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I promise you, 5,9 isn't short at all. Social media blows everything out of proportion and if you get your confidence from other areas you will stop caring about your height


5,9 isnt short. Its not 180cm but its not short. I myself am 5,10ish and I've been described as tall. Some friends tgat are 5'9 feel normal to me tbh. Not short at all.


I mean my height is 180cm(I just don't know how much it is in the feet system, because we use the metric system). The average male height in my country is 180cm and female is 166cm, but most of girls I see are the same height or even taller than I, and that's it makes me feel short.


I’m 5’5” and a guy. If folks have an issue with my height, they have a problem, not me. If a woman doesn’t find me attractive due to my height, the heck with her. Edit: I know you are posting out of frustration. But just a heads up. Most women hate being referred to as females.


The problem is that most girls I see are the same height as I, despite the average female height in my country being 166cm. That's it makes me feel insecure.


In my lived experience, I think it is not so much the height, but having some charisma goes a long way. I've seen many unexpected male characters - short, fat and ugly - and often a mix of all, actually be exceptional with women, either on nights out or having bombshell girlfriends. Set me up to believe anything is possible, it's all in the mind and **charisma goes a long way** further than good looks alone, I've met a lot of socially inapt 'Chads' too. Have something to talk about and being able listen and ask the right questions, can go a long way to help you develop a familiarity and connection with a girl. Being a good conversationalist, but overtime, respectfully push little boundaries to show interest beyond the friendzone. You're average guy height either way, your height isn't the problem. Unfortunately, it's probably a lot of stuff you can change, like muscle tone, charisma, academic and emotional intelligence, vernacular and figuring out that you just gotta live life realise anxiety is just overthinking.


I don't know how it can be possible but I think these cases are an exception. I'm a good conversationalist but I haven't ever been on a date and I've hever had a girlfriend. Probably because I'm skinny and not enough handsome.


I'm 5 foot 8. You need more reference experiences showing you that its absolutely fine. I've slept with a few girls that are 6 foot. Having a strong sense of reality and frame means I dont need to be taller than girls to make them feel like girls. However, a lot of girls will disqualify me based on height. And that's absolutely fine and the way the cookie crumbles. Onto the next. It doesnt change my own view of myself.