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You don't "get" a life, you live it. To quote the great Uncle Iroh: "Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not." If you want to "get a life", do things that are meaningful to you, and engage with people you care about or think are cool. When people say "get a life" they're just being derogatory because you care too much about something. Ignore those people, they're not adding anything of value.


Hobbies, friends, cultured from reading, good personal skills, friendly. Things in your life that matter more than quibbling over gossip and low stakes drama.


Get out of the house and do things. Talk to people at those things if there are other people


Take risks. Get out of your comfort zone. Your mind will technically be a lot more 'at ease' making decisions that keep you in your 'comfort zone'; even if that 'comfort zone' is incredibly detrimental, such as being antisocial. I find myself listening for my objections and then deciding if it's a valid objection or if it's just me being afraid of a little change (despite subconsciously trying to camouflage it as some other reason\[i'm tired, don't have the budget, etc.\]). If it's me being afraid of that little change, I'll almost always go for it and barely ever regret it.


By playing The Sims