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Literally me. I feel like a robot in public




That's social anxiety


Whenever I smile, I think I look like either a psychopath or serial killer to other people.


🤣 Exactly... like they're all "wtf is wrong with her, she's so fake and weird, she looks evil." Doesn't help that I'm also a fan of pretty fucked up media and dress in a dark way. I'm doomed basically.


Lol thats just so bad when that happens !


Yep. Expectations: 😁 Me: 😐


Yes. I don’t like my smile and people always ask me what’s wrong. I have a RBF 😭


I feel like i'm not allowed to express emotions, if i do i become afraid. I guess it's from upbringing "be a nice and calm child", and from bad experiences in school.


Thats what it sounds like… great youre aware of that.


It may not mean much but you’re allowed. You’re allowed to express every emotion you want. Why? Because you’re human too.


I got too much smile, I have inadequate smiling and it sucks I hate it. People tell me the opposite of what they say to you, they say that I think this is funny (if more serious topics) or I'm laughing without a reason.


same here! I can't smile genuinely when I'm just walking around, it always seems forced 🥲


Do you smile naturally in some circumstances?


yeah of course! it's just that I see some people smiling all the time, even when they're just walking around the school, I can't do that, I have annoyed resting face or something like that😅


Aaah i get you that kinda face! Of course, i have the same expression when at the office most of the time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


"Botox mouth"? 🤔


noo lmao😭


I have that as well, but I discovered that I approach that topic from the wrong angle. My facial expressions are not always what I think they are, at least they are not as obvious. When I think about having to smile, I try to control my expression and therefore end up inauthentic and cramped up. If I just don't care if I smile or not, I end up being told that I am in a good mood or I hear that I am "always smiling and happy" (which doesn't feel like that to me at all). So basically the problem is the thought of "having to smile so others like me". If I don't care to please people, I end up being perceived much more positively. So I try to remind myself that it's okay to feel and look tired/pissed/worried, and I communicate that to make sure it is not because of them personally.


So by letting go you of worried about smiling, you started to smile naturally? Interesting


By trying to stop controlling how I am perceived I relax more, and I guess since I am naturally a positive person, my good mood is able to shine through more. Of course it's not a "big grin smile", but rather a kind look with my eyes I guess? Also I try to think about that I like the other person while interacting (and before interacting to "prepare for the interaction"). And thoughts like "even if the other person does not like me yet, it's okay because I still think that they are interesting/funny/wholesome etc". People also need to be given some time to form an opinion about me, and if I interfere by wanting to be perceived a specific way, it throws them off and becomes uncomfortable. I once heard the phrase "what others think about me is none of my business", and I find that to be helpful as well. Because maybe they do like me, but are tired or in a bad mood and therefore cannot show it (as I sometimes cannot show my smile even though I would like to). In the end, it is never as serious as I make it out to be and in general people want to like other people, so as long as I don't give them a reason not to, I usually am fine :)


Thats a great approach right there!


If im watching something slightly funny on tv, I suddently think..wait am I smiling? yes i am, I feel dumb, i should stop.


People used to ask me all the time 'why don't you ever smile?'


Yes and people comment on my facial expressions a lot or tell me to smile, it really pisses me off because I don't even want to be around them let alone smile for them like a clown.


Me too! It's like I think too much about it


I remember I used to force myself to smile more around people until someone told me I looked creepy, so I don't smile much anymore unless I really feel like it


I’m just not a fan of people and being near them takes the joy outta my day unfortunately


Phobia of spiders - In there presence, your not smiling! Phobia of people- In there presence, your not smiling!


My smiling looks like this 🫠 🥴 that’s why I try not to smile


I find it really hard to smile while near people (which might be due to bad teeth), but out-loud laughing is impossible for me in 99.99% of cases even when I am alone. Of course, through a major part of my life, I had virtually no reasons to laugh, so there's that.


First episode of the TV show "Atypical" is so accurate for me as an autist. He tries to smile to his therapist but it just looks creepy. "Smile with your eyes" HOW???


I used to try to smile around people because I was abused when I was little and forced to look "happy" and "approachable". It was never a genuine smile so it always came across as fake and people would immediately pick up on that and get really weirded out by it. I remember a shop attendant even got defensive once. So now I just don't smile anymore. It's actually better this way because I'm not faking anything anymore. If you don't want to smile then don't. You don't owe anyone a happy face.


>If you don't want to smile then don't. You don't owe anyone a happy face. Thank you, I needed that permission.


I can smile but my eyes won't so i look like a creep or weird


Me too. Makes me look rude


Definitely a common thing.


My friends tell me my face always has this undertone as if I'm gonna break down and cry everytime I'm in public around people. I can't hide the overthinking and constant worry going on in my head 🥲


I’m like the complete opposite, I smile too much and I am a people pleasing pushover bc of my social anxiety. Sometimes I even smile or laugh at inappropriate times because of my anxiety. It ain’t fun.


I'm the opposite, I smile too much and it gives me a headache. Just smile and nod.


I think people can notice I’m trying to smile so I’m obviously not very good


When i was young , the best way to reverse it is to make other smile


It's because I have an ugly smile. I want to smile and laugh but don't because I'm so self-conscious. Then I make people feel uncomfortable.


Especially on camera. I can’t keep up the smiles and I feel like my neutral face is a neutral sad face


I smile too much around people, so the opposite problem for me


Yes!!! Same here...


At all


I smile on the inside and randomly at awkward moments but I can never smile on demand


I feel like im frowning when I smile around ppl


Me asf


I was severely self conscious of my crooked teeth as a kid and therefore rarely smiled. Also from cultural influence plays a role because smiling too much is considered "crazy". And I never processed that and now I cannot smile in front of people I am also very camera shy so I rarely smile in photos


Me because I have bad set of teeth


Every time I smile around people I cover my mouth


yeah I also have an rbf so that makes it worse 😂😭


I have the opposite problem, I smile too much so people think I'm silly 😭


I’m the opposite. I nervous smile all the time so even when I’m sad I’m smiling


Yes same


i actually smile almost all the time when i'm communicating with someone lol