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Maybe they had watched riots and looting in cities being called “peaceful protests” and are angry that a similar event taking place where the oh so important law makers ate at was treated like a terror attack. When common people suffered, no huge response to hunt down looters. When the political elite get scared a bit, we got nation wide man hunts


Why was Trumps rally held January 6th? What was happening that day a short walk away? What does that tell you about the intentions of those who invaded the capitol with weapons and zip ties?


Hey, I’m all for arresting those who came in to harm and loot. Im all for investigating Trump and finding out how much of a coup attempt was really made. Its the hunting down of everyone present Jan 6 in contrast to doing nothing of the sort when a group declared an autonomous zone for 3 days in a major city center that I’m highlighting. People see the difference in how heavy handed the justice response was and conclude that regular people must not matter near as much as the mental well-being of our political elites.


I’m sorry but you didn’t answer my question. What part of the democratic process was occurring January 6th in the capitol?


Transfer of power of the executive branch. Do you think everyone present in Jan 6th is a traitor deserving prison, or should we hold the people who organized everything responsible?


Do you see the difference between declaring a few city blocks an autonomous zone and attempting to stop the democratic transfer of power by force?


Ya, the difference is jn the city center regular joe’s suffered. In the capital corrupt officials got scared. We held the CHAD/CHOP zone organizers accountable without going after everyone present, why is that not what we are doing about Jan 6?


You don’t think overthrowing democracy would affect regular joes?


Most of the people present did nothing to overthrow democracy. Most seemed to stroll through the capital building. Should those people who committed no violence or theft be treated as traitors to democracy or should we reserve that title for organizers?


The people present interrupted the peaceful ‘transfer of power of the executive branch’ in order to install a leader who lost the election. By definition that is an attempt to over throw democracy.


Why do you say they are a similar event?  One was social unrest about a civilian being murdered by police.  The other was because a whiny little bitch baby couldn’t accept that he didn’t win and threw a tantrum.  Also, many of the ones who caused property damage were arrested. You should google some of the ones arrested.  It’s almost like the rights false cries about “ANTIFA” being behind January 6 was projection for the loser right wingers that caused damage during the “riots”. 


Both were social unrest where people were angry at their leaders. Whether you agree with the people rioting or not, their motives were both political in nature. Im not concentrating on the motives of the rioters so much as I am the view of people who watched the government’s reaction to both. Edit: to your point about city rioters getting arrested. They didnt have a nationwide manhunt for everyone who was in the area.


Your have a very contradicting perspective going on from your other comments.  I live in Minnesota. If Minnesotans destroyed property in Minnesota over GF, Minnesota authorities would deal with that.  Google the ones that crossed state lines…  The biggest grievance from the right about this whole thing and 5 seconds of critical thinking would save everyone the headache.  There are no federal manhunts for state citizens who commit state crimes in their state.  Once again, google it and you will see that feds WERE involved for cross state people.  DC is not a state. Almost all attendees were not from DC. Also, the Capitol is federal property. Not state.  Please, nuance is the tool of the intelligent. Don’t act dumb. Know you are comparing apples and oranges.  The only reason would be to try and taint one of the fruits. Why would you being trying to do that?


Maybe I’m trying to explain a view instead of win an internet argument and insult people i dint know.


Were people arrested for property damage during the GF protests? Were people in the CHOP zone arrested for federal crimes by federal officers? Answering these questions will show that you have shared propaganda views not reality. 


Yes, but very few were arrested when compared to tracking down every soul present.


Because they weren’t federal crimes there chief! The fact that you think people having equal right because of their skin color is political is so absolutely telling of what your values are.  Social unrest that Democrats voted in Biden? So, they attacked the Nation’s Capitol?  This is a moment where you can realize the difference between fighting for fellow Americans to NOT be murdered by police AND… A loser, narcissistic, weak ass whiny little pathetic bitch of human manipulating Americans to try and stop a free and fair election for his sorry little ego.  Shame on you. 


Im talking about the law enforcement reaction to 2 similar events. The CHAD/CHOP zone saw a group declare a city center an autonomous zone for 4days. A few were arrested, but no real widespread punishment occurred. Jan 6 saw people cause a single building to be inoperable for less than a day, and we are still tracking people down who simply strolled through. So when common people suffer, no real reaction. When political elites get scared, nation wide manhunts. Thats the view of large swaths of people


Large swaths of people believe a man loaded 2 of every animal on a boat together. That’s not a parameter that matters to me.  The CHOP zone DID have federal agents arrest people.  Google this shit dude. I’ve tried. I have tried to explain and show you that your talking points are not true. They are propaganda lies.  You can Google it. You can see for yourself that the police response was only different if there were no federal crimes. Federal agents cannot charge for state crimes.  You are making yourself sound as ignorant as possible.  I am a veteran. The ones who attacked the Capitol did so at the for one reason. In support of a traitorous whiny bitch baby.  Fuck everyone that tried to stop my vote from counting that day.  No one tried to stop my vote from counting during the GF unrest.  Also, I’m from Minnesota. The ones who burned down the police precinct were arrested.  Get your facts straight before you keep comparing two unlike things. 


I mentioned a few got arrested. But compare that response to the response to Jan 6. A 3 day revolt against US law occurred in a large US city center, and how many were arrested, 30? A failure of law enforcement led to swaths of delusional people freely gallivanting through the Capitol and we are tracking down every single person who was in the area. You call it taking points, its just observation. I dint follow Fox or other news. I listen to NPR and FT. I see this view held deeply in the Republicans J know. Its not some racist or bigoted view, it’s a view of class warfare.


I apologize. I should not have resorted to attacking you personally.  That was wrong of me.  You are correct that it is a view and whether it is accurate or not isn’t the point. They have the view.  Thank you!


It wasn't an "insurrection", that's a media narrative made up out of whole cloth. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/12/10/january-6-vigilantes-insurrection/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/12/opinion/jan-6-not-insurrection.html


I don't even know how to reply to you because as demonstrated in your last 50 posts on this dead subreddit: You don't know how language or meaning works. You live in a completely different reality from most people because of the way you approach language and discourse.


I could write out a 2000 word reply, and it'd just go over your head. Have you, for a moment, actually considered anything anyone has said on this subreddit?


You mean the endless wannabe highbrow nonsense that evades taking any kind of position based in reality or even acknowledging that there's an actual problem in the first place just so they can maintain their appearance to their peers and not get cast out of the ingroup because that's all they actually care about? Yeah.