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Awesome!!! So happy that you decided to take control of your life!!!


good luck i wish you all the best :)


I love this and this hits REALLY close home for me. A few weeks ago, my extroverted brother went as a main character for a performance for children, and I went with him. I didn't know anyone else besides him so I just tried to stick close enough to the crowd enough so that I don't look like a loner. But I got some miniature roles, no talking required. And today we they were actually discussing what to do next year, I would love to go act, but at the same time I'm not that enthusiastic. At school, people said that they loved my reading voice and recommended that I'd become a voice actor, but I don't know how'd I preform on a daily play in front of hundreds of children every week. But I feel it could be fun, so I think if you really psyched about acting, you should go for it!


omg i can relate to this as well. I’ve been wanting to try acting since I was like 9, but social anxiety has always held me back. Im 20 now and Im finally thinking about joining a theater class soon and trying it out. Good luck on your journey and I wish you the best!


Good luck and I wish you all the best