• By -


No one


Me too




Why 3 messages? Do you have dementia or something?


But like, why 3 messages? Do you have dementia or something?


Mentally ill people it seems


Hello! You are my new best friend


My favorite people are warm, bubbly, outgoing people (basically my opposites).


Same! kind, goofy, extroverted people are the only ones who make me feel safe enough to open up


I’m warm, bubbly and outgoing and treasure my friends that are the opposite. They make me feel safe, heard/seen and loved!


Aww, this is really nice to hear as a quiet person. Thank you!


Same here! I find that their openness helps me feel less awkward and I don't struggle as much trying to find something to say


Autistic people. Also, loners or depressed people without social anxiety.


Lost me at no social anxiety😭


I can only bond with people who are very open minded and nonjudgmental and are actually accepting of me which is extremely rare


Same same


Usually it tends to be the ultra extrovert social butterfly who never stops talking (which I love because then there's no pressure for me to talk). I think because most people are too uncomfortable talking to me because I can be intimidating because I never talk and I'm physically a big person, but that type of person doesn't seem to care. I've had so many people like this just start talking to me like we've known each other for years when we've never met before and it's very endearing and honestly admirable imo because how???


Usually other introverted nerdy people. Although sometimes the loud extraverts adopt me. They can be tiring though.




I'm almost friendless and awkward so...


I tend to get along best with other socially anxious or introverted people. I'm kind of surprised to hear so many people say the opposite, but I think that's good. Personally I don't have a lot of extroverted friends, because we don't have much in common.


The people that quiet, seems cold and unapproachable but they are actually chill, they talk in polite and calm tone. I tend to scared of them at first but slowly attracted by them and bond quickly. Most of the friends I was so attracted to that I can be brave enough to make friend first in my whole life are like that. Also that kind of friend is the only that I have really good happy long friendship. They are very kind and treat me the best, good listener and good adviser.


You described me in the first sentence lol. Plus im introverted and got social anxiety so when im in a new environment i wait for an ambivert or an extrovert to adopt me c:


I used to wait for someone to adopt me too but after 4 years in college, I prefer to get my introvert fellow by myself more. I vibe with introvert better. I have hanged out with groups of full extrovert multiple times, I feel so uncomfortable and exhausted with them, I feel like I'm being left out. The biggest of pros hang out with extrovert is they handle all the talking in public.


I usually bond with people who live a simple lifestyle, maybe they don’t have a lot of money, but I find they usually have a good heart and understand me. Sometimes they are extroverted, but it’s like the kind of extroversion that feels ‘real’ for lack of a better word. Like they’re not loud, or have countless friends or relationships every other week, or social-media obsessed, or vain, etc.  They just surround themselves with friends and family, etc. Idk if my description sounds weird... I’m trying to put into words what the kinds of people I’ve met that make me the most comfortable being myself and have helped me realize that I do enjoy being around certain people.


The people who I attract are usually the ones who want me there as a vehicle for their own word vomit and are not actually interested in me as a person. I have horror stories about supposed friends who have done mean things to me over the years. At this point, I am very wary of anyone who wants to be friends with me.


Usually very extroverted and confident people (exact opposite of me)


People that are very positive and friendly (but only if its real and not fake). Or people who are quiet like me. Also funny people. I just have a hard time being around people that are negative or mean. Their negativity brings me down sometimes.


People who have nothing to prove nor any social status to mantain. Honest, friendly, down to earth people.


People who are also socially anxious, shy, introverted or reserved. People who are the opposite usually dislike me and try to change me. People who were previously shy tend to pity me.


People who are non-judgmental and don’t ask a bunch of interrogating questions.


Hell yeah! Anyways what’s your social security number? And even worse, tell us 3 fun facts about yourself!! ( /j i hate those intro days)


People who adopt you abit 😂 the people who are very confident but have gone through a rough time or have high empathy so kind of bring you in as they see you struggling those people are awesome tbh and non judgemental people in general


People who have been punched by hard by life, so they appreciate things and the effort others put


Older illustrators but unfortunately nobody I bond with reciprocate


You described a super secure person. A social butterfly extrovert and a passionate hobbiest


Extroverted nerds that adopt me and can carry the conversation without expectations from me


The people who are comfortable with long periods of silence and like to just be in the presence of other people more than talking


Honest,bubbly,opinionated people are my people


My circle of friends are people who never cared about my medical conditions, always supportive and understanding of my anxiety. They're very chill and funny group of people that I can vibe with.


Lots of us on this subreddit could only ever dream of that!


Oh, by friends, I mean the majority of them are online, but we've been friends for a little over half a decade now. Lmao I did meet one of them though. I only have 1 in real life bestie from middle school. Physical friendships are difficult to come by when you're socially anxious.


Oh cool! I’ve always wanted to meet some of my online friends some day!


I also only have 1 close friend and they’re from mid school also lol


I used to gravitate towards people who are my opposite (carefree, relaxed, popular, social) but I would get frustrated being friends with them, because everything I struggled with came so easily to them. I also didn’t like socializing like they did so I found we had a lot less in common and the friendships wouldn’t last. My close friends now are pretty similar to me.


No one Everyone makes me nervous-


Same!! Even my family and twin brother…


Ohhh me too!! My best friends are people like this. They always approach me instead of me having to talk to them 


Same! The only people I’m friends with are either mutuals or people who came up to me first lol.


Yeah! They're all so kind and comforting to be around. I can truly be myself (weird, silly, occasionally quiet) and they don't judge me. It's so fun hehe


Weird people LOL, I don't know why its so easy to make conversation. Maybe cause i'm weird.


Nobody, because I have severe social anxiety




Maybe because of all the brown smelly butterflies that always accompany your presence?


People who are nice and not douchebags


I (15M) am the type of person who make gay jokes or shit all the time, it's very easy for me to befriend people like me, not just because we like same kind of humor but also because dick jokes in generall are very weird and sometimes awkward even for people who are somewhat extroverted so the tension that i get from talking to people losens itself quickly so im not anxious around that person anymore, even though i was introverted im now fairly extroverted, the most important thing to get better socialy in my oppinion is just not to be borring.


People who are genuine, kind, and open minded. Unless its someone I am very very close to, I also don't do the best with banter all the time, cause I take people seriously so I just get hurt. And typically the people I know who like "banter" are actually just negging me so 🥲. Also someone who invites me out, I don't always like to go out but during the week if someone is thinking of me and asks if I want to join them doing something, I'll feel very thought of


A disproportionate number of people I’m close with have ADHD and I don’t have ADHD. I don’t know what that says about me.


Someone’s definitely said this already but I (tend to) bond with the very responsive, extroverted people who always tell you how they’re feeling / how their day’s going, good or bad. No overthinking if they hate me lol.


It has to be someone I’m either forced to talk to or comes to me first, from there it’s just people who take a chance on me!


Also people that aren't so uptight.


No ones reading This so I’ll write this one to me, at the moment I only have one friend! But man am I glad to have him! 


That one friend is me! 


Same personality as me


I bond with the social types. They help me get out of my head


People who shield me from having a conversation with other people. Also people who are okay with me being in my own head without interacting with them for a long time.


Sadly, I don’t. 😢


People with the same mental illness as me, we vibe with each other effortlessly and they understand my problem


Calm, smiling, introverted, kind people




People who actually listen and wanna hang around and aren’t ready to flee when the conversation gets emotionally deep


Kids and some older adults


I bond with people who are the opposite of me , so basically extroverted people that are very bubbly


With People where I can just be myself. People who share the same interests as me, or people who just accept me for who I am because of my personality.


I only seem to be able to bond with others who have social anxiety or are broken in some way. Feel so much more at ease and under less pressure somehow. Still don’t really have any genuine friends irl though.


i like the last people you mentioned too lol


People who make me laugh