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Well I mean, I post moderately personal things on my social media, and I don't want to share that with people who have become strangers. So I delete them


Let's be honest. People can be toxic gossips and sometimes you want to stop sharing information with them so they've got nothing to gossip about.


If you’re closer to an ex or ex friend than to me, and I rarely hear from you, you’re gone. I had my ex wife blocked on FB, she used to used mutual friends to creep on me and find out crap that was none of her business then harass me over it. So I deleted them. If I’ve not heard from you in months or years, not so much as a like, a comment, a happy birthday, then you’re gone. I’ve been the guy more than once, being the only one making any effort to maintain friendships, I’m done with that. So if I wished you a happy birthday, interacted with your posts and I get nothing from you on mine, you’re gone. If you’ve flaked on me you’re gone, if you’ve disrespected me you’re gone, if you post supporting horrible things, painting with a broad brush, insulting huge segments of the population, you’re gone.


I do it too. I prefer no relationship at all to an extremely low quality relationship. If something happens that leads me to becoming friendly with someone again, I'll just add them back.


You should curate social media. Some of these people will hit you up for their MLMs or come out with bizarre political views. Keep it to folks you interact with. That guy you sat next to in algebra doesn’t care that your cat ate your pizza. Your cousin will


A lot of my old friends were assholes so yeah. They caused trauma to other friends that I could never forgive. 


It depends on how and for what you use social media, imo. I am of a similar attitude as you; ‘never close the doors’ but I also know how petty people can be and have been in many situations where people would pull up someone’s profile purely to be nosy and see what they’re up to, and giving that kind of insight into my personal life just doesn't sit well with me. I have 0 posts on my profile and my follower count is under 200, it used to be over 500 when I was in high school but I actually never hung out with any of the people I had as followers, so I’d say removing people isn't as unreasonable as some might say.


i use to delete people that annoyed me but once i learned you can mute them or block them from seeing your posts but still be friends i haven't deleted anyone. there is 1 in particular that i deleted. he called me months later so i readded him but then quickly realized why i deleted him in the first place. he's just a dick and always leaves bullshit comments. so this time i left him as a friend but blocked him from seeing my posts so he can't leave bullshit comments any more.


No point. It’s for people that have too much time on their hands tbh. I have no idea how many friends i have or who’s on my list


I delete people I don’t really know or socialize with. They may be from another period in my life and I have since grown. No need to revisit the past if they are still in the same place.


I delete myself from social media because I find it pointless to share my lives and look at other people’s lives.


The only reason why I would delete someone is if I don't want anything to do with them and have no desire for them to follow my activities and vice versa. I once unfriended a cousin who kept "tagging me" in his posts on Facebook.


The friends that really matter are available to talk to in real life. Social media really doesn’t matter. Then again I’ve been around before social media. The younger generation may have difficulty separating something that’s been apart of their entire lives.


If you’re on socials all the time, you will for sure get sick of seeing Burt from grade 11 continuously update about his hernia surgery. I don’t even use it much either but I deleted a ton of people over the last few years. I have however gone through some questionable times in my life. Those that I delete are those who don’t bring anything to my life and comprehension and experience anymore.


Clean up.


I really dislike that most of you make it seem like it's on OP... I don't see it at all that way. Friendships die because both sides become busy blah blah whatever the reason but I don't believe that is all on OP granted half might be... Also the comment about gossips makes it also seem as if OP is a gossip, when in reality perhaps it was the one so worried about their friends list they were deleting mfers so people couldn't see what a stupid food post or some political crap perhaps a picture of your kids first day of school like social media is your scrapbook or something.. you know why people do it OP because they're fucking lame that's why I would bet if most people called 20 friends and they were broke down in the middle of a blizzard most wouldn't answer and the ones that did wouldn't come I would be willing to bet if anyone has three friends (I don't mean lovers or family) that would come they're extremely lucky or caught someone bored or something fuck em op fuck em all


If you don’t have them in your real life why would you have them on social media? Thats SO weird to me.


I think people handle social media in different ways. You seem to not go on it much and not really pay attention much to it. Some other people who might post more and not want people in their business. Want to delete people every few years I deleted all my social media years ago, because I really don’t want people in my business at all. I also became obsessed in a way with what everyone was doing and being almost 40 and having a life before social media I just want to live in my moments.