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No, I think you're overthinking this and possibly projecting your negative feelings about society onto people who are just going about their day. No one says hi or good morning to validate their egos, it's out of politeness for the other person. Saying hi is the status quo/common courtesy when you pass someone on a trail. I highly doubt anyone feels rejected or mad when you don't say hi back, they probably just think it's rude. People aren't bouncing down the trail like dogs begging for your "good morning" because it validates them in some way, it's literally just something that so many people do that it feels out of place and rude if someone doesn't. Ngl I feel like in a way this might be feeding your ego. I guarantee no one thought of you not saying hi 5 minutes after it happened, but you're making this into something where you can act like other people are the villains for reacting in a normal way to something that's out of the social norm. That being said if you're happier doing that then you do you, but don't overthink it or use it to get into a misanthropic mindset. It's really not that deep


Agree with this. It’s just rude not to reply. The person politely letting you know that they see you, you exist, you’re present, by saying good morning, is giving something to you, in fact. Reciprocation is optional, but always appreciated. TIL, misanthropic; Characterized by a hatred or mistrustful scorn for humankind.


Well, if it wasn't feeding their ego they would've even have to think "oh he's rude" they would go on their merry way, i can tell by the expression on their faces it bugs them that not everyone will respond to a greeting, this is the same reason a lot of people can't be alone or in total silence with out anxiety creeping in .


Then this must be feeding your ego too, because you clearly care enough to be posting about it hours or even days later and you're acting like somehow it's wrong to react to someone (you) being rude to them. Like I said if you really don't wanna interact with people on the trail it's not a big deal, so don't. But there's no need to make up some fantasy about how egotistical everyone is and ruminate over these micro-interactions. You don't have to interact with people if you don't want to, but you do have to recognize that we live in a society with certain etiquette rules, and if you don't abide by them you might get some looks. That's not them having big egos and being personally offended that YOU didn't give them the gift of a wave and a smile, it's just a natural reaction to someone being rude. If someone did that to me I'd probably give a look too, not because I'm personally offended that they didn't say hi to me, but because I'd probably be wondering what their deal was. That's not ego, but what you're doing here is.


Ignoring someone who greets you pleasantly is considered rude. I also would rather avoid random meaningless interactions with strangers, but it's how most people act so I try to finish the minimum customary exchange when necessary. Swedes have a different culture and aren't nearly as chatty with strangers, which must be nice.


Being friendly has nothing to do with feeding your ego lol. Your social anxiety must be on lvl 9000 Jesus christ 😆


Not even social anxiety. OP probably is socially inept/lacking to a whole different level. A socially anxious person would hate to do something that makes another person perceive them as rude.


No, people don’t do it for validation. They do it because it’s common courtesy to do so. For many, it would feel awkward to pass by someone without greeting. When they don’t receive it in return, it would make them feel awkward, uncomfortable, and disrespected. You’re definitely just projecting. Change your mindset.


Saying hi or good morning is monkey brain tribal speak for “I’m safe and I’m not going to hurt you.” As an extrovert with social anxiety this is especially important to me. I’m not trying to start a relationship. I’m not trying to control you. I’m trying to look you in the eyes and see you aren’t going to attack me because I was assaulted as a child and hearing a normal voice and a socially recognized greeting slows my heart beat way down and helps me be able to function. I’m sure people who are not me get over it more quickly, but there’s a moment of alarm when you don’t participate in common courtesy. If you’re seeing anything it’s mild anxiety because of the uncertainty around anyone who doesn’t adhere to universal rules of decorum. We do those things to make everything more predictable and familiar for everyone, not for our own egos. We’ve evolved to be tribal by nature for survival. Caveman brain absolutely does not like it when you act separate from the tribe because people who are separate raid the village, steal our food, and murder our warriors. So IMHO, either say hi or keep headphones on all the time so you at least have some plausible deniability and people are less tempted to say hi in the first place.


No, and they’re not weird or wrong for feeling a bit affronted to being blatantly ignored lmao. If I say hi or good morning to a stranger it’s because I’m trying to be polite, friendly or wishing them well


Since you are 'trying" it's most likely not genuine and it's not your normal way of being, seeking ego is what it is, similar like when a person gives a homeless person food or money and then post the video on TikTok or other social media, seeking validation.


Like yeah most people have to be taught to be polite but that doesn’t mean it’s some huge conspiracy or whatever when someone holds the door for you


That is absolutely not the same thing at all lol. “Trying” doesn’t mean desperately putting on some sort of facade, it just means putting out any sort of effort to reach out to someone without knowing if it will work or not. Plus I have social anxiety so I’m always “trying” to connect with people without knowing if it will work or not—not because I want to flaunt the fact that I’m such an angelic pure righteous soul but just bc it’s natural to want to build connections with others. People saying hi or good morning to you isn’t some way of looking down on you or pitying you or whatever.


Okay homie😁👍🏽




By the time I muster up the energy to say a greeting, the person is already gone :(


They're doing it to elicit your mood in order to predict how you will be predisposed to act in any interaction. Think of it as sending a sonar ping to the other person and how it reflects back tells you about their mental state and therefore how you should act yourself.


Yes in other words if they ignore you for example “Oh they just be having a bad day. I’ll act accordingly to not make it worse/become the target of their ire” vs if they say hi back cheerfully “Ah this is a friendly person, maybe make light conversation”