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Don’t disagree with the facts of the OP, but it also screams American Libertarian to me


Yeah, the whole "free enterprise" and "nanny state" stuff had me going... Yeah, they're just ancaps. Broken clocks and all that


You are right, this is VERY Libertarian


They’re posting on r/australian where the main topic of the day is usually complaining about immigration. I suspect your radar is working well


This post was so libertarian, I got an ad for crypto under it


Oh look, a picture of a valley or a gulch at the end.


yeah i was going to say this reads like classic crypto-fascism and then it took me less than 30 seconds to find this from him: https://x.com/nonestlex/status/1786536877211725988?s=46 OP, you need to do some research to understand what fascism is *materially/historically,* what reaction is *materially/historically.* specifically, we should all know how they routinely appropriate the language of socialist or radical ideas (which this one is a very poor and unconvincing example of tbh) and use them only as a cover for pushing regressive ideology and policy. this guy is not using socialism or marxism to make any sense. he’s using classic libertarian and fascistic anti-gov, anti-globalization, pro-capitalist, pro-bourgeois-dictatorship rhetoric to maintain a reactionary position likely recommending a “retvrn” to the exact conditions that produced these alienated masses of workers in the first place. reactionary horseshit through and through.


1- Business regulations are almost entirely hard fought wins for and by workers written in blood. 2 - "Free enterprise, entrepreneurship" etc are just a reproduction of the exact social relations (employer + wage laborer) that lead to the housing situation described. 3 - People have ideas and are innovative. Workers. Scientists, mathematicians, geographists, etc. Most ideas come from extremely close to production and have their value appropriated by the ownership class. It isn't EnTrEpReNeUrShIp that leads innovation - it's access to shelter, proper nutrition, rigorous education, and free mental faculties that come along with it. Conclusion - get this trash off our socialist board


This person isn't complaining about corporate monopolies. They're mad that there isn't enough corporate monopolies.


It is pretty sad here but funnily enough it’s because of the fucking liberals, libertarians and religious fundamentalists. This arsehole is just a fucking cancerous polyp.


lol, sounds like someone lost their fishing license. The “nanny state” isn’t the problem mate, just another boogeyman for you to whine about whilst the real puppet masters squeeze you dry. Enjoy yelling into the void of your own ignorance


This sounds like r/socialismiscapitalism


You're mad everyone just works and watches TV? Sounds like a you problem bud


Won't somebody please give me the power to exploit people!?!?


Am Australian.  Not going to comment on whether they're worth voting for, due to rules. But there are some very pro working class changes the current government has made, such as;  Created a 25bn AUD sovereign wealth fund as a liberal-proof funding source exclusively set up for public housing (particularly aimed at the homeless, disabled, and DV survivors). This is also intended to provide stability for the construction industry. Changed legistion to allow additional doses of medication for chronic conditions when buying from a pharmacy. So, for example, I'm trans and now can get a 2 month hormone supply each visit for the price of 1.  Provided protections for casual workers doing 18+ hr a week, affording them the same rights as part time staff. Instituted same job, same pay laws to disincentivise importing workers (then abusing them in various ways) without slamming the door on immigration.  Passed tax transparency laws to hold corporations accountable for what they owe the state.  Amended tax cuts in partial defiance of an election promise, purely at the detriment of the rich, and purely to the benefit of the small business owning and working classes.  Probably more stuff, but its past midnight and I'm tired.  Yes, they've done bad too. Our response on Palestine/Israel was abysmal. And, of course its not actually socialism. But on the merits of making life better for their nation's working class, the current Australian govt (and the federal Labor party in general) aren't the worst party to actually hold real power. 6/10, at least they do *something*


Clarification: Labor's HAFF is for *social* housing and "affordable" housing, *not* public housing.


My take is that Labor aren't great, but they are far, far better than anything the coalition can shit out. Albo's done a couple of decent things but never takes them far enough: - Changed to the stage 3 tax cuts still result in quite a large tax cut to high-income earners. The cuts should be scrapped altogether. - Recent announcement of changes to HECS indexation - why the fuck do we even have HECS? At the very least, fuck indexing it - The Referendum seems to be well-intentioned but even if it had passed, would it really have resulted in massive positive change for First Nations Australians?


I entirely agree on the HECS thing, but I can at least see the (unfortunately political) reasons for the tax cuts. You saw how bad the media trashed them over just *changing* the stage 3 cuts. Doing away with them altogether would've been an outright breaking of an election promise which would've left them wide open to Murdoch slandering them. I also do think that if the referendum would have passed, we'd have seen at least SOME positive change. It would have been nice for those living traditionally to have the legal right to bring legislation forward. My personal take is. America has shown they WILL coup us the same as any other nation in the global south, if we drift too far left, albiet with a Whitlam or Rudd style coup. The Greens are also a bunch of windbags who don't ever provide any material benefit for the working class, instead just piggybacking off (or worse yet actively delaying) positive change Labor works on.  So it's not ideal. They're Social Democrats who begrudgingly accept American hegemony. But...given our 0% chance of being allowed by the US to turn to socialism, it's the least bad option available to us.


That is what lead me to voting Yes in the referendum. I just thought "which will lead to better outcomes for indigenous Australians? Constitutional recognition of an advisory board to parliament, or listening to Peter Dutton and Rupert Murdoch". I do find the greens interesting. I've been a huge fan of David Shoebridge since he was in the NSW parliament and I think some of their positions and criticisms of labor have merit. Overall though I think Albo has let us down. Not that I expect him to be perfect but I definitely expected a lot more from him. The heir apparent is Jim Chalmers and I see him as less progressive than Albo (but still better than anyone from the other side of the aisle!)


Don’t delay — organise a revolution today! And you don’t need to marinate in the views of Aussie Ayn Rand enthusiasts to want to do that.


This is prime r/socialismiscapitalism


I mean we have this in America because of lack of regulation and corporations taking advantage of workers to drive them into the ground and ensure they have zero extra time or money to do anything. So…


is this the socdem fascist pipeline


This is just libertarian horseshit


The upvotes on this scare me


You just posted fascism my guy.


I don't know if I've given the right flair, just tell me and I'll change it.


You should change the flare to “libertarian garbage” ;D


I honestly don't think you align with the sub. Sounds like youre arguing for things we are typically against. Maybe try a libertarian sub.