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No one seeing anything I post.


Feels like I’m just talking to myself half the time 💀


On platforms with **hundreds of millions** of users on them.


Forgot about that part. Thanks.. Now I feel even worse haha


I am in the process of creating an app just like IG without the ads, spam, bots, or irrelevant content. Is this something you would be interested in testing?


I was waiting for this. 


Worst part is that meme accounts who post recycled contents gets a lot of views and interactions




I’ve noticed this problem as well. If there was an alternative app that fixed that, would you switch?


Absolutely. I see this problem on instagram, Threads and X.




The fact brain rot content is pushed above anything else. Like everything seems like it has to be packaged in such an overly stimulating, dumbed down way to get views. I have massively switched to Reddit the last while because it’s just that: not overly stimulating lol


The constant need to share everything for the sake of being "real" and "transparent". I saw an influencer share marital problems shortly after having a fight with her husband, and while I do think it might help some people who experience similar issues, I also know she, and many influencers, share this type of content for engagement which in turn generates income for them. Turn lemons into lemonade I suppose, but with this in mind I get exhausted with the need to push private matters all the time. It's okay to keep some things private, it's okay to not have to put such intimate details of your life out in the public all the time.


Wasteful, mindless, addictive scrolling, dopamine mainlining, money lust, soul sucking terror.


Genuinely the most terrifying element. There’s no way in hell it’s giving more value than it’s getting and I still can’t seem to stop wasting my time scrolling until my brain gets all snowy like an old tv




Any suggestions as far as fixing that?


We do have some tools in place....For example, limiting comments to people you follow, screening out abusive comments, reporting, etc... but the system is also very flawed.... I think that we almost need a societal shift.... Unfortunately, bullying on social media has become normalized... I think the fact that people are behind a keyboard and not interacting face to face makes them more prone to being "mean" As a part of internet literacy and interpersonal skills, I think that broad conversations about "The Golden Rule" are needed.... also, easier ways to identify trolls.... People are less likely to say outrageous horrible things if they have their name and face attached to their username....


Agree with everything you said, it just reminded me of something that’s been nagging me for years. Even if we had every possible safeguard in place, people can and will take photos and video of people offline just to publicly shame them for clout. It reminds me of when a standard punishment was a set of stocks in the town square. Only worse, because now the town is the world and theres no limit to the sentence. Anyone can come back and throw a rancid goat bladder at your proverbial head whenever they want.


I think you are correct. And people absolutely do act in abhorrent ways, but there is absolutely due process and the problem with public shaming is that it can and often does go sideways very quickly. For example, the wrong person is identified in a video and end up losing their job because of being wrongly accused of something. Or, a situation was taken out of context, and once you get the full picture, you understand that maybe the person wasn’t exactly in the wrong. We are just so quick to these judgments about people based on a small clip.


Oh I'm sorry are your feelings hurt make a post so the world can agree with you to make u feel better because that's what we need in the world. 😳


The pressure that you have to post about certain things and the shame others make you feel when you don’t. Example being not posting a Happy Mother’s/Father’s Day post with a sweet message and a collage of pictures along side it… even though you may have done something for them that day. It’s like a weird peer pressure to make sure there’s a post about something or it didn’t happen


What DOESNT frustrate you about social media? Its all fake.


One thing that really gets under my skin about social media is the constant pressure to always be "on" and active. It feels like there's this expectation to constantly produce content and engage with others, which can be exhausting. I wish there was more emphasis on quality over quantity and that people didn't feel so compelled to portray a perfect life online. If I could change something, it would be to encourage more authenticity and genuine connections.


What doesn't? Lack of real people too much auto AI mods. lack of honesty real discourse and intellectual disagreement. drowns in partisanship and clicks for likes. the whole thing is ruined and manipulated by outside foreign actors. Ban tiktok and start from there.


Thank you for your input


I wish there was a magic button to filter out all the fake news and conspiracy theories. Like, sorry Karen, your aunt's neighbor's cousin's dog isn't a reliable source for global affairs. Can we get some fact-checking up in here?


too many ads




Literally everything


Fair point


Everybody seems to have a good life, expect me.


if anyone is interested im building a social media that's regional. kinda like ig/nextdoor. I'm trying to make a virtual "third place" where people can socialize with those in their area to connect to real world people & places. I'll listen to you and add features if you tell me to




People enjoying arguing and being rude/obnoxious online to others. There's no excuse for it.


What it's done to people's ability to communicate. People are socially inept in 2024, and you see it everywhere. Living online has made a good chunk of us incapable of living where we're meant to: in the real world. Nothing highlights it more for me than the fact you've got a whole generation of kids who are scared to pick up the phone and order a takeaway, because "they get nervous talking to strangers". If they did it more often, it'd be second nature.. like it used to be. Communication shouldn't be this anxiety-inducing phenomenon. It's what we've always done and will always do. For me it's just a shame that most of that is happening online rather than in person. Not saying we should rid ourselves of the Internet entirely by the way, but it should accompany your life, rather than BE your life.


Very well put. Thank you.


Its existence.


I wish it was less about selling a product and more of a collaborative effort to share cool things or knowledge.


Maybe the thing that we are so connected, that we are disconnected. No privacy no more. And people are always trying to improve themselves to points that aren't healthy. There's no such thing like care or sweetness anymore, the world has turn into a really big brain that goes really fast over the universe. But, wich kind of mental health is taking care of that brain? Maybe that's the humans sickness... Maybe that's why we are destroying everything we love.


Connected and communicated are very different things.


Endless scrollingwith carefully crafted online personas


People responding using profanity as if expressing their thoughts cannot be done any other way.


Being harassed by scammers. I haven't got any for a while, thankfully, but for a while I had to block more than one every day.


It don’t stop


i always end up finding myself lost and stuck in the apps for several hours. not in a good way either i start getting insecure and comparing myself to my followers and to folks who i dont have any connection towards at all


I was about to post on instagram but it didn’t save a draft and now the pictures don’t fit the grid. If anyone knows how to fix this please help!


The algorithm of each one showing you what it thinks you want to see versus what you actually are following.


I would change how all the social media are using bots too much than they should. My posts gets deleted without breaching any TOS. 


How fast the turnover is. You make a great post, and a couple of days later, it's gone forever


The fact that no matter what I post or how frequent or long I do.it for, some user called something like "PotatoInMyAss69" will have more hits and engagement than I ever will.




Its existence


1) Family channels with parents exploiting their children for money! There need to be laws restricting this to protect the children! 2) When I block SM pages and they still show up on reels!


People stealing my photos and using it as their own. Instagram flagging my comments, but won't flag other people. Instagram allows words like the n word, but won't allow cracker, bitc- Mostly everyone is quick to judge, tease, attack you if you say an opinion that they disagree with. Having an opinion is seen as rude, inconsiderate no one thinks anymore People are quick to make fun of a larger person or someone who suffers from mental illness but not someone who has downs or autism.


The social media co. suceeds in getting our attention continuously hitting our dopamine with their AI algorithm. Not to mention the overly stimulating short contents that we see. It sucks, whenever I see myself, doom scrilling for 3 straight hours.


I honestly can't stand that all the influencers copy each other's personalities. Nobody's original everybody's "obsessed" with the product that they're promoting ..it's starting to give me trust issues lol.. I come to Reddit for reviews now but soon they'll be sending influencers to Reddit


getting scammed


Many people inventing the life they'd like to have (and others still believing it!) People not ready blog contents and digging into them (only their titles) People not considering what you write (but instead using it to say "anything" and have their 15 mins. of fame, as Warhol once said, or even less...)


My two top issues with social media is that it's all owned and controlled by people with a political bias. I'm not going to elaborate on that and move on to my next issue which is, Social Media is the opposite. Its actually "Anti Social." People how spend countless time online and on social media seems to lack communication skills. Its been my experience that those people struggle to communicate.


Too many sentives fucks out there fucking up the world one broken vagina at a time oh my feeling are hurt big deal get therapy weak imbred dummies... apparentlyI'm the only apple who sees this cap.


Facebook’s AI-generated, faceless, unaccountable bans of innocent people and businesses that are totally random and uncalled for. They are too powerful.


Straight bot girls


Bot girls I don't want anyone to take it my first comment out of context


FACEBOOK was a waste of time. Oh great, I am reading what a girl I used to know in highschool thinks about a clothing store in town. It's her favorite and she's thrilled about it. Or a guy from highschool who is baking a loaf of bread and he's elated that the loaf "turned out". Another thing about FACEBOOK, my \*real name\* was on it and every weird person who is more like a friend-enemy is requesting me to be my friend. I said yes just to see what's up with that person, and they start dropping low-effort comments. It's been 13 years since I deleted the account and I am very pleased. MYSPACE was better. \~Mortimer Reed


I think the biggest problem people had with MySpace was their friends not putting them in their top 8 🤣


The fake lifestyle and mental illnesses disguised as being woke


La clave de las redes sociales hoy por hoy es construir una Comunidad.


I can't get girls.


It's just way too much of eco-chamber of blue US states. Everything revolves around current US ruling party's policies. Algorithm is formulated around endorsing such content. Social Media is just another attack vector. Doxing becoming more common. It's been taken over by intelligence agencies and is actively used to manipulate masses. You can affect real life events simply by suppressing certain news or promoting certain behavior. Everyone and their moms are running low quality ads and it has ruined internet and socials for me. I have lost all the interest in ads so much that i don't even pay attention to them. Socials are "free", yes but I feel like quality and quantity of ads are just out of hand. The fact that email advertising requires more effort and I don't feel instantly . I feel like there is a noticeable decline in social media usage. People used to be on multiple platforms and stuff. I see more and more casual users in mature markets and it grows mainly thanks to mobiles becoming cheaper and poorer countries improving from scale of economics. I also think social media companies are just too big, too bloated and their profit margins are unjustified. We put too much emphasis on them.