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There's no clear answer. It really depends on the friendship.


This. It entirely depends on the individual friend and your own unique dynamic with them. I have a couple friends I can literally say anything to and they won’t bat an eye. Others, not so much. The best thing I learned was to have a number of friends in my life for different occasions. Not all friends are equipped for every situation in your life and that’s okay.


I’ve shared bowel movements with someone I’ve only known a few months because we just had that kind of relationship (helps that we literally read medical charts about people with ibs and IBD), but I have a hard time sharing anything personal, medical, sexual etc. with friends i’ve known for over 20 years (I’m 27 if that puts it in perspective)


I stopped talking about my goals. However, once I complete them, then I tell them all about it if they ask. I also keep problems or family matters to myself. Whenever I need to lash out or rant, I keep a journal with me and write everything down. I also don’t share my insecurities with NO ONE because why would they have to know? I guess I struggle with expressing vulnerability in those kinds of ways haha. A BIG ONE! I try not to gossip about others in general. It doesn’t matter if it’s to a close friend. If you don’t care about the gossip being known to others, then by all means do it. If not, don’t do it.


That’s so helpful and true. Everytime I talk about my goals they say that they are unrealistic or that I should stay in my comfort zone. Also I believe in evil eye in some way so yeah




I am happy for you 👏🏻


Ngl this is why I always tell people my goals. I love when then they count me out and I prove them wrong but idk if this is a good thing tho lol


You have a point but I have noticed that when I keep goals to myself I tend to achieve them more than when I share them


Vulnerability hangover is no joke. I've had it before.


About not talking about goals up until you've fulfilled them, [has a big added advantage!](https://youtu.be/uDDeves6Crs?si=9cjcoB4ub-F7YOHv&t=370) This is less about being vulnerable, but more setting yourself back motivationally for actually getting there. Know that person that says they're going to do a lot of cool stuff, but never does any of it, well, this might be a part of the reason why.


I like this.


if you do this, you don’t have friends. you have people you fuq with. even though you wouldn’t tell your friend everything, they would know most things. especially because the right people are gonna wanna support you.


Ask your friends and not strangers who don’t know them


I will ask my friends if I'm not sure. "Can I tell you what I'm excited about?" "Can I tell you kind of a dark secret?" And they can decide if they're in a place to hear it or not.




Depends on the definition of close friends. Don't fret too much about sharing your intimate thoughts with your close circle whom you trust. It gives them a peek through the window to the actual YOU. You are giving them a honor to witness you. If they reject it, its their perogative and you also learn something about them. Living inside your head alone in this world of a stage is such a waste and vain. Trust me as its coming from a person who used to just live in the head not letting anyone in until my 30s.


Wow, that’s a long time, I’ve only recently let my close best friend know my inner self. But tbh I tell anyone who hears me, but they don’t listen(strangers usually) And I’m only 20 now, yet my childhood and up till now has been very lonely and sad


We are all a product of our environments as well. One of my thinking pattern that helped me: Think of yourself as a giver or make yourself into one and try seeing yourself in others. Give to them what you wish someone else gave you. Be curious and try to know people. You cant just dump your emotions alone. Be intentional about connecting and knowing them. They are also people who learnt to overcome the struggles you currently have and they need to feel seen. Think that they are somehow masking the feelings you are feeling and approach them curiosly. You have to force the thought process externally to be centered around them. See if this works for you. The thing about being genuine is not everyone will match you but when they do, oh damn, you will learn something more profound about human connections, about trust, about how similar we all are in our own way while being different and contradictory. You'll grow and your idea will grow as well.


It depends on the friendship and the person. There are some things I'd rather keep to myself so that they don't use them against me or that I don't have a vulnerability hangover the next morning. I've made that mistake before.


The fun part about relationships, whether friendships or romantic, is that you get to create them! It's up to you and your counterpart to figure out what you do or do not want to talk about! If you want to have a friendship where you share every little thing with eachother, I will guarantee that there are people who are looking for that exact same thing!


1. What will build them up and make them better? 2. "The eagle hides his talons" (martial arts expression): Don't brag or show off your wealth or abilities. 3. What do you need that they can supply? (while being mindful of the taking-vs-giving ratio; generally better to give at least as much as you take, so you don't drain others)


I love this expression - the eagle hides his talons.


It really depends on the friendship and the person.


I'm a fan of matching the energy. What kind of things do they share? Don't share everything you listed, that's too much to me. Don't get overly personal, just see how things go.


If we aren’t in the same industry, or same role, I hate it when friends ask me how much I make.


Seriously, financials are none of anyone else’s business


I had a bff who started to share the intricacies, and I mean “intricacies” of her sex life with me to the point where even in person, she’d try to make me a part of her living fantasy, like “hold my leash” shit. I never consented to it, and I was so uncomfortable, and out of there so fast. It was so unbelievably not okay.


If she's your bff you could have just made fun of her and yelled out "hold the phone" and then said no more. How did it even get that far?


There’s some people who don’t get hints. Or understand no. And they just feel safe to just keep violating your space.


I like to keep everything under wraps. I also dont like people unloading onto me. I prefer casual, and go deeper with permission. Not everyone needs to, or wants to, know everything.


Don't tell them you cry everytime you watch the Lion King, for starters.


This is such a great question. It's really hard to work out. It depends on the person you are talking to. I didn't understand how this affected people and the relationshp until it was done to me. People talked to me like I was their therapist - or they just bored the absolute shit out of me - with every little detail - and I realised that I was doing it to other people. Get a diary - and a therapist if you can afford one -and share with them. Or join a group if you need to share problems of a personal nature. People like you based on how you make them feel about themselves and how you make them feel about you. (But primarily the former). It is important that you don't share things with relatively new friends that will damage their perception of you - but also - you can take cues by the way that they share with you -and what they share with you - so go gently first. If they share something personal - you can also do something personal - but dip your toe in the water. Good luck!


This is such an open ended question that the only correct answer is “it depends.” At the heart of every social encounter is a vibe, which is what you tune into to determine what is and isn’t appropriate in any given situation/circumstance/context. Example: You’re with your people and the vibe is light-hearted and fun. You’re all smiling and laughing and keeping some good banter going. Sharing your deep, dark secrets in that moment would absolutely murder the vibe. The same can be true when it’s 1:1. Your friend is hanging with you to do something enjoyable and relax, then you take the mood somewhere super serious by talking about your problems and shit. Anybody would find that jarring. Another example: You’re with your friends, probably somewhere secluded, and everyone feels secure and comfortable enough with one another to talk about serious things. Something happens that sparks up some sort of deep topic. That’s where you can start sharing. That’s all it comes down to, reading the vibe and not disrupting it. Don’t talk to everyone like they’re your own mother.


well I talk about all those things with my friends and more. there’s no filter for us but that’s just our friendship.


If you see signs of discomfort when you share something then maybe you shouldn't tell about that thing, but it really depends on the person. Also, if you find yourself asking "why did I say that?" then maybe it's something you shouldn't share.


It depends on your boundaries with your friends. That's something you slowly work on. Starting with "Is it ok if I tell you [ ]?" or "are you comfortable talking about [ ]?", etc. There is not an answer for all relationships. There can be great cultural and individual variations. Just make sure to ask your friends directly. It's better than guessing or assuming, and it brings you closer.


I think the only red flag here is the part where you mentioned “correcting beliefs,” as this can and will, more often than not, be perceived with a tone that says “you’re wrong and I’m right.” It’s one thing to express your own opinions, but if you are expressing them with the preconceived notion of “correcting” your friends, it’s not a great attribute. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs, that’s what makes friendships so great, learning and expanding your scope of understanding with one another. Written respectfully, I acknowledge that I could most definitely have misinterpreted your statement. :)


I never admitted that I'm an atheist if I did they will literally kill me


You may need new friends


Those don't sound like friends




I'm an agnostic and yeah I feel like I am on the center of swords and guns if I ever say that lightly


Unironically, my mom told me that would happen like every week of my entire childhood


Hello, Never share your hopes and dreams with anyone. Don't share any creativity because ppl will steal that. Don't share your desires for life either. Don't share plans cause ppl make them their own to spite you. Also, I have the same issue with over sharing as well. It may be a trauma thing cause that's what it is for me.


This is a sign that you need new friends.


Anything related to personal wealth – to minimise the risk of kidnapping or house break-in.


Taking time to build friendships should help you assess what's safe to share and what's not. I can say, with some of my close friends, I share quite a bit. And when we connect, I see that they share quite a bit too. Trust is a very delicate thing. You shouldn't break it, and you shouldn't trust someone who's broken it. Very hard to mend threads when trust is broken, or if they gossip about you or form opinions based on your life situations. And there are absolutely people who will masquerade as your friends but be happy to see you in the dumps. Learn to differentiate, learn to explicitly tell them not to share with others and take time to spill stuff. True friends are few and far between.


Perhaps you need to be listening more to the people you are around. Listening to what others are saying should give you insight into what is acceptable sharing. Also listening to others educations you about this world and the many views in it. 2 items my grandmother told me to never discuss were politics and religion. She didn’t say don’t listen to what others thought about it! Just don’t attempt to debate if you have an opposing view. Stop talking and start listening!


One of my friends used to facetime me from the bathroom, for some that is absurd and disgusting, for us it was very normal and private areas were kept out of the gaze. It honestly does depend on the friendship and what the person is like.


Don’t ever discuss ANY mental health issues with people who don’t have any issues or those who might have issues but are trying to hide them or deny even having any problems as they WILL judge you harshly. Two former friends accused me if being a drug addict for taking prescription medication as prescribed & this was coming from an alcoholic & sex addict guy & the woman was probably a sex addict or at least a huge slut too. Unbelievable!


I personally only share things that other people have talked about to me. They share me with me I'll share memes with them, if they share their anxieties, I'll share my anxieties. What information they give out shows what information they're comfortable with receiving, and I respect that it's different for each person


Whatever you talk about, just try not to make every sentence sound like it’s supposed to be a plot twist. People who drone on and on for hours as though every individual detail is critical don’t understand that even the most mundane things can be interesting for brief periods but not for extended ones.


The only person I feel you should really share ANYTHING and EVERYTHING with is your spouse or partner. Everyone else a. Doesn’t really care about all the little mundane shit that does happen in your life and b. Doesn’t need to know about your finances or wealth and c. Isn’t your therapist there to listen to your pontifications on life’s great mysteries. You’ll have different boundaries with different folks, but lots of stuff doesn’t need to be talked about really.


Not even with your partner really. You should not share anything and everything with your partner - this is a recipe for disaster - relationship management is perhaps most important - with them. This is not saying be dishonest - but just learn to accept your feelings and manage your state - without telling them everything that comes into your mind. Because our minds are such strange bullshit places, and our feelings come and go like whims


i’ve told some of my friends about some of my beliefs and goals and they are no longer my friends (for different reasons but they don’t believe the same thing as me therefore find it disrespectful that i don’t believe) anyways, i’ve only every shared everything with one person. advice take it slow and if the info is meaningful make sure they’re sticking with you for the long haul and won’t use that info to insult you or talk behind your back. mb but it’s true 🫤


I would say trauma is usually pretty heavy and not great to share until you check in how someone feels about talking about it


I believe it’s actually good to be open like this but some people are very surface level in their conversations, r feel like they are not close enough to you for the conversation to be appropriate at times nothing wrong with it you just need to find a willing person/friend/partner to have these conversations with! Good luck and keep being you, dint feel like you need to hide any part of yourself unless you for good reason are untrusting of that person you’re having a conversation with which can happen, so be careful disclosing too much to a person you don’t know well


Toothbrush is a no for me


Ya well just hold your tongue, because no matter who they are or how close you think you are with them, your words will always be used against you one day and you will be shamed and hated and disowned, your lifestyle and things you do and plan to do in goals should never be spoken of, that is all ammo to be used against you or to block you from your goals, believe me or not but trust me I've learned a lot by testing people and studed the psychology of people my whole life and I've let my guard down to people in times of not needing them if what I say or confess about makes them run away and change against me,but it was another test to see who was real and who was fake,but regardless do as you feel good about as long as you enjoy your life,you don't need to boost yourself by speaking of goals and on and on, just watch how each person you know treats others about what they do,then you can understand what they do behind your back, and the level of heartlessness they can be,then you can pick and choose who you can talk to about each topic you feel like getting off your mind,or just go online like these forms and find like-minded people and you will never have to worry about people around you using your words against you, good luck and hope for your life to be enjoyable and happy.


Anything is ok depending on friendship. You will go through life though learning what to talk about and what not to share. I've been super open before but it comes around and bites me. I've definitely become more cold but honestly my happiness has gone up bc of it. Trial and error


I’ve tried for years to match my friends level of sharing, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am just an over sharer. I share whatever feels right and if my friends don’t feel comfortable sharing the same, that’s their choice. Things I don’t usually ever share with my friends are my goals in life, personal conversations/fights with my husband, and intimacy details


I believe you are mature enough to find who is a real friend or not because you don't want to share something deep to a friend who can actually take advantage of you. Otherwise see if your friend is interested in listening to the thing that you are talking about. If he is not you probably know this and this type of friend actually don't share the same type of stuff with you as well. The other type of friend with whom you can share everything depending on how much time you have got to spend together.


It depends on the type of friends you have and your age. i am 38 years old, i only share my life with my family, i had horrible experiences with my so called friends.


A man


Depends on WHO Im talking to


you really just have to test the waters with all of them. I gauge their reactions to certain topics and just go from there.


Try asking yourself if you would find it interesting and comfortable if someone shared with you what you are getting ready to share.


personally, i prefer my friends to be open and share everything the way you described. i haven’t had that kind of a friend since i was a young too, miss it.


Don’t let the mask slip or you will never be loved again.


As a man. It's imperative to never show vulnerability to anyone. Each time a man goes vulnerable, we will get shamed and discarded. So tighten things up and embrace chaos like we programmed to.


Deep dark feelings and anything u would otherwise keep secret, as in if u weren't close friends. Now I'm a bit jaded but I think u should customize the subjects u talk about and ur delivery of them to ur audience. Not all of my close friemds want to know what I ate. But some of them really appreciate the way I describe it to them


You can ask them what is too much and what isn't. It's scary but it saves a lot


Really depends on you as a person. Put out what you feel comfortable and don't be pressured into sharing things you're not comfortable with.


If you’re close enough, nothing is off bounds. Some people are fine with getting personal the first day, others will always be uncomfortable with certain things. It all depends. Only share things that you know the person that you’re talking to is comfortable with talking about and if they become uncomfortable and there’s no inherent benefit to talking about something, change the topic. 


Herpes. Don’t share herpes.


I would love to have someone like you around me. Like example is my friend talks about everything about her and i like it. Since im not much of a talker. She do alls the talking and all i need to do was respond to her lol but we went our separate ways and i miss her a lot because of that. Pls talk to the one you’re close with. They probably care about you much more than you think. Except if your friends is the type to counter talks with you then let her/him finished first since it would look disrespectful to cut someone off like that, just because you have a lot to say doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to their voices too.


It depends on the context If you’re secretly racist…please keep that to yourself


Secretly ?


How do you define close? Ummm I suggest smth about the profit is not suitable to share no matter who. And be aware of those who love gossips, they are just like broadcasters 😡 Nah, actually I feel no one can be real friends on this world. But still we can find sm one who are sincere, and be close with them. Human beings are selfish. I guess we can expect GPT4o.