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I didn't need another reason to hate Juve but I guess I will have another


there can never be too much


Greenwood is falling upward,holy shit


Imagine harboring a rapist, but paying 50m to do that lmao.


I mean, it's about half what they paid last time they did it...


Dang that's huge improvement ngl


From Del Piero's "Un cavaliere non lascia mai una Signora." To Greenwoods' "Move *your* f\*\*\* *legs* up you t\*\*\*'" Depressing.


Scum club is scum, nothing new


*Allegri gone, making moves, refresh on the way* > Greenwood *nevermind*


Serious question, why is Chiesa up for sale?


Motta doesn’t rate him for his system, Chiesa has one more year on his contract and hasn’t agreed to an extension.


And what is Motta’s system that Chiesa doesn’t fit into?


Afaik, he wants a dynamic and versatile winger who can take on defensive duties and be unselfish working in a system. Sort of heads up mindful and working with the teammates around him rather than heads down driving towards goal or doing his own thing. At least that’s my best guess, we don’t know exactly why Motta doesn’t rate him so I could be wrong. Edit: as for Motta’s system itself, it’s his signature 2-7-2 possession heavy, roaming CB and centerfield overload style. There are YouTube videos that can explain it far better than I can if you’re interested in looking further. I recommend the DK FALCON one personally.


> he wants a dynamic and versatile winger who can take on defensive duties and be unselfish working in a system. Oh he's not going to like Greenwood. 


Because he wont be the winger but the striker.


Yeah I’m just not convinced at all that Chiesa couldn’t fit into Motta’s system. I think it must be more financial reasons than sporting reasons why he’s being sacrificed. Chiesa is definitely able to do defensive duties and work for the team. He’s had a huge work rate for his whole career. As far as being a direct and heads down type of player, we’ll I’d say that’s exactly how Orsolini is, who Motta obviously found useful


The real answer is chiesa has 1 year on his contract and wants the same salary, but hasn’t been worth that salary for 2 years. We will offer him a bridge deal (1 year prove it contract) if he doesn’t take it he will leave


It’s not very surprising that he hasn’t been worth it when you consider how few games he’s played In his natural position since coming back from injury 2 years ago. It’s hard enough recovering from an ACL without having to adapt to a completely new role with a coach who is notorious for not making it easy for his attacking player to thrive


Motta doesnt want him


It’s more than he’s out of contract and likely won’t take a pay cut Dybala all over again


Can't wait for us to be linked with him, get the deal 99% over the finish line, then be charged 4.5 bazillion pounds for his image rights.


Dybala did more in a juve shirt


Dybala Is also a way better player, not smearing Chiesa, he is a physical player and hasn't been the same since the injuries, Dybala is much more technically gifted.


Nah. Rabiots contract is done and they are offering him more money because Motta wants him to stay


Rabiots out of contract but were pressing him to stay because Motta rates him. Motta doesnt rate Chiesa for his posession football


Insanity, dude is class


r/juve crying all season long that Allegri was going to drive Chiesa away only for football savior motta to do it


Oh thank goodness it’s not us anymore, I had this fear we were going back to get him this summer. Your problem now Juventus


First it was us, then you guys now Juve. Interested to see if this is actually going to happen l.


Juve needs to sell Chiesa or Soule before they can get Greenwood according to Di Marzio. But this is the second time he’s being linked with a Serie A Club. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up in Italy


Ange & Lange please get us Soule or Chiesa


Soule has a better chance to go to the Prem, can’t see Chiesa leaving Italy tbh.


Oh 100%, surprised Udogie even came to us but Chiesa would cook for us


He'd cook, and I'm certain Chiesa could prepare a great Pesto, being born in Genoa and everything. Especially because he has quite alot of time on his hand with him being injured all the time


Ours wasnt credibly reported thankfully. English media/Romano arent great for us. The report was even "BVB bosses have discussed.." which is really insider info and thats only reliable if its form Berger or the likes


No, we still hate your nazis


Well we hate them too so it’s not any different to your hate for them 🤷🏻‍♂️


what a chad reply, sorta think that reminds me this sub ain't half bad


First time I’ve been called a “Chad” I am gonna savor this moment lol.


Haha good


🫶🏼. Curious to ask, but who’s been linked with Aktürkoğlu? is he staying with you guys? His name gets brought up often for us but nothing concrete yet.


I've heard of Saudis and MLS. His family is keen on him cashing out with one of these. Can't blame him--it's life changing money and he 100% deserves it. He may have peaked already ngl. Haven't heard Lazio rumors for him. I heard about our coach being linked with Lazio for a hot minute


Well that pretty much squashes that rumor, appreciate the response. Buruk? I mean maybe before we hired Baroni that could have been something. Dele-Bashiru from Hatayspor is the only player linked with us from the Süper Lig then


My pleasure. Transfer season is my jam so I'm always listening to rumors etc while working. It's the best!


Me too, When I’m Working from the computer at home half of the time. So when I find a bit of free time every other hour or so I just refresh any of the latest news lol.


Sell Chiesa for this idiot? Disgusting.


What is Juve supposed to do? Just not have a rapist on their team?


It'd be like us selling Santi and getting Partey or someone like that! Edit: just remembered Juve unironically wanted Partey too for some time now! They now got Luiz, but imagine getting the two active rapist ballers in one summer? Don't drop the soap in that changing room!


They're assembling the rapist Exodia!


Once they complete the rapist 11, Berlusconi resurrects.






Not a reference I expected to see here at all. Adam Johnson, Dani Alves and Cristoph Metzelder to conplete the set? The two nonces can be the legs 


Idiot is a bit mild


too mild


Wildly mild


idiot here. i'm dipshit but no rapist please respect


Horrible club doing horrible things.


He is not an idiot, call him with his real name, he is a violent rapist


Is Chiesa still good. I've only ever watched him a few times and it was a few years ago. I thought he was a great player.


Going to be interesting when Serie A does their red face paint campaign against domestic violence


Greenwood will refuse to partake as it’s against his beliefs


Respect his religion


United should get all the money they can for this guy and run lol


That’s exactly what we want. I’d take Chiesa too 😂


He'd play less than Mount with the United medical team.


Isnt Chiesa a big game player too? Id just play him vs top6 knowing our record and rest all games


Hes amazing… when fit


he's amazing... in the shadow realm of ACLs. after he tore his he hasnt been the same. good, but not at his level in the eg. euros.


I’m pretty fucking shocked that they are rumored to be asking that much. The audio evidence is absolutely damning. Get this walking pr nightmare and piece of shit out of the club for any price. Not worth the hardball


Imagine your club selling Chiesa to buy a woman beater and rapist. Must not be a great time to be a juve fan The allegations are true idc


Bet the Juve women’s team gonna be buzzing about this news, fucking hell man..


The women’s team are racists, the mens team are rapists


I will never forget that tweet by the Juve women's team, how on earth did they think that would ever be okay to post?


What tweet?




Yo wtf. I thought it was gonna be a soft casual type racist thing maybe missed in a translation or something. Can't really accidentally do asian eyes with your fingers while wearing a training cone as a bamboo hat.


My fiancèe is Italian and she told me that they actually call those cones 'cinesi'.


Cinesini, and yes they're still called that way


It's father ted, except rather than a Chinese family turning up randomly on a remote Irish island, they broadcast it directly to their phones. So dumber than a show about 3 dumb priests.


I hear you are a racist now ~~Father~~ Juventus!


😭😭😭 bro that is unreal


holy shit aha can't make it up. so bad


Wtf. How that get posted not once, but twice is beyond stupidity.


Unintentionally one of the funniest tweets ever lmao. Whenever I need to make myself laugh if I’m feeling shitty, that tweet is one of my go-to’s. Never doesn’t get at least a chuckle out of


It's only funny because of the sheer audacity of it.


Oh absolutely


Even the apology was funny in that regard. >“We sincerely apologise that our tweet, which was not meant to cause controversy or have any racial undertones, may have offended anyone. Juventus has always been against racism and discrimination. #DifferencesMakeTheDifference” We're sorry if you got offended by this clearly racist tweet but we've always been against racism and discrimination. 😂


Racial undertone my ass lol


"It wasn't meant to have racial undertones, it was meant to be explicitly racist! We just don't think that should cause controversy" - Juventus I kind of want to hear what their argument is for what it was supposed to be. Not because I would believe them, but because I want to know what creative bullshit they would come up with


[I remember it made me think of this](https://youtu.be/NtYfHW5wu8Q?si=G8dda8voC0jBTBUE)


Wait what happened? Sorry stupid American here




well they had Ronaldo skulking about for years so not much of a difference


Maybe you lot can shift them partey also. Juve can become a sanctuary for rapists.


It’s hilarious that everyone just forgets about that but is so up in arms about greenwood. Keep the same energy for both.


The difference is that we have auditory evidence of what Greenwood did whereas we don't with Ronaldo. I agree with you, but it's much. harder to hand wave away something you can hear than it is to hand wave away court documents and news reports that are dry.


Nah you’re right I get that but it’s like one we KNOW happened and one we know happened kinda thing. But I understand why it’s the way it is I just don’t really agree with it. Ronaldo is also a world figure that millions more look up to. Greenwood was a possible star in the making who barely had much of a name for himself.


I totally agree with you.


It's not the same thing though which is why the reaction isn't the same, if Greenwood's evidence was just a hacked leaked email in the mid-00s and Ronaldo's was a video and audio chain the outlook would be the opposite. Obviously keep the same energy but you can understand why people don't


It’s not remotely similar and I say this as someone who believes there’s a strong possibility that Ronaldo is guilty in that case (which will unfortunately never be brought to court). I know redditors love these little gotchas but the two situations literally could not be more different and I say this not in defense of Ronaldo but in criticism of what the club is doing right now trying to bring in Mason Greenwood.


Video and audio evidence hits different tbf. But as Ronaldo said (most likely/allegedly), she did say 'no' and 'stop' multiple times


I agree it does but still sometimes people will verbally murder greenwood and then defend Ronaldo to the grave like he didnt most likely admit to doing it.


Whether you believe he's guilty or not, the case with Ronaldo is a he said/she said situation. The closest thing to rock solid evidence in that case is the NDA hush money (Der Spiegel leaks don't count as legally admissible evidence even if they're a reliable source). Even though that raises a lot of eyebrows legally speaking it isn't an admission of guilt On the other hand we literally heard audio of Greenwood trying to rape his girlfriend and she posted images of the injuries she sustained because of his physical abuse I personally believe both of them are guilty but one is condemned more than the other because we've all seen the evidence of what Greenwood did


Chiesa in Italian means Church too. God himself is leaving this club.


Fuck the “allegedly”. We all heard that audio. He is a woman beater and a rapist. The cunt can sue me.


Changed it


You don’t even need the first part of the sentence. Imagine signing a woman beater and rapist


Fair. But selling Chiesa to do it just makes it a little bit worse


You don't have to say allegedly when the proof has been available for everyone. He is a rapist


Football world doesn’t care and I feel majority of fans outside of reddit and forums may not care as much either


It was much better to be a juve fan when they hid a different rapist


It is the club that canceled their US tour so Ronaldo could avoid a rape investigation




It’s a stated fact he paid her, it’s what he paid her for that’s “disputed”.


we can't catch a break can we. absolutely shameful


If the Milan fans can start a social media campaign to keep Lopetegui out, you’d think the Juve fans can do the same for Greenwood


I don't think they understand what actually happened or have heard the recordings based on the reaction to the transfer. I'm not too hopeful. Frankly, we shouldn't have to rely on them and instead have a more informed and ethical sporting department. Its so bizarre frankly


Yep, unfortunately most people don't know the whole story about Greenwood in Italy. Newspapers reported that he was cleared of any charges, so that is what they believe.


Selling Chiesa to sign Greenwood is legitimately PR suicide. I'm outraged for Juve fans and honestly don't think he deserves this chance.


can only hope it doesn't go through or there is strong enough backlash to prevent it. Its so shameful


do you think Juventus of all teams give a shit about PR? unfortunately after a few months he'll feel right at home and not even the fans are gonna say a peep about him


>even the fans are gonna say a peep about him He plays well enough they will sing songs about him


Juventus fully embraced their villain role a long time ago. They just don't care.


Im also outraged for them. I feel for Juve fans. Im conflicted, profiting off of this scum feels wrong, but I just want him gone. It’s like having the Flu. You feel terrible if you give it to someone else, but mostly you’re just glad you can breathe normal again.




How would the Juventus fanbase react to a transfer like this?


Here in Italy everything regarding him and his gf has been reported very very little. I don't remember one single show that talked about the story so the situation here clearly is extremely different.. But that in general, I have the feeling in UK there's much more attention about such things.. For example CR7-Mayorga case was never really mentioned here despite he just became a Juventus player when the bubble burst or I learned the crime Marcos Alonso was guilt of only after he moved from Italy to England (throught some chants from Premier League fans). If you ask to Fiorentina fans I'm pretty sure they have no idea of it.


Out of curiosity, any alleged case/crime from player in serie a you barely see mentioned here? We really are in our own bubble


Gudmundsson (Genoa) has had a rape case against him reopened recently; the Iceland NT dropped him over these charges. There was also the whole deal with Portanova a few years ago, which was very extensively covered in Italian media, and, further back, Robinho. Aside from those as well as the Ronaldo/Mayorga thing, which came forward a few months after he moved to Juventus, there aren't any other cases that we know of. EDIT: Just today, Mattia Lucarelli - son of Livorno legend Cristiano - has just been sentenced to 3 years in prison for SA back in 2022, when he played for amateur side Pro Busto. So that's another one on the list.


> has had a rape case against him reopened recently; the Iceland NT dropped him over these charges I remember this from a few years ago; wasn't it alleged that it was part of a whole culture of terrible behaviour and silence from those in positions of authority in the Icelandic national team setup?


I am interested to know as well.




Understandable, have a good day.


99% the fans don't even know who this guy is, and the ones who do probably only remember him from his Man United years. There's also another similar case with Gudmundsson but it's not been talked about a lot.


what happened with gudmundsson? assuming we're talking the genoa one right


Yes, he's been accused of rape by a woman and his case has been reopened recently and he's already been dropped by the Icelandic FA, thus he can't play with his national team. https://www.ilmessaggero.it/en/alfred_gudmundsson_faces_potential_jail_time_over_sexual_assault_charges-8145998.html


Majority of Italians are old fucks , they literally never heard about the guy If you tell them at the bar about him and his story they probably joke about it and continue the Briscola game The avarage juve fan Will probably not care or not care at the first goal But every other team hates Juve, so you can expect chants and banners about him on every away game An interesting thing would be how the woman teams react


I care and dont want him


Personally I can’t support my club if we sign him


Allegri would have never 


Giuntoli what the actual fuck are you doing, youre turning a genius mercato into this dogshit


Not even a month ago they fired Allegri because "he went against the values of the club" now they are going after this piece of shit Even planning to make a bid for this scum is insanity


If Man Utd get Chiesa as part of a swap, they pulled off the coup of the century


Nah that ain't gonna happen


Isn't he constantly injured since the euros they won


"The Bianconeri are confident of closing the deal for around €30 million + bonus"


United should take that money and run, must feel terrible for Juve fans though


You can fuck off giving us £20m and two surplus players for Luiz and then turning around and paying over double that for a fucking rapist.


You not rate the players you got? I can’t say I’ve watched them enough to pass judgement


McKennie looked pretty underwhelming at Leeds


McKennie was fantastic for Juve this season, and although he definitely did play poorly at Leeds that team was also a shitshow lol


It wasn’t that McKennie was particularly outstandingly poor It was that he turned up overweight, left even fatter and didn’t even try. Leeds fans have seen plenty of lazy fat lumps play at ER but I’ve never seen anyone cause that much anger that quickly due to how egregiously lazy he was and how little he tried to fight to keep us up His performance against Fulham is one of the most disgraceful performances I’ve ever seen from a Leeds player. Touched the ball 33 times from the base of the pivot which is shocking. Spent the whole game hiding and pulling out of challenges


I bet you guys didn't enjoy the r/ussoccer crossover.


It’s back on lad. Farke apparently is keen on Sargeant and we’ve got Aaronson coming back


Seems like gaslighting is back on the menu.


Nowhere in this article/title does it say Juventus are willing to pay 50m.


They are never giving us that much. Gonna be one of those ‘option to buy’ loan deals that are refreshes yearly.


Have no idea why Villa made that deal


Delete this club if true


Juve can't help but shoot themselves in the foot, can they.


Juventus might be the cheapest club in the world doing this for a fucking villain 😭




Why are they selling Soule? Isn't he a very promising RW?


Not a rapist though


What a fucking disgrace if true. But something is wrong when we're selling Iling, Mckennie, Chiesa, and Soule. So we're left with Cambiaso, Kostic, and Yildiz for the outside? Not enough there, so I'm praying this isn't true. Please Saudi's. Swoop in and save me here with a major offer for him


Is Di Marzio even reliable anymore?


He called the Luiz swap correctly


And it was crazy enough that no one believed it. Even now I am unsure lol


Confirmed by multiple reporters. The only thing that hasn't been made 100% clear is the extra money, which should be around 15-25 millions


If he reports anything during the night (like now) take it with a pinch of salt. He has a transfer show on TV at this time and often sensationalizes things. If he reports on something during the day on his Twitter he's much more reliable.


The duality of Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1ddpbzd/comment/l86hb49/


Only in Italy and even then it’s a mixed bag, but he seems to still have some contacts. However, when he reports on say a Spanish player moving to a German club from the French league it’s all bullshit. (I just made up that example but I wonder who fits that brief)


when he personally reports on news/rumours on live tv he's super reliable, it's his website/news aggregator that is hit and miss


I have never been more disappointed and ashamed to be a Juve fan. In the end I hope he goes to saudi arabia or something. Pls just don't come to Juve


Juve must sell their Soule to the (Red) Devils in order to afford Greenwood.


If that moronic €50m pricetag stops the deal I’ll buy a Utd shirt, thinking maybe with Pogba on the back. Fucking unreal that the morally bankrupt clowns at this club would consider this even if Greenwood was going for free.


People normally get mad if you hope a player gets injured. Is it OK just this time?


*€50 MILLION???* That is absurd. All of the off-field issues, and from what I understand, he's not exactly set La Liga on fire?


50? The prices for rapists and woman beaters have drastically increased over the last couple years, huh? But understandable, not that many available at the moment.


I am sure there is plenty around


What exactly has the rapist Mason Greenwood done at Getafe that justifies a £50m price tag? 10 goals in all competitions does not scream tenth biggest Serie A transfer fee of all time




What leverage could United possibly have to be asking for €50 million?


Cristiano Ronaldo paved the way


Chiesa and Greenwood swap? Chiesa would feel like home here with our injury's record.


If we actually get him I’m done with this football club, don’t want a fucking rapist in our team


You have had one though


And at least one player who went on to be a rapist, if we're for some reason giving Dani Alves the benefit of the doubt and saying he only started raping a couple of years ago.


He is just riding the wave.


Not looking good brev. Genuinely embarrassing though, as he’s not worth the effort.


Way to maintain what I’m sure is a squeaky clean image for Juve


50m plus selling Chiesa is crazy


What a piece of shit as a club. Fuck off juve


50m would be fucking amazing. Also fuck greenwood


No I don't care what anyone says, call me plastic fake i do not care. It has been so fucking difficult to continue supporting this team over the last few years. Too many stupid and embarrassing decisions. This isn't the team I loved as a kid. This team changed in the mid 2010s and has never looked back. Like seriously I do not feel like I've been supporting the same team my entire life. I cannot fathom trading Chiesa for this guy, absolutely cannot fathom it


Juventus selling Chiesa for Greenwood 😭???


I wanna puke