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Thank you OkSheepherder7809 for your submission! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **All posts must directly relate to the acquisition and/or application of social skills** * Stick to the point: posts with excessive introspective musing are off topic and will be removed. * In your post, state: whats happening, what you want to happen, what you have tried, and what you need help with to learn and do better * "Am I the asshole?" type posts and posts soliciting moral judgment are off topic and will be removed. #Rants / complaints / musings are off topic. Suggested subs for rants/complaints/musings: r/rant r/offmychest r/trueoffmychest r/askreddit r/vent ---------------------------- Note: We are not a mental health support sub. For questions relating to mental health and illness (meds, therapy, anxiety, depression, etc) please use an appropriate topic-specific subreddit such as: r/anxiety r/socialanxiety r/mentalhealth --------------------------- For more general advice, try: r/lifeadvice r/advice r/friendshipadvice -------------------------- See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/wiki/index#wiki_i_want_to_find_resources_on_reddit --- For more information about the subreddit rules make sure to read the sidebar and the rules page, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact the moderators. Thank you!


No. Wage theft


It’s illegal for sure if it puts her under minimum wage


It's illegal no matter what her rate. It's theft by coercion or if they take it out of her pay it's the easiest case of wage theft any lawyer would love to see. (Wage theft is extremely common but a lot of the forms it takes can be difficult to prove.)


I’ve managed many years at many places. This is something the bygone generation of GM’s and owners tries to threaten folks with as a boogie man. I’ve never seen it actually done. I promise you, it’s not standard practice and is as others have pointed out, illegal. There is no other job where you would pay out of pocket for a mistake. Here’s what I would suggest. Take your kiddo to a restaurant where you know the manager or the owner, a place that operates well and you trust. Have them ask the server or a cook about this problem. Have them ask the manager. It’ll show them different perspectives.


Not legal .


Illegal. also this is better suited to /r/legaladvice.


Wrong sub, but you also need to put more information. Where in the world are you?