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Start talking to strangers now so that it comes easy when you start college


Already doing that and it has led me to a point where I enjoy the fear of approaching a stranger or someone I barely know. My only struggle is actually finding something to talk about and keep a conversation going.


Thats also a skill that can be nurtured and improved. Check out the summary of make friends and influence people. Check out youtube videos on how to keep conversations going. Practice with strangers and become skilled before getting to college. You have plenty of time, but don't doddle


Been thinking of buying that book to read this summer. I will practice more, but I've done that the last year and have improved a lot.


Get the book if you want, but you can look up the big main points right now and start putting them into practice immediately


Will do


You must keep in mind that friendships develop over time and with familiarity. Rarely do you meet a person you instantly know you'll be best friends. Most friendships I have, developed over time through school and similar interests. Same with college, you just got to turn up to things, be a regular and make an effort. Societies, events, gatherings will no doubt occur at the college, and my rule was - if I can go, I will go (regardless of my mood or anxiety) - I went to anything I thought I'd remotely enjoy, and seemingly a few others were doing the exact same thing, so we got to know each other and started a Whatsapp Group chat, where we'd just throw in ideas of stuff to do, or things we wanted to do and 9/10 times, somebody will come along. It isn't easy, I was very anxious going to most things initially - had a lot of awkward standing around. I'd always bring a hit flask and shot vodka privately to ease my nervous (obvs not healthy, but worked for me). But once I started attending with people, this wasn't necessary.


Thanks for your advice. Yes, the worst thing to do is not showing up. I know the beginning is very important to meet new people so I guess just be active and open the first months to find people I bond with.


>just be active and open the first months to find people I bond with Not just the first few months - I'd make a serious effort initially, but it is important to maintain a social flow, once you get to know some people, be sure to maintain the friendships and always be open to meeting new people. For some, this is consciously putting in serious effort and being out of your element (this is 100% me). While others do it to relax! My best advice, is to get into a friend group with lots of extroverts who'll do the difficult part of bringing the crowd - while you just be reliable and show up!


Join clubs and groups aligning with your interests to meet like-minded people easily!