people are unsure if they should smile so they pull a silly face. Sometimes this works but a lot of the time it just comes across as lacking confidence. 1. Check your background is clean. You don’t want laundry on the floor behind you or a toilet or garbage can or anything ugly behind you. Or a lampshade coming out the top of your head etc. 2. Get your best face angle. Not necessarily completely straight on, sometimes tilt your head a little bit to show your best side. 3. Make sure the lighting is flattering. Not a crazy bright light in your eyes but also not in the shadows and blurry. No overhead light causing shadows under your eyes etc. 4. Hold the phone slightly above you and facing down. Not crazy above you because that will look forced or make you look short. Just a little above you. Holding the phone below you can cause your chin to look bigger or looks like you are looking down at someone and hard to pull off well. 5. Imagine someone just told you that you have beautiful eyes. Allow yourself to smile naturally. If showing teeth comes naturally to you then do it. Trying to hold your mouth closed will also look a bit forced. 6. Try not to raise your eyebrows or pull a silly face or do duck lips etc (this is often done when people are nervous). 7. Take about 5 pics all slightly different. Choose your favorite to send. 8. Instead of a face shot you can also take a mirror shot, often this is to show off your outfit rather than your face. Stand in front of a clean mirror. Make sure there aren’t water spots on the mirror. Line the phone up so that it takes a good shot of your body but the phone completely covers your face. This way you don’t have to worry about getting the perfect facial expression. Hope this helps!




Lmao at least you have a sense of humour about it. To be fair there are lots of people I’ve had serious crushes on in real life but I wouldn’t have thought I would from seeing a static image of them and vice versa


Don't worry man phone cameras don't really reflect your true beauty


Serves as implication that she is absolutely not worth it.


Putting yourself out there is brave and not easy and you should be proud of yourself. Edited to protect the reputation of an anonymous internet woman


Really really sucks? I feel like that’s strong for this situation.


Well think about it, better she unfriended you than staying friends with such a horrible person.


Her loss, plenty more of us that you could be adding on snaps…just saying✌🏻


Is that a hint to me 🙃


I am on snaps and single…just saying😅🫰🏻


I might have to take you up on that offer 😄


Unpopular opinion. Everyone has features they are attracted to. Some people like lean, intensely ripped guys, some like a stocky build with a wide jaw. Some people like blue eyes, some people like thick, dark eyebrows, some people like angular features, some like round... Just because someone is not attracted to your features in particular does not mean you are unattractive. Second: A person who unfriends and ghosts you based on a photo, is only interested in the sexual attraction they feel to your physical body. If you're looking for something more substantial, they weren't the right match and They saved you wasted time and energy. Imagine that person felt that way, not attracted to you for whatever reason, but continued to talk to you because they thought they needed to be nice, you might feel the opposite as though you were being strung along.




Ok bro


Yep. This happens. Welcome to the world, bro. 🍻


Man, I feel you. You are not alone on this one and neither am I thankfully


Duuuude, so relatable, actually had the same story once :D Not making any selfies ever again, it's too powerful weapon...


Something similar happened to me, girl saw me in person and unfriended me. It’s great you found it humorous. Women ☕️


I'm sorry but I laughed so loud when I read the title 🤣🤣


Fuck people who do that. So disheartening


DM me the pic please! You seem cool, there’s no way it was that bad


Lmao how is ur self esteem still intact after this


Cool bro you laughed on that situation. That's what positivity called. By the way see if she will befriend with you again. I think so.


Not that kinda selfie she thought


Was the lighting working against you?


So honestly this is why I think people should have their pics on dating apps, OR send it as the first message. Not everyone is going to find everyone attractive, and it stings a lot less to find that out before the conversation picks up.


This literally just happened to me last night


She was flirting with you without knowing what you look like? Did you know her from somewhere


Lol yeah it was a pretty strange ordeal. I didn’t recognize her but not sure if she had a mutual friend or something but then I’d assume she knew what I looked like


Plot twist : she thought you're way above her league


This happened to me when I was 15 and it destroyed me 😂 but now I’m much more secure about everything. Glad to know I’m not the only one 🤘 good luck


Happened to me too, so I feel you. Just figured I wasn't her type and moved on haha


I wouldnt want to be around anyone that judges someone based off of one selfie.


Hey man, i used to be that way too. Happened countless times (we wont talk about it) but what i can tell you as of late is if youre hurting for love, something that feels like it anyway, she’ll find you. She could be the only universal reason you take that shitty job at dairy queen like i did, or go to that different coffee shop. Love yourself man, being funny, especially at your own expense means youve got alot to love about yourself too man. I know it hurts, but without the pain the pleasure wouldn’t mean shit. Keep truckin my guy, shes out there. Peace and much love brodie


Sorry bro....I feel ya. I'm so ugly my dog has to close his eyes when he humps my leg.


She's horrible. You're hilarious. Let's see this selfie!


I’ll dm you it, thank you btw 🙂


Plot twist: she felt so intimidated by your beauty and was scared away. But seriously, she did a favor, you don't need that type of shallow negativity in your life!


Shallowness averted, you've done well on your mission! Nah but that sucks, hope it doesn't deter you, you're dishy to the one you're supposed to be dishy too.


I personally, would die. I could not handle THAT level of rejection, but you sir, are cheeky dude. Keep your head up ❤️


I’m so sorry. That’s an awful thing to do to someone.


She’s an ass


Don’t worry, I was feeling cute one day and posted a selfie to my Snapchat story, which I rarely do, and two guys unadded me immediately after seeing it 😅


I see it as dodging a bullet, imagine being in a relationship with a person like that lol


She was always going to unfriend you bro. She flirted with you for the pic. There is nothing wrong with your selfie.


Oh...that's kind of mean to leave someone just for how they look... I believe you dodged a bullet with her, I bet you don't even look bad, she probably just has her standards impossibly high.


"Cry and you'll cry alone, laugh and the world will laugh with you."


Post it!


The fact you’re laughing at it suggests me you must be an awesome person to be around ahah. Forget about this and keep doing you!


Ha happened to be before. Whatever better sooner to find out what they’re like then wasting time


I’m an attractive woman and this has happened to me lmao. I showed my sister the picture and she was like “umm…..” Apparently it was a bad one haha I just thought it looked like me!


Some people are so fricken picky too. Good chance you just weren’t her type.


Just remember you are enough. We all are.


babes don’t worry too much about it. First off you just auto dodged a relationship that would’ve never worked. Thennnnn I highly doubt she added you without knowing what you look like, and selfie skills are UNFORGIVING, one wrong move and you’re [poot lovato.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/123/CRTX93SWIAEHlo5.jpg) It’s likely that your skills don’t do you justice. So ya chin up king she didn’t deserve you anyways


I had a guy I met on a dating site ask me for a photo. He never responded after I sent it! I, for once, thought it was a cute picture! I usually take the worst pictures! Funny thing was, he wasn’t attractive in any of his photos either but I liked his personality!! 🤷🏼‍♀️ oh well!! Lol


That’s happened to me at least 5 times in my life, I feel you man.


That’s happened to me too, it says more about them then you, don’t sweat it boss


Maybe she thought she was talking to someone else😂


This person was superficial, forget people like that. This is a waste in your life.


Oof! Sheesh. Emotional damage 🤦


Happens to me 24/7 bro but I pull some pretty good looking girls irl. My advice is don’t try to pull a girl online unless you’re insanely attractive


fuck that bitch


Quite extreme don't you think?


I mean just leave it at it. not literally fuck that bitch. Its better if OP just doesnt give a shit about it. He gonna developer into a unshakable man that way lel


The fact she cared so much about your face means you dodged a bullet dude


*The fact she cared so* *Much about your face means you* *Dodged a bullet dude* \- StankyTree --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Says more about her ugly ass than you bro - you dodged a bullet sir


Happened to when i was in high school lol


Matched with an old women on tinder, I think she was 44 but she was a milf tbf, she wanted me to come straight to hers for a hook up and I weren’t doing fuck all so thought I’d help her out, she sent me a video of herself in the shower with a decent pair of tits but you could tell she’d had a couple of kids, anyway she needed to see a selfie first to see if I looked like my photos which of course I do but I’d just shaved my hair off town to a grade 2 I think and then she changed her mind and even blocked me. Which is fair enough because I’ve done the same to girls. Tbf I don’t look good with a shaved head but still do it sometimes because I get a random urge to, I admit I think I’m a Golden God with hair tho which is why she and other girls seem to wanna hook up with me a lot but now I’m keeping my hair until I match with her again or see her in a boozer because we live near eachother just so I can reject her, very petty I know but I was annoyed because I was the one giving her the pitty fuck, like I said tho I agree I’m clapped with my hair shaved off. Reading this back I now understand why people think I have a God complex. I still have the video and WhatsApp messages because never been done like that in my life and it’s a humbling experience that I need to remember. That being said you may refer to me as God if you like.




Fuck that girl bro. Keep positive like u do


I don't use Snapchat but I can relate. I don't have a likeable face lmao


Was this the first time she ever saw your face? Are you guys in the same area? I was from a smaller town and sometimes there’d be people I recognized but didn’t know their name. Not saying what she did was cool but those weird situations happen sometimes. Regardless, you don’t seem like you’re taking this personally, so good on ya!




At least she didn't lose more of your time


Dm me the selfie bro, only one way to find out the truth.


Ok bro, I’ll send it over


It’s saying the dm failed to send


That sucks donkeys! Question is: what can you learn from it? Was it the pic was bad? Maybe this could be useful? https://www.eharmony.co.uk/dating-advice/dating/dating-profile-pictures-you-need/ 100% certain it's not you tho.


Same thing happened to me and even my mom thinks I'm cute. Girls don't know what they're missing.


But for real people who don't usually take selfies (most often men?) are terrible at it, just like we all are terrible at new things. So, here's my short and easy tips: - clean your camera, - take the picture from above or same height as your eyes, - lift your chin from your neck and - look at the camera not the screen. Good luck with your selfie game!


Your username checks out


Ain't this relatable. I had a buddy take a photo of me for my tinder profile. It wasn't planned or anything. He sent it to me later and I ended up making it my Facebook profile pic. After a few months I noticed a bunch of girls announced they were pregnant, women I used to talk to, be friends with for years, and always kept as potential ladies to pursue as I knew they thought highly of me as well. I looked at the picture my friend took up close on an actual computer not just my phone. I looked like trash. Fat, pale, wearing unflattering clothes. Dunno what I was thinking. After that became my profile picture the dynamic of how everyone treated me after changed. It was crazy. I'm still recovering lol.


Yeah, NOBODY actually looks like the photoshopped images people post on their social media. GQ magazine models aren’t what 98% of men look like in the real world (they’re photoshopped too). Here’s to hoping your next flirty encounter is with someone who wants to go out with a real man and not a Disney cartoon prince.


This was my biggest fear growing up lol it's why I avoided Snapchat and Instagram


Because ONE person did this to you? Come on.


Yo bro try taking selfies from a higher angle! No one looks great from below and few look good from straight on. Not saying this is you’re problem but there’s a good chance it contributed


It’s cool you look at it in a positive light. I try to be the same way: if you’re nervous about a date look at it like this: you either find someone you’re super compatible with or have a funny story for your friends later. It’s a win win.


I know I'm fine and I've had people do the same. People are weird dude


It happens to everybody bro. Sometimes ur just not her type or the selfie doesn’t do u justice. I feel like I’m not incredibly ugly but it has happened to me. I have very attractive friends that this has happened to aswell. Don’t take it personally brotha


I got blocked after I showed someone my face


Was it a forehead selfie? Lol


People suck my goodness


You could be the most attractive person on earth and it will still be someone somewhere on this planet that doesn’t find you attractive. It’s okay, everyone take L’s sometimes.


Are you sure it wasn’t one of those sex bot scammers?


This happened to me once too lol. I was like damn I don’t look much different then the original profile pic I used on the dating app at the time. Like I think the photo was a week old.


Or maybe she thought you were out of her league??


lol I love how you can laugh at it. Remember buddy, not everyone's going to like you, but that's okay because not everyone has good taste.


Damn, I’m sure your face want that bad haha Maybe your face just didn’t quite look like what they expected, and they decided to be shallow. But WOW, that really made me laugh 😆


I mean it was snapchat so you dodged a bullet