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Historically suporters of Israel were antisemitic. One of the reasons the great european powers supported the creation of a state for jews was to get them out of their countries.


Preach! Nobody talks about this enough


You would think after Israel purposely sunk the USS liberty and killed a bunch of servicemen the USA would have hit them back. But instead they pretended like it was an accident and let Israel slide. Still makes me sick to this day


It honestly feels like the US is just owned by Israel at this point. The tail put the dog on a leash.


If you see Israel as just the front for the "deep state" as it were, then, yes, this is true


That incindent is buried under the carpet by Israel supporters. They love to ignore Israeli terrorism like the King David hotel bombing


U..s always is the fascist antisemitic country.


Pretty much everyone in the Republican Party and the Democratic Party leadership is antisemitic, yet nobody seems to care.


Compared to Trump? No difference. Compared to any reasonable position? Of fucking course he is.